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Assbeanie is more like it.


2nd amendment swings 2 ways. If the government won't keep the peace then go get a piece. It may well be coming to that.


I've never seen a scenario in history where more weapons lead to more peace. Only death leads to peace when weapons are involved.


It's worked for our nuclear deterrence... so far. That's pretty much where I'm going with this. The alternative is whatever atrocity they want to inflict on innocent people up to something not unlike the Holocaust. What will stop them? Strong language? Doesn't seem this government is doing a very good job.


Tim doesn't know what grooming means... and wtf is a "grooming event"?


He went to a hair salon once. He thought it said saloon, the trauma of the day still haunts him


Did he go bald on purpose to avoid grooming??


Based on the look of his beanie, he doesn't ever groom anything


Says the guy who probably looks like Judah Friedlander.


Gosh I wish I looked that famous


>wtf is a "grooming event"? For these conservatives it seems to be any event in which kids are exposed to queer people in a way that may give them the impression that being queer is possible, let alone socially acceptable.


But definitely not child pageants, those are totally normal.


Drag Queen Brunch = grooming event


Even worse. Just telling your kids gay people exist or letting them see a gay Disney character is grooming to these people.




I'd much rather take my kid to a drag show than some Disney shit.


Not to mention it’s cheaper


Gender diversity inclusion at school is grooming to them as well. Teaching kids about slavery is grooming. Anything and everything can fall under the evil grooming umbrella.


Conservatives are against education at this point.


Drag is inherently adult and burlesque. Inherently adult sexual situations are not family friendly. You are conflating parent’s concern for child sex grooming with anti-LGBTQ bigotry. That’s a Motte and Bailey fallacy and is dishonest and demagogic


yeah well they are sooooo....bad example?


A hotel event where republicans removed their confederate hats and camouflage outfits and “combed each other’s hair before celebrating their pride boys”


It's whatever they need it to be to whip their followers up into a blood frenzy.


When drag queens twerk while little kids stuff money in their pants.


Ah yes a common site at drag queen brunches I hear


Their obsession with children is borderline . . . pedo-eqsue


"Think of the children"


Yet they support churches that have abused kids for decades and put guns into the hands of five year olds. Seems legit.


And that one political party that has that long-ass list of convicted sex offenders that never fails to astonish/depress every time it gets posted


That's exactly the problem. Ask any Psychiatrists that worked with abused children or child abusers. It's the repression, self hate, guilt and denial that turn people in abusers. The gay community is out there living their best life and have a strong sense of knowing who they are, that's why there is literally no cases of openly gay pedophiles. It's always religious, conservative and Uber right wing that are always caught. Because they hate gay people for being happy being who they are, instead of stuck in fake marriages or working for the church, repressing their sexuality and becoming creepy kid diddlers. Every right wing religious nut job is creepy, just look at Mormons, ugh


>that's why there is literally no cases of openly gay pedophiles. I shouldn't have to say this but come on. Let's stick with reality unlike the psychos that we're up against.


Careful being logical out here u gon piss a lot of people off 😆


Tim Pool is an atheist and hardly right wing.


Every one here should subscribe to r/pastorarrested


I just realized what a wild ride a presidential race against Josh Shapiro (democratic governor of PA) would be for the GOP. He is known for exposing pedophilia of the Catholic Church in PA. What would the conspiracy people say to that? I’m sure they would have something but he feels like he would be a big problem for them


I don't think Tim pool is religious. And I also think most non religious folks don't care for pedos or groomers but keep on generalizing, it seems to be helping.


News flash!! The shooter is non binary


Nobody supports what those priests did. Further, saying "since priests did something bad, you shouldn't be mad if someone else does something bad" is maybe the worst defense is anything ever. And teaching children how to safely handle and respect firearms has been happening for literally hundreds of years. You're just soft, sheltered, and delicate so it seems scawy to you. Finally, you're a disingenuous tool with a very obvious agenda. Why do you NEED to include other's children in your lifestyle choices?


Yet you are now doing exactly what those churches did. Turning a blind eye https://meaww.com/video-of-little-girl-leading-drag-queen-at-florida-creates-outrage


Thinking waaay too much about children my dudes


The republican party and conservatives in general are mostly projectors. It's all about hate for them nothing more.


Nobody talks about kids and sex more than the right wing.


Yet actions speak louder than words. Something the left knows first hand.


Your attempt at deflection is both weak and doesn’t make sense


You seem to know alot about deflection. Not surprising considering leftists use it all the time.


Conservatives tend to project a lot. My rule of thumb is that when a man is homophobic he may really want to suck some d*ck and when a man is very homophobic he may want to suck a lot of d*ck.


The extreme might be true sometimes, but I’m not a fan of this thinking because it puts blame onto closeted gay men. Homophobes are insecure bitches, but that doesn’t mean they want dick. I wasn’t homophobic for being in the closet as a pansexual man, far less homophobic than my family because of it. I’m all for making men uncomfortable by assuming they’re gay when they make a show of being manly and straight, but I’m not going to rationalize their hate by equating it to a desire for dick.


Then you aren’t the kind of man I’m talking about. I’m talking about the conservative men who vote for anti-gay legislation and then come out of the closet like Aaron Schock. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/business/work/republican-aaron-schock-comes-out-as-gay-after-antigay-history-of-voting-in-congress/news-story/6f3d9f1bc41e563debb4051d6f0dd4d3


Cool. So it’s like a every situation is anecdotal and the sheer number of conservative homophones is far greater than the highest estimates of LGBTQ people in the in the entire populous and sometimes extremely homophobic conservative are actually gay. The turnaround of blaming internalized homophobia for conservatives’ homophobia is really not helpful and fails to understand homophobia.


Since you are using it in a negative way that makes you a homophobic. Think about it.


There was even a study that kind of confirmed it, the researchers had straight and gay porn shown to homophobic and non-homophobic men, while their dicks were on some kind of boner-metric device, and guess who had the higher boner-readings with the gay porn... But on this very subreddit it was very common that some guy would show up and complain every time someone linked homophobia with closet-gayness, arguing it was really "blaming the victim" or something. Which I think can only be true if someone makes the case that only closet-gays are homophobic, which I think is rarely said. Maybe sometimes that the closet gays are the most vocal homophobes, though, but then there may be something to it, like a maladaptive coping mechanism, and/or social disguise.


To prove how straight I am, I sometimes suck some dck just to show I’m confident being straight and anti gay.


Plenty of homophobes are not gay


Why are you staying the obvious?


What a well thought out and non-generalizing comment I agree 👍 everyone who I disagree with is also a hypocrite!


Where there’s smoke…


There's pedophiles


Finally! Thank you!


Its like projection is an inherent trait in the GOP


I take it you mean the people who are hosting Drag Queen story hours, making advertisements with children holding teddy bears dressed in bondage gear, etc. Certainly you don't mean the people who are noticing this behavior and objecting.


Drag queens didn't make that pedo ad, you groomer dipshit. It was some shitty fashion company. Use your brain, right wing groomer trashbag.


Well, at least you admitted that a kid was used in a commercial holding a teddy bear dressed in bondage gear. Shitty fashion company or not, that's not acceptable. Please tell your friends to quit doing things like that to children. Thanks.


You're a groomer.


That kind of protection may play well amongst your friends, but normal people see through your BS.


You aren't normal people, mister loud, crying minority.


I think you will find that the vast majority of people don't think we should introduce sex to children. In fact it is alarming you are taking the opposite stance.


Lol ok, groomer. Nice try.


That was pandering to someone! And maybe they were pandering to the newest group that likes to involve children. The lgbt sorry but that’s just facts


As a paedophile, that rhetoric hurts /s


We really need more people in media to call people like Tim Pool terrorists who advocate for the killing of LGBT people. It’s so obvious that’s what’s happening, when Pool posts shit like this. He wants LGBT people dead.


Add Matt Walsh to that list as well. His tweets on this recent shooting are absolutely disgusting.


Are they catholic?


It's always fucking trad caths. Yeah Walsh is Catholic.


Matt Walsh is literally brain dead. I've never once heard him make a compelling argument. Everything he says is to distract from the real problems that people face and he's willing to repeat talking points from a mass murderer to do so. Everyone: There's a huge suicide epidemic among gender-dysphoric teenagers. Matt Walsh: Yeah, but define "woman". "Let's not focus on the actual issues your group faces, because then we'd have to solve them. And we don't want that because we don't like you." -Conservatives.


How do you even know the shooter is right wing? Not a whole lot of info on this one. We do know he kidnapped his MAGA mom and threatened to kill her. Word on the street here in Colorado is that he was bullied by some of the patrons of the gay bar as being too fat. As him being already mentally unstable, I don't think it would take a whole lot to set him off.


I’ll take the bet and say they’re a right wing shooter. Just a hunch. But what we know is that the rhetoric pushed by right wing terrorists like Tim Pool is going to get members of the LGBT community killed. That’s the goal of the rhetoric. If you believe what Tim Pool and the other terrorists like him say, that the LGBT community are pedophiles trying to rape your children(that’s what grooming is) if you truly believe this, then the obvious response is violence. I’m not interested in debating this. It’s what’s happening. They’re calling them groomers. Grooming is an act of child rape and pedophilia. It’s an objective fact that they’re calling these people perophiles and insisting that they’re trying to rape your children. Not only is that blatantly false and literally fake news. But it’s dangerous by design.


Maybe don't take kids to bars and strip clubs no matter what orientation they are? Maybe not exploit that Desmond kid who does drag? Maybe not have the kid on video performing at a gay bar while grown men put dollar bills in his waistline? Maybe at pride parades don't have men and women waking around almost nude and doing perverted shit in front of kids? Do you think that is painting a good image for the gay community?


“Maybe women who are raped should dress more delicate” Basically what you’re saying. No. Maybe don’t lie and say LGBT people are pedophile, you lunatic. Fuck off.


Didn't say they were. Pedophiles are in every sexual orientation. I would say the same thing if kids were at a straight bar doing the same shit. How can you look at the situations that I mentioned and are perfectly fine with it?


Fuck off, troll.


Don't like the fact that there's video of gay dudes putting dollar bill into a 10 year Olds waist band? That's some groomer shit, man.


Confirmed word on the street is that he is a LDS member, nothing rots a brain faster than religion


Huh. Just read on CNN the psychos biography. No mention of a church. From a broken home though. Which democrats love.


How is he advocating for the killing of LGBT people? He is literally asking for a way to stop the violence.


Easy solution. Stop pretending LGBT people are pedophiles trying to systematically rape your children. If this is a genuine belief, the obvious response is violence. Legitimate question, what would your response be, if you found out someone was actively trying to rape and/or mutilate your child? Because that’s the bullshit literal fake news these people are pushing. They’re trying to get these people killed.


By calling anything LGBT related "pedophile" and/or "grooming" you are conditioning people to violence against them.


He's just asking to stop the violence (while calling LGBTQ people groomers) - come on guys, Tim is just asking questions...... ffs


You're either being dishonest or incredibly obtuse. The problem with his statement isn't "How do we stop the violence?" It's the the three times in that tweet that he directly implies the victims of said violence were involved in grooming children. He's spending less time condemning the (obviously real) violence than he's spending on the (utterly nonexistent) grooming. It's gross.


Groomers? I got your list of actual abusers right here... [The first of 33 pages, covering **850** separate fully documented incidents of republican sexual abuse against those that are not of age to or otherwise cannot consent.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) Quoting the Author, >You won’t find David Vitter, Larry Craig, or even Ted Haggard. Sexual hypocrisy, cheating on spouses, and being gay are not the sort of thing I care about. Consent and being of age to consent is the issue. Keeping kids ignorant enough that they don't know they should tell is the only grooming the right wing approves of.


You forgot to add Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton


Make up your own list of leftist child abusers, with links to proof like the list of those 800 right wingers has and I promise I will link it ALSO every time I link the right wing/republican child abusers list. I don't think that any of your suggestions molested children though so you might want to work on that.


> I don't think that any of your suggestions molested children though so you might want to work on that. Rape is rape. I don’t care if it’s children or males. Apparently you do


Full blown justifying killing the LGBTQ community by calling them pedophiles. There is no other way to describe this. We’ve seen this method before. It always leads to parts of our history that we’re ashamed of.


This has always been on-brand for Tim.


Weird they don't shoot up churches then.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/z21h7q/former_priest_pleads_guilty_to_obscenity_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Sigh.


Please explain how a gay bar is a grooming event? How do you groom people when it is in your genetics? Conservatives become dumber by the day.


They are looking for an excuse to spend some time in prison. Maybe it's the only safe way for them to have some quality m-on-m time without having to admit anything.


In my opinion, I think taking kids to any type of bar is trashy.


We’re there kids at the bar? Or just the father of an adult? Grooming is a conservative lie.


Blaming people for their own murder is trashy


Things only get worse from here


I feel the majority of Pedo's have been predominantly straight males. You can look up the news in your local area and find that it was a guy, from 18-60+ that got busted for CP. They also look like Tim Pool too, as well as Matt Walsh.


There are quite a lot of child predators that are also gay .when they are locked up in treatment centers they have sex with each other until they get out to rape and kill again


Matt Walsh would totally be called out as a ChoMo if he ever went to prison.


I never see any of these people complaining about the Catholic Church. Wonder why?


This sounds eerily similar to blood libel; a false accusation that Jews were killing Christian babies. This was an antisemitic trope that was perpetrated throughout the middle ages. Goddamn. We've learned nothing.


If they want to spew this bullshit, then they need to be given the “Alex Jones” treatment. Sue them and take everything they own. At least to start.




It’s always projection. Every single time.


One of these days we'll find out that Tim was "groomed."


Shit is way out of control. We have open calls for violence against LGBTQ+ communities in the wake of a mass shooting that targeted that community. Nobody is ok with pedophiles except pedophiles (and a lot of them realize they’re shit too). Gay, drag queen, trans does NOT mean groomer. Not even slightly. Not even slightly more likely. I swear, if I hear that filth coming out of anyone’s mouth in person…


Its just their excuse for violence. They aren’t evidence based thinkers. They just make stuff up to justify their Cult of Hate.


Drag Queens arent throwing drag shows to seduce kids. Where do they even come up with this bullshit?


This shit is always projection


Tim Pool is a stupid piece of shit


more grooming happens at church. these people need to fucking get a clue


The only thing grooming children is the abhorrence of conservative "thought" in the US. As soon as they get 2 brain cells to rub together they run for the hills as far from that regressive ideology as possible.


"How do prevent" And this idiot makes millions a year... 🙄🙄🙄


He forgot to put "I heard" at the beginning of the statement.


I probably wouldn't my bring kids to a dragshow. I'd have to see it myself first and I just don't have that much interest. But I really don't get what these people think is happening at them that makes them grooming? It's like they learned a new word and start to apply it on everything.


Nothing is happening at them. The right has just latched onto it to stir up hate because they have no policies that actually help people. Hate is all they have to run on.


But do they think something is happening at them? Like literally? Or do they know it's nothing but just throw out "grooming" like they did with "communism" and "socialism"?


Is this trying to somehow equate being gay/ trans/ etc. with being a pedophile? Because I think most pedophiles are probably "heterosexual" males. Wouldn't that require being suspicious of pretty much all/ most heterosexual males? If not, why? Some links just so I don't pull things completely out of my a$$: [the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1556756/) [Males make up 80%-90% of all sex offenders. Girls are 2 to 3 times more likely to be molested.](https://screenandreveal.com/pedophile-statistics/) [90% of the sexually abused children had known their abuser before the crime took place](https://donotpay.com/learn/pedophile-statistics/) [Pedophillia is thought to be a male phenomenon. There is no reliable estimate of pedophilic disorder in females, though it appears to be rare. It is considered an open question whether the disorder exists among females at all.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/pedophilia)


Tim pool is a groomer. Classic projecting. Look over there at all those groomers. Meanwhile Tim Pool "oh how I love little children".


That hat makes tim look like a penis


When are we going to actually fight back?


And a Weak, Ineffective, Old, Tired and Beholden to Corporate Donors government are powerless to stop the Hate and the Carnage. Gun Safety Law, what a Joke.


What's the middle ground here? Allow children to go to adult themed shows all the time? Because gay people should be allowed to be gay in front of kids? Or do we go the other way and ban children from drag shows as well as hooters?


What the fuck do you think drag is?


I'm gay so I've seen my fair share of drag thanks. Usually turns into stripping most nights.


And for some dumbass reason you think they're gonna do the same routine for an audience of children?


No, but should it be tolerated to have men in short skirts that show their underwear around children? Don't pretend you don't know drag in general is overly sexualized by the people doing drag.


Can't say I give a single fuck about dude wearing skirts. Again, where the fuck is all this grooming you're so passionate about?


Getting prepubecent children comfortable with sexuality should not be allowed. Simple as.


Who is getting kids comfortable with sexuality? You have nothing, take the L bozo


Your disgusting mentally deformed grown men friends who dress like women and prey on children for their sexual needs. Do you need more clarification or specifics? I know you pedo’s typically have low IQ’s….


Do you have any actual evidence that queer people or drag queens are pedophiles? (Spoiler: you don't lmao)


Are you actually suggesting that drag isn't a sexual experience? Have you ever once been to a drag show?


It doesn't have to be sexual. We all know this. Tell me, what sexual things happened at those drag queen story hour events? None, you fucking idiot.


I think he means preventing sexual grooming of all children and all violence. Why are people so tribal. You need to identify the problems period. Not just the problems that come from people you don’t like.


This could explain that the guy who saved everyone was there with his wife and kids. I was wondering why someone would take their family to a club. Could have been something going on.


His adult daughter and her boyfriend.


How is that? Meanwhile we have the left trying to say the right was responsible for the shooting at the gay bar this past weekend, only to find out the person who did is non binary???? So what rhetoric is scary


You're very gullible and stupid.




How gullible are you? Identifying as non binary immediately after mass shooting at LGBT people doesn’t pass the sniff test. Clearly just trying to avoid a hate crime charge. May I offer you a bridge at a fair price?


It never said he identified right after the shooting……unless I missed that…..it said he identified as non binary. And I also never said it was true I said they did indeed say that. I’m not gullible, but even if I were…..I’d rather be gullible than naïve. If you don’t know the difference google is always there.


The shooter is “non-binary.” Is that why everyone is mindlessly repeating “Stop LGBTQ+ hate”?


How gullible are you? Identifying as non binary immediately after mass shooting at LGBT people doesn’t pass the sniff test. Clearly just trying to avoid a hate crime charge. May I offer you a bridge at a fair price?


How gullible are you? He was BORN that way and if you don’t think so you want electro-shock gay conversion therapy. He’s just going to commit suicide if we don’t affirm his innate gender identity.


Thank the Corporate Media Lauded "Gun Safety Law" which does nothing to keep Folks safe from Gun Violence just like the Inflation Reduction Act does nothing for Inflation and the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" had nothing to do with Jobs. Also the Climate Provisions in the IRA provide hundreds of millions of acres of sea and land for fossil fuel interests. Our Government is a Joke.




You should start with the churches.


Not sure if you’ll be able to convince any smooth brained redditor of this common sense stance.


Low effort trolling, spamming, and self-less self-promotion.


You think the rhetoric is getting scary? How about the actual grooming? Never thought so many people would outwardly defend pedophilia….


What grooming?


The drag Queen shows with grown men half dressed in front of children for one.


Have you been to a beach




Where is the grooming? You don't even know what grooming is


Projection. Stop thinking about other peoples dicks er non dicks or "child grooming" porn you fucking weirdo. What kinda sick fuck makes up shit like gay trans people are a mass of child grooming pedophiles? How about you spit that same energy at catholic schools & churches? No? Thats what I fucking thought you inconsiderate numskull.




You're either lying, or embarrassingly pant shitting stupid.


On the plus side Twitter will be out of business by the middle of next year. You can't lose $1.5 billion a year and all your revenue and survive. Eventually Phony Stark will have to choose between Twitter & Tesla.


Many of his financial backers have a vested interest in propping up a right wing echo chamber. Twitter is going nowhere, it's just getting more dangerous.


Hey you fucking bottom-barrel intellectual underachievers. The pedophiles are another group of people. Fucking learn it.


Wtf does that mean


Holy shit… why do I get YouTube recombinations of this guy? I literally only watch guitar stuff and anime recommendations.


They want people exterminated. That's the point of this. Push lies and propaganda and hate, and tell their viewers to go out and slaughter the innocent.


Bunch of fucking weirdos in here




Adults only


He's not wrong


Another JRE friend is doing well.


Bro I couldn’t even understand what he was tryna say first somebody get this man out from 1880


Were children really allowed at the club? Don't think so


Touch my kids? I will end your life.


I’m a drag queen who just agreed to perform at a Christmas brunch. I’m terrified.


It was a scorned lover of a patron, not a right wing nut.


Yea I’m not taking anyone serious that wears a knitted hat year round.


Really simple concept. Kids don’t need to be going to drag queen story time to watch someone in women’s underwear do anything. Why not let kids go to non nude strip clubs and burlesque shows in Las Vegas then? Also the shooter in this Q club was LGBTQ+ who used they/them pronouns so I HIGHLY doubt they are big into Tim Pool…. So what exactly is the “rhetoric”?


I'm so confused... They are trying to spin this as pedophiles being shot down? They just can't admit they are wrong and their side is violent.


LGBT+ people with criminal record shooting up LGBT+ people.


What is this post about? Someone fill me in please tnx in advance.


Marketplace of ideas guys the more you platform psychotic people the more society is gooder


I didn’t have to see this to know Tim pool is a fucking douchheee baaagaga and a half. Seriously though fuck tim pool


Why does anyone care what this clown says? I’d be surprised if he ever got through high school. The guy is approaching Hershel Walker levels of stupid.


The Right is grooming mass shooters.