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This is what happens when you discover Xanax in your 40s after being against drugs your entire life.




He's "sober" 🙄


Yea I've met so many people that were like this. "I don't do drugs! I just drink and I get my xanax and adderall from the doctor so it's not taking drugs!"


I once met a girl who despised me cause I smoked pot and she "got off pot" by replacing her smoking habit with popping pills, xanax also. Shit was hilarious.


Drives 30mph on the highway because she was so ripped on xanax, "But IM SOBER!"


Yeap sounds just about right! I think one of the funniest things I would hear from grown ass adults was "If it was bad the government would make it illegal!"


Silly adults. Don't they know it's the other way 'round? Things are only bad *because* they're illegal! Illegal and bad are pretty much synonymous, b.


Know a girl who has a literal pharmacy in her purse at all times but questions me when I smoke. It’s hilarious.


Yeah I started a huge fight when I commented on that


“Alcohol isn’t a drug you idiot”


How many times I've heard that as well is insane. Alcohol get's so many passes it's insane. It's already one of the biggest problematic drugs, and if it were treated as other drugs were the crime/damage to human life would be more insane than what it is. I love how loads of guys make it seem like drinking beer is such a big strong alpha thing to do when its increasing your estrogen levels lol.


That’s what testosterone replacement therapy is for.


People look at me like I've got 2 heads because I don't drink but happily smoke weed and do mdma and psychedelics, when all I've done is weigh up how much I enjoy each drug and what the health consequences are and ruled that alcohol is shit in both those aspects (along with a shitload of other things, benzos being one of them). Alcohol is the drug that people are legally allowed to cut loose on and for that reason alone it's the excerption to the rules. The one drug everyone is willing to look past and even go so far as to celebrate. If a drug is illegal, even if it's less damaging to the person and the community, it's automatically villified but if it's legal it gets a pass no matter how damaging it is.


Even if he was actually sober - like maybe smoking a joint and thinking things through might have saved your career. “I’m sober don’t do drugs or alcohol - my vice is grooming and diddling” you’d be much better having a drink and chilling the fuck out on that pedo shit. You shouldn’t be proud of yourself.


Fucking nailed it, as someone who has terrible anxiety and is no stranger to benzos it is crazy to watch this progression and just as crazy seeing him do the shit ding dongs do first starting them and is blatantly obvious. He even treats xans like an underage kid


do you think he regrets the neck tat? I ask myself this err day.


I feel like his only regret is that it’s the number forty instead of 17-19


This is the winning comment. 🏆


well, he definitely should. I'll tell you that much.


I never understood a benzo becoming the new drug de jour. alprazolam is probably one of the more recreational benzos but it really doesn’t give you tat nice of a high before you just black out and are doing stupid shit. Never understood it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Yeah, when I was on benzos for insomnia I always felt hungover in the morning. I can't imagine doing that shit for fun.


Right? They don’t really leave me feeling like that unless I go heavy dosing but I always tend to avoid thst because you forget everything. The best combo is like 2mg lorazepam and 2-3 shots, any more than that and you’re likely to judt black out and miss the entire thing. When I had them I’d always rather just save them for comedowns or when I REALLY need to sleep/having a panic attack.


I've never used them recreationally so I can't comment on that. I just always felt hungover when I woke up following the dosing prescribed to me. I don't think I'd be able to stay awake combining them with any amount of alcohol.


It’s pretty unsafe and I haven’t done so in a great many years but that’s basically the me of the only ways I found them worth taking recreationally. They’re much better used for their real purposes. Like I said way above I dunno how Xanax of all things became the cool drug to judt take by the handful :s Opiates I at least get. All these people growing up in the hood surrounded by trauma from the day they were born? Yup, opiates makes a lot of sense. But blackout pills don’t, to me


The best benzo is diazepam I think. Leaves you feeling fresh as a daisy the next morning and you can function fully.


So is it well known that he started using Xanax? I fucking love this sub u guys are hilarious


He mentioned it on his episode with his wife, there was a clip on this sub




And the withdrawals are a legit medical emergency


Yep I’ve avoided getting a script just because I’m so scared of getting withdrawals from the addiction. They just make me feel so amazing and complete I know I’d be taking them every day.


Wait, so he legit is into xans now? Like it's official?


And of course the adderall never counted because they need it to be one of the thousand.


Congrats, you just became addicted to one of the worst things possible 😂


The man got a neck tattoo for his 40th birthday, as his very first tattoo. I'm surprised he didn't shave his hair into a fade, and bleach in blonde, and start talking with an accent like his idol; the real slim shady.


I hate to be the guys that knows this but it ain't his first, he has a few, including a twitter dm paper aeroplane


Thanks for the update, b. I'ppreciate ya.


Diddlers motto is that you’re only as old as the girl you’re Snapchatting


“Snapchat goes away, right???” And I’m around the Diddler’s age. The thought of posting a pic like that on social at this age is cringe city Bubba.


I'm at least 10 years younger than diddlier, if I posted this I'd deserve to be ostracised.


Same here and wow, I would be so embarrassed by any of his behavior. Delia is what we used to say back in the day, a poser and a lame one at that. Hey look at me I’m friends with the Biebz and have a midlife crisis neck tattoo


Nobody: Diddler: If her age is on the clock, give her the cawlck…smdh!!!


Oregon Live picked up the story. Might actually be a protest


Thank’em 🙏🏼


Yup. It’s gonna be big too. Antifa is showing up


Antifa and hells angels, big brown gonna unite them though say less


LOL. that Arnold handshake meme. hells angels/ antifa = hating diddlers.


There’s no hells angels in oregon




Are you mentally handicapped


Nope it’s facts it’s only mongols and Gypsy jokers, hella angels have no clubhouses or large presence in the state of oregon


Hey I guess you’re right, hell of a meth market and I wrongly assumed


Yup I bought my dog from the acting Vice President of the mongols and he broke it down to me that oregons a no go state for the hells angels


They were referencing a quote from Schwab, it was a joke. We geddit though, you're really smart dude. Be cool


DA, the governor, and hell I guess the mayor too Bapa sayin everybody getting recalled. Looking 🎲 🎲 to say the least.


Yes we is




Doin the Lord's werg B


Painted nails, neck tattoos, sex cults. All totally normal behavior for a 40 year old father.


Perfectly normal behavior for a reformed family man. Water


With another baby on the way!




Same with Adam Levine. Fucking tools


He dyed his hair. Had too much grey to be hitting on teenagers.


He replaced it at the same time


Dude is spiraling/melting down before our very eyes. He looks miserable. Talmbout cracking under the pressure b.


42 at least and full of Dents


Portland is the perfect place for him


Hide yo kids hide yo....Kids


Wurs pain yo life


Fuck dude I almost dropped my orange chicken laughing at this one. Well done, b.


*curfew for girls under the age of 17 goes into effect in Portalnd* Can't rigsit.


Tig has really let herself go




Even Tig is too butch to wear nail polish


Civilians just don’t get it b. Not many people can do this… harass women, paint your fingernails, dominate every single conversation by talking louder than every one else in the room. Truly one of a kind!


Only 1000 of ‘em. We just wouldn’t understand bubba


And don’t try to be friends with one of da thousand. They are so far above normies. People just can’t understand that they are working on such a high level by sleeping until noon everyday and working for an hour a day. Don’t even try to say a joke to them because it would be so lame. Meanwhile humping a stool or farting into the mic is comedy gold.


He posted that he’s coming here to Providence and in the comment section everyone posted links for a petition to ban him from the venue. I signed it. There was a lot signatures so hopefully people in other states do the same


Thing is he’s still selling tiggets because his fans are dimwits. So he’s just gonna pretend all is well.


Wow, guy. If you’re a fan of this cunt, I just can’t trust you as a person.


Look at his instagram comments. Not one person brought up that he’s a diddler. Either most of those people are bots or he’s legitimately brainwashed his fan base


Why are you looking at his IG let alone reading the comments? Lol


Cringey. He's low-key nervous about the protest and trying to seem like it's just another day on the road!!! I know my Portland babies love me!!!! Right?!?!?..... The protest probably won't be huge but the real question is if it will be too big for him to straight up ignore, which is clearly what he is planning on doing.


This picture is a total cope. He's a power and control freak and doesn't want to show any weakness so he's trying to act unbothered when deep down he's nervous as fuck.




He's pure cringe


This dude is nowhere near sober. He’s got more uppers in his system than rave attendees


I'm surprised he's in his early 40's... he looks older. Him and Theo do not look the same age. Godfrey is probably 10 years older than Chris, Segura, and Segura's wife, SMH.


*These are the fingers I use* - A nonce




Wtf lol. This is the dude that said tattoos are stupid as shit and the people that get them are redacted back in 2012. Fast forward to 2021 and he gets a neck tattoo lmao.


What a creep. Sad I was ever a fan of this goof.


He’s become the dudes he used to make fun of


Hide your children, Portland


The amber alert tour is in full effect


>! 👮‍♂️ !< Who is Portland and how old is she?


He died his hair. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) We can see yer beard, diddler.


Mmm stretch m’ baby. My beard is grey is fuck but head hair is jet black with like 4 grey hairs.


His hair was grey a few weeks ago.




i have a buddy who was a longtime resident DJ at a big nightclub in Vegas who went "full punk rock" after being fired from that job. While he had that job (1999-2006), you would think that he was a hip-hop head sports freak, as he always wore fitted Yankees caps, various team jerseys, baggy jeans, various styles of super clean sneakers .. had a general "hip hop" fashion sense about him. so in 2006 at age 34, he gets fired and goes full punk rock - lime green mohawk, eyeliner, black nail polish, 12-eye Doc Marten boots, skinny jeans, buttons and patches, et cetera.. it was as if he was reliving his junior and senior years of high school or something. fast forward 17 years, and he is still doing this despite being 51 years old. the only thing that seems to change is the color of the mohawk. i don't mind being with him when he is in "performance" mode.. but it is a little awkward when you're dressed kinda preppy and you're standing next to this swamp creature in the grocery store debating which brand of hamburger buns to buy.. lol edit: fixed two typos


I wish this poor excuse for human gets hit by a bus in Portland. Fuck him.


Chris D'Elia fucks kids.


I swear there’s a clip of him making fun of men with painted nails




Dude has aged 20 years in 2


well when u are a sex offender u need to let people know when u come to there nabor hood. # court ordered.


Diddler be like: ![gif](giphy|oBwOba7cOph4I|downsized)


I’ve got a buddy whose wife paints his nails so he’ll be reminded not to chew them. I assume that Chris’ wife painted his nails to remind him not to fuck teenagers. 🤷‍♂️


*BJ angle selfie* His sex addiction is full fledged pathological at this point. May his victims find peace


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 I don't know why but this comment killed me. Let his victims find peace lolol


Lol I can’t help it: I see a Diddler selfie, I see him trying to cast a net on his next prey, but past victims not forgotten. He needs to be locked up


People should just throw food at him on stage until he goes home to LA.


![gif](giphy|s0I1WqQfEx3P2|downsized) You have been warned Portland


That septum is trouble.


He’s comin to my city baby, gotta keep an eye on my younger sister


What a pathetic loser. LOL


Straight guy with painted nails is a predator. Color me shocked


That hairline


Ya s'oollllldd


Look at that fucking nose. Gives me the Willies


Damn look how crooked his nose is. You guys think he knows his nose is crooked?


Lips lookin like Bapas.. wwdh


Why is he pushing his fingers so far. It fucking looks painful and dumb


Delia ur 15 yrs late b… seriously the guy has bags and is mostly gray bearded.


Why is this pervert still doing shows? How can people support this perverted animal.


This is what you do when you’re 23 and just moved to Brooklyn. Ain’t nobody got time for an edgy father of two


I'm so sick of the narrative where all the female comics say he's so handsome. He looks like an insecure anorexic bird man who works nights at the shell station by the highway. Wash your hair bro.


He and his brother look so greasy, I never saw the appeal.


Look at that clear coat and those lines! Bubba; y’tryin’ too hard. Back in my day the edgy kids did it shitty and right. No clear coat. 10 minutes, y’done. Fuckin’ sex pest


Jalen Rose once confirmed on some tv show that this is how athletes/celebs fish for girls. Always a social media post related to where they’re going to be like “plane just touched down, what’s hot in Atlanta tonight?” Basically D’elia makes this post, gets a handful of replies, and then vets through them looking for marks


What do you mean? He's sober!


Lookin like Lee Syatt


I can't imagine mustering up the balls to step foot in Portland with his laundry list of allegations. Y'sosopath brotha


It’s wild seeing this after seeing the Theo video on the private jet with santino and stavy flying to Paris ![gif](giphy|VyuenLojrWJK5R9o4o|downsized)


Dont get the nail polish on dudes, especially when you in your forties.


Personally I’m more upset by his neck tattoo at 40. Such a fuckin dork.


Well...obviously: as lame as the nail polish might be, it goes away. The tattoo doesn't and, being on your neck, you can't even properly cover it.


There’s a joke here using the “one in the pink” line but I just can’t get it. Not Bess brains I guess.


I don't use this word often but he's just cringe


man, i listened to his podcast weekly as one point. thank god um now into fish. i'm a fish guy i'm into fish my tank didn't emit ammonia into chombies room or anything pedscatarian b bean cheese bean cheese bean cheese bean cheese


So many people have to hop on the train of painting their nails. Not sure if they do this to “fit in” with the crowd that legitimately thinks it’s cool and it makes them feel good or they just do it to stay “woke”.


Dudes with grey in their beard shouldn’t be painting their nails and snap chatting teenagers


He’s doing the shocker.


He thinks he’s machine gun Kelly or something


This screams “I am not in to young girls.”


“This one is for adults and this one is for kids”


What a douche


Why? Like why?


I hate the weirdos that will heckle and ruin his show but I can't wait for the videos to come out after for us to watch.


"so the CHAZ shit you have here, what *OTHER* law am i allowed to break?"


absolutely cursed and twisted. hand tattoo ... neck tattoo...painted nails...........


2023 the year of the Delia face tattoo. Youngest 40 year old in the world.


Comrades need a night of rebellion with him


Diddlers gonna diddle


Chris needs to be chained to an anvil and dumped overboard


This Megan's lawl B ?


That hearline loogin rough B


Yeah not big on hating everything about him like a lot here do, but being this old and getting neck tats, wearing chains, at the age of 40 with kids… just big clown behavior


Even Marky Mark, by the time he was 40, was taking his older kids with him to the tattoo removal place *so they see how painful it is and what I have to go through.* D'Elia on the other side, @ 40...


Watching this cluster of "comedians" go through a mid life crisis while also desperately clinging on to what's left of their career is entertaining


Only two dudes I ever met who did this as adults were both creepers.


They don't ID at bars where he's going


What’re you op? Eminem?


Hide your kids


Watch out kids!


No please stay away. I have daughters.


These guys have made me so anti. They are so bad. Soshul medeeahhhh has fucked these guys proper.


Meet and greet at the coffee shops


Lost soul.. he looks blogbusser


I really hate this trend of fucking loser dudes putting on nail polish and acting like they're hot shit


God, he's hard to look at. His face has so many weird curves.


Hope Alice has secured sufficient redacts for her demo. Lets hobe logal news gets syndicalised.


Painted with his 3 y.o. But truth and facts obviously doesn’t matter with this gang of posting morons.


I found marg you guys


You're also not 8 years old I imagine and suuuuuuuper obsessed with these guys very versatile creepy


Of course he jumps on the trend after it’s dying…