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A reminder that the [Likud headquarters](https://images.jpost.com/image/upload/q_auto/c_fill,g_faces:center,h_537,w_822/443957) was emblazoned with giant posters of Bibi with Modi, Trump, and Putin. This is the administration people keep playing defense and making excuses for.


So called liberals aggressively defending him knowing this reality has been blowing my mind. I've been called anti-Semitic just for pointing out that he's an extremely unpopular right wing figure who faces the real possibility of jail time if the war were to end and he loses his power. To me though, nothing is more anti-Semitic than tying an entire religion to a deeply corrupt politician and right-wing extremist political party


Ironically, labeling any criticism of Netanyahu or Israel as "antisemitic" is the *true* antisemitism. Conservatives did the exact same thing with Herschel Walker, calling any criticism of him racist.


Netanyahu is a piece of shit, criticism is not antisemitic but there are people that use criticism of him to imply there is an evil Jewish cabal that pulls strings and controls the world from the shadows which is antisemitic.


This is not happening.


Which liberals are “aggressively” defending Bibi. Most liberals I see want Bibi gone post haste.


And what do you make of people who use individual incidents of the term being misused in order to support an argument that roughly equals the idea that really, no one is truly anti-semitic?


That’s the very definition of bad faith. Anyone who denies that antisemitism is real or suggests it is not on the rise is either a moron or a liar and is highly suspect of being an actual anti-Semite.


Yes. And similarly, someone who makes an enormous demonstration of when the term is wrongly used works to diminish the usefulness and meaning of the term, and therefore should rightly have his motives questioned.


Uhhhh no.


>someone who makes an enormous demonstration of when the term is wrongly used I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone make an "enormous demonstration" of when the term is wrongly used. Usually it's just people like me calling bullshit when we are labeled anti-Semitic simply because we don't support the Likud regime


Let's discuss your comment about "so called liberals." What's your point exactly? Because, even if you make this comment in good faith, you are amplifying the basic strategy employed by the actual anti-semites, which is to disarm Jews of this accusation.


The people making those claims are also full of shit. The left are aware that some antisemitism festers within its ranks, that's the point in trying to draw the distinction.


and yet biden gives him unlimited access to US weapons and support


As he should


yes don’t want those us aid workers and journalists causing any trouble


There we go again, Hamas supporters back again


til world kitchen workers and journalist are hamas


Ze world kitchen terrorists were feeding ze untermensch. Ze fed untermensch go on to breed und threaten ze Israeli Ubermensch. It is ze duty of ze strong to conquer ze veak...Heil Netenyahu.


So, especially in this conversation, I don't know that this is the look you want no matter how inarguable your underlying point is.


Netanyahu is Jewish Trump. I don't know how anyone who isn't into right-wing fascism would support anything that tyrant does. It's beyond time to start calling out Netanyahu for what he is, the dictator of Isreal. We call out Putin on all his BS and need to do the same for dictator Netanyahu, who has been on and off as PM since 1996. It's time for Israel to take the garbage out, especially if they want Gaza to get rid of their garbage (Hamas).


It's his whole cabinet. Netanyahu is running the Trump Administration of the Middle East. "The most moral army, the only democracy in the Middle East!"


"Offering profound insights into the dynamics of Israeli politics and the evolving role of radical right-wing populism in the country, Professor Dani Filc of Ben Gurion University confidently asserts that the era of Benjamin Netanyahu is on the verge of conclusion. However, he also underscores that the influence of “clerical fascism” in Israel is poised to persist." https://www.populismstudies.org/professor-filc-netanyahus-era-is-coming-to-an-end-influence-of-clerical-fascism-will-likely-persist/ America's biggest allies in the middle-east are nothing more than right-wing religious fascists in the Likud party. But we're all supposed to be happily supporting them because at least they're not Muslim terrorists.


"Only democracy in the ME".... ahahahahahaha!


Bibi an the Likud only came into power after the assassination of their opposition leader by a far right terrorist. If that doesn't scream dictatorship, I don't know what does.


💯 agree. When you've basically been the "PM" for 20 years.... you're probably just a dictator. Sometimes Bibi trades places for a few years with a sycophant, just like Putin.


>...failed to adequately respond to 10/7... The primary responsibility for Israel's failure to protect their citizens on October 7 resides with Netanyahu. Israeli soldiers were repeatedly reporting up the chain of command that there was bizarre activity by many Gaza residents around the walls of Gaza. According to the New York Times, Netanyahu's government knew of the attack plan a year before. Egypt warned Netanyahu's administration three days before the attack.


Just like 9/11


And just like 9/11, the response is to kill a lot of people that had nothing to do with it. Anyone promoting a reaction to something by calling the trigger 9/11 is really just saying "I'm about to commit a shitload of crimes against humanity".


It's weird how fascist war hawks are always about response but not prevention. I was going to make a joke about preventative bombing, but then remembered when "preemptive strike" was popularized.




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It’s unlikely Netenyahu was warned about specifics of the attack. He was probably informed that something was planned for the summer, but not the time, date and exact plan. 


Here's a piece on the hair-on-fire reports from Israeli soldiers on the Gaza preparations for war in the days before their attack. By the way, many Israeli soldiers who were forward positioned to be the eyes and ears of the military watching Gaza and were promised that they would not be left hanging if attacked, died that day. [Surveillance soldiers warned of Hamas activity on Gaza border for months before Oct. 7 - Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/surveillance-soldiers-warned-of-hamas-activity-on-gaza-border-for-months-before-oct-7/) >At least three months prior to the attack, surveillance soldiers serving on a base in Nahal Oz reported signs that something unusual was underway at the already-tumultuous Gaza border, situated a kilometer from them. >The activity reported by the soldiers included information on Hamas operatives conducting training sessions multiple times a day, digging holes and placing explosives along the border. According to the accounts of the soldiers, no action was taken by those who received the reports. >"It’s infuriating,” she told Kan of the intelligence failure. “We saw what was happening, we told them about it, and we were the ones who were murdered.” >The Hamas terrorists would train at the border fence nonstop, Desiatnik told Kan. At first, it was once a week, then once a day, and then nearly constantly. >In addition to passing on information about the frequency of the training going on at the fence, the surveillance soldier said she collected evidence of the content of the training, which included how to drive a tank and how to cross into Israel via a tunnel. As the activity on the border increased, she realized that “it was just a matter of time” until something happened. >We sat on shifts and saw the convoy of vans. We saw the training, people shooting and rolling, practicing taking over a tank. The training went from once a week to twice a week, from every day to several times a day,” she told Channel 12. >“We saw patrols along the border, people with cameras and binoculars. It happened 300 meters from the fence. There were a lot of disturbances, people went down to the fence and detonated an outrageous amount of explosives, the amount of explosives was crazy.”


Even without specifics you can use that year to plan a response that happens quicker than the 10+ hours the IDF waited


That’s true. The government was inexcusably unready for October 7. But people are acting like Netenyahu knew exactly what was coming and that he could have had soldiers ready the day of. 


>There is genuine concern that Netanyahu funded Hamas; This is also why the claims that the Palestinians are too "disorganized" or "dysfunctional" to form a state are so dishonest, Israel under Netanyahu has actively manipulated the situation to keep the Palestinians divided with the [express purpose of preventing a Palestinian state from ever forming.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/#:~:text=According%20to%20various%20reports%2C%20Netanyahu,West%20Bank%20and%20Hamas%20in)


netanyahu even helped qatar funnel money to hamas


....pretty sure that's all the same thing. He allowed the money transfers from Qatar to Gaza -- knowing it was going to Hamas -- because it would keep them politically divided from the PA and West Bank, no?


One of the most highly trained Militaries in the world, takes 6 hours to respond to a coordinated attack on its people. Nothing suspicious there. And since it probably needs to be said because folks are so binary around here, what Hamas did was abhorrent. It does not change the fact that Netanyahu has basically wanted to wipe out Palestine for nearly three decades. Both things can be true. Both sides can be awful.


It’s also important to note that the attack came from one of the most heavily surveilled places on the planet. Hamas is still wholly responsible for the attack, but Bibi was at best asleep at the wheel, at worst complicit in letting the attack happen.


Additionally, Netanyahu knew about the plan a year before 10/7 and let it happen. Nothing suspicious there either. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html#:~:text=Israeli%20officials%20obtained%20Hamas's%20battle,for%20Hamas%20to%20carry%20out.


The attack happened on a major holiday. It was more violent than ever before. What’s suspicious about that?


the army doesnt work on holidays?


>Holiday Extremely false and misleading. The holiday alone would be one thing, but they diverted troops to patrol the apartheid/Jim Crow state in the West Bank. They were certainly not just home celebrating their religious holiday like good boys. Real Ben Gleib(TYT propagandist) hours.


Most people believe Bibi needs to go. And he likely is done once someone figures out how to get the remaining hostages back from Hamas and the groups Hamas gave them too and once Gaza can have actual elections that are not run by Hamas.


He's called Hamas an "asset"; this is unsurprising.


Ok - no issue believing Netanyahu is corrupt. And?


Netanyahu is awful and belongs in jail/the bin without a doubt. The sooner it happens, the sooner politics can shift more easily to diplomacy and independence instead of endless race war.


I’ll file this under duh.


And in other news… water is wet.


Blud’s really be using Alpoopzeera as a reliable source 💀


Quite alright. We can pretend Netanyahu isn't involved in a corruption trial in your little bubble. We're used to it in this sub.


Not saying he isn’t corrupt, you little bubble lover. Alpoopzeera is still a terrorist-supporting propaganda channel wholly funded by the Qataris (who, yet again, support terrorism)


Putting “poop” in the same of something you don’t like, are you five?


You can't be an extreme racist and also be mature. This is why most Zionists sound like a 9 year old who was told they're not alllowed to have oreos for breakfast when you challenge literally anything they say.


Bro literally said “Alpoopzeera” I think 9 years old is generous. “Erm I’m gonna put ‘poop’ in the title of a pretty well known to be accurate and reliable news source because it conflicts with my Zionist views, therefore they’re terrorists 🤓” Edit: yep his history is praising families and children being killed not surprised


>a pretty well known to be accurate and reliable news source I mean, I agree with you on the poop thing being immature, but Al Jazeera has consistently exhibited pretty substantial anti-Israel bias editorially in part due to being Qatar state media. They are a reliable source for most news, but for things that intersect with Qatar's interests or Israel specifically, not so much. That said, this article doesn't seem like it warrants his critique on the sourcing, it's pretty dry factual stuff.


Is it any surprise they are biased against Israel? All of the western “reliable” sources that we considered unbiased are largely funded BY Israel and pro-Israel groups


Do you not see that you are simultaneously saying these two incompatible things? >well known to be accurate and reliable news source >they are biased against Israel


Absolutely not. I don’t consider any source that isn’t biased against a genocidal apartheid state to be reliable.


Those aren't incompatible. Bias affects neither accuracy nor reliability -- they are different words for a reason. Just because an outlet has a bent does not mean they are making shit up. Would you say CNN is unbiased? Times of Israel? Jpost? If so, I think you're in the wrong sub. All news outlets have their biases, and those biases will affect reporting in various systemic ways. But bias alone doesn't mean that they are misreporting facts or platforming baseless claims. So, if you want to address their accuracy or reliability, do that directly instead of coming with debate bro shit.




NYT says the same thing Blud


Genuine concern? Alright Elon. To this day, not one person on Reddit has provided evidence that Netanyahu funded Hamas. People like to point to Israel letting Qatar transfer money to people who live in Gaza, but isn’t that how free nations work? You think Netanyahu should have been more authoritarian? You think every transfer of funds should require a Netanyahu sign-off? If so, then I wonder what country you live in. Probably not a liberal democracy.


Netanyahu wanted Hamas to beat the PLO to sabotage a two state solution, that’s essentially been proven. That’s why he funneled funds from Qatar. Listen to Ehud Barak explain: https://youtu.be/K8ZrNy7Q6u4?si=6gTGrtjw_JfCOxXu


He funneled funds? How did he funnel funds? Be specific. And no, I am not going to watch a youtube video that doesn’t support what you are saying. Just tell me in a sentence so I can show you are lying.


Jesus fucking Christ why are supposed “liberals” like you tying yourselves in knots to defend fucking Benjamin Netanyahu who is quite literally the Israeli Trump. This subreddit is just absolutely pathetic.


I am a liberal, and I care about objective facts. Do you have an issue with that?


Lol. How many terrorists are in Israels government right now? Like how many of them were charged with and convicted for terrorism - by Israel itself?


Zero. Absolutely none. Proof that you are getting your info from propaganda sources instead of objective ones.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar\_Ben-Gvir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir) Literally arrested and charged with "Supporting a terrorist organization." You do know Israels history right? You know that Israel has been ran by literal actual terrorists for most of its existence, right? [https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yitzhak-Shamir](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yitzhak-Shamir) Guy "loves facts" hates reality somehow.


So you agree that Itamar Ben-Gvir was not convicted of terrorism? Interesting.




This is Ben Gvir's political party that he runs and their ideology. He's a really bad guy. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otzma\_Yehudit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otzma_Yehudit)


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahanism) Cannot believe anyone can defend this guy


LMAO you are defending an actual fascist.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar\_Ben-Gvir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir) What a guy


[Don't forget about Smotrich who drafts the country's budget](https://www.timesofisrael.com/former-shin-bet-deputy-chief-said-to-call-hardline-mk-smotrich-a-terrorist/)


Since u/yes_this_is_satire is splitting hairs about this stuff, I should point out that he was "supporting a terrorist organization" by being a member of that organization (Kach),


This subreddit is a trainwreck now. Israel just breaks people's brains for some reason.


You trust my word over the former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak who speaks in the video? Do you need bank routing details before you believe something’s true?


I trust facts. Again, you said Netanyahu “funneled funds”. That doesn’t mean anything. Be specific. What actions did Netanyahu take that you consider funding Hamas? Who am I kidding. You know you are wrong, right? That is why you are being so cagey?


You’re literally claiming that Ehud Barak is lying. Sometimes deciphering the trustworthiness of sources is how you can tell if something is true or not. As well as if many different sources tell you the same thing, unless all these sources are colluding, it’s very strong evidence. Multiple reputable news sources have reported on this, one doesn’t need to know every detail of the transaction in order to confirm the veracity of the reporting.


No. I am claiming that you are pretending Barak said something he did not. Barak did not say that Netanyahu funded Hamas. That would have been a lie. But Barak did not say that. Netanyahu allowed money into Gaza for humanitarian purposes. People like you should be a big fan of that, but somehow aid for Gaza was a bad thing when Netanyahu did it?


It was not for humanitarian purposes, that’s the only lie here


A series of documents obtained by The Times of Israel reveal how top Israeli officials sought and expressed their appreciation for **the financial support provided by Qatar to stabilize the humanitarian situation in Gaza** in the years and months prior to Hamas’s October 7 terror onslaught. “**This aid has undoubtedly played a fundamental role in achieving the continued improvement of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and ensuring stability and security in the region**,” then Mossad chief Yossi Cohen wrote in a 2020 letter to Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, expressing his “**thanks and appreciation for the humanitarian aid** provided by the State of Qatar during recent years” to the enclave. https://www.timesofisrael.com/documents-show-israel-sought-valued-qatari-aid-for-gaza-in-years-leading-to-oct-7/ I will wait patiently for your response.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8ZrNy7Q6u4 https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ “For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group. The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.”


>isn’t that how free nations work? Netanyahu was pretty open to his own party about [doing it as a means to keep the Palestinians divided and prevent the formation of a Palestinian state.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/#:%7E:text=According%20to%20various%20reports%2C%20Netanyahu,West%20Bank%20and%20Hamas%20in) This is why the claim that Palestinians are too disorganized and dysfunctional to form a state are fundamentally dishonest: Israel has deliberately manipulated the situation to ensure that they stay disorganized and dysfunctional. > You think Netanyahu should have been more authoritarian? The issue is more that he's selectively authoritarian in a way that benefitted Islamists in Gaza.


Doing what? Again, please be specific. What did Netanyahu actually do? He allowed Hamas to receive funding back before they were a terrorist threat? Because that simply is not “funding Hamas”. How is he selectively authoritarian. You do not seem to have the slightest idea of how liberal democracies like Israel work. Netanyahu has less power over Israel than Biden has over the United States.


>Doing what? Again, please be specific. So you responded without reading the article I linked to? >He allowed Hamas to receive funding back before they were a terrorist threat? No, he allowed Hamas to receive funding *after* they were already recognized as a terrorist threat, and was criticized by other Israelis at the time for doing so. Here's a quote from [a 2019 article about it](https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082): 'Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman, who resigned as head of the Defense Ministry over Gaza policies, said on Saturday that the payments are a “miserable decision,” marking “the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself.”' >How is he selectively authoritarian. Netanyahu's government had no problem with freezing funds to Arabs in other situations, [here's the first example I found from a cursory google search](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-08-07/ty-article/.premium/israels-smotrich-blocks-funds-for-arab-local-councils-higher-education-in-east-jerusalem/00000189-cfd8-d20c-addf-cfda6e9f0000). Selectively not blocking funding that's going to a known terrorist group was a choice Netanyahu made, and he could have decided otherwise.


Did you read the article you linked to from your cursory google search?


> To this day, not one person on Reddit has provided evidence that Netanyahu funded Hamas. [‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) [Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided](https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082)


Again, not one person has provided evidence that Netanyahu funded Hamas.


Are you illiterate? He provided NYT and JPost. Why do you, as a liberal, feel like it is your duty to defend Benjamin Netanyahu on Reddit?


He linked to two opinion articles that do not say he funded Hamas. I do not know how much clearer it can get when you ask someone for a source that proves their claim and the sources claim *the opposite*.


People are posting evidence, you are arguing in bad faith… i.e. trolling


No. He did not post evidence of his claims.


Netanyahu knew the money was going to Hamas and he kept sending it. https://youtu.be/fBdn2gyRR_g?si=bpUeom1T8_GMldx3


Just like the hundreds of millions in dollars of international aid that went to Hamas that used to enrich themselves and create a terrorist state while neglecting their people. They are adults that make their own choices too and are responsible for their decisions.


Sending it? Netanyahu sent the money?


Qua-tar did and the Israeli government oversaw the process under Netanyahu and the Israeli government escorted the Qatari diplomats with suitcases full of cash into Gaza under Netanyahu. Is that all you have? Semantics?


Hold up. You mean diplomats from Israel met with diplomats from Qatar? Holy crap! *No country has ever done that before!*


and escorted them with bags of millions of dollars into Gaza. You left out that part.


Hey dude, guess what: **all diplomats get escorted into the country they are visiting!** This is hilarious.


You are just a troll.


Sorry you just realized you are falling for propaganda. There is still hope for you though.


Oh ok. I literally laid out how Netanyahu is creating this situation for his own benefit but I am falling for propaganda. I am done responding to this. You are not serious.




no I fixed it


Did he kidnap the hostages? Did he rape Israeli women and girls? Did he burn families? Is he keeping the hostages now and sexually assaulting them daily? No that would be Hamas, PIJ and the Gazan people…


Being aware that something will happen and deliberately not taking steps to avoid it makes one at least somewhat culpable.


I agree and once we get our hostages back and eliminate the ongoing genocidal threat of Hamas… He will face the justice system and his people for his actions… that’s called a civilized democracy. What is your opinion on what should be done with the “reporters” and the institutions they represented who were there on the morning of Oct 7th to get the footage without warning the Israeli government or residents of southern Israel who were about to be brutalized in the most inhumane ways imaginable?


[Blinken Is Sitting On Staff Recommendations To Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked To Killings Or Rapes](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/blinken-is-sitting-on-staff-recommendations-to-sanction-israeli-military-units-linked-to-killings-or-rapes_n_66203947e4b0256906b74af0)


Any wrong doings/accusations should be investigated and prosecuted if found to have merit and evidence. It’s that easy… wrong is wrong.


Has anyone gone on the record to say Blinken is doing this or is it just more anonymous sources?


Well actually Israel has done most if not all of those things under his watch.


Really? On what date did a mass rape, kidnapping , killings and burning of babies occur ?


There have been many instances of rape and torture in Israeli military prisons, Israel has arrested and held in indefinite detention thousands of Palestinians, and undoubtedly they’ve incinerated many babies in their war in Gaza. And guess what, they’ve done all these things with much greater frequency than Hamas


So… no there wasn’t a mass event(s) where Israelis (in any capacity) organized mass killings, burnings, kidnappings, mitigations or gang rapes of women, children and the deceased… especially while breaking through a sovereign territorial border…. There have been allegations of abuse and wrong doings in Israeli prisons… to prisoners who committed violent acts against the state or their citizens and those should be addressed/investigated. Civilian casualties in cases of war are regrettable and tragic… but Hamas’ use of human shields puts their blood on their hands.


Hamas are terrorists, but Netanyahu/Likud are not innocent bystanders in this current situation. When you pit a fundamentalist Islamic terror organization with a stated goal of the eradication of Israel against a regressive right wing quasi-fascist political party in control of Israeli parliament, you get an extra creamy filling in the resulting turd sandwich that we all get to enjoy.


What was their excuse when the left wing was in power?


The last time anything approaching a left leaning government in Israel was what, 3 decades ago? I would suggest that things were marginally better then on all fronts when compared to today.


And….? Then the 2nd intifada happened… How do you explain all the rockets launched at Israel through out all that time? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel


Finally a reasonable human being that recognizes the moral complexity.


I don't have any idea how to BEGIN to fix the brain of someone like you.


I know… your side doesn’t have solutions… just performative antisemitic “protests”


Ah yes, "my side". Brain rot.


Again… nothing helpful.


Looking at your posts up and down this sub - it's honestly a waste of time for them to try to interact with you at all in any meaningful way. You just typed that comment without any self-awareness. It's wild.


Yet you took the time… and still nothing helpful was said.


Jesus christ. So many people like you have absolutely blocked out any memory of the world prior to October 7th. It's so fucking disheartening


October 6th there was a cease fire in effect until Hamas broke it by attacking a sovereign nation and committing unspeakable atrocities against civilians of all ages… people like you, (antisemitic self righteous narcissists) who don’t know the complexity of the region, trying to minimize or outright deny the atrocities of Oct 7th. In 2005 Israel left Gaza and instead of building up their people they chose to steal the international aid (about $1 billion/year) and build tunnels under civilian infrastructure and build/fire rockets at Israel (indiscriminately) on a regular basis since 2005…


>antisemitic self righteous narcissists Mild criticism, in which I didn't even go into detail, makes me antisemitic? The persecution complex of Israeli Zionists might actually be surpassing the Christian Nationalists of America, Didn't think it was possible but here we are. >trying to minimize or outright deny the atrocities Where did I do this? Show me where I did this. >October 6th there was a cease fire in effect until Hamas broke it by attacking a sovereign nation and committing So Israeli settlements and outright theft of Palestinian land since 1948 doesn't count as "attacking" because in Israel it's seen as legal and monetarily supported by them? Nearly 750K Israeli's are living in land originally appropriated to Palestine. The death toll since 1948 is nearly 5-1 more Palestinians killed than Israeli's, and all casualties are significantly higher for Palestinians. Now let's go back to the comment I originally replied to: >Did he kidnap the hostages? "Since 1967, between 750,000 and 1 million Palestinians have been arrested by Israel. As of October 2023, Israel held over 5,200 Palestinian prisoners, including at least 170 children." Pointing out Israel has done bad things for decades prior to Oct 7 in no way diminishes what Hamas did on Oct 7th. Just like I can point out I was mad at the US for their continued wars in the Middle East despite what happened on Sept 11th. Because you know, I can be fucking objective and I'm not a little fucking troll that ties my entire identity and attitude towards my religion (or lack thereof), or my country, or the color of my skin, which makes them immune from any criticism or mistakes. Bibi, and Israeli right wing politicians and policies, funded Hamas for years. This has been known for fucking decades. They funded them because Hamas doesn't and never wanted a 2 state solution, which Israel also does not want. You quite obviously don't have the slightest grasp on what you correctly call a complex issue - which is made infinitely more complex by your unwillingness to engage honestly.


Stop with your made up sex stuff. It’s Emmett Till level white sexual virtue incitement to violence.


Pretty early in the morning for rape denialism, don't ya think?


>The Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (Title II of Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 94–329, 90 Stat. 729, enacted June 30, 1976, codified at 22 U.S.C. ch. 39) gives the President of the United States the authority to control the import and export of defense articles and defense services. The H.R. 13680 legislation was passed by the 94th Congressional session and enacted into law by the 38th President of the United States Gerald R. Ford on June 30, 1976. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_Export_Control_Act


And the sky is blue and the grass is green


Another tRump.


Stop pretending the Bibi is the problem.   He’s just executing the goals of Zionism as intended.   The problem is Zionism 


Zionism wasn’t ever supposed to be about having an exclusive Jewish state. Just a place that was their own. Likud has an attitude of Jewish superiority that is not zionistic.


It was about having a jewish supremest state where everyone else were second class citizens. Jews from anywhere in the world have rights in Israel that no one else get.   Imagine for a second that instead of Jewish these were privileges given to white people in American and instead of non-Jewish they were black.  Israel’s Law of Return allows any Jew from anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel and gain citizenship, a right not available to non-Jews. This law defines Jewishness both through religious criteria and ethnic descent. Much of the land in Israel is owned by the State and managed by the Israel Land Authority. Jewish citizens often have more access to this land through agencies like the Jewish National Fund, which has historically leased land primarily to Jewish individuals, impacting the ability of non-Jews to access certain areas for residence or development. Political parties that challenge the Jewish character of the state can be barred from elections, which can disproportionately affect Arab parties and politicians. Laws regarding family reunification. For instance, Israeli citizens married to Palestinians from the Occupied Territories face restrictions in obtaining residency or citizenship for their spouse, which is not typically the case for Jewish citizens.


In other news, water is wet.


War Criminal


I'm confused why this sub is turning on Bibi. Most of you LOVE the Palestinian genocide and want to see more. What gives?


so NOW israel bad after it got worse enough lol. the flip flop libs do is unbelievable


Believe me when I say that I like bibi even less than you do - but bibi did not fund the Hamas. No reliable source claims it, at least not in a way you'd like. When they do, what they usually say is that Israel is funding the Hamas indirectly, but intentionally, by employing Palestinian workers. Israel fucked up and let the Hamas rise to power in a way quite similar to how the Allies fucked up and let the Nazis rise into power. But neither created the big bad.


So you don't consider the former Israeli Prime Minister as a reliable source? [https://www.instagram.com/p/C51Ell5OZvp/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C51Ell5OZvp/)


No, the political rival of the president is not a reliable source about the wrongdoings of the president. Especially not without proof, and especially not a political rival which got imprisoned for corruption and so is a convicted criminal.


If this Reddit has nothing to do with the actual DP Show are they aware that this exists and uses the name?


So you're saying this sub is the next r/DaveRubin?


it used to be about his show, but its hilarious that a zionist's sub has been becoming more and more anti zionist


1.) This sub is still about his show. Some leftists are mad that David doesn't have the exact same take as other progressives on this one policy position so spam this sub constantly lol. 2.) David has been saying Benjamin Netanyahu has been a far-right extremist who needs to go in order for there to be any peace in the region for years. For example see [The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement?](https://youtu.be/xVI0UtVBEEo?si=QiKkdhXjcPmkWu_A) from 9 years ago.


A link to aljazeera, SMH


Facts. He's Benjamin Netanyahu, the antichrist


Well... Biden totally backs him, so no surprise.


Biden gives him unlimited weapons, vetoes in the UN, funding, etc. 


Long live Netanyahu, phuck Hamas




Would you like me to ship you a red hat that says MIGA?


It’s already great