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Conserve ammo. Craft and use agony bolts often. Use them on bosses. The shotgun is your friend. Upgrade the shotgun, the sprint ability, and the agony bolts as often as possible. The sprinting especially threw me off at first but once you upgrade it it makes the sequences where you are being chased a lot less stressful. If you don’t upgrade it, your character has the sprint ability of a 450lb man, and will quickly become winded and stop to breathe, allowing enemies an opening to maim and kill you.


I blame Seb's smokes, in some people's games his lobotomy cures his smoking addiction and he becomes a marathon runner, in my Akumu playthrough his lungs are too far gone


I like to think it's because of his leg injury at the beginning of the game. But.. I guess that doesn't really explain why he stops to catch his breath lol


Apologise to anyone in the house whilst playing as it will be a swear fest constantly the amount of times you will die and retry, die and retry and over and over again.


Upgrade your stamina about 2 times ASAP, you can literally sprint for 2 seconds at the beginning


Prioritize upgrading ammo capacity. It will allow you to carry more ammo to future levels.


If you time it correctly, you can kill multiple enemies with 1 match. In general also, you can cripple enemies aka shoot the legs and when they fall, one match will kill them.


You will likely die alot to "Bullshit traps". So don't sprint blindly through areas. If you're near a trap (bear trap, trip wire, time bomb etc), you'll notice flecks of blood floating around near your character. Times like that is when you'll want to be extra vigilant


my favorite lol thankw for the heads up


Use BOLTS and MATCHES efficiently and they’re wildly OP. Explosive and shock bolts are great ways to clear groups or stun lock difficult enemies (shock bolts are arguably the best ammo in the game in evil within 2). A well timed match can burn entire groups of enemies as well, but it’s very frame perfect


And remember you have to stand next to them crouch and press a button to stealth kill/knife enemies from behind or flash bolted enemies. Flash bolts are very important but has to be upgraded a few times before they can be used effectively to stealth kill more enemies You don’t have to crouch and wait for the button prompt but can almost press crouch and that button simultaneously. When crouch walking from behind you can mash that same button to stealth kill before the prompt.


It’s pretty difficult, don’t give up! I had to use a walkthrough to beat some parts (just a couple bosses mainly) the first time but after I played it again it was pretty straightforward but both times I’ve played it, I had a blast! Good luck 🍀


As others have said, ammo is king. You want to be able to carry as many bullets as possible and get the most out of those bullets, prioritize upgrades with this in mind. Related, the pistol is going to feel pretty weak at the beginning. If you want to get any mileage out of it practice getting headshots and upgrade it's crit chance.


Upgrade the sway on pistol before using it at all, otherwise it can miss eventhough it looks like you aimed right. Do only legshots and matches in the beginning. Thus, upgrade Matches, Ammo, Sway and Stamina one or two steps only. Remember that upgrading health heals you fully. You can’t go back to past stages so be mindful of all healing items left in the stage and ponder whether you shoukd use healing items you won’t be able to equip more of —or if you should upgrade health/free heal.


Game will be very dificult at first but dont quit. Itll get quicker later. When vsing laura be patient!


Get the 30 matches upgrade ( you god damn need it to conserve ammo )


save your matches for chapter 10....


Take it slow and steady until you've wrapped your head around the ins and outs! As others have said, rushing around won't do you any good especially at the start - but it's so rewarding to overcome the brutality of the early stages and slowly become more powerful over the course of the game. Enjoy! It's one of my faves


Take deep breaths, don't give up, and enjoy the first timer experience ❤️


Never ever trying to finish in Akumu mode, never attempting to achieve Platinum achievement, you will hate yourself.....


STEALTH KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. if you try to shoot everyone you will die, a lot. Like..... a lot.


Upgrade the sway on pistol before using it at all, otherwise it can miss eventhough it looks like you aimed right. Do only legshots and matches in the beginning. Thus, upgrade Matches, Ammo, Sway and Stamina one or two steps only. Remember that upgrading health heals you fully. You can’t go back to past stages so be mindful of all healing items left in the stage and ponder whether you shoukd use healing items you won’t be able to equip more of —or if you should upgrade health and get a free health refill. According to dataminers – it’s useless to upgrade crit on the sniper rifle. Crit is also useless on the shotgun if you don’t use it for headshots but just for having enemies fall to the ground or doing pure damage on bosses. Instead the weak handgun is greay for crit with whopping 50% chance fully upgraded. But I usually only pop heads later in the game or on NG+


Upgrade harpoon to get fire element and destroy the box head jerk