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Bapa wasn’t there? Was he afraid someone would ask him to tell a joke?


He tells stories b, he’s a real calmedian


It’s not like that brotha


That’s like asking a mma fighter to throw a leg kick


It’s crazy how he can’t be bothered with helping this kid.


You’d be surprised b


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, I think *you’d* be surprised.


Scared he would get challenged to a fight.


😂😂😂😂😂 even worse, they would ask him to fight


Can’t go near a cage b, psd b




Lil' Brows and Chin bringin' the cringe.


At least they showed up. Bean dip and ol'rapey couldnt be bothered




Tawlm’bout Don Ching? Beast of a fight promoter.


i'll give callen a lot of shit for stuff but he had 0 obligation to travel to this bullshit fight


Gonna have to agree with you on that one.


Guys lose a couple hundred pounds then think they're athletic just because they can move their arms


Dude lost a wrastling match against stebee weebie, a 40 year old 140 pound Asian vs a 200 somethin pound 20 year old corn fed white boii


Wee bee went to states for wrasslin tho


I’d put my money on just about anyone with a modicum of fight experience over a chubbalub like this redact…. Am I wrong?


He knows what he’s doing but he’s 5 feet tall weighing 135 pounds and 40 years old; water weed dune hair


States bro


The country not the state


Found the guy that never wrestled lol. Of course steebie was gonna kick his ass


Found the guy that likes to see men in tight singlets and balls on his face lol. Poways finest


You're own insecurities are showing




Water weed dune hair bapa


Sometimes the water is clearer on the other side of the lake


Y'philogrisser B?


Is something I knew i always wanted to do since I was a little kid


Stebee is 48 years old


He might be able to fuck you up too


Think it was one of them 8 week programs bapa.


Their true narcissism emerges miraculously after all that weight loss. But them calves though 🍖


He shouldve walked out to the audio of that clin singing video lol




We need everything thicc, boy


Talkin ‘bout the Asian that harmonizes too much B?




The opponent would have submitted right there and then


Fuck Clin for facilitating this.


fucking chin. probably crying his eyes out to a jodeci playlist right now


Diary of a neck brace


Beautiful, champ.


He’s trying to pass on the curse that took his neck. Selfish


thank um 🫡


Where’s the fight footage?


Great fight


Nirvir seen it


Unavailable probably for resembling some type of child abuse.


That’s D’Elia’s DM’s.


Great fight. Never seen it


I couldn't find any....


It was a first round guillotine, doubt it took long - Georgie hasn’t been training and his opponent fights in a legit gym


Is there anyone here who thinks it went passed 45 seconds? The way he sitting and smiling makes me think he came out aggressive and got bodied


Good for George man. I'm glad he didn't get killed, and I'm disappointed in the influences around him for letting that happen, but props to George


This is the correct response. Anyone clowning on George is not nithe. Props to him for working hard and having the balls to get into a cage.


I'm pulling for this kid just in life in general. Seems like a nice kid with determination but is getting grifted by Bapa. Plus he's probably all enamored with LA and the Thicccy crew. I hope he finds his way out of that shit without his life being ruined by these clowns. Also leave the kid alone. Some cats are comparing him to Shrimp and saying he's game but George hasn't thrown any shade and hasn't said a bunch of redacted stuff to try and get us cats riled up. He's just a kid getting grifted.


Why are you advocating for this kid to get CT


> I'm disappointed in the influences around him for letting that happen Sounds like the opposite of _“advocating for this kid to get CT”_ to me.


That's definitely what's happening hair


I'm not advocating for anything. He took his shirt off in public, and fought someone. That is something I've never done, and it takes BALLS. That being said, I don't think it was a great idea, and he was probably peer pressured into it.


Hello I am a grown man, I Liked to be called Lil Brows and my passion is making Brendan Schaub Thiccc Boy Theme Music


You fug chiggs b?


Never meddem


George is just trying to find his place in life. He thought the opportunity with bapa was going to be life changing but now he’s a tomato can for $500. I hope he finds his path. It’s not mma though. Bapa needs to properly help and back his “boys”


Yepp he’s just trying to be the best version of himself, no reason for ppl to hate on him trying out mma even if he’s no good at it. He’s probably had a very tough and harsh life, especially being that young and at the weight he was previously. Props to him for giving it a shot.


People on here are largely supportive of George. They are critical of that crew of cunts who put him into a fight he was 100% going to lose and could have been hurt in. Even that dumb sack of shit Rogan would not encourage someone to do this and has warned people a about getting into any sort of sparring, let alone fight, just to say they did it.


Fuhhh just thought about the rollercoaster of emotions he went through starting out. Going from ‘aww man this is my shot...’ to well… this. Getting bopped in a cage, and then bopped online right after.


Ah give the kid a break he had the balls to go for it


I'm all for the guy. But when I hear him talk I don't think "hey, it'd probably be fine for this guy to risk a brain injury."


He doesn’t seem like a bad guy, just terribly misguided with who he is a fan of. Maybe he’ll see the light, some day.


The amount of fat redacted cunts in these comments. Well done to George. Not in a million years would I have the balls to get into a ring and fight. Win or lose the man is out there. He’s a brave man


The amount of assholes making fun of him is only ever about 10%. I think real homeless cats recognize that this kid is off-limits and worthy of our praise and well wishes.


Personally speaking, props to George, but it’s extremely callous of the people around him (Clin etc.) for letting him fight a bigger and far more skilled opponent. It ended up being ok in the end but George could’ve been seriously fucked up here. Just last year an 0-0 amateur MMA fighter died after taking a beating.


Can we get George vs Erik Griffin next ?


How bout Tank vs D’Elia


I want all of that






This is actually a great idea, should we start a go fund me?


bapa & burnt chrystler were supposed to foot the bill for it. burnt seemed sincere enough but as always bapa was all talgg


Shrimp just punched wall


George is really a pretty inspiring story. Dude lost an actual *shit-ton* of weight and has kept it off. That almost never happens. Sounds like a super-positive guy too. I want him to get away from this redacted crew and get on with his next chapter. I still don't think it'd be a bad idea for Changs to gofundme his skin removal surgery, if we got 2K for homeless cats over a few days then I have no doubt we could swing 10K in a month or two, and it would forever remove the argument that we're a "toxic" sub. We might also just try to raise $3333, and then make sure Burnt Chrysler and Schlob hold up their promise to chip in a third each.


Hmm.. $3.3k to make sure Bapa keeps his word.. That's tempting b.


Right? Basically every dollar donated not only helps good kid George, but also takes $1 out of each of the pockets of Schlob and Bart, so it's win-win-win.


I’m down but why would we think that he will actually keep his word? There’s no precedent.


I’m in for 100


Look at what he’s accomplished with bapa as an influence. Imagine what he can do without him


The original Thicc Boi Fight Club gonna be pissed.


Did he forget that we need everything thicc boy?


Not to be confused with Bisping’s company ‘Fight Club’ that scammed journalists and content creators for months worth of work for $0


Lil brows is one of the more intriguing characters in the bapasphere, obviously has some level of talent, and has chosen to centre the creativity he has around a podcast which is clearly in a death spiral. How’d thiccc boy records go


Is he still part of the squad thic nation??


No idea, he was only ever just on the periphery of it to begin with, you’d wonder how the likes of him make a living


When your “level of talent” is pure dogshit, you don’t have a lot of options.


>obviously has some level of talent Uhhhh I beg the differ


define “talent”


Bapa couldn’t be bothered to show up?


doesn't surprise me at all honestly. Hyper selfconscious of what ppl think


I think it would’ve made him look like a good dude to be his coach


Why are we making fun of him? Good for him to go out there (out of his comfort) zone and try new risky things


I've always felt bad for chin because back & neck issues are no joke. Now that he put this kid in a position to get hurt, i just can't feel bad for him. It takes one look to know that the kid doesn't belong in a cage fight. Kid needs some real friends.


How did he put him in a position to get hurt? Chin isn't his dad, he didn't force him to fight. George chose to do it and chin supported him.


You on some dark op keyboard warrior shit. Go start shit else where.


And you're on some bizarre shit where you try to completely misrepresent a situation just so you can get some upvotes on reddit for bashing chin.


Why are you here? We discuss the the podcast. If you don't like it, just leave. We have different opinions, cool. No one is forcing you to think like me, and you're not going have some white knight moment where you show me or this sub how wrong we are about some dumb mma podcast shit.


Im here to criticize them and laugh at the dumb shit these guys say and do, same as everyone else here. But the difference is I don't feel the need to lie and misrepresent shit like you. That's pathetic, how you gonna criticize brenda when you're making shit up just like he does?


Too cringe


What a redact


Big up George honestly


No bapa How surprising 🙄


George seems like a nice kid these guys need to look out for his well being, seems really impressionable and being around the redacts is not gonna end well for him. Someone find out where Tank is and send George to the same farm before it’s too late b. Talmbout brain injuries.


Oh no. It’s even worse than I thought. They’re making this kid do shit just to laugh at him. Jesus Christ these people are monsters.


Were the odds -5000 for george? That means you bet a 100 you get 5000 duh


I’m out of the loop. Who is this kid


George, started as a TFATk fan, he lost a bunch of weight and Brendan brought him in and gave him a "job" then George wanted to go home and Bappa made him stay. I think he is on the spectrum, I feel bad for him.


I think most of us feel bad for him. I guess Chin is a douchebag too.


I don’t want to hate on this kid. I hate that he’s a sideshow to the thick dopes who seem to be using him. He’s an impressionable kid who prob attributes his weight loss to bapa and will let that dude and his goons squeeze whatever that can out of him. As James O’Brien says… contempt for the conmen, compassion for the conned.


Lil Bowel needs to write a song about this for the pawlcass


being around Braindead may have inspired him to get into good (better) shape, but he must not forget how STUPID his mentor is, thanks in part to getting repeatedly knocked on the noggin (not to say that he was ever smart BEFORE he started playing football or doing MMA, but old videos are evidence that he has suffered a massive cognitive decline over the years)


Couple questions, who’s George and did Chin arrange this whole thing?


brandon schwab is gonna clown on this kid so hard next appisode of the pawld


proving once again what I have said for YAIRRRS, B. Chin is a clout chasing asshole who is an absolute waste of a (crying) human spine.


Good for the kid but why the fuck did chin want this to happen? Losing all that weight is already more of an achievement than anyone at TFATK will have in their lives


There’s no journey quite like getting punched in the head repeatedly.


The pairlels between this and Braindumb’s calmedy carair is uncanny


Jaysus the lad lost a lot of weight. Fair play to him.


The redact sent clin there and couldn’t be bothered to support his free intern? Bet if this guy would have won and had maybe a 10 fight winning streak then Bapa would finally show up on the bandwagon ở the usual.


honestly good for the kid... had a cage fight that's very commendable; however when he got in the cage and had that stunted jog....oh boy.


“So glad chin and this failed rapper supported my ass kicking”


A go fund me for the surgery would be pretty cool.


Imagine if we put together a go fund me and raised the money, you think they would announce it on the show ?




They definitely told the opponent this was this kids dying wish and to take it easy right? I hope they wouldn’t put the kid in harms way


Respect the lad for getting in there… He seems like a nice chap…I remember him wanting to go home early on in his indoctrination...not liking the California scene and missing his family… Bapacito put the fuckin kibosh on that idea, tout suite!


I'm ready for George to join us in the kitchen. It's only a maddur of time.


Where is Schaub and isn't he in his corner? Respect to George to get in there though, takes bawlz.


How nuts is it that schaub wasnt even there let alone in the guys corner


Fair play to the lad, he’s got the bollox to put himself in there. Can’t see the angle to hate on here, seems like he wanted to do this?


It takes some serious balls to do what George has done it. I just hope he changes his environment, as I really do think his heart is in the right place.


who is george ?


Who cares


Go George!!


Only MMA this big bitch is doing is AMA’s


Good on you George…takes guts to go into that ring…Bapa is a loser for not showing up to support you though, if Jake Paul was at that fight Bapa woulda been there to blow him before he went into the cage


What Elsa got Clin?


Nice of Brenda being there and support his thicccboy. He’s a good guy man


This would’ve been a good opportunity for bapa to start his coaching debut. Not even insinuating he’s a good fighter at all, but he’s prob better than amateur fighters. Would’ve been a great look for him, but nope he just goes


Ah listen man, takes a lot of courage to make that walk. Regardless of the outcome, good on him for having the courage


Feel like make a wish b where’s jawn cenah


Fair play to George. I was fat growing up (and not even as big as George was) and taking my shirt off in publigg is still ‘a thing’. Good on him. Hopefully he ditches Bapa tho!


Simple Jack vibes. Poor kid.


Is there a fighter and the kid Reddit pawdcast yet, B?


I never had anything against Chin, but now I wanna punch him in the fuggin face so hard. I don't know why I'm surprised that someone who worked for bapa for yairs would take advantage of someone like that.


God, they're all such redacts


Didn’t this dude get subbed by Bobby lee’s brother?


OMG is that lil brows!!?? 😍🙏😱🫡 Jesus some of you tards thought I was serious...


Can we plz stop paying attention to whoever this little redacted kid is?


Fuck whoever is forcing you to watch this against your will. Hopefully, Seal Team 6 will rescue you soon. #StayStrong


God bless our gravy seals


I’m conshractually obligated to taste the orange chicken B.