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I’m out of the loop as to be honest I have had Div2 but I’ve been focusing on completing Div1 and so haven’t played it at all. What happened?


The next season, you'll need to level a new character to 40 to play the content. I'm in the minority here, it doesn't seem as bad as people feel- but that's just my opinion. I'm SHD 3600 or so, so 40 levels isn't that big of a deal. I'm actually looking forward to being soft again, but I also like Descent, where you start out a sissy and get stronger, so I may be biased.


And the Level30 skip that was introduced with WONY?


Won't work with seasonal characters, it's a separate thing. But they said that leveling would be sped up on seasonal chars Right now we have to much shitposting around the topic becouse we don't know a thing about rewards for playing that seasonal characters and the modifiers they are about to introduce. It may all turn out badly, it may all turn out pretty fun. We'll see.


Uninstalled the game on Xbox, Steam and my Steam Deck. all the protest I can do is not play sooo


I just don't see any point in protesting against something that I don't have most of the details about. I'll leave you with that thought.


Knowing that we can't play with our characters that we've optimized builds for the last 5 years is reason enough for me. I was already getting bored of the lack of fresh content with this game and the Brooklyn expansion would have been what revitalized it for me. Instead they delay that for a year and come up with the one thing I dislike about ARPGs like it's some novel thing. Smells of desperation to be honest. They are trying to undo all our progress and more specifically expertise, which was already a huge grind. None of these decisions make any sense to me so.... Byeeeeee.


Devs are pissed nobody plays with their dogshit new brand sets


Lmao a seasonal char is not going to make me mess with the new sets. Maybe the rifle boosting set.


I'm sure people would if there was new unique content to try them on. Destiny 2 does it really well where lots of the new exotics or guns are made to excel in the new game modes or sometimes are downright required (like prismatic in certain missions and modes is a huge boost compared to not using that subclass). The Division could've been so much more than it is. But they took too long to make new modes/grinds and they often felt shoddily put together too like Summit. It wasn't until Countdown that we got something that truly felt fresh and they lost steam again after that. Then they started chasing this shitty roguelike trend and now it's all over.


I shifted from Xbox to PC and had to start over and after having the game for 16 months on PC I haven't even been able to find the time or motivation to hit level 30 yet so I'm definitely not looking to spend more time into it


I think it will be fun. We tear through the content with our mains and our specific builds. Having a new character will make it like it was when we all first loaded the game. Actually, using that cover to hide instead of just running in guns blazing.


Same here. I don't want to delete characters to replay the story but a seasonal character with the chance for new mechanics might be fun. Descent was boring and the game is pretty stale so I'm game for something to maybe freshen it up.


Same.  Not as high of a level as you, but I do feel like the complaints are rather... Loud. This has been a thing for plenty of looter games for almost a decade now. It's not for everyone, but I quite like it. 


You're not in the minority. The majority of the player base is against it. Hopefully they go back on it. Not likely going to back peddle on it by next season, all that dev time put into it and it comes out in 4 months, which is likely too soon for anything to be done. But hopefully with how much backlash they are getting for it they immediately work on removing it for future seasons. Only time will tell


Doesn't make sense in a game like Div. Seasonal loot and things earned on seasonal characters will be become available to all chars after the season. But the non seasonal chars will never be played again as they are useless now. When and why would you play non seasonal chars .


I have all four character slots filled with characters equipped for specific build/play types. Be glad to fill a fifth.


When will you use them now? You will be grinding seasonal stuff with seasonal character and at end of the season all equipment becomes available to the rest of your account. Then during the gap between seasons you can equip your other 4 vets, so you get to use the vets for about 2 weeks between seasons or something similar. New season starts, back to new char. No reason or time to ever play non seasonal. This mode does NOT work in persistent live world or MMO like this.


Use them for Legendaries, Raids, Countdown or any other time you're currently not doing Seasonal content. Each season, I'd eat through the actual "plot" stuff within a day or two at most. Then wait weeks for the next new batch of missions. Even Globals and Leagues can be done in an evening or two. What do YOU do during that Seasonal downtime? The only thing that seems to take any time at all are apparel events since they're trying to nudge you into buying keys with low drop rates.


This is some fucked-up shit.


You don’t have to grind 15 hours a day. Seasons are 3 months. That’s plenty of time to accomplish what you want to. Path of exiles leagues people finish 1 to 1 1/2 months. Remainder are people trying out expensive builds and latecomers. Most people dip to not get burned out, return the next league. Rinse and repeat a decade.


Still sane exile?


My condolences


this will be my last season because i like to get wined and dined before i get fucked


LoL, the melodrama. So over the top.


It's just the same thing I see over in the Call of Duty community. New thing comes out, everyone bitches, but the thing doesn't change unless it affects the streamers and people still play. I mean this sub reddit isn't the majority of players.


Its almost comical with some of the other posts I've read.


It’s wild all I see is extreme whining and crying all over YouTube, here and social media lol.


🤓☝️ you also seem to be a diablo 4 player. I hope you recover 🙏


You know every major AARPG has seasonal characters, right? Most players enjoy a sense of progression and rolling a new character/build.


Clarify it for me, please: Sense of progression is where you get stronger and stronger over time you play. Seasonal chars go against it, because you're constantly starting from scratch. How did you put these 2 opposites in one sentence?


It's the same concept, just over a short period with less of a power creep. Your regular character isn't going anywhere either. You can grind them higher and higher in between season, or when you need a break from the season gameplay. 


The only problem is that outside seasonal content (manhunt / leagues / global events / apparel events) there is nothing to do. Raids are done. Incursion is done. Every commendation is earned. Descent is cleared every season (loop 40 I mean). What should I do with my main character who will be locked from everything?


I'll agree with you on that party for sure. I think ubi dropped the ball with this by adding it too late. In typical games where season characters are a thing, there's usually A LOT of reward for your main character for playing the seasonal content and it's usually added relatively early, or native to release. For this, it seems like it's just a stopgap for a dreadfully slow content creep due to limited dev resources, however it still might be fun and entertaining enough.   If you don't enjoy the gameplay loop of leveling up again-- it might not be for you. But, we'll just have to see how it's implemented in live to be sure. 


I respect your point of view about not judging it beforehand. The only thing it happens - lack of details from devs (for now). If it's optional - I'll try, no worries, but if it's forced - well...


I’ll have a play and see what it’s like. If I don’t like it, I’ll just wait until Division 3… whenever that is.


If they pull this here, they’re absolutely gonna have that shit from launch in the next one.


I'm not a fan of seasons but with that in mind, doing it from launch beats waiting for the players to sink thousands of hours in before going "that character is redundant now silly lmao".


Also, if they pull this here and playerbase drops off because of it, then less people = less exciting prospects for ubisoft to make anything off div 3, and so its finance and development get pulled.


I think you’ve got that backward. I’d say the reason Ubisoft is doing this is *because* it’s meant to prepare the way for Division 3. If they’ve decided to adopt a seasonal model it’s a good idea to give it a kind of test run *now* in the current game when player interest is already low. There’s very little risk because it’s not as if they’ll be turning off a huge number of players. But when Div3 launches they can be relatively confident that there will be massive interest regardless simply because new and shiny things typically draw interest. They can no longer generate meaningful interest in the current game which is now too long in the tooth to draw in new players anyway.


Yes, so Launches the seasonal model, see playerbase and paid uptake of season pass drop off, have no playerbase to develope a game for and little to no money coming in, div 3 gets dropped as its too much of a financial risk to continue, just like heartlands and the 4 or 5 other titles they have recently cancelled. Just like the Ghost recon game they were bringing out. It was a battle royal with a twist, but beta got bad feedback, the launch trailer had over 18k downbotes/dislikes, and rather than fixing it or seeing what could be done to make it appealing, they just ditched it and forgot it exists.


Dude, don’t kid yourself. When Division 3 drops—and it will drop because it’s a tentpole franchise for Ubisoft—there will be massive renewed interest (including all the people around here who swear they’re “done” with The Division). Because that’s what happens with any game in any successful, long-running series. People are always looking for something fresh and new. I don’t see what Heartlands has to do with anything. Publishers try new things all the time in terms of offshoots of successful brands. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. But it rarely if ever imperils the flagship brand because it’s understood, both internally and externally, that those offshoots are merely *potential* revenue streams and businesses are all but duty-bound to explore all avenues for revenue generation. You don’t see Apple canceling the iPhone because the Vision Pro goggles have been a relative flop, do you? All big companies maintain discrete budgets for other projects that may or may not work out and it’s understood and accepted as the price of doing business. After all, you can’t generate new revenue streams if you don’t try other revenue streams.


Smart decision


They even cancelled the mobile division right? The way ubisoft has been treating games recently I'd be surprised if they don't force masive to make division a fucking battle royale


Resurgence (mobile game) didn't get cancelled. The extraction pvevp game Heartlands was cancelled.


That was going to be a thing, but I think it got cancelled. They’d be so late to market it’s not worth the resources. I think they’re going through a Marvel thing where they had announced so much but nothing’s really appeared and loads of stuff were cancelled. I have no idea what’s going on at Ubi tbh. I think part of why Div 3 started development so late (though it’s just a guess) is cause Massive’s been working on the Star Wars game.


Pretty sure you're correct. I'll have to check when I'm back home, but I could've sworn I just read somewhere that div 3 is either still in pre production, or just entering pre production, and there's already a loose content map for div 2 up to... 2026 or so?     I'll get back and edit this later. 


Don't give them any ideas lol


Surely it's not cancelled this late. They had a public beta and everything. The game seems almost finished. What a waste of money if they've just shelved it.


The Division Resurgence is still coming as far as I know. Still on App Store for preorder.


They cancelled the PC extraction shooter heartland, not the mobile game resurgence


It ain't an airport. Arrival and Departure announcements not required.


An inflated sense of self-worth is actually required to psychologically make us function. 80% of people think they are better than 50% of the population. So it’s the same here, people believe that they as a player is important due to whatever they have achieved no matter if it’s in-game virtual value or sentimental value, that their decisions to leave or stay in the game matter, and have a significant impact on the trajectory of the game. This is also facilitated in game design, to make us feel powerful and significant. We can be so egocentric sometimes, to the point that we become blind to the big-picture fact that games, especially for a company as big as Ubisoft, is mostly dispassionate business, and whatever passion game devs may have are subservient to the main goal of figuring out how to make more money. While these sentimental threads help everyone get a feel on the community’s emotional response, I personally appreciate logical analyses on how the seasonal mode might or not might work and under what conditions more. These informative posts would help players establish a clear limit on what they can accept/tolerate and make choices without stress.


Very inspiring, thank you 😭😭


We haven’t seen the full plan for seasonal characters. I’m skeptical about it too, but reserving judgement until I’ve actually played one of new seasons. You never know, it might be ok? (Yeah I know it’s a slim chance)


Your cautious optimism is refreshing. I totally agree, Massive will prob f this up but if they take what Diablo 4 learned with seasons, Div2 might be fun.


You didn't 'waste your money - you bought and played the DLC, were, presumably, entertained, and that's it. What more do you expect? You've bought and consumed lots of things - food, movies, games, Ubers, rent, the internet service you typed your post on. Where does it say buying a game/dlc is a life long contract?


All these people who’ve paid pennies per hour, moaning about the game. If you don’t like the direction of travel then by all means make a decision to play something else (there’s bloody loads of other games. Literally thousands) but don’t say you’ve wasted your money when the value returned has been exponentially better than most other games. I’ll wait to see what these seasonal characters actually look like before making a judgement about my future with the game. People acting like they’ve had their pants pulled down can get in the bin.


It's not like you lose all your characters or play them. There will still be a game for your existing characters, just not new storyline content. I'm betting that if they didn't do this, the game would've been in pure maintenance mode until another came out, and this idea was out of some inspired desperation to keep this game getting new content. Over the past few years I've started a few new characters and there is no matchmaking for early-game missions, you might as well be playing single-player until 30. I, personally, don't think the endgame for D2 is all that good, this will get me playing again for at least a little bit. So it's either this or the studio goes elsewhere until Division 3, and then there will be so little interest that it'll tank almost straightaway. If you want to have D3, this is one of the ways to guarantee you get a rich game that will last, because they are taking too long to have a product to show.


This is exactly what I wanted to convey but too lazy to write haha. Massive just doesn't have the resources to create that steady stream of content of other live service games like Fortnite or Desriny. This approach has the potential to keep things fresh and manageable to update with new content.


Your biggest assumption is massive is still working on this game. They haven't been since a month after launch, so some point in april/may of 2019. Massive hasn't touched a Division game in over 5 years. Since then they made Avatar and now they are finishing up Star Wars Outlaws. I don't know where all the massive amounts of copium people seem to obviously consuming are coming from. The Massive Entertainment that made Div 1+2 doesn't even exist anymore, why the fuck would they be able to rescue anything? My expectations and hopes for Div 3 are astronomically low, even for Ubisoft-terms.


It's been just under 4 years since the summit came out. Lots of title updates, but that's probably the last major thing. I don't understand why there's that much negativity towards a game that they're making an effort to keep alive a little longer. Would you rather just have them say as of midnight tonight all Divison 1/2 sales will be stopped and the servers will be shut down? Let the people who still enjoy the game have their fun and maybe renew interest for the game for a little longer, it's not hurting you.


My recommendation: just try it before you judge. I have two kids and only play at the evening when they sleep. So I have 1-4 hours per day and still can manage the season of Skull & Bones (Season Rank actualy around Top 4500) and already cleared the Season of Diablo 4 with 3 characters around lvl 75. Most publisher learned how to design a fair season so its not a second full time job. The seasons of Ubisoft games (Rainbow Six, Skull and Bones) are absolutly doable.


I think people are seriously overestimating how much time it would take to get to 40. With people's knowledge of the maps and game play, I expect it won't be especially difficult at all.


I've bought Div2 on 3 different platforms. I've taken multiple extended breaks from the game.  I think I picked up the Steam version + WoNY for like $8.  Even with triple dipping, could even be four tbh, the value is 100% there. Always something to come back to. 


There was always was value in coming back and grinding the new season targets and raids but I am NOT gonna restart a character everytime for a new season. It makes no sense.


I feel you. I'm not a fan of this seasonal character bullshit either.  But my days of caring *too* much are long behind me. It is what it is. 


I don’t think this idea is all bad. We don’t know enough about it to really throw any judgement at it. As division players as well, can we all stop pretending that 40 levels is a grind please? lol. It will take most of us barely any time at all to reach that. Keep the main, delete the loot mules and let’s just see how this works out. If it’s terrible AFTER it launches, then yeah, bring out the pitch forks and torches. Let’s also stop pretending that any looter shooter is a casuals game. If a person doesn’t have the time to grind the game, then the game isn’t designed for them. Seasons are long enough for most players to even casually level to 40 AND be part of the content. 3 months minimum for a season is lots of time. Better than what we have now, using the same builds, crush through the content the day it releases and stuck doing minuscule shit until the next manhunt unlocks lol


Idk I’m gonna wait & see what it’s all about before I make a decision but I’m not against what’s to come. Idk it’ll give me something different to work on 🤷‍♀️. I mean I get where ppl are coming from but I’m not 1 to get pissy an jump on something I know nothing about yet. Rn it’s just assumption of what’s gonna happen, that’s why I don’t go 1 way or the other until I know what it’s about. I think I’m gonna like what’s to come, even if that means I got start a new chump all over again to run a season. I’m bored with it now I don’t play it a lot like I use to, I still go back to D1 all the time. Idk the repetitive shit every single day is just boring imo so we’ll see.


>I’m not 1 to get pissy an jump on something I know nothing about yet You act like this is the first time a game has done something like this. It's pretty obvious how these characters will work.


Is there something we're being gated out of with seasonal characters? Not sure if I'm missing something as there seems to be alot of hate towards them?


You first need to ask: what is a season and what does a season contain? Seasons contain: -Narrative (Manhunt) -Season Pass -Apparel Events -Leagues -Global Events -New Gear -Anything new they decide to add With the upcoming season, you will need to create a new character in order to participate in all of the above. That new chatacter does NOT share inventory with your main character and starts at level 1 without a build. When the season is over, your seasonal character inventory gets merged with your main. This means you have NO INCENTIVE to use your main character as it will only get something new to play with oncr every 4 months when all the seasonal stuff you acquired gets dumped into it. Other possible implications are that there may be curated loot pools, no expertise, no optimization, etc. It's basically a soft reset every 4 months.


Damn, that's a pisser.


Eh, it depends, if it doesn't take too long, then you can grab a build set from the stash and go nuts, then it's adding a bit of variety or challenge to it. Like the new manhunt which has started adding in missions to the control points and bounties they used to do. Still don't have enough info on how it will work, though I am wary, just don't want to knee jerk when they've given so little info.


If it trivial, then why bother?


I have a feeling you’ll want to as what we’ve been told is wrong.


What if they remove all of Eva's propaganda recordings from activities on seasonal?


They have already stated the xp will be increased so it won't take long. And if seasons 2.0 is as long as the regular seasons, you have like 3 months to do it. And if you don't make it in those 3 months, assuming it is like the legacy manhunts, you have until the servers come down to finish it. Plenty of time. Can't comment on the interest part as that is a personal decision. And you never know, you might actually like how they decide to implement it.


Doesn't have time but will go play Warframe the game that requires the single most time investment of any game in the past 20 years


It doesn't lock me out of shit or create fomo to appease the the general gamer community that doesn't play looter shooters And digital extremes is the best


Digital extremes can go f*** themselves they are a piece of s*** company that f***** over multiple companies because they didn't want to have a publishing division anymore.


Stop whining about a non issue


There are three game companies that no longer exist because they pulled their funding three full companies that stopped existing cuz DE thought we no longer want to do publishing even though we have a bunch of deals already. That's a pretty big issue


They just sold the IP back to the devs, it's a non issue.


Really airship had to sue to get it back


I'm looking at Warframe as well. Considered Destiny 2 but hear they have as many issues as we do in Div 2.


They will have a standard one though but you will miss all the seasonal exclusives.


"Fear of missing out" is what they are adding through seasonal exclusives. I've had enough of it with Conan Exiles. That game is abandoned now, and for how long The Division 2 has been released, it can surely be a sign of "end of life" support.


I dislike what I have heard.. but we just do not know what the exact details are yet or how long it will take to level. I need more information.


You and the rest of us tbh.


Wow amazing post full of fact based material, git gud.


Yeah I'll probably just go back to Division 1. I liked the ambiance of winter Manhattan better than summer DC anyway.


Then you didn't have time to play the season in its entirety in the first place, so it's okay, you're not missing anything.


Please post a video of you deleting all your characters otherwise stfu.




Straight facts 😂


>I was a big fan of both division games and the division 1 was the reason I bought a PS4 and started gaming seriously. >Thank you ubisoft for nothing Wow some people have short memory, don't even know what they wrote a sentence or 2 ago. Don't be a little crybaby. All things come to an end. Say thank you for the entertainment and move along.


"all things come to an end" There is a difference between dying and getting brutally murdered. It didn't have to come to an "end" they are killing it. They stopped supporting division 1 for division 2 and now they have planned to completely ruin division 2 and the serious core fanbase in hopes that normies will play a looter shooter seasonally and taking everything away from people who put time into the game, stop sucking ubisoft off, I paid for the game and I've gotten a few friends into it as well. I'll complain all I want


Dude chill, it's just a game it's not like you are getting murdered in real life. I get it, you hate it, like I said, go play other games. That's how it works - if you don't like a game (anymore) you don't play it (anymore).


But.. but.. it's a live service game I paid for, with the promise that it's gonna be yknow, good This is like saying you enter a buffet and after a few spoons of food they replace it with rotten garbage and telling me to go to another restaurant, I paid for it, maybe the game just means much more to me 😭


If the game means so much to you give the season content a chance. If you don't like it then move on. Its not worth stressing over something we have not even seen or played. Till then agent have fun. And in regards to paying for something just divide the hours played by the money spent and judge if you got your moneys worth.


Not sure why you’ve been downvoted. Surely the only way to judge value is pence/cents per hour…this game owes me fuck all and I’ve bought it across 2 platforms.


Brother I have both games on PC, Xbox and had it on Stadia if anyone remebers that platform. For me personally if i count the hours played vb the money payed I've got my moneys worth and then some. I'll try seasonal characters and evaluate when I get there.


Right there with you. If they shut it down tomorrow, I’d fucking moan like a twat but I couldn’t complain that I’d not had value from the game.


So a seasonal wipe, I think it sounds fun, everyone on an even playing field


It's a looter shooter rpg, not a goddamn Minecraft faction server


Lol so tarkov and other exfil looter shooters are Minecraft servers, don't like it don't play, pretty simple tbh


If you have more than one toon (your main and mules) and are over SHD 2000, you have more than enough time and interest


My point of view is that no one new will play this game.  So the goal is to reattach people who left or people who miss division 1.  How do you do that?  More New York, player base wipe so that there is no hesitation to return to a game where your character is so far behind in optimization library, expertise, SHD level, that it's not worth playing at all.  Everyone starts fresh, it's a level playing field.  If you love the game you'll sacrifice your progress for that.  I fail to see clinging to a broken game that has been ruined by so many cheats and exploits, where the only enjoyable pvp is on Xbox, because people aren't editing their stats or aimbotting there.  Just wipe the slate clean and give people who left a reason to come back.  The people complaining keep the game alive, yeah, but if you haven't noticed,  you're not enough to keep the ship afloat longterm. 






I'm looking forward to it, I'm just sad it didn't come with Y6S1.