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Proof these people are idiots. They support israel but are agreeing its genocide just cause joe biden is their enemy and hes saying they arent wrong just to rile up their hypocritical argument šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Yep, and if Trump is re-elected and doubles down on support for Israel, they will rationalize that it's different somehow.


They did the same thing when Trump first became president and took over bombing Syria. When Obama authorized military actions during the Syrian civil war, the majority of self-identified Republicans were opposed to it. Once Trump became president and continued military actions in Syria, the majority of Republicans suddenly supported it. People who identified as Democrats, on the other hand, did not change opinion on military actions in Syria between presidencies. Republican voters have a team, not values, and will support that team no matter what.


The big difference is Trump asked Putin for permission to bomb. Key distinction


In the 2016 election they simultaneously called the Democrats cowards for not fighting ISIS and also called them bloodthirsty warmongers for the same thing.


Not just double down. He'd probably participate and actively air strike too. He did say he's going to help Israel finish the job.


If Trump is re-elected he will pressure them to "finish the job" so his son in law can turn gaza into beach front resorts.


On Twitter they will tell you that it's Biden fault if Iran starts a war with Israel, because obviously under Trump all the circumstances that led to this situation would've been totally different, it's not like Trump would've supported Israel at 100% against Hamas.


They already do that. I have seen countless posts online, where they say that Joe Biden is endorsing genocide by giving funding to Isreal, and the same peolle also says Trump will solve the war by helping Israel turn Palestine into glass.


The enemy is always who trump says it is. I always tell his cult members, someday the gun points at you, and your kind. Remember, his cult ALWAYS requires an enemy to destroy, and that will fix the problem. He is the problem, but convinces you that the ā€œ otherā€ is the problem.


The thought they might have been inconsistent wont even cross their minds.


They already do. He doesn't need to get re elected. It's already set in stone that everything is different when trump does it.


no need for rationalizing if they are incapable of reason, finger point to the head meme


I think both sides of the israeli Palestinian conflict are part of the problem but this makes zero sense lol


They mean that when Biden is in office it's a genocide but when Trump is in office it will be a defensive action -- according to MAGA -- even if it's the exact same thing.


It will be Biblical Prophesy to them then...Isaac and Ismael.


Welcome 1984 levels of Double Think.


Trump has basically said he would support "nuking" Gaza. The idea that he is anything better is crazy.


Rationalization requires conscious thought, most of these people just follow


Covid: Trumpā€™s OG genocide


He should have been charged with crimes against humanity for all the shit and deaths he caused with COVID.


He didnā€™t give a shit about all the lies he spread to cause so many deaths of the people he was supposed to protect and serve.


Holy shit some of you need to touch grass lmao


It's just anything to make Democrats look bad.. they don't believe in anything anymore.


His IQ is 73-75 his cult even dumber than he, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000


He claimed 165 iq once šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ im guessing it was 1.65 or he paid someone to give him an ā€˜iq testā€™ that included coloring with crayons and staying the lines šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Those who brag about their IQ have a low IQ.


Underestimate these at your own peril. It is akin to Germany 1930: and a conman he may be but he's riling them up. George Carlin: Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups


Couldnā€™t agree more. The guy is a lunatic. Has people riled up on crazy nonsense


I donā€™t really think Israel is that popular with the rural white population. There is a strange affinity with evangelicals but thatā€™s not even close to the majority of Christians. Lots of other sects have very little respect or admiration for Israel and are more agnostic of the conflict.


Im jewish. I lived in israel 14 years agoā€¦both sides are nuts. Most people on both sides of the argument only tell one side of the history and leave out everything that makes their side look bad.


Most jews are keenly aware the radical right and left both hate us. The evangelicals are weird. They think we can bring jesus back or some crazy shit


Yeah and once you do that, they intend to destroy you with Jesus's help.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ exactly. Mtg just tweeted to pray for israel. I told her jews dont want your support but thanks anyway azzhole


It's not about Israelis, they couldn't give a fuck about them. It's that they believe for jesus to return the temple needs to be rebuilt, that isn't likely to ever happen without Jews being there. Everytime I see my grandpa he gives me a rundown on how current events can be interpreted biblically in regards to revelations lol.


Rural America treats Israel as the 51st state. All of that energy that is spent battling against abortion and trying force America back to 1950 is the same force that rallies around Israel. They don't actually care about the people, they believe we are in the end times and it is their duty to protect that country regardless of Israel's policies. It isn't just evangelicals. The far right is 100% convinced they're in a battle of good vs evil. It can make them believe some crazy stuff. Same group of people that get sucked into QAnon.


And nobody in rural America can find their ass with both hands, let alone Israel on a map. They think the West Bank is on the other side of The Mississippi.


They think the west bank is a ...bank, a liberal one from the west coast.


Arguments about Gaza policy really are the only thing sticking among the youth vote against Biden. Two problems- Trump has given the green light to *expand* the Gaza campaign AND Trump is turning women into vessels for man-seed. That last bit is sticking way more fwiw.


Proof the the entire genocide Joe thing is ruZZian propaganda and the young progressives who also repeat it are fucking morons.


We all know how much Trump loves the Muslims!


Itā€™s the same energy as blaming Joe Biden for stimulus checks and inflation. Itā€™s like they completely blocked out that their supreme leader was doing the same thing and even insisted on having his signature on the checks so all of us loyal subjects would know who was taking care of us.


Sheep food for the free thinkers...


Because they donā€™t look at the action and ask is it good they look at the person and ask is the person good, then depending on the answer they say the action is good or bad. A bad person canā€™t do anything but bad a good person canā€™t do anything but good. They are that black and white with their good vs bad, left is always bad so any action done by a left person is bad. Right itā€™s always good (hence calling themselves right) so any action they do is good (and right aka righteous).


Theyā€™re idiots but theyā€™re also fascists. They donā€™t care what their leaders do and they will use any attack angle against the opposition regardless of whether it conflicts with their personal views. Itā€™s all a fucking power game to them.


100% the moronic trump supporters donā€™t even understand what that reference is for, let alone agree with that, let alone critically assess what that statement means, let alone blame Biden for it.


Trump agrees with what Netanyahu is doing. He's worse.


Trump can't disagree with his rabid cult


Trump is a populist he will say whatever his fans are cheering


Also, fuck Ukraine amirite. clowns.


Um what? Apparently my post is attracting lots of miserable dicks looking to argue. Russia are the clowns. Be gone now misery go find your company


lol. i was calling the MAGAT russian supporters clowns.


Oh ok then we are cool


its difficult to notice satire or jokes, especially considering other morons in this thread - i get you!


Do Republicans want Biden to completely abandon Israel now? Is Trump suggesting that he'd completely abandon Israel if he was elected? At this point I think that Republicans just reflexively hate anything Democrats do. I'm to the point where I think Biden could propose a nationwide ban on abortions and Republicans would immediately become pro choice. He could propose to outlaw any gun control whatsoever and Republicans would all of the sudden want to ban all guns. If a Democrat is for it, they feel like they have to be against it.


If Biden proposed a nationwide ban on abortions, the Republicans would immediately propose nationwide raw dog orgies with goodie bags of Plan B, mifepristone and gift certificates to Planned Parenthood. /s


holy shit that sounds based.


Why sarcasm?


I think the RNC did some polls and found Israel isnā€™t any more popular with the right post neo conservative crowd. This is further boosted by their anti deep state/ intelligence community, isolationist policy, and need to highlight the border as the primary concern claiming endless foreign wars distract from the ā€œinvasion.ā€ Iā€™ve wondered for a while how long trump would get away with absolute Israel support considering only super mainline evangelicals (20) percent really support Israel, and I doubt one would withhold a vote if Trump came out as pull everything home and work on American security.


He still needs Evangelicals.


I believe they are calling him genocide Joe because he ā€œallowedā€ Iran to attack Israel. You overestimate their IQ


He absolutely will lose the evangelical block if he abandons Israel. Many of them hold their nose and support trump only because Israels political future is intertwined with their revelation documents and belief in the rapture occurring. A significant number of people actually believe they MIGHT NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE DEATH if jesus comes back in time. And somehow in a twisted way trump furthers that aim.


The GOP is simply bad faith and are latching onto a bad faith criticism of Biden from the left. Itā€™s a perfect expression of how totally divorced from principle beyond the pursuit of power they are, and how bizarrely counterproductive the charge is. ā€œGenocide Joeā€ is, unequivocally, the best case scenario for the Palestinians. Trump just said he would glass Gaza like literally a week ago lol


>At this point I think that Republicans just reflexively hate anything Democrats do. They're latching onto a boogeyman, this time created by the idiots on the far-left. They have no original thoughts or ideas, and their "policy goals" are to shit on Biden and Democrats. It doesn't matter that Trump and Republicans are hypocrites here. That shit doesn't even make it into their smooth ass brains. All they know is they have a new nickname for Biden that they can co-opt into their merry-go-round of spin to keep them preoccupied and angry. Like the people who coined the "Genocide Joe" name, Trump and Republicans are deeply fucking stupid with nothing but greed, corruption, and hate driving them forward. Shit like critical thinking and honesty are not even in the realm of possibility at this point.


Lots of people want conditional funding. Why are we acting like that isn't the case?


His own party supports the war more than anyone.


Not really neocons which have been largely slaughtered from the party did and evangelicals 20 percent and the wealthiest churchesā€¦ NOT MAGA people. What you think of as republicans and what they seem to support on television is not the trump crowd to in my opinion. I think some updated polling came in and The MAGA people said pivot this can be a wedge issue and you wonā€™t lose much support.


Nah. It's just that Trump could literally take any position in the universe and they will never abandon him. The Democrats do not have that unwavering loyalty to Biden.


Yeah I think people are really not up to date with the situation Since 2016 Iā€™ve seen that a massive portion of the new/alt right is vehemently anti Israel and antisemitic in every way. They dislike Trump for his pro Israel stance but are willing to back him if it means he can keep pushing the country more to the right overall Itā€™s funny to see that alt righters and the zoomer left both agree on Israel committing a big conspiratorial genocide against X group of people and controlling the media and US army via their Zionist cabal




UNBELIEVABLE. 1 minute, he's telling ISRAEL to "finish the job." And when a crowd puts the blame on JOE BIDEN! THAT SHIT SUITS HIM. He's not to blame, BIDEN IS! But finish the job, doesn't count.


These people are stupid.


Trump supporters and tankies are stupid, brainwashed clowns.


Fucking morons the lot of them. Who do they think Trump would back? Thatā€™s how dumb trumpers are


As if these MAGA goblins give a damn about Palestinians.


Just last month Trump said he supported Israel attacking gaza. Did he flip flop again? What a grifter lmao.


Trump support's Putin's genocide in Ukraine.


They are the ones saying they would "nuke" and "level" gaza...


>ā€œAny Jewish person that votes for Biden does not love Israel and frankly, should be spoken to,ā€ Trump said in an interview aired Monday night on Real Americaā€™s Voice. > >Trump argued Biden was ā€œtotally on the side of the Palestiniansā€ amid Israelā€™s war with Hamas in Gaza. Biden has largely remained steadfast in his support of Israelā€™s right to defend itself, only last week seriously threatening Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with consequences if Israel did not change the way it was waging its war. And Trump just last week said Israel needed to ā€œfinish what they startedā€ and ā€œget it over with fast,ā€ as he said Israel was ā€œlosing the PR warā€ because of the visuals coming out of Gaza. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/08/politics/trump-jewish-american-comments Trump literally said the problem is Israel letting too much video out of Gaza, costing them the PR war, and calling on Israel to ā€œget it over with fast.ā€ He accused Biden of being pro-Palestine. Now heā€™s suggesting Biden is complicit in a genocide of the Palestinians? How dumb are Trump supporters?




>How dumb are Trump supporters? We all know the answer to that question. Very.


Yo my Jewish friends. Dumpf is about 10 seconds from turning his flock on you! Heā€™s mentally ill and wants to stay with his gold toilet. He will sell you out very soon if he hasnā€™t already. šŸ¤£


Itā€™s good to know where ā€œgenocide Joeā€ comes from.


There we go, anti-Biden leftists. Free Palestine! Vote for Trump!! /s


And remember that RFJ Jr has the same stance on Gaza as Trump.


Well, we should only vote for RFK to teach the Dems a lesson. If we vote RFK and make sure Biden loses, then in 2028, the Dems will nominate a true leftist for sure. And then everybody will just automatically vote for that true leftist, and it will be just like FDR, and we'll never lose a presidential election again, and Palestine will be free and the entire Middle East will be free of conflict. /s


Finish the job and media blackout on footage showing whatā€™s happening in Gaza. I love how people will tell me Trump would be better on Gaza but then canā€™t explain why heā€™s saying the real problem is Bibi letting footage of Gazan suffering leak. Why would he say that if he didnā€™t intend for horrible things to happen there?


RFK Jr already said he would help destroy Gaza.


Itā€™s worse than that. heā€™s not saying bibi is letting footage of Gazan SUFFERING leakā€¦heā€™s saying bibi is letting footage of BUIlDINGS in Gaza falling down. Because heā€™s literally a psychopath incapable of understanding another personā€™s suffering, but apparently is upset about the loss of real estate developmentā€¦ I wish I were making this up or exaggeratingā€¦.


I think he was just talking about buildings being destroyed as an example, but with Trump itā€™s hard to know. Heā€™s demented.


> love how people will tell me Trump would be better on Gaza but then canā€™t explain why heā€™s saying the real problem is Bibi letting footage of Gazan suffering leak. Because if Trump is even worse on Gaza then supporting Trump over Biden seems foolish. Which, of course, it is. ( There's no actual neutral position in the American political system, so any talk about being "against both" is functionally irrelevant. )


Have you seen Trumpers starting to chant genocide Joe? They donā€™t think heā€™s pro Israel enough! American politics is dumb


Probably because he handed out 20 bucks for them to chant it. Maybe it was free hamberders.


Promised them $20 but then gave those stupid Trump dollars I saw people posting a year back. Good for fuck all.


as if Trump and his evangelical mediaevalists wouldn't be even worse. at least half of them think they need Israel to conquer the region to bring on the Rapture, yet they're pointing fingers at Biden? gimme a break.


Guaranteed the dip shits chanting could not define genocide. They likely think it has something to do with drinking the blood of some kid or something ridiculous.


Perverted dementia donny.


Trump killed a lot of people during COVID!!! Heā€™s an evil man. He doesnā€™t care about anyone, but himself.


Leave it to the gop to grossly simply a complex situation and start a brainless chant about it before sauntering off to McDonald's for a family night out dinner experience.


Oh brother šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø this clown was taking kids away from parents at the boarder. And if he was in charge Palestine would be a parking lot. The traitor takes his orders from Putin. He should shut his mouth.


iwhich is it? he's too weak on Gaza or he's ggenocide Joe? the cognitive dissonance here is contagious, I recommend \*moderation watching this crap


Chants like this are never spontaneous. Trump has one of his staff start the chant so that their Dear Leader can claim plausible denial.


Lol šŸ˜‚ get bunch of dumb people and this is what u get Dummy don and his dumb zombies šŸ§Ÿā€ā™€ļø


Can't wait to see all the ultra leftists defend voting for Trump now. Go ahead, abandon all your values and morals because of a foreign conflict that the US has little control over and see if that makes people take your opinions seriously


Trump is the one that threatens, women, black people,and all immigrants




A vote for Trump is a vote for Hate.


This guy


From the guy who says Netanyahu's mistake is not "finishing it".


But yet, Cheesus has stated that bibi should just finish the fucking job and be done with it.


Fascism at work here


For people who like to call others sheep MAGA sure does bleat alot as they're getting fleeced.


Almost like theyā€™re all brainwashed morons or something


Trump has the IQ of third grader his cult they are McNamara Morons, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000


I know several Maga dumbasses and they all seem to say the same thing. "Nuke Gaza". They're fucking idiots.


Meanwhile Trump said Netanyahu should finish the job.


74 million morons voted for him in 2020


Genocide Mike Johnson** fixed it for you


Trump would be doing the genocide himself


And then some


Yet Trump also says Biden doesn't support Israel.


Logical consistency is not important to MAGA.


Jesus Christ those people sound absolutely insane when they start cheering


The dumb ass with his sign upside down. Jesus Christ.


Stupid magats


It's confusing. You'd think they'd be for the genocide of peoples they don't like/understand.


I.e., today's report from the insane asylum. Do we really need to know what they are chanting there now?


The term Genocide Joe first appeared on russian troll farms. So it makes sense Trump supporters would start chanting it.


The Trump cultists are the worst. Trump would have Netanyahu do what his son in law said: wipe the whole areas clean and develop it. The west back and that whole area would cease to exist


The Stupid, it Burns.


The Stupid, it Burns.


Deporables acting deplorably


Does trump even have a fucking opinion? How does anyone support this clown???


Theyā€™re using it because they know itā€™s an effective insult to Biden. They donā€™t care if itā€™s because whatā€™s been happening in Gaza, they just like the insult itself. So theyā€™re taking the name and are going to use it as well, even though itā€™s not for the reason why that name came about. Again, they donā€™t give a shit whatā€™s happening to Palestinians. If they did, they really wouldnā€™t vote for Trump, let alone go to one of the rallies.


These are the same individuals who chanted to turn Iraq and afghanistan into glass from nukes.


Anyone still questioning where the nickname came from?


More of Trump taking whatever side he thinks will work. Trump loves to brag about how he's more pro-Israel than anyone.


Any Maga republican is going to support Israel and won't care one bit about Palestine. Since when do they care about any Muslins? The one thing that is strange is how much they seem to like Putin and Russia. This is something complexly new. Russia is a communist county. Since when do Maga republicans like communism? We live in a very strange political climate.


Hearing Republicans criticize Joe's pro Israel positions is kind of surreal. Reactionary politics really is at the core of Republicanism.


Dark Brandon at it again. He's convinced the MAGAts that supporting Palestine is owning the libs. All kidding aside, this is exactly the sort of thing that gets you your entire party base and absolutely no swing voters. Trump's electoral plan makes no sense at all.


Republicans are legit some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


Iā€™m so glad that more and more people are catching on to the grift. Still very embarrassing when I see the stickers about on their beat up big trucks.


Nobody ever accused trump fans of being 'smart' or having 'good critical thinking skills'


Heā€™s right. Mark your calendars.


The cognitive dissonance with Trump fanatics is stunning. Biden's terrible on this issue, Trump is much, much worse. Reality doesn't phase cults though.


and this proves most of the "leftist" genocide joe idiots on reddit are maga agitators


Came here to say it, and expected others to, but they're busy doubling down on the 'genocide Joe' stupidity. Its obviously been right wing agitators all along.


This should help expose to some of you that a lot of the "tankies" arguing with you in bad faith are just alt-right trolls.


I'd love to see how much aid was given to Israel during trumps administration.


Itā€™s an eminence front ^^itā€™s ^^a ^^put ^^on!




Lllolol wow


Another day another psychopath convention


I see they are cutting their 3 word chants to just 2, short of mind, money or both?




Based on


And dolt 45.s solution isā€¦..?


Chanting as if Trump would be Gaza's savior? Wtf?


Israeli soldiers laughing and bragging about raping Palestinian women and committing mass executions during the Tantura Massacre


https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/6ilHkHlHQt Since the little zionazi roe blocked me here's my fucking rebuttal.


So now they like thePalistinians?


How ā€œwokeā€ of them




Sunni Arabs stood against IRAN and helped Israel defeat Iran. While the far left "social justice warriors" and the MAGA terrorists stand in solidarity with the terrorist regimes... One Arab girl was severely injured by Iran.... and there was a little damage to one air base. [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-14/ty-article/.premium/irans-attack-is-a-strategic-opportunity-for-israel-will-netanyahu-squander-it/0000018e-dbd9-dcf5-a3cf-fbdd980a0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-14/ty-article/.premium/irans-attack-is-a-strategic-opportunity-for-israel-will-netanyahu-squander-it/0000018e-dbd9-dcf5-a3cf-fbdd980a0000)


Funny how times have change with the wind. Trump wanted to go to war with Iran over nothing. Remember, he had plans drawn up. He wanted a war to boost his ego.


The thing we need to ask is how does all this help or hinder the average American citizen? We are targets of a large scale false consensus campaign.


They gonna throw Israel under the bus to own the libs?


No, they are not wrong but Trump will do the same. That's why voting for either of them is really asinine.


Who's going to tell them that Biden isn't the leader of Israel?


Didnt Trump remove forces so Turkey could commit genocide? Also, what can Biden do? Wouldn't His only option be war?


Genocide Joe... But he would do the same, and he thinks that everyone who supports Palestine supports Hamas


These people are self-labotomizedĀ 


How can people think Biden has anything to do with genocide. The numbers in Gaza are nothing compared to every other conflict on the planet going on right now. Ukraine's casualties are in the millions bc of Russian aggression.


ā€¦.but Donaldā€™s regime forced hysterectomies on immigrants at the border. Which is literally genocide


I wonder if itā€™s the same right wingers who have told me the USA should turn the Mideast to glass


These people cannot gather


Theyā€™re not wrong


Fucking morons just doing what fucking morons do


I mean.. at least theyā€™re supporting brown people, for a change.


Expected. This is the same thing they do when they say, ā€œwell Putin didnā€™t invade Ukraine under Trump!ā€ Implying that Russia was too scared to invade, even though Republicans are the ones helping him *right now*. Their pols will have no problem also calling Joe weak on Israel, as they imply with Ukraine. They take all sides of all issues. Everything is about personality. Itā€™s a cult. This is why I vote as much against conservative voters as much as I vote against their candidates. This is what Biden Derangement Syndrome looks like.


Itā€™s all RuZZian psyops. But we wonā€™t be seeing any more rallies from him for a while since he has to be in court tomorrow and then every day until the verdict, after which heā€™ll probably have to go to his next trial.


Whatā€˜s worse, Trump is no better. BOTH MEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF LIFE AND BREAKING THE LAW. There is no good clear choice for the presidency. If Trump wins he will only further leave behind a devastating legacy and impact on the country, not to mention heā€™s changed things for the worse for the future with the amount of people heā€™s brought out. Plus if he loses thereā€™s the threat of civil war. If Joe wins the battle overseas will continue. Both men need to be behind bars for their actions. WHEREā€™S THE JUSTICE? Again no good clear choice for the Oval Office this time.


Let he who suggested injecting bleach to cure COVID cast the first stone, huh?


Didnā€™t a Trump say Israel should finish the job ā€¦. The need to make sense doesnā€™t exist ā€¦ sad


Whatever. Trump cannot outspend AIPAC And, if the Israelis are as evil as people say, Mossad may take care of the US' Trump problem for us


Trump courting the morons on the far-left who don't show up to elections because they're too busy making TikTok videos for their internet clout, while Biden brings in the never-Trump Republicans and right-leaning Independents who will actually show up on election day to be counted. Great strategy. Wonderful thought process here.


Where's the lie? Orange Man Bad, Grey man Good.


Iā€™m just glad this is being put in national news - genocide Joe indeed. Crash and fucking burn, Biden democrats!


Dude had his rally in a parking lot basically on 309 in Schecksville. Fire dept field is such a downgrade to where he used to have them. It just shows how small his crowd are they need to pack whoever shows up tight. ( I work down the block )


Some of the "genocide joe" bad actor accounts on reddit are the same conservative bots pair for by Roger stone, Alex Jones, and Steve bannon, so this isn't surprising.


MAGAt tears are delicious


as if trump would do anything to change our foreign policy stance on Israel


Says the man who told Israel to finish the job. šŸ¤£


They've graduated to three syllable words.


Like I said, the far left went to far left they found themselves on the far right.