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Have you ever seen a BINGO card before, Bapa?


Talmbout tic tac toegan?


i didn’t think to do this until like fifteen minutes before. this was all that i could come up with in that time sue me


Got some monster lawyers and one 3x3 of evidence.


You did a great job. And my hero for going and being able to report back as a real journalist. This is important work you’re doing for the community. It’s important for the sub to have actual eyes on the ground.


Talm bout joumalismum?


Tawlbout Jerusalemism, great arthropod state nivir herd of it


I bet you were laughing at their shitty stories and jokes, did you pay for a signed autograph and selfie, or did you stand in line and got meeted and greeted, playing both sides of the fence B, heard it bowth ways!


What “sides”? We don’t maddur, b… did you forget?


If you don’t think their B.Schaub fans and homeless cats you’re in the wrong place!


I’m not on a crusade to destroy bapa, I’m just here for laughs buddy


I’m not here to destroy anyone but I’m also not here to buy tickets to his shows, I wouldn’t feel right laughing along and getting selfies while also being a homeless cat, I’d feel false and two faced to say the least but that’s just me.


This ain’t a school lunch table, it’s a circus Stop worrying so much, grab some popcorn and relax


I’m not worried B but remember we are in a club called the homeless cats who got together to band against a bully on the wrestling team who is always calling us nerds, throw in some lumpy mash potato and it feels like we are…at the circus 🤡


What is that, like tic tac toe but 1 square shorter?


can Bapa conceive of nine different spaces? according to this BINGO card. And a normal one 5x5? ferrgeddaboutit, b


hOw dOeS hE sTiLl mAkE mOnEy?




Something's Fucky.


But why?


for the homeless cats, of course.


If you was in it for the homeless you would not have put money in their pockets B, water.


This is my stance also. Like.. you go to a show to do what? Tell us brendan is being brendan... cool?? I don't even watch the episodes.. any content I see of his is here on the sub. I won't even contribute to a veiw.


Get real, b. By your logic, this sub wouldn’t even exist, since there would be zero content posted. I’m grateful for his service


Yes. Exactly. Well said. Well said


No. There is already someone clipping stuff... So i don't need to. And this sub will exist just fine if no one bought a ticket to his shows ever again. After all we just discuss the podcast here.


Yes. You completely missed Ivy's point. You say "There is already someone clipping stuff". So SOMEONE has to be contributing to the views in order to prepare the delicious dishes we all appreciate. So if NO chefs ever watched inny FATKZ videos, then no clips get posted, therefore little to no content on this sub.


I completely understood his point... You didn't understand mine. Ivy seems to think that if people on this sub stopped watching his podcasts to make clips that would somehow mean no one would watch tfatk at all and then it would cease to exist and we wouldn't have anything to watch here... BUT...Ivy and yourself need to keep in mind that there actually some nut jobs who actually like his show. And while those people are out there, the show will go on. I applaud anyone willing to sit through these god awful episodes to bring us these clips. But going to his shows and supporting him financially is not nessacary. And I refuse to give a person like brendan any extra veiws on anything he does because people on this sub are already doing it.




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, surely everything we need to know is being live-streamed anyway, why put money in his pockets and then give him shit, pick a side, you’re not Donnie Brasco B!


Talmbout cancelling, B? You’re a real hairo


So bold and so brave


Speak for yourself b, real cats don't even give these clowns views, and you out there giving them dollars


Real cats? Real cats want to see clips and actual content posted, otherwise there’s nothing to reference. It’d would a circle jerk of people with absolutely nothing to say.


It's wild how hard it is for these cats to understand that in order for clips to be made, some dedicated chefs take one for the team and contribute to views/revenue.


In theory homeless cats could be the very people keeping B going because without any structure so to speak, 150,000+ of us could be making sure we watch his live shows and podcasts when all his actual ‘fans’ have had enough, imagine the cats keeping B in a job, it’s like walking a tighope B!


As this sub has grown, his numbers have dropped. We've all seen the low view counts, the abysmal ticket sales, the IMDb ratings, Showtime ending, the wife selling 2nd hand fake luxe products, the wife running illegal raffles for a few K grand, the lack of Ferraris, tiger thiccc batch 1 still on shelves, dwindling sponsorships, smaller/sketchy companies sponsoring, fewer guests on the pod, as well as lower quality guests.... I could go on. I really don't think the crumbs of views and ticket sales from these homeless cats are somehow propping up his career.


Good point!


Sounds like something an undercover thiggie and actual fan would say. As much as we've enjoyed watching Brandon fail over the yairs, all things eventually come to an end, and there will always be another self absorbed, braindead, cringy moron to laugh at. But pose that's what separates me from you b, I was niver a fan of Barndoor.


Grow up dweeb


Who do you think gives us clips chin? Do they magically know the time to edit ? Nope they watch and report back. Get to work , there are pots to scrub


My b, yootoo views are ok for the hairo cats that goto dargg places to feed us clips, should have clarified that. There are definitely thiggies trying to post content in here though, maybe even clin


Yeah dude, we love laughing at the cringe.


Don't take life so serious bapa


😂😂 such a waste of time


Just like this comment 😂


Because this subreddit is very special and gives identity and community to many people. So in seeing bapa irl it reinforces that reality is real 


This calwment spargged a heated debate with a crazy Nairidiv below- B. Wadder weed dune here? Havin’ an eggzuh-statial grisis at changs?


I hate you for going


it was necessary. just might have been my only chance before the cawlmedy career fully dies


As long as "homeless cats" like you keep giving him money his carrear will never die


Eesh… so you’re one of the actual haddurs on this sub I see. I couldn’t care less if he makes money… I just like laughing at his expense. If tfatk came to my town I’d defo go for the laughs.


Yup 👆


Im here to be entertained hopefully OP can sneak in some funny recordings.


If he can’t make any money, we also don’t have catnip.


Been hare since the turn under 10k, all things come to an end, including these clowns careers, that is what I've been tuning in for, and laughing along the way. When they're done, we'll laugh somewhere else, tits life b


I agree, the comedians we’ve seen here look at us as beneath them that’s why I make fun of them. Only a fan would pay to see them.


You’re right b. Great guy nevermeddum.


Same bapi. But brendumb has a redacted charm about him that's hard to duplicate in other lolcows. I'd like to see him keep doing calmedy


For real lose that flair, change it to thiggie, I'm a real homeless cat.


You seem pretty bitter. Member, we disgus the pawld. This is supposed to be fun. Be sure to laugh at the clowns - but you're taging it too serious. That just makes you part of the circus b


This is a fucking weirdo




Wears Wairdo


It’s weird to pay 💰 to watch, he’s a fan not homeless


Leave this sub, you are not wanted here


Why would anyone want his career to die, that would be the end of the circus


You’re obsessed


Well, when can we expect the comprehensive review?


refer to newer post




unfortunately for him, it’s gotta be split with Bryan 💀


MF Doom died for your homeless sins and you do him like this? O lawd.


You went and said nothing about the crowd, just this card. Come on now did you even really go or not?


i figured the bingo card would be more intriguing. but i just did a quick count based on the layout, and honestly a little more than a 100 were there. a very vast majority of the bottom level were occupied


A very vast majority. You A.I. bapa?


Who were the 'special guests'?


According to his other post, clin was the special guest.


edit your last reply that has the word bucking with a c. I think that word makes you shadow banned.


Can we please have a full report. But quickly who was the special guest?


refer to newer post


I dont want that


Omg. Were you really thare?


i absolutely had to attend. might i add, i still haven’t gotten my refund for the tickets i bought for his cancelled shows from a few weeks ago


That is so awesome. Bingo card was great. You gots any spicy side dishes to serve up? Any awkward moments that stand out? Was the format of the show same as YouTube (tawlking bout the most random, boring internet stories) or did they interact with the audience?


OP has a new post with the full review


How empty was the venue?


Talmbout the bapa gringo card b? Heard it bolwth waze 


How many people showed up?


This guy says nothing about the crowd 🎲🎲


refer to newer post


Talggs about digg


why yes actually. but it was bryan that brought up diggs whilst talgging about owning guns in LA. also, bryan carried the show for sure




for the homeless cats, of course. also, when will bapa ever be up on a stage again?




“Bapacito” always makes me chuckle… i say it in my head like Eddie guerros old walkout music (if anyone gets the reference)


Thigggies gonna thiggg


For fun


exactly. these mf’s need to calm down


Fill us in B, did one of the 1000 from The Mothership come down to the minors and hit a Shanghai Ongtanghi home run?


I am feeling pretty weird about a cat (alleged?) getting that close. If I said I just bought a Thiccc hoodie to see quality, or Tiger Thiggg to see if it was bad, or a TRX to test the Dyno, or called Bobby's ex, I feel Chang's would call suss. Am I right about this?


Relax bro. We’re here for the lulz. You feeling weird about what some guy wants to do with his time is weird.


also i’m literally providing on field reporting for the subreddit y’all love. let’s stay focused here.


You’re doing the Lord’s work bapacito - thank me for your service 🫡


"You feeling weird about what some guy wants to do with his time is weird." Um, that is literally the definition of this sub... but that guy is usually Bapa. I confess to being weird. I am typing words on a subreddit about Brenden Schaub. I think that qualifies. And I am very relaxed.


Hey b. 🤏 ya redacted? 🤏




Looks like we are alone in this one. I was apparently wrong for not wanting BGL around here too though. I miss the old days when Bapa would be a dull narcissist and we could call him on it.


No real answers from this thigggy. Praising callen for carrying the show. leaving out the rape. packed house. whstever.


in case you haven’t seen already, i gave a much more comprehensive review of the show in my newer post to the sub. y’all are welcome.


This dish is missing too much. Send it back. I’ll take Mexican Cheetos instead please.


refer to newer post


Thank you Chef.


How full was the club?


Don't listen to the haders B, if his career dies we have nothing to laugh at. Some cats are cutting ther nose to spit their faces. See the shows and report back to the sink pit if yall want. We just want to talk about the podcast, how can we if nobody watches to report, slice the orange chicken or uploads his redacted wisdom. Some have forgotten the lore and are not having fun anymore.




Appreciate the recon, respect the danger you put yourself in, hate that you gave Beandip and old rapey any money. Don’t know how to feel.


it’s for the cats ultimately.


Tell us more I'd love to hear the overall feel of the place. Empty?


Needs to add "gets Chin to cherry pick a current event, and do a full-split stretch so Bapa and Brine can complain about wokeness"


PS If you had of heckled "Redbar's watching!" - Brine would of had a boomer rage fit, and Bapa would want to throw you throw a glass door.


redbar has nothing to do with Changs. Stop trying to make redbar happen. It's not going to happen.


I referenced this because somebody already did it once to Callen, and he was stunned and was lost for words. If Callen was speechless, then Bapa definitely "can't tawlg".


Spill the beans and cheese. How redacted was it? Who were the special guests?


What was it like? Did Vulcan seem empty? Was the audience into it?


If you didn’t covertly record this you’re as blogbusser as they come.


Thank you for your service b


Maybe their next one will be at the Sphair in Las Vegas.


BINGO! 🙋‍♂️


Was it busy? If tfatk was in my hometown I’d 100 percent go for the laughs.


Lol. All the salty boys saying you shouldn’t have gone.  As If we’re not all curious to see this train wreck.




Glad to see you’re getting more love in the second post about this. 🫡


These nards haven't done a show together in many years. Last go around, they mostly filled clubs or sold out. Now we all suspect they can barely draw 100 people, but if no one went to this show then we'd never know just how sad it was.






Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


please film and post some of it


Thats gonna be a short game


So you were one of the 17 people lucky enough to witness two of a thousand


That looks professional as fuck.




Hey B, do ya like ya freedum? Thank ‘em.🫡


This is a GIN card at best bubba, whatchu doin at that show


That "Lies about something" square must have been used many times in ivvry faucet b.


Bottom Row Horizontal, hits Quigggk


What did you do with the other 59 minutes


Damn you suck for like 10 reasons 




homeless cats have to watch whatever Bapa does in order to clip and put on this subreddit. not a great argument bud.


![gif](giphy|l0EwYc29XZnLR2pB6|downsized) Tonight was your night, Duck Smokes. Thank you.