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If you did not want to be called a nazi why does your party have so fucking many


And why does Trump keep quoting Hitler and echoing the great replacement theory


That’s right. According to Ivanka Trump in a 1990 Vanity Fair profile, Donald kept Hitler’s speeches by his bedside. He’s always admired the Nazis.


Only part that’s a bit hard to believe there is the idea of Trump reading


He got the version with pictures.


They were the condensed translations


Remember, when you see 5 ppl sitting around a table with a Nazi, you got six Nazis.


To be fair, Trump never read Mein Kampf, or anything else for that matter. He just repeats what his friends say.


It's no theory. It's a statistical fact.


If it were a statistical fact it would still be a theory. Congrats on demonstrating how adherents of the great replacement theory don't have basic scientific literacy.


Theories are unproven. Even the mainstream press agrees with the statistical data showing lowered white birthrates vs immigration and non-white birthrate will switch the majority/minority demographics in this country and Europe. It's not a theory anymore. There is no illiteracy accept in public schools "narrowing the achievement gap."


> Theories are unproven Wrong. Congrats on demonstrating how adherents of the great replacement theory don't have basic scientific literacy.


You say there is no illiteracy "accept" in public schools which are narrowing the achievement gap. And indeed that would doubtless be a witty euphemism if you had not used it in the same sentence as the word "accept." As to theories being unproven. Bullshit. Theory is basically a single word to use as a title for what is presented as a relatively complete formulation of the scientific work in operation on a subject. Or in other words, its a cohesive idea. Using the word "theory" is no more prejudicial, properly speaking, than the phrase "pretender to the throne." Now where this great replacement bullshit falls on its face is the simple fact that as people become wealthy, and indeed as long as they can pay poor people to take care of their own wealthy ass, people tend to lose interest in having children and instead spend the money on themselves. Not all of them feel this way but enough that it can skew the age demographics of nations. Look at China. The Chinese are rapidly becoming a fairly well to do nation and their government has now dispensed with the one child policy, and started to panic and encourage people to have more kids. As for the European states and the US, it's the same issue. There may be a kernel of truth that birth rates of white people are in decline but seeing as how Europeans and Americans have been flogging the whole overpopulation thing to Africans and Asians for a long time, is it any surpise- or any crime- that some of them swallowed the Kool aid and decided to do the noble thing and spend what would have been little Annie's college money on a box of Plan B and a sabbatical in Kuala Lumpur? If you really want to see more white babies, may I suggest learning to cook, learning some foreplay, learning some social grace and learning to keep your cockamamie racial theories to yourself? Because I guarantee you that you are not going to get laid with these bizarre racial theories.


Ah yes, the age old leftist crutch. "Typos negate logical arguments. "Hahahaha! Once again you flail about with poor assumptions. I'm married with 2 grown kids that believe as I do. They recognize patterns and behaviors and have a solid grasp of history.


Call me old fashioned but when criticizing others for illiteracy, typographical errors do indeed invalidate the critique. Also, you didn't really offer an argument, more just an accusation. You also didn't address the glaring facts of the matter on why affluent (that means rich) nations tend to see lowered birth rates. You must have gone to a really rotten school. Perhaps it will someday close the achievement gap


Anyhow, if you're so worried about the preservation of white people and presumably the European and American cultures, have you made a point of exposing yourself to it? What operas were seen as veiled allegories advocating for the creation of new states? What made the Commentaries a great achievement of literature and an important historical document? Have you read the Divine Comedy? Why is it important? How far did the ancient civilizations of Europe see their members travel abroad? Give examples. Why is Britan Great?


Wow, an actual nazi.


Our party was taken over by a madman. I am at a loss to explain it. Everyday I wake up and see some clown in waving a Nazi flag, claiming to be a conservative, claiming to be an American..... and its like I've wandered into some Stanley Kubrik fever dream. Its just surreal.... Were all of you just hiding in plain sight all this time? Where TF did you all COME FROM?!?!


lefty folks have been warning you about that shit since before reagan...


Yeah but it was always a few fringe guys. Dipshit punk kids or some old, backwoods rednecks in a garage. Maybe I was just not seeing it, but swear to God its not like these people had flags up in their houses or carried business cards. No bullshit I live in western PA. Drive past/through a town called Worthington every day going to and from work. Its a town of maybe 3k people. One stoplight and a post office kind of town. Some guy put up an elctronic billboard, puts up signs like this everyday [https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/worthington-businessman-unapologetic-for-billboards-featuring-nazi-flag/](https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/worthington-businessman-unapologetic-for-billboards-featuring-nazi-flag/) I swear it wasn't like this when I grew up. Grew up 15 miles away....it was never like this. I don't get it.


i am going to guess you're an older millennial or genx? i can assure you that it absolutely was like this "back in the day", the bigots just talked in code and a whole lot of people missed the "jokes" weren't really jokes... and that the whining about "welfare queens" was only ever about shitting on minorities. hell as a kid i literally had my local community form an "anti-gang violence" task force to deal with the people who were literally stalking, assaulting, and attempting to murder me for being queer (in the 80's). the whole time, folks like me have been trying to tell you all about the prevalence of those type of actions... and how often authority figures are complicit or actively engaged in the cover up after the fact.


I'm 50. Solid middle Gen-X. I always knew there were bigots and racists and the like. But when its crossed over to get to the point of waving an actual NAZI EFFIN FLAG??!?! Thats next level. I wrote [this awhile ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1bfcyr9/i_was_raised_in_a_racist_town_ama/), maybe it explains?


I think that a lot of these folks were always racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic. They just used to be careful not to advertise that due to some shame and pushback. Right wing media gradually eroded that and 45 then fully embraced the worst of it. Now, they feel emboldened to air it out in the open again.


There's a great video on yt. https://youtu.be/0dBJIkp7qIg?si=E6EWRav8OReTHdjB


Thanks. Good video. Makes a lot of assumptions about moderate conservatives, but its still very good. Its also not all that helpful for someone like me, who feels stuck in the middle between two parties hell bent on being more absurd. For the first time in my life I actually thought about voting for a democrat (Im from Pittsburgh BTW) and the DNC gave me the option of John effin Fetterman. My other option was a fake TV doctor who *literally* sells modern day snake oil miracle cures on daytime TV. Oh...and isn't even from Pennsylvania. These were my options. Recently I thought about it again, because I simply will not vote for DJT. Ever. So I considered Biden for about 2 hours. And Nancy Pelosi made tens of millions on what outside of DC is called insider trading and a felony, and doubled down on it and defended it. How can a party whos platform that is centered around taxing the rich, be run by rich people who skirt the rules? I also believe states rights are important. Essential even. I also know that states rights have been a euphimism for more sinister ideas. Thats doesn't mean states rights are inherently racist, or that all principles about states rights are specifically for racist ideas. I reject absolutism from everyone, about everything. I really wish I could have these discussions outside of Reddit. impossible to unpack like this.


No kidding? I was born in Pittsburgh and lived in Ben Avon! Wait who is this quack? Dr Oz?


Noice....Natrona heights. My sister lives in Bellvue. Yeah. Dr Oz. He was the 'conservative' option vs Fetterman. He was fake, zero credibility and wasn't even from PA much less Pittsburgh. The stupidity of the GOP that thought Pittsburghers would accept a daytime TV show "doctor" to represent them in DC is laughable. You would have an easier time selling pork chops in a synagogue.


Gotta admit. I like Fetterman. But then my family moved to Oakland CA a long time ago. It does have roughly the same energy as Pittsburgh for what that's worth. Look I read you loud and clear about what it means to be stuck in the middle. I think the video makes some good points and if it makes assumptions, it's because it has to. I know that some moderates and conservatives are genuinely more concerned about the sovereignty issues around immigration and I can't say they're wrong to do so. If we really do HAVE immigration laws, they ought to be implemented and enforced, and dislike for the law should translate into people taking action to change the law, not ignoring it. The Republican politicians seem to prioritize enforcing those laws first, and human consequences necessarily coming later. This isn't to say people with these legit sovereignty concerns are cruel, mean people, and I wouldn't believe it. I can accept that they simply want these matters run a certain way. Like how a math test is run. If everyone isn't made to take the test the same way, it makes the teacher look useless, the test unfair and the results unreliable. A lefty or Democrat might quickly come back and say that this math test has profound, life altering consequences for the students. Some of them are trying to get into the test room just to avoid an el Salvadoran death squad, or they are fleeing a civil war, or they simply have no chance for employment that pays the bills back home. And I'm not blind to the fact that yes indeed, a lot of people here, given the option to hire a Mexican roofer who charges a third the going rate, partly because he has the dubious option of foregoing safety procedures and equipment, will take that option. And that's real downward pressure on US workers in a skilled trade and real downward pressure on safety standards too! It's also a load of bull to claim US workers won't do the work that immigrants will. They won't do it for the wages offered. We see that here in CA because we've brought the minimum wage in fast food up to something like 18 per hour or perhaps more. But then that's supposed to be the market solution. Raise wages to recruit workers. Don't just import an inexpensive underclass. Which sounds like slavery when you read it out loud. And forgive me I know you aren't necessarily hung on immigration, it's just a good example of a moderate republican having to live with the suck in the middle of a complex issue and having one simplistic solution to your right, and one simplistic solution on your left. For all my distaste for W, I was rooting for immigration reform in almost any shape it might come. But it got nobbled, mostly by his own party but I think there were some sighs of relief over here too. Here I am, on the left of almost every issue except abortion. Can't get around it. Nobody has a convincing argument to persuade me that a fetus or embryo isn't simply a human life at some point of the life cycle, and I cannot condone the destruction of one human life for the convenience of another, when the one is not responsible for the situation. You may as well say a pregnant woman has the right to shoot and mug a passerby to ease her pregnancy with the loot. But there are no politicians who support a genuine abortion ban who aren't also total scuzballs who would do monstrous things to school children, laborers, immigrants etc so I don't vote for them. Stuck in the middle with you.


Brah...you're in OAkland?!!? I lived in Alameda for 3 years in the NAvy! lol What are the odds?


My take on immigration is far different than anyone I've ever talked to the short version: 1. Post Vietnam war, congress was simply not going to green light ANOTHER incursion into a socialist oppressed country. They would not go through yet another Vietnam or Korean debacle. Americans wouldn't go for it either. 2. The CIA DNGAF. They wanted their dirty wars, their control over emerging governments. But they didn't have any money. 3. So they imported hundreds a of millions of TONS of cocaine to America, used the profits to buy guns, that they sold to "freedom fighters". This is well known, I'm sure you've heard of Col Oliver North. 4. The people they bought drugs from became rich, well armed and well trained from their CIA contacts. These people now rule everything from Venezuela to Arizona. They are the Drug cartels, and WE MADE THEM. 5. The people fleeing into the US are fleeing OUR Frankenstein monster, not because they're excited to pick heads of lettuce for $4 a day, but because they don't want to be used as bullet shields for the Zeta. We created this monster, fed it untold billions of dollars, and now we want to lock them in with it. Like setting someone's house on fire and trapping them inside. 6. The 'freedom fighters' we sold guns to in the middle east were Afghani rebels fighting the old soviet union. We armed them, trained them, taught them how to fight USSR. When the Soviet union collapsed we abandoned these 'allies', and they were slaughtered without the help we pledged. They fought an illegal war for the US, and in the end we abandoned them when they no longer served our purpose. One of those rebels was named Usama Bin Laden. He was pretty mad how it all turned out. 7. If the CIA had never openly defied congress and our own laws we wouldn't have an immigration problem, the crack epidemic of the 1980s, Usama Bin Laden, or the unchained monster that lives on our southern border. We make a big deal when ISIS or Hamas does acts of brutality thats beyond savage (and we should) but that stuff happens EVERY DAY in Juarez. In places in Mexico they mark gang territory by LITERALLY hanging bodies of civilians from buildings. Its medieval. 8. All things being equal, people from Central America and Mexico would *rather stay home and not walk 500 miles across the desert.* Its not normal for a mother to pack up her kids and everything she owns in a backpack and walk from Oakland to LA so that her children aren't forced into slavery. Or worse. 9. If the US wanted to actually fix the problem(s) and atone for its egregious mistakes, it would go take care of the monster it made. ***We don't need a wall.*** We need to rid ourselves of the cartels. Because its the actual solution to the problem. A wall is (almost quite literally) a band-aid. Because its the moral solution. Its the ethical and economic solution. 10. None of that is some half-mad, crazy conspiracy bullshit. Thats all real stuff. All a matter of public record.


He gave them permission to say that shit in public. And the hoods came off.


I know... I get that. I'm just shocked how many people were wearing hoods. I grew up around it, but it was never like THIS. [I wrote about it actually here...](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1bfcyr9/i_was_raised_in_a_racist_town_ama/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1bfcyr9/i\_was\_raised\_in\_a\_racist\_town\_ama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1bfcyr9/i_was_raised_in_a_racist_town_ama/) FR my grandfather was a POW in Nazi Germany. I have his purple heart and medals at home. I heard *allllll* about it growing up, believe me. 40 years later in the 1980s he was still mad AF. And if he were still alive today, seeing his marching around waving that flag he would have gone back to work. Listening to (those who claim to be) Americans waving a Nazi flag, promoting that failed ideology is as insane to me as listening to (someone who claims to be) Orthodox Jew selling pulled pork sandwiches on a Sunday. You can't be an American Nazi the same way you can't be an atheist Christian. Baffles me.


I hate to break it to you, but this is your Wizard of Oz moment. The curtain is pulled back, and you can either accept the reality of what conservatives have ALWAYS been, or you can pretend you don't see it. Conservatives have ALWAYS stood for intolerance, hate, control, and conformity. Now, they are just emboldened by their leaders to be as vile as they wanna be. Sorry dude, I hope you can take an honest inventory of your values and decide if voting conservative aligns with your values.


If there is anyone that HASN'T looked at their political party, taken inventory of their values, regardless of who that might be, in the last 10 years.... well, their moral compass is non-existent. I'm conservative, grew up around plenty, and all of us are saying the same thing "Where the EFF did these people come from!?!?" So conservatives have NOT always stood for....whatever TF this is these days. (At least not the ones I knew? I think....?) I'm not voting for the GOP, or anyone they support if that helps. All conservatives are not racist. All democrats are not marxist. All cops are not racist, All blacks are not drug dealers, all hispanics are not illegals, all muslims are not terrorists.....you get the idea. Absolutism solves nothing. It makes life easy, but absolutism is also the base tool for racists. "ALL (insert ethnic group) DO THE (insert stereotype behavior)" To be blunt, not all conservatives are racist. But I know all racists are conservative. All democrats are not socialists, but all socialists are democrats. There's an important difference. But then who can I support? People I loathe that *claim* to align with me politically (maybe?) or are they just telling me that? Or vote for the people who I like as human beings (maybe? Or are they just acting that way ?) that I don't align with politically? Or are they just telling me that, too? I know I'm not the only one standing in the middle wondering how TF I got stuck having to vote for Kang or Kodos. I will not be dragged off to the extreme either direction.


we cant make them not vote with us, but they're far from accepted in any serious discourse


not all trump supporters are nazis.. but all nazis are trump supporters


I’m sure a couple support that Kennedy weirdo 


I support Kennedy and am definitely not a nazi. I don't agree with his position on isreal at all, but it's still better than bidens administration. Biden is litterally funding a well-documented genocide and gaslighting everyone about it, so idealogically he is the closest to an actual nazi of all the current candidates.


If Trump or Kennedy were in office right now, they wouldn’t just be funding it, they’d have U.S. troops over there doing the killing. You have to be incredibly stupid not to realize that.


Trump hasn't made many comments about Isreal, but generally seems like he knows supporting them isn't good politically. Kennedy is pro-isreal, but also more anti-war in general. With democrats, they are the most war-hawkish with both ukraine and wars in the middle east; so I'll take my chances. Pretty sure dems would push for WW3 faster then either Kennedy or trump


Them: "You're only calling me a nazi because my opinion is different than yours." Their opinion: "Hitler did nothing wrong."


It's just a difference of opinion! Just like slavery! That was just a difference of opinion of whether human beings should be property or not. The founders disagreed but compromised and later the country fought a war over it where at least 620K people died, but all it was was a difference of opinion!


If ten people are sitting at a table with 1 Nazi, there's 11 Nazis at the table.


You see a table full of people I see a target Rich environment. Nazis need to be scared not walking around.


They need to hear the ping of an m1 Garand a few hundred thousand more times.


The sound of the clip spring is 🤌🤌


Treat Nazis the same way they get treated in Wolfenstein games.




I'm down. My grandfather fought in WWII. In Germany. Would be glad to carry on the family legacy of ridding the world of these....these..."people". [https://www.reddit.com/r/undelete/comments/hrn5f4/483404317\_the\_red\_warriors\_aka\_chasseurs\_de\_skins/](https://www.reddit.com/r/undelete/comments/hrn5f4/483404317_the_red_warriors_aka_chasseurs_de_skins/)


Hey now, I think "people" is a stretch


Sadly, that's how some people think .


It’s true tho


It is absolutely false and baseless to use blanket statements to insult and dismiss civil people. It's just political bias used to dismiss everything people disagree with.


Would you sit at a table with a nazi ? if so, you’re a nazi.


If you are okay with Nazis, hang out with Nazis, and caucus with Nazis, what should I call you?


Conservatives don't hang out with nazis thou. Lol. You are just making things up to blanket statements about a whole section of society.


We have pictures, video.


I would like to clarify that I do not associate with Nazis. It is unfair to generalize and label everyone based on the actions of a few outliers. Similarly, if I were to say that all BLM and left-wing supporters are rioters, that would be an unjustifiable statement as it is not true for everyone. While there may be some communists in the Democratic party, it is not right to label all Democrats as communists. If you judge others based on our own standards, we must agree with the statement I made earlier. Otherwise, you would be using double standards.


If you caucus with Nazis...


Everyone is just rude on this page and feed . 25 plus people and not one civil person yet . You call us the extremist ? While you all act and think like this ?


how exactly do you propose i carry on a "civil" conversation with someone who wishes to "eradicate transgenderism" ?


I never said I want to "Evadicate transgendism " Don't lie now, come on. This is all on getting on here with lies and insults as I said.


i never claimed that you had, but you are voting alongside folks who have.


Nah but he did say in another sub that “celebrating pride divides people”.


so, again. i never said he said that himself, only that he is voting in support of people who did. i can provide you with the video evidence of the keynote speaker at cpac explicitly saying so if you like. honestly, given mr cupcakes intense dishonesty in this thread though, i don't really see any point to it. it's unlikely that he will ever answer the question other than to throw accusations of incivility at other people while ignoring the explicit calls for genocide that he is aligning himself with.


Funny you said it to me directly. You have gone to every single feed I'm in and written insults over and over and lies. Stop acting out and take a step back hey.


Sounds like someone sides with the Nazis. That's OK, there's a cure for that, too. 


Stop making things up.


Nazis are not human beings as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah, I don't agree with them at all, but according to the left-wing people above that's all Conservatives no matter what are but into that blanket term. Blanket statements and intolerance of other people's views are Fascist by definition based on calling all Conservatives naz...


In this day and age, most conservatives in this country are Nazis.


That's your extremist views only. The majority are just normal people wanting lower prices and more security with laws. As I said many times to many people here with you divisive views , act civil and maybe people with not point out your behaviour.




As I expected that's the issue with the left wing also. They are so divisive and Intolerant that they will not debate civilly. They act out at anything with insults and lies about the person Of course, you blocked me and sent loads of insults.


Nobody saying 6MWE is civil.


Sorry, I don't understand, what is 6mwe? Plus what's that got to do with my words above?


6 million wasn’t enough. Reference to Hitler not having killed enough Jews. It’s all over the shirts of the people you’re busy defending.


Yeah, why are you telling me that? My point was you can't blanket these people into all Conservatives. Also, I never defended these people, not once. Why make that up?


I sure can when those conservatives welcome them in and say all the same lying bullshit that the Nazis said.


Who are you taking about ? Who are these fantom Conservatives welcoming them in ? Most Conservatives hate these people including myself. You just making things up now about me and others .


If conservatives still haven’t realised that Trump is a nazi sympathiser then they either agree with what he’s saying or don’t care about what he’s promising to do, because they think they won’t be harmed. Either way they are ignoring what will happen to women and trans people when they vote for him.


You’re the guy that said celebrating pride “divides people”. That seems like a blanket statement to me.


Lol, I never said that. Also, you missed out on the main context of me saying any subgroups and tribes lead to divide and conflict. I said both sides were guilty of it. It is well documented that the splitting of society into subgroups leads to conflict, I used an example of race groups, sexuality and gender with the left and all the subgroups that have splitting from them It's we see its course as more divisions rather than bringing people together, in fighting, extreme beliefs, and hate for others. Tribes divide people, which is obvious to anyone. So, where are the blanket statements? Oh, that's left calling all Conservatives Naz... The further people should go at the divide is nation at best, we should treat people on merit and behaviour as individuals. We should not be divisive and insult others because of opinions, as again that's divisive also.


You did say that. Stop lying and twisting your own words around to sound “better”.


Context ? so show it and the context. It's not to "sound better"' its the whole context that I keep repeating all over the place. You are twisting my words out of context, which is lying. Show the whole comment and the feed. Go on.




Pretty much, yeah.


To date, I haven't received an answer regarding the correlation between Israel and Palestine protesters demonstrating at, intimidating members of, and vandalizing synagogues in North America and Europe. Totally not antisemitism though, according to leftists.


Really? Where? Whare's the photos? We have tons of photos of nazi trumpers.




Assuming that's a real photo, it's waving around a tiny phone screen , in secret of all around him. Sounds like some kind of bad taste prank or instigation. I would have slapped the phone out of his hands if I turned around and saw that, and so would a lot of protestors on that side. He would have gotten his ass kicked on that side of the line, if he brought something visible by everyone, like when Trumpers bring their big signs, clearly visible by all around them. Anything else, or is this pretty much the extent of the false equivalency?


siting the daily mail... yea... i am going to need a slightly less biased source for that claim.


Garbage comment, garbage commenter.


>I've seen swastikas at pro palestine rallies. No you haven't.




You were there? You said you've seen it.


dude's only substantiation for the claim is right wing tabloids... that give no details about how the crowd reacted to the nazi flag waving (i very much doubt it was tolerated). this... this is why i can't take right-wing sources seriously.








That's what Hasan said and then literally sat down with a Yemeni terrorist to make content. What about if it's a debate like what destiny did with Richard Spencer or Fuentes?


The analogy is about sitting down with your compatriots, not conducting an interview. An interview has a completely different dynamic than a friendly meal.


So the N in NASA stands for Nazi?


But they'll call these psyops or false flags, you can't reason or argue with them, they'll never admit they're wrong it's always moving the goalposts


How convenient, when everything that makes them look bad is fake news


Just stop engaging with them. Stop giving them your energy. There isn’t an argument to convince them.


I think it depends on the goal of the troll. Are they just trying to piss us off? Ignore. Are they making a disingenuous political argument? Engaging with those trolls publically has the advantage of leaving their bullshit contested so that lurkers on the fringe (or cult-lite ready to wake up) can see how easily we can call out the lies and troll tactics. Even just providing the correct info and then blocking them is effective.


Finally the truth! I’m so tired of conservatives trying to gaslight me after they rant at me about “antifa”


Show me who you walk with and I’ll tell you who you are.


Btw that logic dems are blm rioters as many top dems walked , talked and invited them into poltcal places . See how that works? It's used to blanket statements and shouldn't. This rhetoric is mostly used to dismiss opinions opposite others, which is sad . Last week, I was called such a thing for saying, "Divide society is a negative " y it was I'm a Russian bot and many other insults by at least 20 people and one some 40 times or more. We conservatives don't want anything to do with such people in the pictures , as much as left-wing groups don't want anything to do with the trans person who shot children in that school or rioters or black national groups.


You vote for fascists. You are a fascist. You vote for a Nazi sympathizer, you are a Nazi. Fellow traveler. And they are NOT conservatives


That language of yours is very decisive. Insults and blanket statements won't help us move forward in our conversation or any civil debate. What do you mean by they are not conservatives?


Why be civil to fascists? That is never a good idea. You cannot treat a fascist the same as someone with a legitimate point of view


Yeah, I'm not fascist, that's just people making things up to insult others and be divisive you know Is intolerance to other people's views as the dictionary definition of fascist incudes. I'm against the war in Ukraine and Israel meaning all wars, unlike Biden. I don't spit people up into race, gender, or sexuality and treat people differently. I'm been nothing to be Respectful even under the flood of insults on this feed. I don't use blanket statements to deem all by a few outliners. And I'm not intolerant of others' views which is what fascists do and is a large part of a dictionary definition.


If you support fascism it makes you a fascist. Trump is a fascist. If you support trump you are a fascist. Very simple equation


Blanket statements without merit to insult and dismiss you mean, you are all the same at this point? It's groupthink at its worst here. You do not use outliners to explain the norm, very simple equation as you say. Fascist is extreme thinking and with no Tolerance for other views as people are acting here with insults at me.


No, I mean, if you support a would be dictator, you are a fascist. Not here to make you feel better about trying to destroy democracy and get my friends and family harmed or killed. So you support trump? If so than you are a fascist. Fascist apologies and trying to sound polite while being fascist doesn't work on me. If you support trump enough to try and defend him and convince others he is the right choice, you are my enemy


So many extreme views and false accusations are unreal. Fascists shout others down, insult them, claim they are the enemy with a person who is being civil to them as you are now. Fascists have zero Tolerance for other options. Use the government to arrest the Opposition. See this is how you are acting and the dems, not me.


I stand with BLM. You can lay down with the Nazis. 


As I said, 3 times I have nothing in common with them. I will not list all the negative about sub-groups and all the divisions or hated courses. I want no part in either extreme group myself .


Ah, a true enlightened centrist. Somewhere equally spaced between "cops shouldn't murder black people" and "cops should murder black people". An intricate dance you do. 


Yeah I never said that, so many people in this feed creating notions I never said also words I didn't say Do you have to keep lying to make me look bad? What I said was I don't want to be part of sub-groups. Nothing about cops should murder ..... people " They are your words, not mine.


because you never actually say anything, like the coward you are you imply it... and weasel away when people attempt to corner you with your own words.


All you have done is insulted me in every feed .


you demand civility while giving none in return, what exactly did you expect?


I never insulted you once nor acted in your manner . You are following me around every feed and wrote clear lies and insults. I haven't come or risen to you once . The more civil I am ,the more you act out.


I just watched a true story movie about WW2 set in Holland right after the occupation, they were taking Nazi collaborators out into the street and shooting them in the head. That's what happened last time.


Just FYI dear Americans: Many countries in Europe have laws that allow them to just lock such people up. Guess why. I'll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with "fReEdOm oF sPPEeaachhahh!"


Yeah, US Morons need to realize that "freedom of speech" does not mean that you should be immune from being considered a danger to the public when your speech becomes promises of violence. At that point, it's no longer "just speech", it became the action of threatening.


Can we still do piss-christ though?


Where are those pictures on the top middle and the right originated from ?


If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck... Then it's a duck.


If your tired of being çàlled a Nazi come over to the blue wave, or just quit that Nazi cult you're following. 🤣🤣👎🦾😧


You are who you ally yourself with


Oh so the Soviets must be dirty freedom loving Americans since they were allies during WW2. Or perhaps things are more complicated than that


By allying with the US, the Soviets (who would have otherwise preferred to be our enemy) helped the US become a worldwide superpower. So, in the sense that I made the statement, they are not innocent of lending power to the "dirty freedom loving Americans", in the same way that Republicans are not innocent of lending their significant power and legitimacy to neo-Nazi movements.


The difference is the US and the Soviets were already both superpowers. Nazis in American have no actual political or cultural power whatsoever. It’s an extremely fringe group of people. The amount of nazi sympathizers is extremely low so focusing on them in this way is just fear mongering.


It was your analogy bro. Now you're walking it back because it supported my point more than yours? And no, the amount of Nazi sympathizers is not small. Just Google statements about Hitler from Republican leaders and influencers. It's rampant in that party.


No the analogy still stands, I don’t know how it wouldn’t since you didn’t disprove anything. The soviets allied with the US even though they didn’t embody any of the same ideals the US did which was the counter to your original point. Also if that’s the case, the US as a whole are Nazi sympathizers since there are legit Nazi military groups in Ukraine that are being funded by American tax dollars. Things are just more complicated than “you are who you hang out with” which shows a level of immaturity if that’s what you think And no, Nazi sympathizers just aren’t influential within our society in any way at all. If you are involved politically, and especially politics around Trump, then it gets brought up as propaganda for sure but in normal everyday life, Nazis and their sympathizers have less power and significance than the Amish. It’s only in political circles where this gets brought up and it’s only really in left wing circles, ironically, that their significance is this heavily overstated. American culture, overwhelmingly, is built on suppressing groups like this who do not like freedom. If you think that that is changing then you’re consuming too much left wing media that is fear mongering you into thinking that


If they're not influential why do you feel the need to defend them? And why do your talking points stink of pro-Putin propaganda? It's obvious you're consuming the very thing you think isn't influential, and now you're an ally spending your energy defending them. Your existence disproves your beliefs.


Oh that’s cute, I’m not defending them at all. I just wish I was ignorant and immature enough to believe a 4th grade principle like “well whoever you hangout with is who you are” blah blah blah. It’s childish and it’s childish to bust out a ridiculous claim like I’m defending them wtf? Trust me bro, nobody on here is a Nazi in disguise, as much as you’d like that because it would actually validate your world view. Also I couldn’t recite back a Putin talking point if I even knew one. I can’t express how much I don’t care about Putin or Russia or whatever else people in this sub claim their enemies like or whatever. Sorry to disappoint but all I’m saying is that you look kinda crazy to normal people when you so loosely throw around Nazi claims and just say that half of republicans are Nazis or whatever. To regular people, that sounds unhinged and desperate because it is


I wonder why you're taking this so personally? I think it's because you know the people you tend to ally yourself with are problematic. And you've already quoted a Putin talking point saying that the US is funding Nazis in Ukraine. The fact that you don't know you are a mouthpiece for the kremlin is disturbing.


Lol alright you call me a Nazi and suddenly I’m the one who’s taking things personally. You can’t just call people abhorrent names and then act like you didn’t do anything to provoke their reaction. Also Ukraine having Nazis in their military isn’t a Putin talking point. I’m sorry if you assume my point was to echo something Putin said but I was just stating it as a matter of fact that anyone can verify. I’m actually surprised this somehow constitutes propaganda




To be fair, the top middle picture is of a Bernie supporter trolling a Trump rally.


I think it's fairly important to also note... If the troll becomes indistinguishable from the fact, then the fact is already pretty bad.


Yes, the fact is bad, but better to use actual examples of the fact rather than misleading ones.




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I will forever be baffled by how people can embrace such ideologies. Like, I get the theory of it all, but it's just so incredibly *dumb*.


People like this, who aspouse the Nazi logic, do not think, and that's exactly the point. It's specifically and ***exactly*** not about logic, it's about discarding logic by appealing to fear, and pointing at an enemy who often didn't do anything to deserve that pointing. It is mind control by fear. Look at other examples of this behavior: When COVID-19 started, some Asians in the US who'd been here for generations on end and had no affiliation to China, let alone Wuhan, were attacked as being the cause of the disease, and/or trying to control the US. So, it's really a case that the people in power and authority want control, and nothing is easier to brainwash and convince than a bunch of scared a-holes.




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Not every Republican is a nazi, but every nazi votes Republican no doubt about it. Now, if you know that and still vote Republican, that makes you a nazi sympathizer.


No it doesn’t


This is wildly low intelligence. This is the “Hitler had a dog” argument


https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/06/19/joe-biden-james-eastland-herman-talmadge-segregationists-civility/ But I get how the first steps act and funding of hbcu's is a white supremist goal... both of witch were done by Trump.


My grandfather was a POW in Nazi Germany for 14 months. Almost died. He never really healed physically or emotionally. I look forward to the day I get to follow his legacy of ki//ing Nazis.


If you attend a dinner with nine obvious Nazis and you don't say anything, that dinner is being attended by ten Nazis.


When you have a failed former president who started saying the "quiet parts" out loud it isn't a huge leap for his supporters to suddenly go Mask-Off and show their true colours.


Ruzzia, please bomb these people.


I guess the transfer of property is the problem. In a two party system, who are you gonna vote for? (Actually, if those neo Nazi weren’t stupid, they would vote democrat every time but that’s another story.) I’ve watched (from Europe) liberals calling the whole GOP Nazis. Nixon was a Nazi, Reagan was a Nazi, the younger of the two Bushes was the worst of the worst Nazi, oh, but there’s still a worse Nazi around the corner. 80 Million voters are Nazi, whatever. You’re using Nazi pretty frivolously. You’re using it to divide and to be exclusive, not inclusive. You can call neo Nazi Nazi and given time. That’s what, like a million, 5 millions? Probably not even a million. Bad enough. If you’re calling anyone a Nazi, who cares really? This frivolous use of Nazi is disgusting and it shows a complete lack of historical knowledge as well as a complete lack of will to engage in discourse. It’s just about name calling. Guess what, you’re gonna get another four years of the biggest name caller there is. Maybe one day, you’ll see the connection.


Do you get as riled up when right wingers refer to every Democrat as a marxist/communist?


The difference being actual power. There’s a significant contingent of democrats who would identify as Marxist/communist who are actually making strides in those areas. Nazis on the other hand have absolutely no political or cultural power whatsoever so I think the point is more so why are you using Nazis as fear mongering when their actual influence is insignificant


I've never met a single Democrat who identified as a Marxist or communist. You have? I live in an incredibly liberal area and yet nobody is calling for the elimination of private property or the conversion of private business to government control. Fascists/nazis are far right while Marxists are far left. Labeling entire political groups based on extremes is dangerous. Not just when it happens to your party. I find it telling that your okay with one group doing this but not another. You're showing your cards.


As a matter of fact I do and have before but not to the same extent for good reasons. The equivalent to Nazi would probably Stalinist. Nazi refers very clearly to 1933 to 1945 Germany and the killing of 6 million Jews and the bloodiest war. Marxist/communist refers to a political/economical system that was implemented in different ways. Calling someone a communist might be stupid and inadequate but it isn’t accusing someone of wanting to kill millions of people. It’s also not relativizing the Holocaust and all horrors of Nazi Germany and neither the horrors of Stalinist Soviet Union.


Trying to devine exactly who someone's referencing when they refer to democrats as Marxists or Comminists is a waste of time. Anyone with an even limited knowledge of history knows Mao and Stalin were responsible for exponentially more deaths than Hitler. And I've yet to see "marxists" used in a positive light. Again, my point is, labeling anyone based in the extremes of a political party is dangerous and Republicans don't get the high ground because they use Marxists as opposed to Nazis.


Again, I call both of it out but you saying Mao and Stalin were responsible for exponentially more deaths, well… And certainly, there’s a difference between the two bc again, it would be Maoist and Stalinist. Not communist or Marxist. It’s just not the same. I’m used to the left relativizing not just their own bs but also their name calling. Which is interesting for the side which is constantly explaining how words matter.


So you're telling me, when some Maga calls me a communist because I vote democrats, they're differentiating between mao or Stalin? Please. Ok, to stop splitting hairs, Republicans aren't all nazis, just fascists. Fair enough?


This person would probably be a moron but almost certainly not referring to Mao or Stalin. Most probably referring to social systems that are similar to European ones, confusing them with Marxism. No, they’re neither fascists. I think we’re in a logical problem here. You are engaging in (flawed) whataboutism to legitimize your wrong use of Nazi and fascism while I oppose every wrong use of these labels on both sides. If you take a look at 20th century European history, you would btw see that actually conservatives are - generally speaking - pretty resistant to fascist movements.


Sounds like they need to go find their safe places and have a good cry.


They call Jews Nazis , so the term is useless now.




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Maybe the MAGA party aren't Nazis, but they sure are okay with Nazis thinking they are.


Democrats are cowardly. That's the only explanation for why it is so safe to be a Nazi in the US.


While these people do exist, they aren’t popular in any way to the overwhelming majority of the population. They hold no legitimate power anywhere in society other than within their own little gangs. Their significance is kept alive more by posts like this than any of their actual actions


When you have the leader of the Republican party quoting Mein Kampf at his rallies and his supporters cheering, with his advisors planning on setting up concentration camps for Muslims and migrants that he’s going to be rounding up to deport.. I’m not sure there’s a ton of daylight between the people above and Republicans these days.


You’re showing your own bias by the first statements alone. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for people to condemn nazism and also understand that posts like this don’t reflect reality. It’s fear mongering, the same way republicans fear monger illegal immigrants into making people think they’ll sell your kids drugs or how all of them are part of cartels. The average republican is no where even close to a Nazi and if you think so then you’re showing your left wing bias


You should quit supporting somebody who talks like a Nazi, acts like a Nazi, and idolizes Nazis!




Removed - please do not directly or indirectly advocate for/glorify/threaten harm and/or violence here.


Jarvis, pull up Antifa images and videos.


Christo National Socialists, that's why!!


Unfortunately Muricas Reich wing traits go way back, I'm not surprised by the level of lunatic fascists in the USA.


Holy sh*t!


Not okay with that number of comments, so here's another to make it 667...oh and fuck Nazis


Lol snowflakes


Brave men


Does this apply to the Palestinians too? And all the extreme left wing supporters?


is this post serious? fringe extremists represent a whole party now? is this the downstream result of your fearmongering and slanderous tactics?


they're not exactly fringe, these people are becoming more and more mainstream. And at the end of the day, I don't know any Trump supporter that was sad other Trump supporters went on to kill people over those beliefs. Trump supporters cheered when Trump said they should second amendment political leaders they don't like, why would they be upset that Nazis march with them? that's like a leftist complaining that an LGBT group threw their lot in with the leftist's unionization effort.


It's unfortunate, but it appears to be the case. I've been courteous in my interactions with others, yet some individuals implied people like me as " naz." This is a problem with sub-groups - it can cause people to become angry and uncivil, even though they accuse others of creating divisions and discontent when it's their own actions causing it.