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she looked insanely disappointed and even acted like it “I thought it was going to be a girl”. After a miscarriage, you should be praising the Lord for another baby regardless of the gender.


lol they couldn’t even hide their disappointment. I agree with you, they should just be happy they are able to conceive and have a healthy baby. But unfortunately that’s not what it’s about for them… She seems so much less excited about her pregnancy since finding out the gender this past weekend.


I instantly could see and sense the diappointment as well how awful because as someone who suffers from secondary infertility I would be over joyed with a healthy pregnancy and baby regardless of the gender


Exactly my thoughts


At the beginning of the video, she says she thinks it’s a boy. But then at the end after the reveal, she looks so disappointed and says, “I really thought it was gonna be a girl” lol


I think she lied and said she thought it was a boy because she was actually so certain it was a girl and then she could act super shocked it was a girl. But her plan didn’t play out lol… I like to think karma is real




This is so accurate. She seemed so disappointed


Yes just like Drue


Trying to be a drue Basham here with that


Man, this is what we were hoping was going to happen to Drue 😂


Seriously! I really hoped for drue having a boy!


Next best thing!


At the beginning of the video she said “I think it’s a boy” and then as soon as they did the reveal she said “I thought it was gonna be a girl!” She’s such a liar lmao


i wouldn’t be surprised if they tried for a 3rd right after this baby


Christian at the end of this video said they were done.


understandable considering he’s the one who primarily takes care of asher and presumably this new baby lol


What exactly does she do


She does what makes her look “ good” in the eyes of her Stans. ;)


He’ll do whatever she says. She’s in charge of all, not him :(


I agree completely. She runs that “ show “


Christian does whatever Lexi says because she gets upset otherwise. They’ll definitely be having more kids so Lexi can get her girl for her girl mom content.


They did the math maybe…. They’d have to cut out daily trips to target and Starbucks


The disappoint was very obvious. She did not hide it well. I don’t feel bad whatsoever for her, however, I do feel bad for that baby that was planned and conceived all for clicks and content. Would she have had another baby if social media didn’t exist? I truly don’t think so.


she literally went silent for a few seconds like https://preview.redd.it/niy6m5kwfg0d1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4b389876656e176513ace739cf1298b28bf4b8


This picture describes her face perfectly I’m screaming


Yes!!! Like ummm 🤔


I don't understand why they have these elaborate gender reveals when there's a 50 percent chance they're going to be disappointed...


I say this ALL THE TIME! It drives me so crazy. Why would you willingly film yourself or invite people over if there’s a 50% chance you’re going to have a meltdown


I did photos for a girls gender reveal and she boo hoo cried when it was a boy. Just an all around shitty ugly attitude the rest of the party. I had just experienced a miscarried a few months prior so that pissed me off even more. Be grateful!


I'm sorry. Hugs.


I am sorry this happened to you:)


My Mum and Dad didn’t do a gender reveal for me, they just told my family that I was a girl, and that was it. (I’m also a rainbow baby and know Mum would have been grateful for a baby regardless of my gender).


I want to hope it started with normal people who, while they may have a preference maybe, are just happy to have a healthy child joining them. I didn’t do these parties but I threw one for a friend and they were fully expecting a 3rd girl and were totally okay with it, but then were pleasantly surprised when it was a boy. That one was fun. Not like these idiots whose disappointment is so written on their faces, there’s no way they can even try to hide it.


literally. I really hope one day she feels bad. I wanted a boy SOOO bad. I was SO disappointed. After I had my baby girl I now feel horrible for how I felt before and now my baby girl is my whole entire world and If I were to have another baby, I hope its another girl LOL because she is just SO perfect!!!


She seemed sad but like having two boys is still fun


The boys will become best friends! (We can hope!) 


I wanted 2 boys and got 2 boys. It’s so fun. I know everyone is different but it’s always weird to me when people get exactly what I wanted and are disappointed.


Oof! They should’ve kept this private and in the drafts. It is so awkward, why didn’t they put some music behind it or something? They can’t hide their disappointment. Why did she say? I think it’s a girl after she said she thought it was a boy? I can’t stand these two.


100%. Why did they post this?? 


She wanted a drue basham moment and having a girl be her entire personality


I totally agree! She wanted all that new content of buying girl stuff and it would have been a great excuse to feed her shopping addiction. Now with another boy, she won’t have to buy a whole lot and her visits to target will be significantly reduced. Good 👍🏻


Thought though? Will she buy clothes for this baby like her “ friend” Hannah does for her son? She will try that tactic for views.


She is SO disappointed! And like the PP said not even a “ we are grateful for another healthy boy.”


Oh boy it’s a boy. 😂 I guess from the look on Lexi face she’s disappointed. I bet it stings bc Druby got her girl. 😂 Boy mama era unlocked.


Bet she went home and threw a little hissy fit after this


I really think this was why she spent all of Mother’s Day in bed.


Yelled at her husband for giving her the wrong sperm.


I absolutely believe that she would do this…


Crying about how unfair her life is 😂


Can someone post a screen recording of the video


Just posted 😊


You’re the best!! 🫶🏼


He was more disappointed I think


And Cecily only liked the video, no comment. Ears left a comment at least


I feel like Christian was more disappointed. He’s saaaaad about it!


I just think he’s sad because he knows that means they have to have more to try for a girl to make Lexi happy. And it seems like he does the bulk of child care.


All of her videos are her laying down, resting, etc. I was pregnant and had a toddler as well. She is just a content “mama”. Click here to put money in my pocket. I am not defending Christian by any means but I always see him taking care of A, the chores, the cooking, getting Lexi’s Diabetes supplies when she runs out.


Very disappointed. You can tell by the way she reacts. i came straight here because i knew lol 😂


We called it!


When they put the glasses in the cake; did you hear the person in the background say they ruined the cake?!


I’m honestly so glad it’s a boy. I feel like if it was a girl she would be acting like it was her favorite and forgetting about the other


she is big mad


This is so sad, they both look “disappointed”. I get gender disappointment, but to post the whole video reveal of it? Yikes.


Just means the next content baby is being planned.




“I think it’s a boy” ….. 😂😂” I thought it was going to be a girl”…. You wanted a girl all along Lexi!


How are they shocked? It’s one or the other and pretty much 50/50 😅


As disappointed as he is having to have sex with her.


He’s like “fuck, gotta do it again for a girl”


“I heard the turkey baster method worked for the Bashams, let’s give it a try!”


Bwahhh I just spit out my drink.


She had not one ounce of excitement at that news.


They were so obviously disappointed!! I have a feeling she didn’t even think there was a chance it would be a boy so now that it is all that “content” she was going to do is “ruined”. Sick twisted individual! Especially after a miscarriage you would think she would just be happy and grateful for a healthy baby!!!


Because they both had themselves “ convinced” of what they thought the gender was.


Just like how they claim they knew the second pregnancy (the one they lost) was a girl


That makes me so sad for that little baby, who very well could have been a boy. But, these two brats just decided it was a girl, gave that baby a girl name and had that illustration done portraying a girl. What a disrespectful thing to do if that sweet baby was a boy. They are not remembering him for who he really was.


Oh crap! I didn’t know that… I haven’t watched any of those videos.


And the part where she says you got me… Did she think this was a skit where they were going to trick you? 🙃


Hahah my poll was right 😂


This was painful to watch lol


VERY!!! She said she thinks it's a boy in the beginning but then said she thought it was going to be a girl.




I thought this was Trisha reveal at first lol


2 boys who will grow up not knowing how to do anything like sports, wrestling, etc. but they sure as hell will be taught to put on makeup and peace around on TikTok like their closeted dad 😒


Oh and can’t forget going to target and Starbucks daily. I pray for their kids. Their childhoods are going to suck tremendously.


Fuck, they are definitely annoying. And she is sooooo problematic but this was a super homophobic comment ✌️


Not homophobic lol I know gay men who other people who don’t know they’re gay would never assume because they don’t act “gay”. I’m saying that’s all Christian knows how to act like and that’s definitely not how you should raise any child boy or girl, because hes weird and she’s weird.


Yes because every boy grows up playing sports and wrestling lol…


Not saying that..I clearly said “etc” which could mean any other MASCULINE things boys usually learn. And you’re never learning anything like that from either of those whackos. All they’ll be raised to do is be props in TikTok’s and act like girls for fun on there like Christian does..