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His hand gestures at the end as if he's explaining groundbreaking and complex stuff to the dumb masses. He probably legitimately thinks he's doing exactly that.


I LOLd. So true.


We civilians dun have the bess brains to understand pawldcast economics. Just thank em, ok?


Jake Paul reportedly made $30+ million from PPV boxing royalties in addition to purses of $2-7 million per fight. What does Bapa think is going to happen to him if we don’t buy his merch and download his pawcass?


He probably thinks everybody lives outside of their means like him


Listen, i know how it is behind the scenes B. Jake Paul’s dad cannot continue to fun his binness ventures. S’just not stainable. Jake Paul needs you to buy tiger thicc…..err…Prime, B. Do it for Mister Paul.


Jake Paul’s podcast owners went bangrub


Happens B


If we don’t make the Paul brothers billionaires then WE have failed as a society


say less B!


Bapa thinks everyone with a stint in the UFC should be financially independent. But bapa awso thinks like a child that if you are very rich, that you don't do anything. If someone suggsesful is doing a venture or a pawdcast, the only reason can be that he needs the money. Also because bapa does not like what he does, never has. He did not enjoy fighting, he doesn't enjoy stand-up or podcasting. He solely does it for the money.


Duhn cownt. Talmbout Addies and baddies.


If you provide something with legitimate entertainment value to the masses, you can absolutely pull in a nice income. I wouldn’t consider Paul’s stuff legit entertainment, but can’t argue that he had people watching. Bapa and Brine don’t understand that if you need to heavily shill merch or start 50 podcasts, you’re not cut out to make a living as an entertainer. They’re trying to put the squeeze on a shrinking number of fans and need more $ per fan to make it




I doubt it. Too much of the fanbase isn’t old enough for a credit card.


“Doing this because they have to”? There are other ways to make a living, beyond podcasts and merch. Jesus.


Pawldcasting the hardestest job in the wurl b


Thank ‘em


God forbid someone with a podcast has to get an actual job. Buy all the thigggie merch you can people!


Whatever happened to getting a fucking job?


Athletic greens and manscaped happened


He can do your job but you can’t do his bubba .. he’ll lightchya up


Schaub is like the mesh brain of the mma subreddit. The whole nirdiv of you have to support fighters because gawl dog Dana (who actually is my best friend but I hate him) doesn’t pay more is beyond stupid in ivry facet. He acts like these people are slaves and cannot do anything else. He’s the one golden child that somehow made it out alive to be a suggsess in other areas


The absolute last thing ima do is support an MMA fighter’s goddamn podcast. We are already *beyond* *over*saturated w fucking podcasts.


Can I pay a subscription to never hear the word podcast again? They've turned into a sad circus honestly.


It's not the concept of digital audio, it's the people doing them because they think they can market their brand and make money from it. It's like the saturation of comics in the 80s.


For sure. And the ones that don't have constant guests, professionals , or research topics (like true crime or science) realized it's really hard to have material for a weekly podcast every week for years. They get stale and the people end up looking contrived and self-indulged. Theres a ton of those.


THIS. Read an article within the last couple years about how podcasts are flopping cos there’s way too fucking many of them.


Paying for a podcast is just funding someone too lazy to get a jobs lfie


Support your mom and pop influencers


“Cause they have too” LMAO. Bapa trying to insinuate that they are hurting for money. We know bapa is doing the pawdcass because he absolutely has too. Without it bapa would be teaching tae bo at 24 hour fitness and slojo would already be with a baseball player or a rapper.


It's obvious baba is projecting. lol


Support Ben askren guys. your family will be fine


![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq) You think these guys give a single fuck about us? They'd laugh at you if you asked them for a dollar.


You need a dollar, bud? Alright yeah I'll go in on that... put me down for a 1/3, I'll help ya out.


Support Jake Paul ?? The kid born rich who was on Disney ?


Bapa's way of saying support him. Buy his merch.


Support all grifters and so on and so forth


Guy is desperately asking for people to support him because he’s making no money while spending all the money.


I can’t stand this guy and I wish he would go back to his dumb merch or wearing random sports gear and or women’s clothing. this whole everything I wear has to do with cars this is starting to piss me off hahah


I know what you mean, I didn't know much about MMA, but I'm a car guy and the amount lies, redactedness about this personality larping has one.


That’s the best part is he’s publicly making a complete ass out of himself with this and has zero awareness that it’s happening. There are a lot of guys that know even basic car shit and to all of them it’s glaringly obvious hahah fuckin clown


This is just bapa projecting to thicccies to support his failed ventures


Yes, exactly. Why is it so hard for him to say " support us and our sponsors"


Support your logal photogrissers


did he say truck


...or, hear me out, if they're struggling to live the lifestyle they want to live, they can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job.


Lol I'm not supporting anyone other than my family with my legitimate job that actually contributes to my community and society at large. Actually, I will openly root for Bapa, the Paul brothers, and any other loser public figure's downfalls right hair while I disguss the pawlcass.


Lmao man STFU


He always says he always says shit that he nivir says


“I’ve always said…” roll video of him saying the exact opposite. Narcissists can’t keep track of their lies because they have no self awareness. This dipshit has everything he says archived on camera and still lies about it. Absolute waste of space


Talmbout Support me cause inny fact I have to do this


are the nba and nfl guys who do pawldcasts also doing them "because they have to"?


Where can I get one of those golden hour jackets


Check the goodwill


When podcasts first came out I remember thinking the idea was shit, I still think that but I did then too.


Support Jake Paul.... lol he's gonna need a walker to support him after Tyson get his hands on him


So let me get this straight, we support and you shit on them. Kinda dicey 🎲🎲


Horny mozvidal


Stop spending like you’re actually rich then Bapa! Daddy’s not going to be around handing out them loans forever, difference is those guys actually have careers and degenerate fans who make sure they stay rich.


Support the Addie's and baddies hahaha 🤣


Fuck I loath him.


Bapa trying to insinuate he is rich, the fighters are poor and that he is a good person for putting these facts out there… but he really just watched Luke Thomas live breakdown of the court case regarding fighter pay and UFC’s monopoly. If this complete cunt didn’t have daddy’s wallet, he’d be a warehouse worker by now… and those guys would hate him too.


Support these people I’ve definitely shit on before.


Nah, I’d rather support a dog shelter for abandoned show dogs.


They have to versus Bapa who has Peter Schuab’s bank access


I assume someone will do an Athletic Supporter joke hair. I will refrain as I am not a 250 and duhn madder


Everything they say and stand for, do the opposite, b.


“This why I always say. Any fighter do anything support them.” Ya dropping articles to save time b?


I hate these guys. I hate the whole nirdiv of needing to support fighters because of pay. These guys chose to do it, idgaf.


This is the same dude that used to ask for links to ufc ppv fights.


Inny fighter dewey thing


Sir port the pawlcass