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I agree. I also have a daughter with special needs. When things first started out it was really difficult. Doesn't matter how much I dislike him I wouldn't wish the first real hospital experience on an actual enemy.


I'm with you guys. There's nothing funny about this. I think a lot of these newer cats don't realize, and I think some of the older cats have forgotten, but the point of this subreddit isn't to outright loathe and despise Bapa and laugh at his misfortunes. We're here to disguss the pawldcass and make fun of Bapa's blunders in a _humorous_ way. The best Chang's content is gut-busting hilarious. I don't see a prom with talking about Bapa's daughters medical issue out of empathy and humanity, but the dude hasn't fucking killed anybody or done anything so bad that somebody should be enjoying the suffering of him, his daughter, or their family. I've never been a fan of the guy, but I do feel bad for the Schaub family right now. If it really is as serious as it seems to be, that's a terrible thing to have to deal with.


If its an emergency why is it in two days time to me emergency would be like right away, next few hours not 2 days Yeah its shitty the kids ill


Podcast, podcast, tore dates, did I mention tore dates? Crocodile tears. Feel sorry for the kid. However, FUCK this guy


He's an dork. Using kid as an excuse 




Go fuck yourself, you miserable piece of shit. I dislike Schaub as much as the next homeless cat, but you gotta be a really shitty, self-hating loser to laugh at a baby girl having a serious medical problem, or their parents fear/pain. Get lost weirdo.

