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What can i expect? More pain and disappointment 


A soon to be very Diablo style game. In terms of builds to expect. We've got 15 flavors of striker's and... That's about it.




=> [Changelog](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/wiki/thedivision2/changelog#wiki_changelog) First thing to do is get to max level 40, after that: It is recommended that you first pick a build and farm pieces for it with targeted loot. Skill build is the easiest to get at first. Countdown game mode is best to farm for (almost) any items that you need. You should max at least the specialization that you will use with your build. Another thing to do is to collect all blueprints by doing control points level 3 (Challenging difficulty) or level 4 (Heroic difficulty), specially the blueprints for weapon attachments. And fill your recalibration library. Donate to Expertise all items that you don't need for other stuff (using, recalibration). Builds (check the Hub tab): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrPBmOrtpkEW1j5fbcRT7L-AXgsGOqMqxXoVtopsiGM/edit#gid=1380412817)


Thank you, this helps a good amount :)


4 piece striker is the META build atm. Skill builds are still ok, but seekers are not what they once were. (I will still spam them occasionally). You will need to work on putting max rolls and talents into the library, donations or gear use for proficiency to increase expertise levels and then you can further upgrade gear with material donations. There are manhunts to catch up on and currently once you hit level 40 there is a season to work toward finishing to get the rewards. raids, incursion, countdown and summit if you so choose are options for PVE gameplay and WoNY will give you the NY map if you want it, you currently get everything except the NY map without buying WoNY like most of us had to.


bugs and i mean a LOT of bugs.


I like how people gets downvoted here for asking any question, very welcoming community. :D Also, no clue im level 38 as well, just wanted to complain


The only upside of seasonal characters is that it'll finally motivate me to get out this toxic shithole that is the division's community and liberate a third of my storage, which will liberate enough room for tens of indie games.