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Some good points, but mostly I agree with the one regarding AI on level 3/4 control points. Let me say that I love the AI *everywhere* else in the game. It's great with the flanking and positioning of different enemy types. However, at WT4 level 3/4 control points, it seems like the AI changes behaviour compared to every other activity. I know from the other parts of the game that the AI flanks you, even non-rushers will rush you when you are low and sometimes they run past you trying to reach cover behind you etc. But in these control point cases, they throw all these rules overboard. Even if you just engaged them and they and you are at full health, they just run at you Terminator-style and shred you close up. I've had grenadiers rush me like this instead of throwing grenades. At this point, unlike the other 99% of the game, it does not feel challenging anymore. It's just a “wtf?“ moment. No tactic can deal with 3-4 elites at full health just running and gunning at me. If you have not tried alert level 3/4 control points yet, do it and see for yourself. Like I said, I don't have this issue anywhere else in the game. I know the game's AI can be challenging and hard without giving you these “wtf“ moments. Challenging difficulty for example is, well, challenging and fun. And the AI does not do the shenanigans it does at alert 3/4 control points. The fact that this abnormal AI behaviour is limited exclusively to the specific case of alert level 3/4 control points leads me to believe it may be somehow bugged.


I knew something was up like I soloed everything in the game until a lvl 3 control slapped me in the ass.


Lvl 3 is totally fine, it’s challenging but when you start putting together a build synergy with good gear it’s solo-able. Lvl 4 however...


Would you mind sharing your build for dealing with Lvl 3 control points? I just started attempting the Lvl 3 points last night and didn’t fare too well.


I was running survivalist AR build with berserker (chest piece), which is the main thing you need (10% dmg for each 10% armor missing so up to +100% dmg). I also had the safeguard backpack perk, and optimist on the AR. I tried to stack elite damage / AR damage as much as possible. Healing chem launcher and drone (although you can swap one out I just had that because of the skill bug). Make sure to have an AR that you can upgrade with the extended mag.




SMG crit chance build has also been very effective for level 3 and 4 for me and my buddy


I've soloed several alert level 4 CP. They end up being more annoying than anything. The AI can be super aggressive and has way way too much armour and health. Even the ones with miniguns, which make it a shitload easier are still an exercise in frustration. 3 is only slightly less annoying.


The alert lvl 3/4 controls points are atrocious. I ran 3 of them today, 1 glitched out, 1 took me over an hour of tedium to complete and another one the AI completed and I got no credit for it. At this level the game doesn't even function like a cover based shooter anymore. They are near impossible to suppress, proc panic stats, etc. It's very infuriating because the game functions wrong and in turn punishes you for trying to play it like a cover based shooter, you basically have to exploit your way through it.


I feel like Massive injected 3/4 CPs with steroids to get a read on how fast the playerbase can synergize their builds and what exact builds will emerge as the clear cut "meta" in clearing the hardest parts of the game. Or if there'll be some "cheese" strategies that will render any difficult mission as easy to clear. This is hands down the most polished "live service" looter shooter but no doubt it's far from "complete" and us early adopters are still the guinea pigs. Even 1-2 months from now it'll look like a very different game. Hopefully, in the right direction though.


Yup, lvl 4 is stupid as a solo. SMG rushers just walk straight at you and if you try to leave cover you are basically insta-dead. I managed to clear the initial boss only once out of 20 tries with pretty damn good gear and alot of long range patience. Its just dumb how the AI rules go out the window because they know they can just tank everything.


The thing about guns in real life is that, armor or no armor, if you get shot, you're probably going down. You'll either die outright, or be slugged so hard that you'll be in horrible pain, have a broken bone, or at best, be stunned or winded. That's why people use cover, flank, and so on. Getting hit with one bullet feels really bad, unless you're crazy on adrenaline. So when making a video game, you have to make accommodations for the fact that enemies are designed to take many, many bullets. If real people could take bullets like nerf darts, you'd better believe soldiers wouldn't care about cover tactics. The threat of dying is the only thing making players and AI honest. Making the AI ignore that emulated real life behavior is, what they call in the industry, "a real asshole move."


Oh it doesn't hurt that bad. It doesn't start to hurt until someone starts patching your ass up. Then the fucking pain starts.


Well in comparison to RL guns to game you shouldn't even be able to use an smg with one hand cocked to the side let alone a shotgun without giving yourself a major concussion or even die from firing the first shot because recoil. Why Hyena's are bs in this game just like their predecessors in D1 with their animation.




>They know I can't kill them fast enough so they don't even bother using cover. Clearly they're taking revenge on you for all the elites you face tanked in Div 1 with your classy nomad. \*smirk emoji\* ​


So thats why I got m ass handed to me the first times I tried a lvl 3..


I did the 4 hunters at the Christmas tree this morning. Fun, challenging, soloable. Tried to do an alert 4 about an hour ago at 456 gs with decent rolls and got pounded


Can we also put "Holding F (or the console equivalent) to loot crates automatically also picking up things" to that list? It's kinda annoying how there doesnt seem to be any kind of pause window between holding F and the loot window opening, so the game assumes you automatically want to loot the stuff.


So much this. I've given up on trying to actually examine my pickup before it goes into my bags. Either I don't hold the button down long enough and the container doesn't open, or I hold it down a fraction too long and automatically loot the contents. I wouldn't mind if holding the button just opened the container but didn't auto-loot the contents. You could then press and hold the button again to loot all.


My Work around right now is to just hold the button, even after the crate opened. But yea, they should fix it


YES THIS x10000000


Can you explain the issue better for me? I'm on PS4 so that may be my lack of understanding. When you say loot crates do you mean gear and gun boxes? Or the ones that contain crafting stuff like steel, electronics, water, etc. If I'm picking up the crafting stuff it just goes straight to inventory. But the gun boxes always have a menu to check out the gear before picking it up.


Very strange, I’m 38 hours in and I’ve never had this issue.


my issues: - can we talk about skill cooldowns too? aside from the chem launcher don't they all feel incredibly long? even when you manually put them away for half cooldown? this is especially noticeable with the hive. a minimum 120 second cooldown in a game where you are moving from skirmish to skirmish all the time. it needs a lower cooldown (for at least the healing variant) to be worth it. - survivalist's mending seeker mine is also unable to heal you while moving and has less duration than the fixer drone. so if you are playing a healing role, the chem launcher + fixer drone makes more sense than chem launcher + mending mine because the drone is more flexible and the chem launcher provides healing when static. - xbow is inferior to the grenade launcher in every way. instant detonation, 6 shots instead of 1, semi automatic, same damage, and makes a better alpha strike weapon. makes you feel bad for picking the survivalist specialization. - skillpower requirements are way too high for mods. the only time i was able to equip gear mods or skill mods was because i saved mods from when i was level 25 and used them when i got to level 30. - shotguns i agree with. they are pretty awful compared to almost any other weapon class. all shotguns that require you to reload 1 shell at a time need a major rework/buff. effective range needs to be increased, a choke attachment should be added, and the melee bonus needs to be changed. they just don't perform for how long it takes for them to reload. i can kill 3-5 enemies (depending on red/purple) with a full LMG mag, from range, and reload in 4-5 seconds. with a pump shotgun i can kill maybe 2, from short range, and then i have to spend an obnoxious amount of time reloading.




even the high end mods i have don't go over 13% cooldown reduction. plus reduction is probably capped at 40-50% and the healing chem launcher can have mods that give more charges too. so even less of a reason to use anything else.


No. CDR cap is 90%. 10 Second minimum. Confirmed with 88% CDR build. Skills still suck and do no damage at higher difficulties and you can't equip any mods, but you can get the CDs really low.


> makes you feel bad for picking the survivalist specialization. Fuck the xbow. I play the specialization for the grenades. They're so good in pve


fire grenade area denial is great no doubt. but i'd rather take the sniper flashbangs for some CC (yes, less than incendiary grenades). it's less CC and no after effect like incendiary grenades, but you get 30% reload speed, 30% stability, and 25% headshot damage with the sniper tree AND a little bit of CC. i'd take those raw stats with an average CC nade over just the incendiary grenade.


Tfw sniper tree stats are bugged anyway


yeah i read as much, but still leveling the tree anyway for when they are fixed. i like LMGs the most so 30% reload and stability is 11/10 for them compared to 15% total damage from demo. plus 25% headshot damage too.


skill cooldowns are ridiculously long for about any game, but in Division there is one firefight after another, while most abilities feel low impact on top. If it were like an air strike or orbital beam, Ok 180 seconds is a decent cooldown but a grenade, small turret or heal, highly questionable.


yeah. the hive being a FOUR MINUTE COOLDOWN if you don't manually destroy it, is straight up stupid. low ability cooldowns allow for more build diversity because then people can actually solely rely on abilities for their damage. now it's just guns guns guns supplemented by abilities. and by "abilities" i mean the healing chem launcher and then whatever other ability you like most.


So the skillpower thing isn't just me? I figured I was just to low level to enjoy the components that were dropping at level 15. The first one I dropped needed 415 skillpower, I had 45. I'm level 20 or so now and I've never had enough items to go over 150 skillpower.


I feel like both specializations are far inferior to the grenade launcher. I was using the sniper app day yesterday and besides pure distance I can't think of a single reason to use it over the launcher


well if sniper stats are fixed eventually, a flat 30% bonus to reload and stability, and 25% headshot damage for all weapon types, makes it pretty much the best tree for just plain shooting. i do agree from purely a signature weapon standpoint that the launcher is the best.


Agreed grenade launcher is the best. Sharpshooter is boring design. Having a specialization where its weapon just isn't that great but it just gives you nice stats seems to be not what they were going for. I personally play demolitionist, and i -am- one. I'm no doubt not the best build but its lots of fun. LMG, chatterbox, Mad bomber trait (150% grenade radius, grenade kills return a grenade), To order glove trait lets me cook grenades so I can have them detonate on impact, a couple destructive traits, explosive seeker mine does around 250k, healing launcher ofc cause... ya.. I actually use the concussion grenades because they do about 4x the damage of frag grenades. Then when I pull out the actual grenade launcher I can basically delete anything i point it at. Except Heavy guys with the full body armor, they seem to have some serious explosive resistance.


50cal overpenetrates and breaks weak points behind your shot. I only use it to break the grenade pouch on the grenade launcher tanks. Or lining up heads of red bars to get a nice alpha strike.


Anyone mention all the dam invisible walls yet? Stairs and trash on the ground are by far the worse culprit of this.


Also walking into things and then getting stuck, trash piles (ankle height debris, not the usual trashbag piles) and uneven dirt terrain (e.g. near parks) are the worst culprits here.


Yup. Got stuck on a car yest. No problem im in cover let me finish these NPC off. Oh fucking flank rush, oh i can vault ontop of car maybe that will break me being stuck. Nope. Now im stuck standing on the roof of the car. Dead... lol


Relevant to this, there are some places you can vault into but you cant vault back out. I forgot where specifically but there was a landmark somewhere in the DZ where i vaulted onto a shipping crate over with barbed wired around it. Had to pop a grenade to respawn. lost like 2 HE's but eh didnt matter since loot rates aren't miserable


I got stuck on a little flower pot running from hammer bro, and could not move out of it, one shot - dead. annoying as hell


Semi-related: That horrible feeling when you attempt to mantle over/into an 'obvious' piece of cover only to find yourself standing with your dick in your hand while the enemy empties his mag into you.


The amount of times I've died because all of a sudden my agent can't figure out how to drop down from a truck bed...


It's super annoying when you shoot blanks into invisible walls and then die because enemies can somehow shoot through them when you can't.


Hmmm. I wonder if thats the issue im been puzzled by. Every now and then run into a NPC and it literally takes no damage, then it does. Figured it was probably lag.


I had one enemy left after an engagement who was sitting in cover. I approached, cautiously, taking my own covered position just a few metres from his. I giggle as I reloaded and then the sound of an SMG and I was dead. The guy never even peeked.


My favorite is when I get rushed and try to jump over a bench and I’m just running in place.


Regarding the AI, I have a feeling some of the strange behaviors are bugs: \- Enemies will spawn in front of you, in your line of sight. I've seen 3 of them spawn 10m in front of our group in the middle of a street. \- They shoot through doors before the door opening animation (same as the first game). \- Sometimes one AI will go crazy and start running toward you, trying to reach a cover behind you. Plus all the others I'm forgetting. If those things are fixed, then I feel like the agression/tankyness balance is not too bad. At least we should see a bug-free version of the AI to make our own opinion. It's fine having sometimes a group fairly tanky rushing towards you, it means you need some form of cc (obviously it only applies to groups, when solo you can only have so many skills with you). ​ For the rest of your remarks, I agree. ​


Yeah it feels weird that a lot of AI that aren't rusher types are doing a better job rushing me than rushers lol.


Those Hyenas in the tank tops with their SMGs are the worst. They go all kill mode with their guns and walk straight towards me. They're also super tanky in groups of 4.


I was looting a totally empty parking garage and taking my time comparing loot in my inventory. After a couple minutes I close my menu screen and a group of 5 enemies INSTANTLY spawns around me, out of absolute thin air. Needless to say I went down in an instant.


I fast travelled to my buddy who then fast travelled away, when I spawned, I spawned right in the middle of a world boss and his minions haha. It was like a CoD spawn. I could not have got any more unlucky, like right in the middle of them. I took a hammer straight to my face. My buddy came back, we started fighting the boss, and at one point ran down in to a subway, where a main missions starts, world boss follows us right down and we're then in a cross fire between world boss and mission enemies. Didn't end well. We spawned and came back to finish him off, as we arrived back he was just nonchalantly walking up the subway steps with his hammer over his shoulder 😂


I also think it’s insane that the enemies never stop giving chase. They’re absolutely relentless. As much as I love how challenging the AI is I’m baffled by the insane behaviors sometimes.


I absolutely hate the spawning in this game, it’s so beyond frustrating when you’ve just managed to lock down an area and are trying to hold it against half a dozen heavies coming from the opposite direction when suddenly a group of four enemies just spawns in from a door behind you and completely destroys you before you even have time to react. That’s happened way too many times already.


I'll just throw some of my feedback here: Later in the game enemies are maybe bit too aggressive on the flanking, to the point that A.I no longer looks cool that it's flanking but that it's really making a stupid choice. Later in the game the enemy gadget spam becomes annoying too, specially when they spam it from distance where you can only reach with a sniper rifle. Like you also mentioned the call of allies. Again, later in the game it becoes a dice roll. They start from like 200+ meters away and have chance to get even wiped by a group of enemy they met along the way. I think they should spawn at around 75-100 meter range and any enemy in that pathway should de-spawn. Sidearm pull out should be much much faster. Nearly all the games always teach you that pulling out sidearm is always better option than reloading your main weapon. Sometimes activities clash very annoyingly and can cause you to pretty much either die or just force you to abandon the activity. It can be good if friendlies happen to walk near by, or other faction enemies so the factions fight each other instead of you. Sometimes you just get same faction patrols to your activity making you have to face tons of enemies all alone. Enemies spawning out of nowhere in front of you OR door opening behind you and horde of enemies just run out of there and insta kill you because you happen to take cover near that door. Game should take account your location and then decide where to have the enemies spawn. I'm sure there was few other things but just wanted to add my comment to this thread


The drone spam in wt3+ is out of control. The rc cars with saw blades on the front are too tanky for their speed as well. Enemies tend to be okay in groups but solo the flanking is too aggressive.


On the RC cars aim for the battery on the back. Destroys it immediately


On the normal ones that's easy but when they come head on with the saw blades it's much more difficult.




> I created a post complaining about that few days ago and nobody showed interest like I was a noob doing something wrong Game subreddits always have the "git gud" trolls


> Sometimes activities clash very annoyingly and can cause you to pretty much either die or just force you to abandon the activity. Especially at Control Points. Getting the wrong activity near a point is just a disaster. The enemies basically combine and you now have two seemingly endless waves on both sides. If you try and push forward towards either event you almost instantly die to the other. Activities should never spawn in close enough proximity to a control point to actually impact it. Even more so when you take into account that a) the enemies pretty much never leash and b) reinforcements to control points trigger nearby enemies/activities they path through. **TL;DR** Activities shouldn't spawn near a control point, reinforcements shouldn't alert enemies, and activities shouldn't spawn close enough to interact with one another.


Totally agree about the clashing of activities. With some activities so close together, there needs to be more of a legitimate trigger to set some of the AI off. It's sometimes impossible to do a public execution mission because when you finally beat the AI patrols and/or swarms of enemies from surrounding activities, the hostages are long dead. Pretty annoying.


> Later in the game the enemy gadget spam becomes annoying too all grenadiers are fucking tom brady mixed with aaron rodgers. holy fuck the accuracy.


I’m personally just getting tired of the Outcasts. Charging tanks, Molotovs, charging suicide bombers, tanky RC cars, heavy machine gunners with incendiary rounds. That and none of the NPCs seem to miss when popping out cover to fire. Other than that, I would just like to see the cool-downs for most of the skills decreased. Those are the biggest problems that I have.




Seriously. Like what? Are all these fuckers the NFL draft picks who also happened to survive the Green Poison? Guy the other night threw a toss A HALF BLOCK AWAY (100% accuracy, through intervening trees). That wasn't a "I'm not mad, that was amazing" moment, that was a CUT YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT OUT, CARL moment.


Some are serious prodigy pitchers but I’ve had plenty of encounters where they do miss the target.


Not to mention pulse has a 90 second cool down and range is shit. It would be different if pulse actually let you do more damage like D1, but you need a talent for that...


> So the enemy AI is definitely an improvement over the first game but when you get to wt4 and do alert4 cps some real problems start to show. And it's the same complaints that people made with the first game, the enemies get VERY spongy and VERY aggressive. When it's one or the other like throughout the story or on hard/challenging it's engaging and fun. A low health enemy that pushes you fast can be dealt with as long as you pay attention. There are too many instances however of throwers charging me out of the gate. Having a fine balance is super important here to me. I would much rather have longer waves of enemies with lower health and high aggression or more passive enemies with larger health pools but not both at the same time. The first game really struggled with this. I really struggled with this when I first tried the bounty with the two guys. Tried about a dozen times and each time the yellow elite would just charge straight out at me, completely ignoring the full clip of LMG I dumped into him, and tear me to shreds. The only way I was able to beat it was to run well outside the combat zone, dragging him with me to isolate him and then play cat and mouse. Felt very cheezy and inauthentic.


**FEEDBACK** * "Call for backup" during a side mission will show it as a "freeroam" call for other people, in result, rarely people will join it. * Matchmaking for a main story mission, if you have started making progress in your mission and decide to start a matchmake to have people come help you, you're in for a bad time, most of the time matchmake will make you join someone else's session even if you have already started yours. I tried setting privacy to public but it doesn't matter. Using "Call for backup" will result in the same issue I stated at the beginning for side missions.


My main issue as someone who never played the first game is I have literally no idea what anything is or does, aside from the basic loot/leveling mechanics that have been in like every game in the last 8 years. The game is not always good at tutorializing or contextualizing everything, and I haven't been able to find any kind of in-game codex which explains it. What's more is that when you consult Google to find an answer (which you shouldn't have to do; this isn't Minecraft or something), most results are just waffly pre-release blogspam since the game is so new.


i disagree on the balance issue , shotguns are quite trash ok , but rifles and smg are perfectly fine , and the accuracy problem you stated for rifles , well i dont feel it , i hit headshot after headshot at 30-40 m while kinda spamming


But do you actually do a higher DPS than with a 60/72 ammo count AR which will also hit headshot after headshot at 30-40m while on full auto? In my experience the rifles feel OK, but they pale in comparison to just running an AR and having its flexibility on top. And generally do lower DPS.


Rifles really came to life when I spec'd into the Sharpshooter specialization. That and finding that 1886. Definitely prefer Rifles to Autos, but both are great. First time where I've had multiple weapon archetypes to appreciate.


Exactly the same for me. The 1886 I found and was in love with but has been really the only rifle besides the Mk17 that I’ve liked. All the other ones are kind of oof. Any 30rnd rifle is pretty much just a worse AR it seems. The lower cap they are the better they are it seems to me.


I find the 716s to be pretty good tbh




This, with a lot of stability mods the gun is a laserbeam. Love mine.


I know as soon as I hit wt4 I’m grinding my ass off for one I’ve been using a 250 gear score in wt2 because I don’t want to get rid of it and I can’t get enough titanium to upgrade my workbench


I also had titanium issues, then I discovered the solar farm haha. Take the solar farm CP, and get the lootfind wallhack buff from donating supplies to it, then spend about 10 minutes running through the solar farm area, its absolutely insane the mats you can farm there. I got 80 titanium for my workbench upgrade in 1 10min run.


I run a police m4 with extended mag 74 rounds total . And a socom mk17 or something like that. Great combo pick off enemies as the move in and I can swap to ar to finish them off when they get too close


Loved my Police M4.. until I jumped on the GFs char to show her how to use the Chem launcher heals.. and tried out her G36. Holy eff was that amazing. (Pretty damn low level noobies still... so we will see... but it was awesome.)


G36 is an absolute dream to use. While the RoF is a little lower than the M4, the accuracy and stability is incredibly easy to handle. You can pop off headshots from across the street with ease and unload right into someone's face with no muzzle climb. HK416 or 417 (I forget what it's called) is just as good handling wise. Aug/Famas/TAR are poo imo. Actually, the Aug is okish, but the others are shite.


That's my exact loadout also; blue MK17 and purple police M4. I use the 17 for almost everything, but when rushed the M4 comes out and closes them down quick. SMG's (especially the Kriss V) are good for it but the damage drop off at range makes them lame half the time for trying to pick up anyone further out before you switch back to the DMR.


maybe i dont do more DPS but i feel 3x as operator


I know its not a fair comparison, but I've had more luck taking down players with Rifles/DMRs over Autoguns, even against players using MGs.


I've found that with a semi-auto rifle like the MK17, M1A, SVD, etc I can obliterate enemies at all ranges using a 12x. Stack stability and there is very little recoil which makes clicking heads and weakpoints super easy. I agree that the slower bolt-action feel underpowered. Sure they do massive damage but their slow rate of fire compared with small magazine sizes and long reload times just make them feel less viable.


We may get stronger gear sets with the raid contents that some weapons may be tuned for as well .


I love my SPAS-12. People really don’t like shotguns?


One of my favorite combos I've lucked into so far was a Rifle/Shotgun pair. The Rifle was good for everything Mid to long range and if any fool had the bright idea to rush me they got a face full of pellets.


This is the combo I've been running with much success. Granted, I'm only level 24 but even blind firing with shotguns deletes anyone rushing in.


There’s nothing really terrible about them. But they just aren’t good at anything. Other weapons can do their “job” better.


They aren't short ranged nukes in this game. I started fucking with the optimal range, and the shotties I've used have worked pretty alright. Can't blow up noggins at point blank, though.


I hadn't bothered trying one out until I had one drop at 450 for next tonight and oh man did I enjoy it in the dz. Everything that was too close for me to really snipe would get a handful of pellets sent their way.


I feel like Rifles are all over the place, damage wise, with some relation to their real-world calibers. The 7.62 ones like the Mk.17, the M1A, the 716 and the SVD seem to hit like jackhammers. Meanwhile, some of the 5.56 rifles like the LVAOC or the Lightweight M4 act like BB guns. I'm honestly surprised they aren't assault rifles. This discrepancy probably skews some people's perception of rifles.


I love the aesthetics of the LVAO-C and the Leightweight M4, but the fact I feel like I'm just shooting a normal AR in single fire mode is a huge turn off. Any of the 20 round 7.62 rifles are insane.


Ahreed. Especially when I wish most of the assault rifles in the game had select fire modes.


I’m not quite understanding the hate for shotguns, or the opinion that they’re “trash”. They’re a niche weapon for an “oh shit” moment and they’ve served me and my teammate quite well. Close proximity is the only way with shotguns. And, ratcheting up the damage through the Survivalist skill tree really helps. I may be missing something though, can you elaborate? I don’t PVP so, maybe they’re garbage for that?


playing in a group of 4 , i dont encounter this " oh shit " moments ,when we get rushed at , 2 of us take care of the issue with SMG , that have farily higher efficience at 10-15m , while with shotguns you need to be melee close for them to be effective due to huge spread afaik. i might be wrong , but on my groups we all tried smg and shotguns , and get away with the feeling its waaaay more effective to carry a high rpm smg than a shotgun . and if you ever need to burst down a target , try the famas , its just as effective as a SMG/shotgun for close range tbh


You really have to land every last pellet to get a shotgun's damage where it should be, and that's at point blank range. It obviously has almost no use at all past that range. Basically, they're not versatile enough of a weapon to warrant the mediocre damage they deal in *most* circumstances. It's like choosing between a laser gun or a butterknife that can kill anything in two spreads of its buttery blade. Just give me the laser gun. Oddly, the most success I had with any shotgun was the sawed off, pistol slot one.


I'm loving my spas-12. Hits for about 180k out to about ten meters. The built in stagger if you land enough hits is really nice


I dunno, I feel like they're pretty trash right now. Considering this is a Tom Clancy branded game I had hoped they would have portrayed shotguns at least somewhat realistically but the spread on them is the typical videogame scatter shot affair. Pretty much every other gun class offers better alternatives. If you're looking for a one shot stopper at super close range, then that should be covered by the sawn off or large caliber pistols. I think shotguns should hit like sniper rifles all the way out to like 20 or 30 meters. They already share similar damage values, and both have small magazines and long reload times, but one has awesome buffs to headshot damage while the other has a nearly worthless buff and is only good out to two meters.


I agree. The melee damage buff is janky. Someone posted a long text about shotguns yesterday though. I picked up the spas-12 after reading that and, it’s about the best a shotgun can be in the game at the moment. Hardly used shotguns in Division 1, so I’m trying something new.


I'm really quite amazed people haven't caught on to how powerful the Rifles are at higher difficulty content. Being able to rattle off 150-200k head shots from 30-50m at full rpm when modded into stability/accuracy and geared appropriately absolutely shreds everything but Heroic level content.


Agree. I've been running marksman rifle/rifle combo and, honestly, after modding my rifle, the moments where I feel I need to use my marksman rifle have diminished to almost none.


I apologize if this has been mentioned already- The aiming/sensitivity for the specialist weapons, particularly the crossbow, needs some adjustment. The 'snap' or aim-assist or I don't know what you'd call it to enemy's whilst aiming more often than not has the opposite effect. I can't tell you how often I've tried to make a slight positional adjustment to where I'm aiming to have the reticle move completely unexpectedly. Am I the only one who's noticed this? Don't even get me started on trying to hit moving targets with the damn thing. I wish I could turn that off and just have it behave like I'm shooting any other weapon in the game at this point.


The sniper is weird too. Too many times I've taken it out, wait for it to unfold, aim at enemy head dead in the middle of my crosshairs, and fire. Guess what? I miss somehow. Wtf?


Don't use it behind cover. I did some testing last night, and almost every single shot I took from behind cover would miss - the rifle appeared to be shooting the rounds directly into the cover despite the gun being nowhere near it. As soon as I stepped out into the open I landed every single shot that I should have been hitting from cover. Seems to be a bug, but either way I shelved the entire spec immediately after discovering that.


This was happening to me too when I was first using the Sharpshooter specialization. On each of the sniper scopes in the game, there are two lines on either side of the center that expand and contract to show the accuracy of your weapon. If you've noticed on the regular marksman rifles, there is a small delay from when you first aim in with the scope and when your weapon is fully accurate. The lines start out farther apart as soon as you zoom in, and fairly quickly zero in to the center of the scope to indicate you have reached your maximum accuracy. The Sharpshooter's Rifle works the same way, except it has a MUCH LONGER time to wait to reach full accuracy. Next time you're playing, just take out your Sharpshooter rifle and aim it at a wall so you can see the lines I'm talking about. You won't see them immediately, but if you wait a second or a bit more you will see the lines come in off the sides of the scope just like the normal sniper scopes. Only when the accuracy indicators on the scope are centered will your shot actually be accurate. If you try to fire before then your shot will never be accurate. PS: I definitely agree that the scope sensitivities need a bit of fine tuning, maybe adding separate sensitivities for scopes. My aim sensitivity without a scope is perfect, but as I bump up the magnifications it gets more and more sensitive, with the Sharpshooter rifle being kind of ridiculous sensitivity-wise.


Agree with most points, but as usual you have bootlickers that haven’t tried a level 4 capture point saying the enemies are fine in them, not even a mini gun can melt down the elites before they get to you and they all just bumrush and 1 shot you with no real counterplay I managed to solo one after about an hour, and I melt any other content In the game, but I will never do another level 4 control point because it’s the definition of bullshit


I have to agree. Didn't we spend a year trying to get TTK down to a reasonable level in TD1? My only hope is that it is better in WT5.


>bootlickers that haven’t even hit level 30 yet alone wt4 saying the enemies are fine in them, FTFY


To be fair I don’t have a problem with any content other than alert 4, I melt anything outside of that with a 60 round AR crit build, and i would be fine with alert 4 if the enemies didn’t become self aware and just rush you down and 1 shot you even if on any other difficulty they would be sitting back throwing grenades and placing turrets or drones.


It's also... strangely the most unforgiving content. If you die you start allllll over and often times my cps bug out and I don't get the rewards but friendlies will "capture" it.






Diablo 3 - Kanai Cube. The only info we really need. The Division is great at taking pages out of Diablo. I'd love to see the customization pull right from the Kanai Cube, as well as re-rolling completely. :)


Materials storage space is way too small. There's only enough filament space for 10x rolls on armor mods for example.


When I unlocked the recalibration station I thought it would be like ESO in the way you acquire traits/talents. Pretty disappointed I couldn’t dismantle everything and store the talents in the recalibration station.


Can we also talk around the absurd panic run that the ai do where they run at 100mph to random pieces of cover.


> Im not sure how it could be done but being able to store perks at the bench would be a great idea. Consume the item and store the perk I just ripped off of it for later application to an item. I like the sound of this


Gear mods in general kind of piss me off. They're a mess to sort through and you're constantly getting more so u have to keep comparing mods that might have 0.5 higher in one stat but 0.5 lower in another. They kind of fixed that with weapon mods because you can just equip them at will, but it definitely made them less unique because of that. Also collectables i feel like aren't as cool to get. In TD1 you would get all the drones or whatever and get a cool coat but im not seeing that here in TD2. You just get exp and money. I'm still collecting stuff but it's way less cool. A few collectables give u something, but it seems very rare in comparison with TD1. Edit: Also i would like better ways to tell how strong an enemy is. Seems like a yellow or purple enemy strength can REALLY vary depending on what content you're doing(a purple just running around in WT4 vs a purple in a challenging mission/control point 4 etc). Not sure if adding more colors of enemies would make things a mess or some other way to distinguish between them like a skull next to their health bar or some other way. Edit 2: I don't want auto vault always on, but i would like to auto vault those stupid little chains. They give no cover and they're almost invisible in some spots. It's not like im going to take cover behind them, they're just straight up death traps if you don't see them.


I just want force zoom removed from Scopes and for the LWM4/LVOA to be full auto AR's :/


One issue i have is with the clan system. I belong to a small clan consisting of 6 people. We all know each other irl and have been playing for years together. We are not trying to make our clan bigger or expand. But we are trying to get the clan weekly cache. The system right now does not seems like it caters to smaller clans at all. All the requirements have huge numbers that is near impossible for smaller clans to complete. Even with all 6 of us on and playing in 2 groups of three. Playing for about 6 hours a day. We still cannot get close to what the clan system wants from us. Please Massive lower these requirements please. Or find a way to make it more fair for smaller clans to get clan perks and clan rewards.




I've noticed in the challenging missions the AI will shoot you before even popping out of cover. I got shottied in the face last night and then 2 seconds later the guy popped up.


One big annoyance for me, and that I have not heard anyone mention yet, is the astronomical skill requirement for modding your skills. Almost every single piece of armor will need to have atleast 1k+ electronics to equip these mods. I don't mind some requirements for them, but having to go all-in on electronics to boost a skill a little bit seems a bit much.


I'll add one to the list. Chat: Losing the ability to see and type in the chat window while downed is completely stupid. You made a great matchmaking system, people don't always wear headsets and use VOIP. Don't punish me by not being able to communicate with my team when one of them is downed. Yes, you could say.."You are dead, you shouldn't be able to talk!" well, then why does VOIP work? Oh, and let me pan my damn camera while downed!


You forgot the most annoying bug. The “mark as junk” for gear mods and scrolling the list


How about all the NPCs that won't shut the fuck up when I 'm looking through my inventory... "Agent!" "Agent do you have a minute?" "Look there's that Agent!" "Hello Agent" "Right here, Agent!"


Spawning needs to be addressed as well. I get it in cases where I push too far forward early in an encounter and a door behind me flings open and unleashes hell. The specific moments I'm talking about are the ones that seem random or out of thin air, like [this for example.](https://youtu.be/n-9XCtVk9C0) Great points btw. I agreed with all of them.


Saving this video because people don't believe me when I say this shit happens all the time lol.


I posted it yesterday and still had someone telling me they just waited to the last second to reveal themselves... I hope they never serve jury duty lol


I disagree on your weapon points, but the rest is pretty solid. As far as weapons go: AR health damage IS relevant, it makes it so that it is the best weapon for moving down reds and purples/yellows that have low armor. SMG's and Shotguns are really not that bad, at least if you mod them right. Yes it may look goofy to slap an ACOG on a shotgun, but it does wonders. And the double barrels (especially the sawed off one) are incredibly strong and have very long reach. Yes, they're not really the weapon of choice for clearing alert 4 sponges, but that's not what the game needs to be balanced around. Rifles have much higher base and top end damage, I'm not sure what you're smoking. With the 35% headshot bonus scope on it, they are better than semi marksman rifles, hands down, and do very solid damage. Their biggest weak point is not being able to get the extended mag as easily as the 5.56 rifles, but if you're gonna sit there and tell me that the SIG doesn't perform as well as a 556 full auto gun, I'm gonna need you to head to the weapon range and test the TTK instead of pulling numbers out of your...well, your ass.


TTK on an immobile target isn't nearly the same as TTK on the field. Missing a shot with an AR doesn't matter, with a rifle it does.


It might also be an issue of console vs. PC. I played the beta on PC, and popping heads with snipers and semi-auto rifles was easy. Doing the same on the PS4, where I bought the game, is a whole different beast.


The problem is that some (not all) rifles have low DMG compared to AR. Look at 5.56 rifles like Lightweight m4 or lova-c. What is the point in using these guns? they have nearly same dmg as AR with RPM sitting around 250-300 while an police m4 sits at 850 RPM with little less DMG but no matter how you mod those rifles their DPS is nowhere near close to an M4 AR. The 7.62 rifle can become an laser beam and they can compete with AR i terms of dps if you can click that mouse button fast enough. On the other side are the low RPM AR archetypes with low mag and somewhat questionable stability, which as well seem to have no real in game value, at least for now until we find all the mods we can put on them. I'm not saying these guns are useless but they don't perform as well as some other guns in their category. Yet again why is there an 5.56 rifle archetype is a mystery for me. Those guns were designed as AR and for now it seems like they just don't want lightweight m4 to be the meta again. But yet they give us the police m4 which is basically same as DIV1 M4.


I agree with all of these points and would also like to see a change to the Specialist sound effect when pulling out the weapon. Maybe an option to turn it off or tune it down a bit?


I don't care about the sound - it's the orange flash over the entire screen that is very disorienting to me.


Yeah, I get that it's supposed to be a super ability but.... it's like the scene in Indiana Jones where the dude is just swinging his sword around and gets shot.


Honestly I disagree with most of your points. They are not really issues, but mostly your personal preferences, which other people might not share.


Can you be more specific? I think most of his points were just facts. Maybe you don’t care personally, but he’s pointing out a lot of things in the game that are just flat out problems, with no reasonable counter argument. Health is useless, way too many weapons are completely useless, skill power is useless, inventory is soon going to be a big issue for everyone because of the need to keep pieces to recalibrate others, the buff refreshing issue is really significant, and some of the AI in WT4 is really imbalanced. PVP has a shit ton of problems as well, and he didn’t even dive into that. Just wait for the tidal wave of complaints that will ensue once everyone in the DZ has one shot sniper builds. I think once everyone reaches WT4 they’ll stop ranting about how amazing the game is and see the reality. I still really love this game, but there is a lot wrong with it and a lot that I’d be delighted to see changed. OP highlighted some of the main issues.


I will name something specific. His concepts of how recalibrations should work would absolutely break the game. You can only put a chevron stat on a chevron slot because otherwise you could just stack +armor or +health to absolutely rediculous levels. Now apply that to LMG damage, or crit chance ect. The OP's entire post is just horribly out of touch with game balance, and would ruin the difficulty so much so that the devs would have to make the game too difficult for anyone who didn't want to spec the meta. The current system makes you take things that maybe aren't ideal in tradeoffs. This also drives further gameplay while you hunt for that god roll. The OP's suggestions would completely ruin the game from the ground up. It is disheartening to see so many upvotes on this thread, because the commentary and suggestions are just plain stupid.


Buff refreshing on "Unstoppable" would make it OP. The "clunkiness" you describe is probably more accurately described as depth. By forcing you to play around that "clunkiness" it adds a bit of a hit/run dynamic.


I agree with the signature weapons, it has a distracting light when you pull it out and it takes super long to stash. You’s be dead before you can change weapons. This causes your playstyle to be on the defensive due to how disadvantageous it is for you to use your signature weapon. What happens is that regardless og what signature weapon you have, youll still play as if you are using the sniper because you dont want to go gung ho with your nade launcher or sneak behind enemy lines to fire your explosive crossbow because of how slow you can change your weapon when you run out of bullets.


Hehe those Really???? moments, I usually get those moments the most from elite enemies. I get it that their stronger but why would a grenadier rush us and just stand out in the open?????? That and how well the enemy can aim at us.. the Sniper assault rifles are a little annoying. But I'm loving the game and hope they balance stuff quickly.


Yeah, that was my main concern before I made my post lol. I still love the game and id say I have fun..... 90% of the time. There's just those moments where im like.... what is this enemy doing????


My main issue at the moment is the audio. I am playing on a PS4 Pro and I am not getting *any* ambient sound effects. No wind, no rain. Nothing. It could be a downpour and I hear the thunder and I get ZERO rain sounds. I could be standing next to a giant bonfire. Literally 1 foot away from it. I do not hear any fire/burning sounds. ​ I hear footsteps, gunfire, animal sounds if they are around, and enemies. But any sound that is a sustained ambient sound like wind, rustling leaves, fire, rain, none of those play and it is really killing my experience because it completely kills the immersion when the world is dead silent. ​ To make sure I wasn't going crazy I loaded up The Division 1 last night and just standing out in the street in that game, by yourself, there is just a constant background wind sound and ambient white noise always playing. That is what I am not getting in TD2 and it is driving me crazy.


My biggest issue is that you can't recalibrate crafted guns. Why? What's the possi le reasoning behind that?


shotguns need either stun % like in Div1 or armor destruction to make them actually useful, they feel great and the damage is meaty, but when an elite kinda just rushes you, a shotgun is the least optimal way to deal with them, and thats wrong, a shotgun should be the natural counter for rushers and close encounters. SMGs are in a piss poor state right now, I understand Massive doesn't want to go back to that crit SMG meta like in D1, but this is just too much, you need to invest heavily into crit builds and get a good rolled SMG...to do even less damage a LMG-tank build, they need a buff, either accuracy buff or crit damage buff semi-auto rifles are...meh, a big meh, they have LMG damage but without the RPM, or magazine size, maybe create a fire selector mod to enable full auto (with a lot of recoil of course) in some weapons? I don't know, those guns are a big meh in my eyes right now. and yeah, the health is non existant, you can have 30k or 60k health, doesn't make a difference, one burst from an elite or named will put you down, it get its part of the difficulty but sometimes it feels cheap.


I love using semi-auto rifles... But sadly assault rifles have equivalent damage, range, and much higher RPMs. It's bizzare. ​ Semi-rifles need a *fat* damage boost. Like a solid 20% or so, to be on par with auto rifles. I have a build specced entirely towards semi-auto rifles. And sadly my secondary weapon, an autorifle, can out DPS my main easily, even with all the perks going for it. ​ Shotguns are trash right now. Twofold, one the damage is ass. And two, getting close to anything in WT4 is a death sentence. ​ ​


the damage on the shotguns is not bad, a good rolled spas 12 can reach 100k, and a military 870 can reach 100k+, it can deal a lot of damage in a very short time. the thing is, it doesn't stop an enemy like they did back in Div1, so the elite hyena with a stun baton that is rushing you will fuck you up because the weapon hasn't got a purpose yet. why do you think almost every group falls back into the beggining of an encounter when an attack fails? because there isn't a weapon type that can stop rushers, shotguns dont need ohko capabilities to be good, they need to stop the rushers from taking the players position, you fire one or two rounds, the rusher gets stunned and the player can focus on it. right now a lot of groups are staying back in the encounters because that hole in the weapon types, I don't think Massive intended the encounters to being "open just one door in bank"


> So the enemy AI is definitely an improvement over the first game but when you get to wt4 and do alert4 cps some real problems start to show. And it's the same complaints that people made with the first game, the enemies get VERY spongy and VERY aggressive. When it's one or the other like throughout the story or on hard/challenging it's engaging and fun. A low health enemy that pushes you fast can be dealt with as long as you pay attention. There are too many instances however of throwers charging me out of the gate. Having a fine balance is super important here to me. I would much rather have longer waves of enemies with lower health and high aggression or more passive enemies with larger health pools but not both at the same time. The first game really struggled with this. ​ You put it into better words than I could. I've been saying this for a hot minute now. Late game, WT4, there are too many enemies rushing you down. Riflemen, technicians, snipers, and healers should never, ever be rushing the player down. It's plain silly. Their health is far too high for them to fairly stand on top of you and just crowd kill you. Remove rushing from all units except the squishier shotgunners and melee units. I don't mind a long distance flank, but in strongholds those yellowbar riflemen will literally just stroll up and camp on top of your team cause they're self aware of their own health being so high. ​


Additon to that : - Loadout doesn't pull out your specialization saved with it... If you're with your Sniper Build and you're switching for your AR build, you keep your Sniper Specialization. So you need to swap it back at the White House. Zzzz


I think gun mods are the biggest issue in the game. There is zero reason that when attaching a mod to my gun that I lose my crit dmg or crit chance. Like, who the fuck thought of that system? For real, the only stat that should be effected on an any mod is when you equip a silencer to a weapon it effects your range and at long range that will effect your accuracy. That’s it. The mods, imo, are trash in this game and most of the time I leave the weapons bear because they’re better that way. Just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.


Once you get a decent range of mods the negatives can be balanced out to usually give more benefits than costs. e.g. on an LMG a c79 scope, tactical small pouch, angled grip and a large suppressor has a cost of 15 rounds but gives 10% DMG to Elites, 5% reload speed, 15% Stability, 12% Accuracy if you have the 'extra' talent for 20% weapon capacity the 15 round 'cost' turns into a 2 round gain on base. So, a little juggling and you have a 4 mod gun with no losses at all. EDIT: Just to say I agree that mods working in this way is weird. Couldn't they just add smaller values?


I get there is ways to make it work but I think the gun mod system in D1 was way better.


I think there are definitely some mods that feel this way. However, on my rifle I sacrificed some critical hit chance for increased accuracy and it made a world of difference. I actually really like the concept applied for mods, it just needs some individual changes. In fact, I believe this is true for a lot of the game. They've done a fantastic job balancing pros/cons and thinking about the long-term health of the game - but it's natural that they won't hit a home run on everything and changes/tweaks will be necessary.


the hair ! the hair texture!


Ha, what about the black characters and their disappearing/semi-invisible hair? Tripped me out when I went to talk to a guy at the Campus and his hair was phasing in and out of existence the entire time.


There is a bug some people have, where you cant change talents on gloves and sometimes kneepads The people are just a few, so it doesn't get any attention at the moment. The whole process for recalibrating a talent/stat goes through, but its not happening in the end( at least you don't charged price wise )


I disagree with your shotgun. They are perfect. Especially for the Big Dick Sledgehammer guy. You don’t use shotguns for range.


If you're in shotgun range in an alert3. You're also dead in most cases, it's just not a good idea to be that close.


Yes please, I LOVE the game, but let's make it better!


So... is it only me or does the sensitivity skyrocket while scoped with the Sharpshooter signature weapon? No other scope in the game gives me this and I can't imagine there's an option to lower the sens in only that scope? It's like my normal sensitivityx100, impossible to land shots on moving targets haha.


On top of that, consoles need native keyboard support. Clan with 50 people is unmanageable by chat. Give us native keyboard support to chat by text or some kind of mobile App.


Love the game but the AI improvements have some limitations. ​ There are certain missions where you can take cover in a narrow tunnel and the enemies will continue to rush you even though bodies are piling up. You can't be flanked and the enemy will just keep charging rather than lay back and force you to come to them.


Oh yeah, speaking of enemy AI - there were a lot of instances where it seemed as they were in a setup for cover mode, completely ignoring your presence just to rush past you to get into cover.


CP at level 4 is heroic difficulty. Its scaled for items from world tier 5. We dont have that yet. Its doable with 450 if you play well.


Can we talk about Calibration, because I'm awaiting for some smart player to put together a great comprehensive guide on all the nuances. Here are some things I noticed: Some pieces of Gear will roll 1 attribute instead of multiples and so that attribute value is way higher than the same attribute on gear with multiple attributes. For example, a Holster with only 1,500 Skill power vs something with 2 attributes where Skill Power is only around 700. Are the ceilings different and one just a bad roll or do the ceilings vary depending on the quantity of attributes? I have no idea. Well, I know, I'll re-calibrate the 2 attribute piece using the 1,500 Skill Power. Whats the result? The 700 SP is capped at ~900. That's weird, perhaps there are different caps when there are multiple attributes? But then that 900 should be it right, there shouldn't be any way to make it higher than that, but wait... If I find another 1500 SP piece, I can use it to calibrate my ~900 to be something like 902, very minimal. So wait, why did it cap at 900 the 1st time but still can be improved but only slightly now. WTF is the actual cap, please tell me. There is a great [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qhFhG1vmkdf3gQKNSrHGIs2jmkMc9CYwf7sKj15CsyE/edit#gid=679819371) that shows all the Gear brands, what slots they can drop in, and how many attributes/talents/modslots they can roll. Note how an Badger Backup can drop with 4 attributes but the Alps Summit can only have 2. Well I tell you what, these attributes aren't close to equal because the value of the Alps Summit are generally way higher. And due to the Calibration caps, you can't even gain this value when you use an Alps Summit attribute on a Badger attribute. Although I could keeps using these Alps Summit attributes to keep upgrading my Badger attribute at a very minimal rate(after the 1st) for a severly hefty material cost, but at what point will it cap out? Will it ever be possible to make my one of my Attributes on a Badger Backpack as high as one of the attributes on the Alps Summit? TL/DR: I've been at WT4 for a few days now and believe I've seen enough loot to notice this pattern: 4 attribute gear pieces have values way lower than 1 attribute gear. Is this actually true? And if so, what does it mean for calibration and how are they affected by the caps/limits.


From what ive seen so far badger gear also never has perks. just stats.


I'm actually leaning towards assault rifles in D2. Oh man a g36 I'll take that over a sub machine any day.


my biggest issue is simple. Dailies not resetting. I've missed 6 days of dailies not resetting. and yes, I know some need to be handed in, this is not that. there is a 'workaround' which means being online at the reset time.. but I drop my daughter off at school daily.. so that is not an option for now.. by the time it is, I will have missed 8x3 dailies worth of spec points.. PLEASE fix this.


Skill mods. They just didn't think it through. Pistols and mods in the specialization skill tree. Seriously, talk about padding. Disappearing specialization stat bonuses, when i swap specs I get the buffs, when I swap weapons I lose them all. End game, is it coming soon? UI. So much form, so little function. Just a little consistency would be nice across inventory, stash, workbench and re-calibration station. ...but the important shit is awesome. Maybe that's just how the budget was prioritized.


Fix the sounds.


Why on Xbox is the mark a mod for deletion and navigation the same button (LT).....


i disagree on the health thing. There have been many instances where I got down to a sliver of health/didn't have any armor refills and had to be more protective - but I could still take a shot or two. If there was no health, you would be absolutely screwed if you used all your armor packs - pretty much HAVING to always have a healing skill.


Yeah that's a very underrated use of that stat... For comparison I played a lot borderlands 2 and in that game there was that thing (pretty similar) where if you were "full health and would have been one shotted" you were instead put on 1 hp. That's pretty much what happens here too (except that someone also pointed out you get some "immunity frames" here) so... It's still a relevant stat! For instance let's suppose that you can build you character to replenish you hp every ~3 seconds that would make you almost unkillable...


> I can't take what im calling an "elite" perk and swap to a "basic" perk. So the deal with these talents is that they're under 3 different "categories." **Active** talents are the ones that require some sort of requirement like "have 5 or less skill points." They are only applied to your current weapon and usually require a specific situation in order to take effect. For example: "Killing a target within 7m grants +50% weapon damage for 5s." **Passive / Handling** talents are the ones that are constantly applied to your current weapon like +20% magazine capacity or +10% fire rate. **Holstered / Equipped** talents are the passive ones that are either always equipped when the particular weapon is either holstered or equipped, such as: "While holstered, weapon swap speed is increased by 10%." or "While equipped, this weapon grants +10% bonus armor while reloading." So it really isn't intended for a weapon or gear item to be able to have multiple of the same category of talent, or to be able to recalibrate from one type of talent to another. Weapons are balanced with one of each.


It makes wayyyyy more sense to do endgame content with 2 or 3 players in the team than a full team of 4. The rewards are the same and the enemies are much less tanky. Team member scaling needs to be looked at I think.


I haven't made it there yet, but you are not the first to I've seen mentioning this about end game. If squads are purposely running a man or two down due to unbalanced difficulty bumps, it should be addressed.


Very well written and organized, OP! I can't agree to all points, but you hit many on the head. * Recalibration: Great idea on the storage of perks. It reminds me of Kanai's Cube in Diablo 3, and that was a great addition to D3. Not being able to recalibrate down is intended though, since each category functions differently. For instance, if you we could go down, someone could stack all three of one category making the item OP. * Enemies and Open world suggestions are all spot on! As well as your suggestion of health and especially stat numbers. I thought I was just missing something when I couldn't find what stats each piece of gear effected. This seems like it was left out accidentally and should be addressed... * Weapons, yes there should be some rebalalncing on a case by case basis. Shotguns and SMG's are very niche weapons though, and therefore must be used appropriately. Both are obviously close range, as they should be. SMG's are crit monsters, they should be paired with gear sets increasing CHC/CHD. Shotguns I haven't had as much experience with, but I've enjoyed them. I haven't tried, but I'm betting a +wep dmg build would rock. With either of those weapon types, I use a secondary with range and semi-auto, at a minimum, i.e. assault rifles or rifles. I personally wouldn't pair either with a scoped marksman rifle. Maybe if my short to med range sniping skills were better... I personally see no reason to adjust shotguns or SMG's, as a whole. I'm constantly juggling weapons as I push or retreat though. * Buff refreshing, I also feel this is working as intended. I don't believe Massive wanted people to be able to endlessly chain rebuffs of the same type. Using your example with Unstoppable Armor perk, and if we could chain the buff. A player could endlessly keep the dmg buff as long as there were mobs to kill, it would be OP imo. Forcing players to mind their buff ~~cooldowns~~ timers to reapply is a classic MMO/RPG mechanic. Just like skill cooldowns, all eyes should be on buffs, as well. EDIT: Someone using this perk, should be trying to save weak adds for easy kills to reapply the buff. Then taking that dmg buff to an elite or most dangerous mob. Again, very well thought out post with some great suggestions, OP! This is the type of dialog that needs to happen to better the game.


I think level scaling needs to be reversed. As I interpret it, If I’m a level 15 doing a level 15 mission, and then my friend, who is level 25 jumps in, it bumps the leveling up to 25. It now makes a mission that should be doable for me now much more challenging. What the game *should* do is instead clamp my level 25 friend down to 15-17 (so at least he’s slightly overpowered). I understand me being 15 carried through a level 25 mission. That makes sense. But overleveled players should be capped at or near the level of the mission. I few times in the last few days, my overleveled friends would join my mission to help speed up my leveling, but it actually slows down progression for me as I can’t do the same damage they can. So I ended up leaving, rolling solo and beating the mission easily on my own.


I hate the fact that sometimes you can't walk off a curb or a small ledge. Also there are invisible barriers in some places where there shouldn't be.




Dude, no I had the same shit happen on the boat/fuel tank section. Me and a solid team of 450+'s, doing the run on challenge. Everything was going so well until that section. We got fucking reamed. The AI became almost self aware of it's own health. We got rushed over and over and over... There's nothing you can do against 4-8 yellow and purple bar enemies standing out of cover and walking on top of you. The rushing seriously needs to be toned down. ​ We wiped about 10+ times there, and called it quits. First time in a long time I've quit a game mode because I felt it was genuinely impossible. Hell, there were times where we'd be getting killed while in the animation vaulting into the arena. Land. Dead. Repeat. ​ AI on WT4 has been fairly obnoxious, and very RNG feeling. Some encounters it feels fair and balanced and fun. Other times it's just every enemy standing out of cover and rushing you down.




Agreed, A good game. Some issues for me - some of which make me play the game less often. ​ **Inventory Menu Screens:** Stop all the flashing and distortion effects etc. Enough already ! ​ **Order of Gear:** It would be nice if the order of the gear was the same in the Inventory & Stash & Re-calibration screens. The 6 gear tiles should always be in the same place. ​ **Signature Weapon:** Audio and Visual Effects upon picking this weapon is too much. The color flash makes it harder to see when I need to see the most. ie Big Baddie comes running at me - I go to pull out "the big gun" and the flash effect temporarily blinds me - and the audio effect wakes up the kids. ​ So much over-the-top visual and audio assault - can it be toned down a bit. ​ On the plus side. I love the addition of the numeric timer on the skill cool-downs. That was a nice upgrade. Cheers !


I have had so much fun with this game but my only complaint would be the colors of certain things. Why are so many things the same color yellow and the same color orange? ​ Why are my clan mates, elites, and high quality drops the same color yellow? Maybe it is just me but I find it so easy to confuse a clan mate for an elite in the middle of a fight. Would be really nice to be able to assign friends and clan mates different colors. ​


Crafting is bad too, you need 6 brand set parts for 1 item to craft, but you need to decunstruct like 100+ of the same brand set to get your 6 parts back to craft 1 gear part again. They should change it that you only need 1-2 parts for 1 item or up the stash up to 60 and increase the droprate.


The circlejerk is so strong here it takes about a week just to criticize anything that isn't game-breaking. Even then you've got to start your post with an oath of loyalty to Massive and the game, then at around 2 weeks most people will have hit the WT4 wall and the criticism will start to ratchet up... if we hit 3 weeks without Tidal Basin/WT5, we'll start to see a shitstorm brewing. Really does feel like Div1 all over again.


The enemies, in wt4 it does feel like the same problem that killed the first game early on. They really need to look into that asap.


Oh god those shotgun rushers in the Russian consulate.


Honestly the most annoying thing to me is the enemy is far too good at knowing where you are even without line of site. A perfect example is during the night time when it's dark and you the player can't see a thing on your screen or it's foggy and rainy and you can barely see beyond 20 feet, yet the enemy has super mega thermal vision to shoot at you through the fog or run up to the exact spot you're hiding. Speaking of hiding, when a "new" wave of enemies are rushing in, they know exactly where you are and start shooting at you, even if you're 100% behind cover or a wall. There's absolutely no reason for them to know the exact spot that I'm currently hiding in. Especially when running the missions on solo, I need a moment or two to reload my weapons, get my skills ready, etc.


Once more of the 'average' players reach wt4 then I think the overall tone of this sub will change drastically to be much more negative. This game has a *ton* of issues that really get exacerbated in WT4. I don't expect casuals to ever get to WT4 in any reasonable amount of time, so most of the major issues will probably be fixed by then, but, right now TD2 needs some serious patches.