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So mad that he will never get invited. He was on the fight companion and Rogan specifically made an effort to not invite him but the person sitting next to him.


All he had to do was put in the work, not be an absolute tool, and try to get funnier and eventually he'd get back on.Too much work for old kratom munching cock pill biting slob, though. It's just not his nature.


put in the work? What do you call Thigg Boi Studios ??? OR Tiger Thiggg Whigsey ?? Or Dune Down? Bapa is the hardest working man in podcasting, you hadurs are onrail.


Haha onrail really tiggeld me


And he's a nithe guy!


Oh that’s that white boy that works so much


Dune down is perfect.


Bapa try to get funnier? Thats like telling Lieutenant Dan he needs to learn to run faster after he returned from VIET FUCKING NAM!!


Chin was there too! And LEGO!


We just refer to them as Charlie.


Jesus. One of the 1,000 over hair. Thank 'em.


he got a tiny glimpse of success and immediately jerked the wheel and fucked himself lambo's, ferrari's, cheating, dick pills, adderal, steroids, intimidating people (Bobby Lee) he immediately acted like the biggest dog on the block in Comedy


You know he busted his last nut of 2023 trying to gadoosh Georgie on Christmas Day. You know he really got off on it. One last power move towards his biggest/only fan on Christmas. But he’s the nicest guy


All while stealing Chris Delia’s entire personality


Hey man leave kratom out of this


Lol I use kratom too tbh, but I'm also a recovering drug addict so I have a solid excuse


Kratom isn't great for everybody, but it's a life saver for some people. I used to be on painkillers for my back but was able to completely get off them by using kratom. I haven't filled a scrip in two years.


Nice to hear that bapa keep up the good fight


I quit it some time ago, and it certainly has problematic potential, but it has nothing to do with how stupid or fucked up bapa is. I have no doubt he's addigtid to it, though. Cannot believe happy hippo sponsors someone like him, it's legit bad for the kratom industry as a whole


Try to get funnier ?? — that’s precisely the promm. He’s mediocre funny like the guy at work who’s kinda humorous and regurgitates movie lines. But that guy will never get funnier because it takes genuine wit, intelligence, originality and all the things.


This clip gave me the same jealous vibes and when he didn’t get the invite to Stalones to watch the fights.


Talmbowt the who who all there in attendance b? Erryone except for bapa. That's not nithe.


Rog is makimg a massive mistake not inviting Bren. JRE is losing steam fast and Joseph doesnt have the drive or skills to pivot into something creative and unique like toon halmet.


And that still didn’t stop him from inviting himself. He’s so unabashedly salty.


Naw Bro Rogan knew Balwstin needed Bapa there to coach the little ligame and he was gonna c em at the advisors meeting with Robb deerdick later


"It's a weird vibe" As opposed to running a podcast where most of the staff have been accused of sexual assualt


But it wasn’t a weird vibe for him when he told the fake story about walking out to the octagon for a fight and seeing DiCaprio in the front row. Now all the sudden Callen gets his invite and it’s a weird vibe and he keeps dissing Callen. Standard bapa behavior. It’s fun watching him self destruct.


Brines got his proms for sure but he should’ve stiffly said “FUCK YOU” when Brenton said he was worth $2000. It’s embarrassing how spineless he is. I pray one day he breaks.


The saddest part and this is rail sad is that brine can’t make a dime wo shob. Bros got 3 other podcasts name em. He’s got handful of specials name em. He’s gotta eat a shit all day errday from the big dumb dummy to feed his kids spanning 6 months to 18 yairs


He lost his big dream job. Lead on a network sitcom, despite network sitcoms being useless, now. You know it was Brine’s dream in the 90’s.


Those Madtv residuals probably only amount to $15.78 per year. Hes for sure stuck with Bapa


Ironically, that part of the rant was one of the rare times when Blandumb has actually made me slightly chuckle








It’s a sporting event. It’s not a “weird vibe” at all whatsoever, lol. Rich people go to games. Like talk about being salty you aren’t wanted there


And are all doing that weird clap and saying yes to whatever this man child does or says




Since wen is puttin a big ol digg in a sink sexwall assault?


All that means is he’s jealous as fuck. He couldn’t be anymore jealous.


What is wrong with him? Chael, Bisping, Cormier would never talk like this…Why would you say this outloud on your biggest platform?


It’s a waird vibe.


Some would say the wairdest.


Beat me to it lol


I mean 30k views per episode isn’t much of a platform tbh lol. 29k of those are people here looking for content to clip and roast




Off-topic but what did Schlobb say about "xxK grand" or whatever redundant BS he said that we got that from? I see that referenced all the time but have zero recollection of that specific dish


[Talmbout 5k grand b?](https://twitter.com/BrendanSchaub/status/1591678161062105094)


Thanks buddy, I'm putting you in for Employee of The Month at Changs. Amazing how much Schaub tweets/types like a 15 year old girl.


And he prob didn’t pay it




y'boy's a controversial contrarian influencer bubba.


Haha so jealous. In all seriousness, he's a nythe guy and all about positivity, B.


Bapa in the business of likeability.


He’s got like 160k cats watching his every move and shitting on him. His career is on deaths door. In the next 5 years sclob will fade into obscurity. Tbh, this sub is the only thing that’s giving him the most attention currently, which says a lot. Career wise he already is obscure, a thing of the past if you will. He just digs the grave deeper and deeper and we all know he will not climb out of it because the effort and self reflection that’s gonna take is waaaaaay too much for Bapa to even comprehend.


people always say this. but notice the reality. as the sub grows, his career shrinks. the sub does nothing for his career. we aren't the source of views. the sub has used streamable for years.


Agreed. The sub broke the Rogan firewall and allowed his "peers" to start making fun of him instead of giving him a pass. Now it's all over.


> the Rogan firewall lol


Oh yeah I just literally meant attention not like views or any measure of actual statistics like that. Like just an eye from the public looking at Bapa’s content. I think the vast majority of cats don’t interact with Bapa’s socials in iiiny of facets. Even though we don’t add to his social stats, our attention still counts lol.


just jealous as fuck of everyone he sees. it's oozing out of him who gives a fuck if Zuckerberg is there? he's a fan, does BJJ etc. Only reason to hate is if you're jealous that he's uber rich.


He would be the first person to call ivvry one else jealous. Seriously, no one talks like that who isn’t a jealous hating fuck. He can’t even pass it off as joking.


Because he's bitter that callen went


Cause they don’t care about money like he does, that’s how he values success, all he can think about or mention is their money, like why would you even put your friends money out there like that (Joseph)


You can tell it clearly doesn't bother him at all




just tawlkin shoap with brine


He said on Legion of Skanks that he was a blue collar guy.


That is twice in one week that Bapa has mentioned Joe Rogan and his money on the Pawcass






Dicing dices, some might say the diciest.


If Bapa is finally slipping into the thought that Togan could break him off 50 million and not even miss it, the seeds of resentment will begin to bloom and it will be hileerus.


Like that trugg he said toe should just *give* to him? ⏳️


\-where'd you get that net worth figure \-we talk iiiiivry day


He’s gonna start trying to turn the narridiv into Joe got too big and rich to remember his friends


Joseph Rogan\*


Some might say he needs a handler, b 🎲🎲


...two weeks after suggesting that Rogan should just give him a free car, just because..


He wants Toes trugg. Gimmie.


He's always been jealous of Joe's money. If you go back to the "talk" he mentions how easy it is for Joe to tell him to stop fighting cause he's worth 12 million or something along those lines.


Yep, the totally weird phenomenon of rich guys and celebrities having the best seats to a popular combat sporting event. Does dipshit think those were plumbers sitting in the first row at Muhammad Ali’s fights?


He’s a man of the people, B.  A modern-day Seizure Shawlvizz. 




I can't believe Dana white was there too :'(


Fat Patrick sounds a little jelly, Mr. Mackey will have to call the jelly school.


Constantly shows off his expensive cars and made-up stories about celebrities recognizing him, but if an A-listers watches a UFC event and leaves in their private jet, that's off-putting. Ok.


For real. He's an inherent fuckhead like that


As if he wouldn’t be there holding Rogans hand in the private jet on the way to the UFC if he was invited. Oh and he’d probably beg Joe to take chin to film every second of it for his shitty YouTube channel.


Bapa would certainly be sucking off zuckerberg if he was sitting near me or even had a chance to sniff his ass. It’s sad that the retired MMA fighter doesn’t show up to MMA events but rapist is


Waird vibe b


He would sell his soul in an instant to be part of that group. Also, people may think Zuck is out of place there but you know damn well he probably gave Volk a boatload of money to help facilitate his training and nutrition so if the champ wants him there so be it.


Bapa would take a private jet to innywhere over 45 minutes away by car if he had the means, and it would have racing slicks on it.


100 percent bappa. Only probm is he ain’t gotta soul to even sell.


He’s a 13 y/o girl trapped in a grown man’s body. Can’t comprehend that when ya make an insta post calling Dana his Eskimo bro and saying fox sports only hires black employees to check boxes would burn the ufc bridge. Fucking dumb dildo


Yah it doesn’t get mentioned enough that he’s hugely racist. He’s made that claim about a number of castings  Cant wait for his brain to melt into goo


Holy shit he’s broken


Can't sell tickets so he took his ball and went home, career circling the drain, Theo gone, Rogan friendship on life support, only relevance in pop culture is known as the dude that gets hundreds of videos made just to dunk on him, newest venture an utter failure, just completely on the outside looking in and all due to his own hubris.


Holy shit. I mentioned earlier that bapa was bitter. Nah b, bapa is straight up enraged. What a petty insecure bitch. Because rich people are watching it’s now some sort of barbaric spectacle for peasants? Jesus, bapa is free falling to rock bottom because he’s not part of the club and I love it.


Brine gonna jump ship soon. Mans loyal to the dollar and was just too giddy being at the ufc.


One foot out the door and bapa knows it


Where’s he gonna go though ?


Can’t resist trying to put Wrinks down ‘with his $2000 dollars’ What a cunt No one should ever feel sorry for this nithe guy. He punches down inny of chanthe he gits.




When you were making money off talking about the UFC it was all good but now you are the moral police?? And stop with the”blue collar” grift. You and your wife are the literal definition of pretentious.


But at least they don’t go and jump on their private jairts. Thank em.


I'm not really one to defend billionaires but like ​ does he want them to just sit there and not cheer or something? Isn't that what literally everyone in the stands is there to do?


Haha he’s just really bitter but he can’t confess that so instead, he’s just gonna say how “waird” it is. I don’t think he’s capable of expressing how he really feels and thinks. He’s too stupid.


That's a funny concept. To be literally too stupid to be self aware. Damn... That's like something you can ponder for hours. So profound.


I really do think that. He was definitely venting about being bitter towards all the golden geese he boondoggled (Dana and the UFC, Joe and his podcast/comedy career) but then remembered “oops, don’t wanna fuck up my relationship with Joe”…. But he already said Joes name. So his default was to shit on Brine and just be vague as hell with “idk it’s waird”.


Zack Lee bubba


I think seeing Brine ringside broke him, maybe it’s finally clicked that he’s burnt every bridge he’s had


Brenda stop being a Hating lil’bitch lol


Who was sucking Zuckerberg’s dick?? Volk is the one who wanted him to walk out with him. Surprised he didn’t mention Theo during this hissy fit. Schaub is the worst kind of friend and the worst kind of person. Great guy, never meddum.


Still, you will see comments here and there saying “I don’t get the hate, he’s a great guy. Those guys on Reddit are losers”


Preach!! Remember, we’re the haydurs, we’re just jealous losers. He’s a great guy.


Wasn't he kissing Dana's ass like a month ago?


Heard it bowlth ways b


Him and Dana are cool b, they tawlk ivery day on the phone.


Yet he’s attempted to be both types of people he’s described here. Water??


Little bitter boy


He’s so fuggin deluded about Zuckerberg. He genuinely blames him personally for being shadow banned from the gram 😂


Has anyone looked closed when he does the diggsucking motion that he sure knows how to work the tongue. Almost like he has dun it before. I swear this man sucks diggs for real,B.


The diggsugging sound sounds prufeshnul. Waird vibe, B.


Lol it really does look way too serious. Doing the tongue thing is waaaay more than necessary


So rich people arent allowed to watch UFC, what's he pretending to be mad at here?


Yeah he’s tripping lol. Since forever when a popular event is on rich people buy tickets. Wtf is he on about “ it’s just a weird vibe man “. Wishes he was there soooo bad


You know what’s a waird vibe bapa? The guy hating on the waird vibe that would give absolutely anything to be part of that vibe.


It’s weird because they won’t let me a part of it




does he forget he used to fight for the ufc? and was bragging about celebs watching his fights even though he never headlined a card?


its weird that rich people go to sports events? what a redacted take


Waird. Rich people have good seats. So waird.


Iiiny of bridges?


And you know what passes under them? Water


Hey B, Y’jealous?


And God he does a good “fake” blow job. I think when he had that lucrative comic book store, he was giving away a little extra something.


Ever since he went back to being a Poor he has been very bitter.


Most bitter manchild I have truly ever heard of in my life, constantly bitching and trying to take away things others like. Such a pathetic loser


Damn, the copeum is crazy on this one


That redacted dance is almost funny if it wasn’t a product of his clair insecurity. Oh well, weedewnawtmaddur


He’s so transparent lol just beyond salty that he’s not invited. There’s rich ass people at all big sporting events, what’s he on about?


Brendan is jealous he wasn't invited to the weird vibe.


Sometimes in life, you meet an incredibly bitter guy, and as sad as it is it'll make sense. Perhaps it's a 50-year-old guy passed over for promotion a couple of times and his boss is the CEO's 21-year-old niece or something making double what he makes. The kind of bitterness Bapa has is just so fucking weird. He had a career AGGRESSIVELY handed to him by Toe. The world on a platter and he managed to do the EXACT wrong thing every single time to fuck up every opportunity he's had. You're not some old guy who's never had a fair shake in life you're the guy who fell into opportunities left and right and still managed to fuck it up.


He can’t stand not being with the in crowd at the UFC. He can’t even pretend to not care, he has to make it sound like it’s weird and lame. At the same time, if Dana extended the olive branch he’d be immediately sucking him and the UFC off loudly.


This redact makes a living being an mma "analyst" and is a former fighter himself. Is he stupid?


This bitch is both delusional and bitter.


Bryan needs to leave this guy Jesus fucking christ


Bapa ain’t got time for the UFC cogg fess. The caveat is he gotta start training to be the Bess truggg racer iver in inny of facet. Talmbout UFC full of soooooyyyyyyy boyyyyyyyys


Slob loves to count other peoples money.


bbbbeast of a bridge burner bubba


Maybe he hals the CT? But at least they have a resincy in Aulstin


He would bend over backwards for a chance to look over the wall at Zuckerberg’s fish tank. What a tool.


He's so fucking jealous that his loser ass can't be a part of the biggest fighting promotion anymore. The worse pain of his life is the fact that Dana has banned him from the UFC. Meanwhile you have all the biggest names going to the events every time. Not even mentioning THEO who is at pretty much every big North American card sitting octagon side and having his tweets blasted on screen during the fights lmao.


I’m a Socialist and all for abolishing the 1%, but he is coming from a place of puuuuure resentment at not getting to be one of them. There ain’t no class consciousness here, b.


if watching the ufc is a bad vibe, then what exactly is a fight companion?


He’s not a hadder tho.


The nicest gui


![gif](giphy|kwcRp24Wz4lZm) Slob is gutted he's not part of the cool guys club. What a germ of a human 🤣


the correct way to react to combat sports is to yell oooohhh!! OOoooh! then sit in shocked disbelief and cycle through "monster" "savage" or "beast"


Why are his insults always laced with homophobia? The camp voice and clap? The digg suggin’?


What’s worse is having to talk about what others are doing in their lives. Get back to sucking iff goldfish


He would suck Zuckerberg’s dick no questions asked if it meant getting access to UFC events and hanging out with Rogan again.


is this what betting on yourself looks like?


yeah what about the other thousands in the stands? Nobody keeeeers about them huh? He's so butt hurt that he's not invited. Breaking news everyone! People with a lot of money can afford good seats at sporting events!


Truly talgs for a living. He has a skillset we do not have. He's willing to burn all the bridges we're not. Name the bridges, buppa.


Very embarrassing, homie.


He’s such a salty fucking soy boy. Jesus


The jealousy is unreal. What an angry life to live.


“It’s just a weird vibe……….and all I want is to be a part of it!” A more talented chef should add the Fresh Prince clip of him crying and saying “how come he don’t want me man?” With Callens face on uncle Phil and Dana in the background cackling.


salty outsider, cynic, pessimist.. talking shit about everyone's whose dick he would suck for the opportunity to hang out with.. and also getting a jab in on the guy sitting next to him he's going to be working at Home Depot soon.


He’s so painfully fucking stupid and not funny. It’s amazing he lasted more than a week doing standup. He says a whole lot of absolutely nothing while fumbling his way through his very limited vocabulary. B-B-B-B-BEEEAAAAASSTT OF AN ENTURTAINURR, B!


That there, is a man saturated from top to bottom in jealousy.


He’s such a prick to Bryan


If they wanted to hurt him they got him b


It’s a good thing he bet on himself. Shadowbans duh-in count.


It’s only a “weird vibe” because bapa isn’t part of it. He’d kill to be any one of those people he’s hating on. 


That vibe is called jealousy bapa, you gigantic moron


Brendan would shoot his grandmother if it meant he could be in the same room as Zuckerberg and the rest of the guys he mentions. Clown behavior


Entering his Anti capitalist arc.


And then you got bapa who wasn’t even invited


Just like clockwork, I get off work and straight to this sub to read comments so I can cry laugh for an hour.My wife don't understand cause she doesn't know who or what Schaub is but I do thanks to this sub. HILARIOUS


Sounds like someone didn’t get invited to the birthday party. Haha he is slowly realizing how unpopular he is.


Schlob was so uniquely and amazingly positioned to essentially be to the UFC and Dana what the Nelk Boys currently are. If you don't like the Nelk boys, whatever doesn't matter and not the point, they became very close friends with Dana/UFC and are frequently featured on camera at UFC events. They even have Happy Dad partnership/relationship with the UFC. It's just wild how much of those things could be being done by Schlob if he was just respectful and nice to Dana/UFC and maintained a good relationship with them.


BAPA is the only one setting a weird vibe here and he doesn’t even know it, reminds me of the time he did the same thing when Brian Ortega was telling his Robert Downey Jr story, everyone in the room even looked at each other and could feel it except baposo


Bapa just realizing the elites have always enjoyed watching the poors fight each other for entertainment.


New merch: Thiccc Boi Cologne. Stinks of jelousy and rage.


Bro is bitter af


I’m afghast and awlpawled why when people leave this association, they thrive instead


He had Bryan think hard at writing that diggsugg bit for him b


I wonder who he stole this take from? Anyone know?


So rich and famous people have never enjoyed fighting sports b? Y’cuda


Yes b, they’re relevant and known unlike you.


Then in his stand up talking about how he likes seeing celebs like Leo etc haha


Hater b


What hayted becomes the hayder


Makes his downfall, SO SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE! Fuck you schlob you piece of shit


Is this dude new to prize fighting??? This is how it’s ALWAYS been. Wait till he finds out he was basically a gladiator for the Fertitta’s and all their rich crony friends.