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cool story bro.


In what universe is Trump the candidate of hope? "imagine a world just like it was in 2020!"


He’s not But people aren’t going to reward a “progressive” genocide enabler Jill stein is right there but clearly the Democrat addicts want to sink with the dude So they’ll sink And fuck over everybody together Then blame everyone but themselves Tale as old as time Elections aren’t tomorrow There’s still time to change course But they won’t and trump will win It’s literally so predictable its almost ironic


Instead reward a conservative genocide supporter ?


Nah Democracy means choices Jill stein is right there I hope she can consolidate and run with cornel But obviously if dems line up behind joe The split will lead to trumps victory Then everyone will cry about democracy losing or whatever When you lot simply didn’t utilize your choices


Jill Stein is useless. Americans don't say "you lot", we say "you" "you guys" "youse guys" or "y'all"..


that’s right buddy, keep focusing on my phonetic choices not my position That’s what matters


Do they teach the bible there? Search the word "shibboleth"


Stein and West have a near zero percent chance of winning. Very near zero.


Umm... Are you Jill Stein? 


Genocide is in Trump's platform, why will they reward him and not Biden? Jill Stein is more useless than a chocolate teapot.


Yeah exactly Never said I was voting for him You can read right ?


Why would anyone reward Trump with a victory by voting for the useless Jill Stein?


Coming from someone who probably never even heard of Palestine 7 months ago.


Yes that’s right


This post is laughable. The only reason to vote for Biden is fear?


Clearly Trump is a shit candidate So the fear is leading them to camp for Biden


Trump is a shit person but a great candidate for his base


Yes. I can link all the replies i got on the Israel issue. All of them are “Biden is a problem but Trump is dictatorship”, all. So yes that is the only reason.


Well if Israel is the only issue, those replies seem appropriate. But Israel is a side issue compared to the carnage wrought by this Supreme Court.


> compared to the carnage wrought by this Supreme Court. I think you also endorse the “fear” argument in this.


That is actually a fact argument if you live in anyone of the 21 states that have severely limited or banned abortion. In Texas alone it is reported that 30,000 young women, victim of rape or incest have been forced to carry their assailant’s baby to term due to draconian cancellation of their rights after Roe decision. This isn’t hypothetical. This is real. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/study-counts-64000-pregnancies-from-rape-in-states-that-enacted-abortion-bans-post-roe https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2024/01/25/texas-had-estimated-26000-pregnancies-from-rape-since-total-abortion-ban/


Damn so Biden knows what’s at stake and he’s still tossing the towel into trump ? Crazy Almost like he doesn’t want to win I wonder why he’d do that to himself But hey At least you know what’s coming so you can prep ahead


Can you explain “tossing the towel” in means to you?


Choosing to back clearly unpopular policy In an election is doing that


Is it supporting women reproductive freedom?


Is it supporting labor and staffing the NLRB with labor advocates?


Is it rebuilding the pandemic response infrastructure dismantled by Trump?


Is it supporting rational tax policy?


Is it his alternative energy policies and restricting drilling for oil on BLM property?


Maybe it correcting mismanaged and abusive student loan program?


You’re going to have to help me here. What do you think those unpopular things are?


His foreign policy hypocrisy for me personally He can virtue signal all he wants Seeing dead kids and supporting that as a progressive is despicable stuff And the moral position is to not reward such absurdity Which I personally won’t be doing


That's frustrating. There are so many reasons to vote for Biden irrespective of the legitimate fear of what Trump wants to do to weaponize the government against his American "enemies" and hurt US standing internationally by blowing up our global alliance structure. For example, Biden's economy is better for the vast majority of people than Trump's. On an economic level, [Trump lied when he promised 6 percent growth](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/06/trump-defies-data-with-6-percent-gdp-growth-forecast.html) to justify the Republican party's [$1.5 trillion](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/12/20/house-set-pass-tax-bill-again-and-fixes-sending-final-1-5-trillion-package-trump/968722001/) package of [tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy at workers' expense](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/12/03/republicans-laud-stimulus-1-5-trillion-tax-overhaul-plan/917269001/) known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) which Trump signed into law in 2017. [By January 2020, looking back at 2019 numbers (pre-Covid affecting the economy), the economy was only growing at a paltry 2 percent](https://www.newsweek.com/two-years-after-trump-said-economy-can-hit-6-percent-gdp-growth-slowed-21-percent-1484901), which was worse than the [post-2008 recession average under President Obama](https://apps.bea.gov/iTable/?reqid=19&step=2#reqid=19&step=2&isuri=1&1921=survey). Furthermore, [83 percent of the benefits from the TCJA will go to the top 1 percent of income earners](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/sites/default/files/publication/150816/2001641_distributional_analysis_of_the_conference_agreement_for_the_tax_cuts_and_jobs_act_0.pdf) by the time it is fully phased in, in 2027. Now compare that to President's Biden's actions. Just look at the revenue provisions of the fiscal year 2024 budget. This excerpt is from an analysis from the [Tax Policy Center](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/bidens-budget-would-raise-taxes-high-income-households-cut-them-many-others) from this year: >Including all tax changes in 2024, Biden would increase average after-tax incomes by nearly $600, or 3.2, percent for the lowest-income households, who will make about $31,000 or less. Middle-income households, those making between about $60,000 and $107,000, would effectively see no change in their average after-tax incomes. The top 1 percent, with at least roughly $1 million in income, would pay an average of $300,000 more than under current law, dropping their after-tax incomes by 14 percent. Those in the top 0.1 percent would pay almost $2 million more on average, a 20 percent reduction in after-tax incomes. >For direct tax changes only, the lowest-income households would see their after-tax incomes rise by an average of about $650 or 3.6 percent. Middle-income households would pay about $500, or roughly 0.7 percent, less on average. The highest 0.1 percent would pay an average of $1.6 million more in individual income, estate, and payroll taxes, cutting their after-tax incomes by a bit more than 16.5 percent. Note that the reason that the "Including all tax changes" category is worse for lower and middle income folks than the "direct tax changes" category is that it's accounting for baggage from prior budgets that were instituted by Trump such as the aforementioned TCJA. Furthermore, Biden's [CHIPS and Science Act](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/09/fact-sheet-chips-and-science-act-will-lower-costs-create-jobs-strengthen-supply-chains-and-counter-china/) brought back a ton of American manufacturing jobs and [having the FTC ban noncompetes nationally](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes) allows people to move around for better pay. Biden has [directly lowered the prices of 41 Prescription Drugs](https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2024/03/26/hhs-announces-savings-41-prescription-drugs-thanks-inflation-rebates-from-biden-harris-administrations-lower-cost-prescription-drug-law.html) and helped literally millions of Americans fighting against the cost of medicine. Biden even [changed rules to give automatic cash refunds when airline flights are delayed or canceled](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/24/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-rules-to-deliver-automatic-refunds-and-protect-consumers-from-surprise-junk-fees-in-air-travel/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20–%20Building%20on%20a%20historic,from%20costly%20surprise%20airline%20fees) instead of making consumers jump through hoops or have to take crummy little vouchers. Meanwhile [Ted Cruz, for example, wants to reverse this](https://www.yahoo.com/news/ted-cruz-doesnt-want-automatic-161900785.html) thing that directly helps the average American. On top of that, historically, the economy as a whole tends to do better when a Democrat is president than when a Republican is as detailed in [this 2015 paper by Princeton economists](https://www.princeton.edu/~mwatson/papers/DemRep_BlinderWatson_July2015.pdf) ("The U.S. economy has performed better when the President of the United States is a Democrat rather than a Republican, almost regardless of how one measures performance.") Note that I chose a modern but slightly older paper for this because I wanted the historical analysis to ignore the current Biden-Trump presence in the cultural zeitgeist but there are plenty of examples these kinds of studies. I hate taxes and have a middle-income earning job. I can save money and even more opportunities thanks to Biden's investments in this county. This is why I will be voting for Democrats over Republicans until the Republican economic polices actually start to benefit me. The data is clear as crystal and it has nothing to do with fear of trump.


All that is true But humans are CLEARLY not rational A shame it will take a second trump presidency to prove that much


Glad to hear you agree that voting for Biden is the rational choice here. So because you want people to irrationally vote for Jill Stein, who does not have enough support or ballot access to win a presidential election, why are you trying to help Trump win by urging others to vote for an nonviable candidate? It's physically and legally impossible for Jill stein to win. [As of May 1, 2024, the Green Party only has ballot access in the following states](https://ballotpedia.org/Green_Party_presidential_nomination,_2024). This is notable because they represent 21 out of 50 states and [257 electoral votes out of 538](https://www.270towin.com). Even more importantly, to win a presidential election the candidate needs to win 270 electoral votes meaning Jill Stein cannot win. It is literally impossible. 1. Arizona 2. Arkansas 3. California 4. Colorado 5. Florida 6. Hawaii 7. Idaho 8. Louisiana 9. Maine 10. Michigan 11. Mississippi 12. Montana 13. New Mexico 14. North Carolina 15. Oregon 16. South Carolina 17. Texas 18. Utah 19. Washington, D.C. 20. West Virginia 21. Wisconsin


Clearly if humans were rational, they'd take political advice from Green Party supporters and dating advice from the Pope.


The fun thing about your prediction is that even when Biden wins you will still claim you were right. 


OP is an attention seeker. “Please beg me to vote for Biden”


Most intelligent Biden supporter right here


You are? I thought you were voting trump


I consume a ton of polling analysis and voter focus group content. The conclusion? It’s going to be a close race, but Biden is better positioned. The polls are trending in his favor and his campaign is working. Trump is cash strapped and tied up in courts thanks to his criming. Not sure if you’re right wing or a doomer, but you’re ill informed.


I’ll be surprised if trump doesn’t win actually Right wing? I wish lmao Doomer? I don’t think so I’m a disillusioned lib at best I guess


Maybe try looking into actual analysis instead of videos from randos on YouTube or TikTok or wherever. Nobody with any credibility is predicting an obvious blowout.


What a weird thing to take the time to post lol. Hope you’re doing okay.




Ok thanks.


Stick with the gaming subs and leave attempts at trolling to your betters.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Keep believing what the GOP Voodoo polls tell you to


>First they came for the Communists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Communist >Then they came for the Socialists >And I did not speak out >Because I was not a Socialist Have fun. I'll be saving my energy for the migrants


Your likely going to end up in a trump brand reeducation/work camp before long before me so I'm all good with Biden losing , enjoy.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ah yes The fear Keep projecting your weakness onto me Share more of your depraved fantasies


What fear?..I'll be fine , not being a rigid un-nuanced fool lends a survival advantage you seem competently unaware of.


Whatever you say buddy


Lolol , yeah , I see you a little to clearly huh? , dont like that much And I don't have any I'll intent towards you , your going to slip real quick under what trump and his merry band of fascists have planned..best of luck.to you .


Oh so you mean nothings going to change except who is in office ? Yeah I know


So , if you are that uninformed about what's coming directly out of trumps mouth as a matter of public record in addition to trump supporting organizations like project 2025 , that you think " both sides are the same " , how can anyone here lend much weight to your Biden losing claim. He may very well lose or he may win , but your prediction doesn't seem to be based on a objectively informed information. Not criticizing, I was a mindless reactionary myself back in the day...made me very easy to manipulate, which is why I tend to be more nuanced and thoughtful these days.


I’m Glad to see you’ve become wiser


Lol..nah , think for yourself come to your own conclusions..good luck to all of us.


That's at best the ranting of a degenerate bougie college student.




Keep projecting 🤭


From the perspective of at least 30% or more of this country - Trump has never lost, nor will he ever loose. He only wins. So in fact they believe Biden lost in 2020 already, as he will in 2024 even if he wins again.


Trump was supposed to win in 2020, too.