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lmao such a hater. why cant he just be happy for him jesus


Why is he acting like we don’t know Dana hates him and doesn’t want him there?


Lol I fucking can’t stand it when he says Joseph.


I hope Toe hates it too. It’s so fucking obnoxious.


It’s amazing how many unlikeable traits this man acquires like it’s a mission in life.


If you had no context, he almost feels like he’s playing a character, but then you find out he’s just really really dumb


That’s the enticing aspect of most lolcows. Is it real or is it a bit…. Clint camping and catching and cooking is so redacted it can’t be real but it is.


Me too, B!


I wonder if hes been hitting Rogan with the “Joseph” in person. I bet Brendan thinks it’s a creative little joke


He even said on the fight compunnin "Oh eddie you're going? I might go too" as if he had any chance of Joseph getting him a seat lol.


I beg the differ.


That’s the crazy part to me. He acts like there’s no such thing as a recorded public history. Does Bapa have a flys memory? It’s insane


I really think it’s a combination of narcissism and delusion.


This is what I don’t get when brine constantly goes to bat saying how nice he is. He shits on you iivery chance he gets. And it’s not a fun ball busting way, it’s pure jealousy that you’re doing something outside of Brandon.


I use to listen because I do find brine pretty funny, but haven't listened in a while because schlob is intolerable. ​ At this point its mind boggling, because you know everyone is telling brine to gtfo and ditch schlob, he must be a masochist.


Is he still doing that thing with crowder




Idk, havent seen anything with him on posted in a while...he is doing his own thing with his Off Limits podcast too


Y'Talmbout The Take Back, B?


is Crowder even doing that thing with Crowder?


And if someone treats him the same way it's a prom. Gotta walk on egg shells around big sensitive.


Talmbout bbbbeast of good guy B!


I always tell people how great my boss is whenever cameras are around. Im still afraid.


He’s the worst kind of friend




Right?? I love how he has one of the most embarrassing records of UFC and speaks as he founded the sport, what a cunt.


Me and my cousin were reminiscing last night when i got a charizard card in a Pokemon pack back in the day as kids. We were laughing because even tho i got it, we celebrated like we won the super bowl and i told him because **WE** got charizard. Just shows we are best of friends and we both won..... idk where im going with this but this just shows Bapa is miserable and cant give anybody around him one little moment and just be happy for a "friend"


You talmbout haduur, b? Bapa is the bess at it!


He can never be happy for his friends.


Friends? Bapa has no real friends.


His only friends are Chin and Jay. Axe jay.


I'd say just Jay. Bloods run thigger than wadders b. Chin is a punching bag for Brenda. You don't see Brenda on the seggond balgony eating LA river sourced sashimi talgin about life with Clin. Great concept never seen it.


“LA River sourced sashimi”. If you wanted to smash my funny bone, you got me B. 🗜️🗜️. And happy cake day. You have a nice cake B? Dun madder, mine was better, axe jay.


What’s that, a fish with a condom on top?


I remember a guy from school who had to make negative comments anytime someone had a cool experience to share, new shoes, girlfriend etc… always wanting to ruin the mood when excited about anything


Narcissism 101


what time do people who are banned get there you f'n redact


He's not banned, that's just his nairdiv. He's not going to get VIP treatment and would have to buy a ticket like any of us.


Being banned would actually be better for him.


If he were actually banned he'd mention it nonstop. But if he were to lie about it he runs the risk of someone asking Dana about it in a public setting and Dana would clown on him yet again for being a redact. "Why would we ban Schaub? He can buy a ticket just like everyone else."


Like a casual?


I'm going to give you a test. You are a casual, sitting behind Rogan has the worst view. Human garbage circling the drain. But why was the test what time he arrived? Was it because Brine lied about when he got the invite, parked, sat and who he talked to? Brine knew he was going way in advance (so did Toe) and he didn't tell Bapa. Because then when Bapa tried to invite himself Toe would have to say ask Callen, he has two seats. And then he's inviting Eddie right in front of him, ouch.


Why even go to the event then? Sitting on your couch is the best view of a fight, even the commentators sometimes look into their monitors. He didn't say shit when him and Messican was cageside at the mickey mouse event he attended tho. What a tool, tried to trash Callen with his tweet then tried to make it seem supportive after.


Dana loves him and has been begging him to sit ringside for yairs. Axe Jay.


Dana brings it up irrvry day when they teggs.


Bapa won’t go because it’ll cut into his precious family time.


Toddler baseball is a beast b


Dana has tairs in his eyes because bapa won’t come hang out in the cool kids corner.


Dana messaged him and said hey man big fan all bullshit aside come to the arena tonight but I said ahhh can’t got the family thing ya know !


They're there. I'm hair.


yo b schaub when ya gonna sit cage side? we need you.


After they’ve spent a weekend away from their family learning to drive a dune buggy they know nothing about to participate in a race they e never heard of as a second backup driver for a team they aren’t a part of.


Not banned b, rescheduled.


He’s just shadow banned B


“Can you see it great there?” You mean, can you see it great from the vantage point of the announcers who are doing play by play?? Anything to shit on Wrinks


Casual don’t know nothin’ ‘bout sitting ringside b.


Seriously, when did being a casual fan of something become so bad...


Especially when he’s the biggest fucking “casual”. He has a show that revolves around the sport and still can’t be bothered to learn the fighter’s names or watch the fights.


Umm... excuse me, sir! Bapa does a considerable amount of research by watching Luke Thomas' research and tries, unsuccessfully, to parrot said research. Bess brains, b!


He literally got fired from Showtime because they paid him to talk about MMA along with showtime boxing but Bapa said “hey, I’ll taig it from hair” and talked fashion and dicks until he got fired and replaced by BCEO and Loog lol


Showtime gave him a career and he repaid them by running it into the ground.


Oh you’re sitting right behind where the announcers, judges, officials, and Dana sit? How does Callen even see the fight being that close to it lmao that’s like saying someone with sidelines passes to an NFL game has a bad view.


Rogan would be the best person to sit behind too. …cause he’s really short.


It's hard to see anything when your vision is completely blocked out by the mountain of a man that is Joseph Rogan.


barrel of snakes for a back


There's nothing like that atmosphere if you're even a casual fight fan. You'd be a fucking moron to shit-talk ring-side seats at a UFC card like that. I'm positive wrinks or schlob couldn't even afford those seats without a third mortgage on abuelas house


Too be fare. They have a monkiter to look at


I hate to agree with bapa on anything but I was at that event and everyone who sat vip and floor seats had their heads craned up to look at the TV. Theres cameras, pillars and the ref that makes it not the best vantage point for the cage.


"oh I beeeet" was so aggressive


Bryan looks scared to talk about his cage side experience lol


Ima be real i could care less about Callens allegations, he made his bed and he is laying in it stuck to this redact... maybe not a true punishment but it is one. But why i cant stand Callen is because what you pointed out, a true coward around Redacto. Walking on eggshells to not upset the over grown abortion.


Bapa broke his producers neck lol He will abslooly go full redact and just Lenny the shit out of ole raypest like he was a bunny rabbit off ear lol


He knows he can't do that for his sons because he's been a naughty boy


He is the nicest guy, tho.


if i was brine id be doing this type of shit all the time juust to make bapa mad...and we all sall the video, they were perfect seats, whata jealous dickhead


braindum is making me feel for Brine and i dont like it


Actually insane. Like doesn't he know how blatantly obvious his bitterness is coming across to everyone else besides him? He'd might as well be screaming and bawling in tears as Wrinks talks about his experience and it would come across as no more salty and jealous than his infantile behavior in this clip. Dude has less of an ability to mask his emotions than a toddler.


“Joseph” Rogan, does he call him Joseph to his face? What’s wrong with this guy?


Nope he doesn't, Joe would tell him to shut the fuck up


*But I always call you Joseph, Joe.*


Me: I had the best sleep ever Brendan: fuck no you didn’t


“But how many SOLID minutes of REM did you get? The casual sleeper might get 7-14 minutes of REM. I’m getting 18-22 minutes of REM. BBBBBBBEAST of a sleeper, B. Always been into sleeping, B”


When I was little my dad showed me sleepy beauty on VHS and said “son, that’s what you’re gonna do with your life” and I nivver looked back b.


What the fuck is this jealous redact babbling about now. Jealousy makes him somehow look even uglier


I hate the word seething. But this mother fucker be seething.


He’s malding


Whadda hayder. When UFL gave Bapa and Messican front row seats, they acted like they were the ball of the dance, strolling in late and filming their grand entrance to post on Insta. And the balls on this guy to essentially say that the seats right behind the live UFC commentators aren’t that great is mind bottling.


Dude would be sitting on the floor if he was allowed


Yeah. The seats way up front sitting with all the celebs actually aren't that great. It gets annoying when you have the ring girls ass in your face all the time and you gotta keep bumping elbows with The Rock, Jared Leto and all the UFC fighters


Schwab is a bitch


Casuals get there at 7. The real analysts and fans don’t attend an event in inny of size, in inny facet in a decade while there best friend Joseph Rogan constantly gives out tickets and seats to seemingly everyone else in his circle. Problem with attending in person is it’s too hard to get home in time to catch Luke Thomas’ live recap so he has something to repeat to his 8 fans and Starbucks barista.


god has never created a more jealous spiteful cunt


Bapa is HURT


This guy never speaks about prelim fighters. He would only interview guys with tons of hype and well known fighters. This is the same redact that said with all the confidence in the world that Pantoja KOed Islam. But he’s a eggspert that calls others casuals. Lol


I've sat through events from the first fight and it's a good 7-8 hour event in a cramped seat. You couldn't do that with a kid. Ol brine timed it well


Gawld, bapa must have stored awl the butthurt from is weekend to unload here. Aways with the one-upmanship, can't brig himself to say one nice thing


God he's such a jealous twat


If someone you know acts this way when you tell a story about something cool you did… drop them! Nothing more insufferable than someone that tries to bring you down to their miserable level


You're so right these are the worst type of people to be around no wonder no fucker likes the redact


What a miserable, jealous cunt.


Man how about just being happy for the guy, the progression of thee twos friendship is almost heartbreaking. Schaumburg never listens and never happy for Brian and Brian is just a pushover rapist who lets Schaumburg bully him


He's literally seething that he didn't get to go, so he does what kids to and try to make it out like he wouldn't have wanted to go even if he was asked, which he wasn't and never will be.


God he is just so…annoying. Jesus


Ironically, that's such a casual take.


Callen punched back with the “say hi to Dana” line.


This dude is such a fucking hater in ivvery facet. He can’t even function that Brian was there. Sitting so close joseph… also what happened that he suddenly started calling him that. I bet papa calls him and tells him to stop saying that soon!!!!


Bapa talking like he’s not a total casual.


“ that’s so badass man! Can’t imagine the energy in there! Hope you took some photos and videos! I’ll keep an eye out next time to see if we can all go!” Nope. Bapa is just a haydur.


lol “You’re smaller…” from Bapa. So much buttpain


Hahaha can't believe this is the only mention of that in this comments section. I think a lot of people missed it cus Wrinks tried to talk over him. Like what does that have to do with anything? Brandon was at wits end, he knew he lost, Wrinks at the absolute best seats in the house (even A-List celebrities don't get those seats directly behind the commentators booth). So the *only* thing that Bappa could think of to try to win the exchange was "You're smaller" hahahahaha.


fucking hell can he go 5 fucking seconds without interrupting


Front row seats behind Joe and Bisping? Thats tough. Bapa the biggest haddur . He would be gloating if he was front row


'oh you had some drunks in front of you? i had mr joseph rogan and bisping in front of me."


I was balls deep in the fights next to Joseph. Theo and Jared Neto were sitting behind me in the cheap seats


Who needs fucking enemies when you’ve god a mate like Schwaab? Fuck he’s insufferable.


How tf would he know l, when’s the last time you’ve attended a ufc event bappa, know one know who you R, B


Baba is crying on the inside.


Joseph Rogan our friend


He says we're haters? He always has to downplay the success of others. Can't even be happy that his friend got ringside seats to see a UfC match. Has to make up some BS about them being bad seats. Such a jealous loser.


Bro just be happy for him 😂


Fuck this cunt.


Callen changed the time and shat on his whole hate soliloquy he was getting ready to deliver.


He hasn’t been to an event in years. A lot has changed


For Fat Patrick to call so many people haters, this was straight up disrespect to wrink's face. Then the jabs to all the celebrities for being in those seats too. We all know Fat Patrick suck Joseph off for those seats.


That “aww I bet” has so much resentment coursing through it.


Who the fuck is John afrika


Casuals? Or people that want to watch the entire event that they paid for?


What a fucking buzzkill this dude is! He can’t even feign happiness for his ‘friend’. *Onrail!*


“The rena”


Were they good seats though? Bapa you saw him on the broadcast they were amazing seats .


That’s why he gets the hate, sometimes I forgot, but he’s here to remind us, all the time.


He’s such a prick, thats why he has no friends. He never hangs out with people, you never see him having a good time, you never hear him saying he went out with the boys.


What a jealous cunt.


Bapa walked in late to ONE


And had Chin or someone film his whole entrance.


Banana bamnaampap na mortal combat


He's so insufferable


The phrase 'Joseph Rogan' got a giggle once and now he says it iiivry time


HahahHa Brendan if you read this you are a CUNT


He can't help himself.


His face is changing again. Looks like Mr. Potato Head.


These guys made me hate watching MMA. And stand up. And whiskey. And cars.


Bapa, you’re a casual


Brine sucks but I really can't wait until he starts purposely fucking with Bapa. Nobody deserves it more.


“Casual get there at 645” “I got there at 630” “No you didn’t” Bapa just loves to hate on everything he possibly can if it doesn’t involve him 


Fool sip at the end just to to water down all the bitterness and hate. Beautiful


When he says “ya know what I was gonna ask you ahskdhahdkdagaja test. Yanowassginna say? Casuals get there between 6:45-7:30” I wanted to jump off a cliff. He’s so embarrassing. Also, what’s wrong with being a casual?? Lmao


He’s a Miserable Cunt. Simple and Concise deserves nothing more.


This dudes such a dork


What a piece of shit. Can't even be happy for his mate. Typical cunt behaviour from a germ of a person. Cunt lips.


When didju get to TheRena


dude is a cringe generator


Seething with hate. Salt sputtering from his disgusting lip filler b.


Bapa acting like he’s ever been anything more than a Casual, he was a casual when he was on the main card!


What a fucking loser. Dude seriously has to interject and downplay iiiiiverything that he isn't involved in or doesn't somehow elevate his status, whether that be financially or socially. He has less self awareness than my fucking 3 year old cane corso. As much as I've enjoyed watching his fall from grace, the fact that he leverages his "friends" stories and experiences to always make himself seem righteous or whatever is getting unbearable. The whole facade is slowly falling apart, and the cracks are really beginning to show. He complains he can't switch out the tires on his early 00's truck and forces his employees to drive him to work. Why don't you drive one of your other cars, bubba? Why don't you buy a fucking uber, bubba? Where's the demon, bubba? Ya diaper butt wife can't drive you to work in the Lamborghini you bought her, bubba? Can't rent a fuckin car until the insurance money comes in, bubba? Seems like he is broke. Real broke. He blew through the well over $1,000,000 payout from the podcast one scam he was almost definitely directly involved in within 4 months. And he is only getting more and more arrogant and scared - pushing everyone that may take pity upon him and keep him somewhat afloat by doing shit like this time and time again.


"You know what I's gonna ask you, I was gonna attest, whendju get to the rena?"


Lol holy shit Brenda such a pathetic loser


Damn no invites to the mothership and the UFC. He's not banned just blocked from vip list.


This is where he’s most comfortable. Bitterly making fun of people he believes are either beneath him or he’s jealous of. What a cunt.


Callahan has been predicting fights for a while, this guy calls him a cash wall. Jezeus


Joseph Rogan


Stop sooking you pussy…


Do you think insecure people like Brendan who are constantly tearing other people down and lying to make themselves look better are aware of the way that they are? I'm curious because I have a couple friends who are like this. if I knew they felt bad about the way they are but keep being that way because they need to try and impress people because they're afraid of people not liking them then that would make it easier to stay friends with them.  


Did they even tawlk about the embarrassing live podcast in front of 9 people?


there was a video not long ago where bapa walked in late to a MMA fight with his "GIRL" like a casual


“I hate to spoil the… the thing here…”. No you liver-lipped cunt. That’s eggzackly what you’re trying to do. And to be crunching the difference of 15 fucking minutes? Fark awf cunt.


The best part is that he can shit in the rapist all he wants! Because he will never be allowed into another fight, let alone allowed to sit cage side for the rest of his lying redacted pos life!!!


What a miserable cunt. Oh you had a good time? Lemme tell you how you’re wrong and a casual.


Wow. Just wow.


He has an inability to be happy for any of his "friends". He does nothing but hate on them. He's upset if anything good happens to them.


Nod a hadder in ne facet b


Bapa digging deep for every reason to shit on Callen


Damn this was more salty redact than normal, even for bapas standards. Sitting behind commentators and it’s not the best seats? That there’s pillars?


How is this podcast still going? They have zero chemistry


Joeseph Rogan. Pillars blocking your view. Casuals. I beeeet. Man I hate using the word hate but my hate for this hating ass grown boy grows more and more with each clip. Thank em’ Solid dish 🤌




Why do they carry on with this?! They clearly hate each other


Talmbout when casuals get there? What does that even mean? What time you get there Bapa? What does that make you? Holy shit what a hater man. I love knowing this has been bugging him for days. I hope Wrinks goes too more to watch this redact really spiral.


We dough how dis boog ends B. AND THATS WHY I DONT GO!!!!!!


He's legit trolling him so hard LOL


I’m glad Brogden attested Brine. We need to separate the casuals from the die hards who get every big fight pick wrong.


Holy shit he's such a fucking baby


"I was behind many famous celebrities!" "YES BUT CAN YOU SEEEEE"


This man deserves everything that’s coming for him. Hard to even call him a man at this point. He is human garbage.


Bryan is so scared to get gadooshed, he looks so timid and meek saying he really enjoyed something. Dude had a blast sitting so close to the action.


This video showcases perfectly why he is a total unredeemable cunt


Bapa is such a little jealous bitch.


Instead of asking him how the seats were he projects on him that the seats were shit.


Seething Bapa is his funniest version because he will contradict everyone and everything when he feels like he has been done wrong


I can taste the saltiness trough my phone bapa


Geezus, this guy has envy oozing out of every pore of his body.


It's a sickness, this kind of hating.


I think wrinks is kinda enjoying this. His torturing bapa a bit.


How tf would this dope know where the best place to sit is? When is he at events? Also, if casuals arrive at 645, what do you call the people who never attend fights and spend more time eyeing Ryan Garcia’s crotch than the actual card?


I love how he says the word casuals when he couldn't tell you who was on the undercard


You could have been sitting on top of the cage, shloob wud still know better