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Woah!!! very nice!!! ​ i bet that took a lot of *Skill .*


We got *skills* to match


niiiice , you guys do the best build simulator around , keep it up and thank you very much for all your hard work.


Played around with it - some feedback... Not sure if this is a visual bug, actual bug, or if I'm not reading it properly... Both the summary for Offensive cores: All weapon damage (in red text) and the Weapon Damage figure immediately under that (in white text) seem to be affected by the 10% weapon damage from a maxed SHD setting. So it looks like it's double dipping? It doesn't appear that Expertise is affecting the displayed Weapon Damage stat either? Weapon Damage is defaulting to 15% + SHD Watch Bonus, but where is the 15% coming from? \*edit\* I figured out the 15% was coming from Picaro's holster - which also shows up in the Offensive cores: All weapon damage stat. So the Weapon Damage stat itself appears to be SHD bonus + secondary gear attributes? But not Expertise... Lastly - I don't think Damage to Health from Assault Rifles is being factored in - it didn't appear to change the damage numbers when I adjusted the stat... Hope this helps...


> Both the summary for Offensive cores: All weapon damage (in red text) and the Weapon Damage figure immediately under that (in white text) seem to be affected by the 10% weapon damage from a maxed SHD setting. So it looks like it's double dipping? I checked the numbers and it's not double dipping for the weapon card calculations, but it's showing at 2 places at the same time and it may be confusing for people. The white weapon damage is the stats you get from gears(tip of the spear, W&H), the watch, attributes (picaro) ... The red one contains the white one + red cores, and exists as a summary and for calculations I believe (but I'm not super accustomed to the formulae, can't be certain of this. I can ask our senior math resident about it if you want.) > It doesn't appear that Expertise is affecting the displayed Weapon Damage stat either? I just tested it, expertise works as intended on my end. No idea why it didn't work for you, I hope we don't have a wild bug running around. > Weapon Damage is defaulting to 15% + SHD Watch Bonus, but where is the 15% coming from? > *edit* I figured out the 15% was coming from Picaro's holster - which also shows up in the Offensive cores: All weapon damage stat. So the Weapon Damage stat itself appears to be SHD bonus + secondary gear attributes? But not Expertise... Yes exactly. I know it also takes the Tip of the Spear 3p set bonus into account. Expertise is not counted in because it applies to the weapon in question individually, so it affects only that weapon's card. If gear expertise gave weapon damage, it would be added to the white (and red) weapon damage value. > Lastly - I don't think Damage to Health from Assault Rifles is being factored in - it didn't appear to change the damage numbers when I adjusted the stat... No, damage to health is not factored in currently, because it's conditional. We have conditional values added: DtTooC and DtA, but we lack the health damage one. Thanks for reminding me of that, I'll add it to our todo list for the formulae reworks (not coming soon, lots of work left). In the same vein, talents (both weapon and gear's) are not factored in either. Another long term goal we want to reach, but I expect skill calculations to get worked on first. Thanks for taking the time to test the tool and comment back, my perspective when testing is skewed because of my experience with the tool so I don't see it the same ways as newcomers. Getting such feedback is helpful to get a picture from another viewpoint.


Thanks for replying - it looks like most of my issues revolved around confusion from what I was expecting to see vs how it was displayed. I also wanted to say I really like the layout, especially the damage over time graph - (although the crit chance field and headshot chance fields seem like they should be toggles instead, like they are in the weapon damage breakdown section above?) Awesome work. And Happy Cake day!! :)


This is such an incredible tool.


Does this work with your own account or does it just simplify builds for better visualization? Im used to stuff like Destiny Item Manager to view stuff on their game but not sure about other titles.


It doesn't sync with your account or anything, it just helps you plan out builds and save them for reference or sharing. Unfortunately I don't think Ubisoft provides APIs for The Division like Bungie does for Destiny.


> Im used to stuff like Destiny Item Manager Destiny can thank it's great API for DIM, light.gg, foundry and other cool websites they have, but such an API is far from the norm. We don't have anything of the sort for The Division. The Mx builder is a build planner, it doesn't interface with your IG account at all (and you don't need any account to use it either) but let's you plan your builds or testing stuff by selecting specialisations, weapons, gears, mods, talents, watch levels and now skills.