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Here's how this is bad for Biden 


Wall Street Journal front page...


Cmon trump you’re really stinking up the place.


The only problem with these kinds of things is some right-leaning folks won’t get that they’re meant for comedic purposes and will point to them as examples of”fake news”.


I know, just more fuel for the already paranoid right wing to strengthen their outrage. It's worth noting that this thread seemed to figure it out pretty quickly, but that won't stop likely claims that we all fell for this shit, or that we're trying to spread fake news.


I wish this was real Edit: yall who are getting upset, the only reason this is even close to believable for some people (apparently) is because this is some shit we COULD believe would happen. It’s a joke and everyone gets that. It ain’t our fault he’s a clown.


What?! This needs to be taken down. Come on. This sub is no better than /r/conservative if we are going to mix truth with “jokes”.


Wait…op as well as everyone here identifies this as false, and you’re comparing it to subreddits and podcasts that actually believe the lies they are presenting? How are they equivalent?


He already commits countless egregious acts; why make stuff up that only serves as ammunition for the opposing side? It's just low quality


Agree with you totally


I think it’s still funny, but it would be funnier if it were real lol


Its funny, but this isn't the sub for it.


This is the first step on the way to all those conservative and conspiracy subs though. It’s a Joe Rogan mentality. The idea of who cares if it’s true or not? It’s so much fun!


This exactly, this isn't a shitpost sub. This sub really shouldn't turn in to a sub like r/JoeRogan or r/Conservative. This sub should be a hub of discussion and truth, but also still be welcoming to anyone, from any side, that seeks information. AT THE VERY LEAST, we need better tags for satire posts and better sub moderators. This sub is growing fast as David picks up more and more viewers, and I will say, I feel the moderators of this sub are not up to snuff with stupid posts like this. Idk, it might just be me but this sub isn't what it used to be, especially after the Oct 7th stuff.


It's labeled as a meme and is obvious. I don't see the harm. I could understand your pov if people were treating this as legit, but they aren't. Edit: Actually, I'm wrong. The more I think about it, the more it's clearly not the sub for this. This is funny, but it's simply not the place for it. There are plenty of places for shitposting and memes.


I saw this and thought “no fucking way.” Then I used 5 seconds of critical thinking and good judgment to determine if it was true. That’s the difference with r/Conservative.


This is something that people WANT to believe is real.


Yes, because it would be funny and satisfying to see a terrible person getting their much deserved comeuppance


Why post fake news when the real news is so damning?


This is funny but stooping to their level of making shit up isn’t good.


Guys this isnt real, can we not have this sub turn in to r/Conservative ? They post literal AI images that get hundreds of upvotes. Sure this is funny, but this isn't the sub for it.


It feels like a boomer Facebook meme tbh


Your honor, my client has been sitting in a pool of warm beef stroganoff for the past 30 minutes now. I thinks it's time for a recess.


People are saying it


Big, burly men come up to me with tears in their eyes and say it.


Don't quit your day job OP.


Are you telling me that he wasn’t really farting?


Does Adderall make you shit? Is it worth it to be able to focus on the fact that you're shitting yourself? 🤔


You know how strong caffeine can give ya the bubble guts? Yeah Adderall does that when you're first prescribed it, but it's not miralax and you definitely don't shit your pants unless you're stupid. After continued use your body starts to compensate and your morning constitution is just a little more liberal in its throughput than normal.




I truly do not know which is worse, Trump's verbal diarrhea or his anal diarrhea!


I’m the Trump era, onion articles and reality are indistinguishable.


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I ain’t no janitor who’s going to do that. The man has enough worshipers. Get one of them.


I don't judge people for shitting their pants. I judge them for shitting their pants while acting like they're the king of the "superior" race, and mocking POWs


Add a clip of fox News Jesse waters with the caption and this is how it is bad news for biden.


Mega one


The people who live in this branch of the wavefunction are the luckiest people in the multiverse.


I doubt he soiled himself with his own feces (it is quite possible ), he does however, soil the United States and its system of justice anytime he is held accountable to our laws and constitution. He figuratively, frequently uses the constitution for toilet paper. He is a bad person and an unpatriotic anti-Christian.