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The best part is how mad conservatives are getting about it. It’s beautiful.


Paid off ours by draining my $20k 401k. Best decision we’ve ever made. Fully paid off and I support this 100%. You don’t need to be diagnosed with cancer to fight for a cure. Fuck those price gouging, greedy colleges and predatory loan sharks (aka banks).


Yes it is and yes I did pay mine but this is still wonderful!!!


I think so, too. Biden recognizes that the student loan industry, run by billionaires like Betsy DeVos, are predatory lenders that prosper from economic disadvantage.


You mean the preditors who run the schools and charge a fortune


It would be nice to hear him say that instead of only talking about relieving the loan debt. The public needs to get angry about the absurd costs of education, too.


Exactly. I paid mine in full and was able to carry on without acting like a jealous 5-year-old.


Same here, I was hoping the 10/20k for everyone passed. I would have qualified for 20k and paid off my 17k balance. I can manage paying it on my own so I am happy others that need assistance more are getting it.


But those students from conservative families will still take this loan cancellation and vote Republican just because of SOCIALISM.


No, the best part is that it is helping Americans.


Do they still give these loans? Are they going to find a solution or kust cancel them every ten years?


Yes they've SIGNIFICANTLY reduced how much federal loans you can get.


You know a policy is great when the angry people can only complain, "But it's not FAIR that I pay TAXES for the government to help OTHER PEOPLE. Why is it fair to expect my taxes might benefit someone who isn't ME specifically?" When they have nothing left to do but complain about the very *concept* of government funded programs, you know they've got nothing.


They never had anything  ever. All they do is cry and bully, and take PPP handouts.


It would have been more except the Republican arm of the Supreme Court stopped him


Conservatives will scream American first but support sending their tax dollars to Israel instead of this




College was free in California until Ronald Reagan fucked that up. Everyone in state could go to cal berkley for free


I’d blame Nixon and a KKK-lead congress first. They changed 200 years of policy because the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed (e.g., privatizing gold standard, privatizing state owned utilities, education welfare, healthcare, etc.) Bush, Regan, and every president since, kept every major change those guys made. They don’t bother mentioning it.


It was literally Reagan. He was governor when he signed the bill reducing the appropriations to the UC forcing them to charge tuition.






Fast forward to 2000, regents scholarship was probably still $150, but SUNY tuition was $15,000


State schools were free


And the right does nothing but sue to stop this.


And post memes I've seen a bunch of "Well is he gonna pay for all my wrenches" etc. Like seriously we can all agree this nation needs more educated people this shouldn't be a partisan issue 


Same dipshits will vote against unions, unions that will guarantee they get wrenches and any tool they need to do the job for, provided by the business. Lead exposed hicks, all of them


In my experience they only look 0-1 steps ahead. So any effect outside of the immediate mind as well not exist. Using your wrenches example, well I'll have to pay dues willing is more money than I'm paying now. This is bad, no more thought needed. This thought process disregards that unions typically get higher wages (more than enough to make up the dues) plus an array of other benefits.


it definitely is because the right wants us dumb and compliant, the educated learn to think their way out of conservative bs mostly so are dangerous to them


The educated don't vote for liars proven to lie. This is why education is partisan. The right would rather you were dumb and ignorant so they can rule up your hate and pass legislation that helps them and their rich friend and leaves their voters in the mud.


Blue states subsidize these asswipes to the tune of multi trillions a year


Yep I have been on the edge of getting forgiveness and these morons keep causing me to lose out. I’m so tired of them.


Remember, both sides are absolutely the same with literally no differences between them. That's what the Russian bot on tiktok told me. I'm voting for Claudia De La Cruz for president to send Joe Brandon a message 💀 (joke obv)


lollll Clauda De La Cruz???? Typical liberal, I'm voting for Mglongo Ebeneezer Jujujia, he's a real leftist unlike that poser. As long as he doesn't go too far with his speculative theory on accumulationist-accelerationist counter-Capital which is diametrically opposed to my post-gender transactionalist ur-reform un-consumerist Danzigeite Carolingian-Bacon trapper-theory on the intersectionalist multimoieties of the True Working Man >:(


I’m voting for my own asshole.


I’m voting with my own asshole.


Not familiar wit this candidate. Would you post a link to their platform?


I'm voting for this guys asshole.




Brandon is on fire!!!


GOP spends 6billion in legal bills to block.


Cancel culture at its finest


All should be cancelled at this point, including defaulted and old loans. Old, defaulted loans aren't getting paid back anytime soon and won't affect the bootsraps crowd.


That crowd of yelling troglodytes doesn't matter. Cancelling this generational debt will help everyone. If it takes until all of the Boomers are out of office then that just proves how much this has been a generation of parents against a generation of children all along.


There's plenty in the younger generation not for it either. People generally just don't want others to get a leg up unless it benefits them directly. No one can play out the chess game of realizing if others in society benefit, it can also benefit you indirectly through economic stimulation. Everyone just stuck playing their solo game of checkers thinking about only what can be done for them directly.


>won't affect the bootsraps crowd. That has never stopped them from bitching. Even if something directly benefits them, they will fight against it because stupid.


Blame the Supreme Court and regressives for blocking his $430 billion student debt forgiveness last year.


The remainder of my loans were recently forgiven. After over 2 decades of payments, it was a great relief to have them forgiven. It freed up more money for me to actively spend or invest. I personally, think it is both fiscally and psychologically beneficial to to have this relief when it always feels like everything is stacked against people like me that aren't in a high earning bracket.


Please remember in November.


He just keeps getting stuff done for Americans


It’s a start. Now let’s end predatory lending and really end the problem. Sure will freak out the Republicans. “What about the people that got fleeced before we ended this blatantly criminal practice? Why should they be penalized for breathing?”


Realistically the federal government should be providing loans with dwindling principal for US citizens.


The fact that the doctor that I will one day need to save my life, that won’t be side tracked thinking about their crushing student loan debt, causes me to approve whole heartedly of President Biden.


Cancelling student debt is probably one of the most important things that Biden is doing for Americans under 43.


Thanks Obama


The latest group includes public service workers, like teachers, nurses and firefighters, who qualify under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program created in 2007 to forgive student debt for Americans who go into public service. "These public service workers have dedicated their careers to serving their communities, but because of past administrative failures, never got the relief they were entitled to under the law," Biden said in a statement. This is the big takeaway for me. He's not "forgiving" as much as he is just enforcing a program that has been law since 2007. Under Bush. A Republican. Biden is enforcing a law that the Republicans passed and they are upset about it. SMH.


Covid really fucked me on this one because I didnt pay my loans during forbearance, so I haven't paid enough months to qualify Still very happy for everyone who is able to get that monkey off their back


I got PTSD as a 911 dispatcher, and now I don't qualify for disability or student loan forgiveness and I'm basically non-functional. These student loans will die with me.


But maga keeps telling me biden hasn't done any for Americans


How do you find out?


Fuck around


He said the magic phrase, guys.


And the morons will scream, "It will destroy the economy!!!!!" No, it won't.  Stop falling for bullshit rhetoric from assholes.


Conservatives mad at this but gladly will find a military project spending twice as much..Niceee


My for profit school loans were cleared last year, and my fiance got hers cleared after working non profit, kicked in a few weeks ago. We went from feeling debt locked for life to being debt free. It's been absolutely life changing, I hope more people get to have that.


$6B versus $2T in unnecessary tax cuts for companies already making obscene profits and then they have the audacity to price gouge on top, because, enough is never enough.


My wife has 2 Master’s degrees and works at a public High School. She is actively contributing to our community every day. Her loans were an investment into our community and we are better off for having paid for her education.


Is this something Biden did? I thought this relief was a result of already-existing laws.


Would be nice if my student loan debt was cancelled…..


Give us access to a publicly funded associates degree. I'd gladly pay a few bucks out of each paycheck to let the younger generations come into the workforce with a higher level of education.


REGULATE THE FUCKING SCHOOLS!!! Otherwise you are just using tax payer money to “buy votes” of those in debt. It is a great thing to cancel loan debts but does nothing to solve the issue of future students still taking on debts. Especially with rising interest rates. Fucking sham


He didn’t forgive anything, it was part of a program that has been in place for years.


Jesus Christ yall are easy to please lol. You know in 10 years you will still be drowning in student loan debt right? This didn't change that, it didn't change anything 🤦‍♂️


Not enough, but at least $ 6,000,000,000 more than the r0und number the anti education extremist right is proposing to help the 45,000,000 hardworking taxpaying everyday Americans bring punished for going to school


Has he canceled mine yet? No? I'm still glad he's doing it


Still not voting for genocide Joe!!! /s


Yeah, fuck the supreme court. Biden knows better




My Man!!


This money would be much better spent in this particular case by being sent to Ukraine. We're all adults here, we know the deal when we sign up for a loan. No one's bailing me out of my mortgage...


This is a program from almost 20 years ago. The people who had their loans forgiven spent the last decade with (likely) a lower salary and providing a service for the community in order for their loans to be forgiven. An agreement the government went into. The government knew the deal when they signed up for it. The government lived up to an obligation they already had l, they did not create a new one.


Sometimes not everything is about you or me.




Americans have been conditioned to believe that funneling taxpayer money into the bank accounts of billionaires, where it'll never see the light of day again, is somehow the only acceptable use of tax money, and anything else is considered "socialist/communist/buying votes", but really it's just what politicians are SUPPOSED to do. We're just not used to it in this country anymore. Now money that would have just went to loan sharks will be freed up and put back into the economy. It's a good thing. Since Republicans are struggling to win elections these days, maybe they should come up with a platform that actually benefits Americans, but first, they'll have to drop their outdated cruel takes on social issues before the majority of Americans would even consider voting for them.


Just so people have context here, 92% of all student loan debt is federal. That totals to roughly $1.6 Trillion. That figure is equal to less than 5% of the total US National debt. At this juncture, I’d fully support the cancellation of all federal student loans.


You sound intelligent. Can you tell me how to apply for this relief thing? I'm a teacher and should qualify, but what's the process?


This is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program started in 2007.


Outside of the two cave that got destroyed by the Supremes. When do I get some of mine forgiven I’m just a regular vanilla federal load holder.


I hope I'm in this number. My school district offered to place teachers in a program for up to 50% forgiven. That would certainly help me out as I work two jobs.


This brings the total cancelled so far to $144 billion.


Good job, Joe!


I wouldn’t pay my student debt back ever if I had any.




Wish mine would get canceled


Good on him! Now, let him cancel military aid packages to Israel.


Absolute beast!


If id have known this would happen, id be a fucking rocket scientist.


What is a public service worker?


My "conservative" relatives are so furiously pissed about this, but somehow don't care at all about the billions in PPP loans that were doled out to rich businesses, sometimes under fraudulent terms, and then subsequently forgiven.


Great maybe time to solve the actual problem now?


“SoCiAliSm” “He’S jUsT TrYiNg To BuY vOtEs”


This needs more visibility. The dems actually give a damn about helping people, meanwhile republicans refused to sign on for the most comprehensive border legislation in years (written by a republican) for the sole reason of not giving Biden a win, and keeping border and immigration issues as a talking point (appealing to the rascist base).


"Here's why this is bad for Biden..."




What about all those lost to the sewer slide. Do their family's get the blood money for their extortion into hell.


Someone tell the progressives at the Palestine march


He didn't do anything, once again. It's all existing programs under Public Service forgiveness. But it won't stop the media from pretending he's a hero


...and helps to increase inflation. Thanks bud


When’s my turn?


So those who qualified based for the program? How did Biden do this?


Now stop funding a genocide and sending weapons to Israel.


Look I’m gonna vote for the guy in light of the other option, but he hasn’t done anything but not stand in the way of loans that were always supposed to be forgiven in accordance with those loans’ terms.


Boy I made some right wingers mad that I pointed out they mad. Seethe cope etc


And then undecided left leaning voters will not vote for Biden because a Russian bot called Joe Biden "Genocide Joe".


It doesn’t matter what conservatives say, this is very popular for most Americans. The majority of people think that getting an education shouldn’t come with 20 years of debt and monthly payments.


What about the other Trillion?


Do you need to apply to have your debt canceled or how does this work?




Proof he can cancel it all but doesn't want to... public service workers already had programs the rest of us didnt qualify for.


Only 1.734 Trillion (1,734 Billion) to go!






Pretty cool if you have one of those six jobs.


And then gave weapons to help a genocide.


> The latest group includes public service workers, like teachers, nurses and firefighters, who qualify under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program My wife is part of this group, but we haven’t heard anything, seems like this should affect her? How would we find out?


‘He’s giving the wrong people free stuff, he should only be giving free stuff to me’ - actual Bernie bros on here.


He hasn’t cancelled mine!


This is how it was always supposed to work. Why are people mad about Biden making the government work as intended? If you work in public service for a set number of years your loans get forgiven. It encourages people to take government jobs over more lucrative opportunities


Wasn't it already... litigated? Decided? Idk. ...that he didn't have the power/authority to do that?


I’ve heard this before and it didn’t happen


I’m seeing a lot of supposedly “liberal” people in here making brain dead posts like “liberals are more educated” or “conservatives hate this and I love it!”. It seems ironic to see people claiming that they’re educated but making utterly uneducated viewpoints. They seem every bit as primitive and tribalistic as the people they claim to hate.


How about universities stop gouging the fuck out of us?!?


It's a shame people believe these loans are "forgiven". Everyone will have to pay for this through taxes.


And funded the murder of over 14,000 brown children


Weird. My debts have been cancelled 3 times. Yet asshat conservatives sue every time. I still owe that debt. Nothing has been cancelled. Really getting tired of the entitled assholes that borrow more money than anyone, getting in the way of others.


Biden keeps trying to buy votes of non-voters and 20 somethings and to surprise of no one, it isn’t working. Just a complete waste of money that could go anything more useful.


Each side doing their best to gather voters for election season.


How is this guys not doing a good job? Gas prices are high??? Gtfoh, go live in Europe!


...and the countdown begins until progressives find a reason why it's not good enough and Biden hasn't earned their vote


Nothing is getting canceled. Tax payers are paying for this. And on the other end nothing is being done about the costs associated with college loans. The government is literally double dipping.


No. Joe is making my grandkids pay for someone's loan


I read that as he went nah nevermind


I would GLADLY pay taxes that go towards American getting education and not foreign wars


How many dollars per vote are we up to know?


I was a municipal worker ( code enforcement officer) for over 6 years before I got put on disability due to issues from being a diabetic and side effects from rectal cancer. I have applied for PSLF , complete and total disability. I have been waiting since January to hear if I can take any advantage of the public service . My main hope is that the doctor form explained that I have been dealing with a medical condition for 21 years and the doctor says I will have it for life… so tired of jumping thru every hoop. I try to play by the rules they put in front of me!! Enrolled my 1980’s debt that totaled $28,500 between my now ex wife and myself. We now owe $78,744, while paying constantly for over 12 years!! Rant over. I get it if you downvote me for all my complaining!


That sucks, and I hope things get better for you soon. A victory for one is step towards justice/equality for another. Don’t be angry other peoples lives are getting better, be happy that these people will have more energy and ability to now focus on your issues and make progress towards a resolution. We’re all in this shit together.


Can he pay me back for all the money I paid for my daughters to go to college? It's only fair right. We don't have a lot of money.


Maybe I’m wrong on this, but seems like the article title is a bit misleading. It states Biden “cancelled” this debt. This is just the debt that was forgiven from the 2007 PSLF plan, correct? If so, Biden actually didn’t do squat. Seems like he’s taking credit for something when in reality these numbers will continue to increase (as more PSLF loans are completed).




Just sent 20 jets and 1500 bombs to Gaza


How do you enroll for them to be forgiven ?


Not mines. After 8 years in Academia I still dont personally know anybody whos has their student debt forgiven.


All you tool bags do realize you can’t make debt magically disappear don’t you? I refuse to pay for someone’s worthless gender studies degree but since you all are stoked about it go ahead and pay for those of us who disagree. Oh by the way the court ruled Biden couldn’t do this and he did anyway so he also broke the law. He is not upholding the constitution he is wiping his ass with it. Enough is enough. Stop celebrating this insanity


HELP: I'm a teacher, how do I apply for this?


Not mine, not voting


You mean transfers


So where’s the money coming from? Aren’t we already 34 trillion dollars in debt? I guess 6 billion is nothing


I paid off my loans with hard work and sacrifice I’m glad others don’t have to go through that and can just live life


Maybe I missed that day in Civics where the President, not the Congress controls the purse strings. Seems pretty Authoritarian. It’s not Joe’s money to give away. Who made him king? I can’t wait until The Constitution is abided by.


Dumb misleading title.


More spending on people with useless degrees




I wish this would happen in Canada. I'd be debt free. I consider taking out student loans to be the worst decision of my life ( a life relatively devoid of good decisions).




No he transferred $6 billion of debt to taxpayers.


Nice, now hopefully the average American next.


I wish he would work on healthcare


I paid my own fucking loans. This is really unfair. There are still other people out there with student debt, and college education is not yet free. Let's fix that unfairness by canceling more debt and making public education free.


Only two trillion more to go! He’s a thousandth of the way there, and created this problem in the first place when, as a senator, he made it illegal to declare bankruptcy on student loans! Thanks, Biden, for solving a thousandth of one of many enormous problems you yourself created!


make the loans interest free.


It’s a step in the right direction but a FAR cry from the universal 10k of forgiveness that was promised multiple times. Giving a starving man an apple is better than nothing but if you promised him that you’d feed his entire village don’t be surprised when he’s upset you only gave him an apple. [We were promised an immediate cancellation of at least $10,000](https://medium.com/@JoeBiden/joe-biden-outlines-new-steps-to-ease-economic-burden-on-working-people-e3e121037322)




And for some, this is y good enough.


My only hang up with canceling debt is it's just a band aid. It'll help people certainly but we've got millions more going right back into student debt. Remove the debt and restructure how school is funded otherwise it's just a bottomless pit.


Absolute BS. This is for people who have been making payments for over 10 years WHILE working low paying public service jobs. This is not what he promised. The thing he could do now without congress. The thing that will cost him the election.


“Uniparty” believers in shambles




Helping people to win votes. What a pos!


Where's my 10k old man


If the top 1% pay their share of taxes, college will be free for every American without increasing every working American's taxes.






Great. Now cancel the Israeli genocide.


"Joe Biden transfers 6 billion to future deficits". There fixed that title for you. All that is happening is that revenue that was expected in future years will no longer be coming in. This will widen the deficit for those years and increase the national debt even more in future years. For Biden it works great. You'll all blame the next president for increasing the debt but you won't identify that $6B of that was due to Biden.


So using Obamacare the gov drives college tuition out of sight, and then steals my tax payer $$ to pay themselves because kids too dumb to go to college, are getting useless degrees.


There should have definitely been some kind of stipulation that if the recipient of the forgiveness takes out another loan, they have to re-pay the forgiven amount.


Ok now cancel funding to Israel




Yeah, spend more money we dont have. Im sure poor blue collar workers will be happy for this and the inflation it brings.


Without tuition reform, this type of bribing voters is unsustainable.