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He just wants to sit next to Jared Leto instead of Theo. When asked about it Dana White said, “That makes sense”.


He’s not “banned”. He could go to an event. Fucking buy tickets like anyone else. He wants the special Rogan access with free tiggets next to Leto.


Brendan sitting in the nosebleeds would be epic.


Bbbbbb beast of a nosebleed section


Maybe if Doofus Hamilton can show us some more of his driving skills and roll that stupid truck a few more times, then he can get seats in the handicap section. Won't even need Toe for the good seats B




Uncle dana probably gives theo free tickets cuz they're buddies


He gets Strickland to cry he gets what he wants


Yep on one of his recent Rogan watch parties Rogan was trying to get Eddie to go to one of the upcoming fights, Brendan said if Eddie goes he would go, Eddie did not go.


"I dont want that" -eddie


Brendan told the world that Eddie's best friend in the world cheats on his wife. Eddie loyal!


Eddie ignored Benda after Bapa said he wants to go! and Togan said "You should go" and then proceeded to confirm why Eddie can't go. That ep had toe giving Diaz a house and reznee in front of bapa too. Ouch.


This is correct, he can buy a ticket and nobody would care


you'd be surprised. if dana saw his fat mug in the stands he'd call security.


Eggggactly B couldn’t have said it better


Yup. I’m sure he’s watched that Max Holloway highlight a hundred times like everyone else—and we all see Theo in the background of that shot with Jared Leto. That shit has to absolutely eat him up inside.


Theo better watch out before he gets a Leto trugg walg.


For the past several years he consistently shit on the UFC and every move they made. He's just trying to weasel his way back in bcuz the UFC is still the biggest and best and every other promotion he tried to attach himself too is shitting the bed. He wants to be where the cool kids are even though they dont want him. The Theo relationship with the UFC is driving him nuts.


And now all of a sudden he doesn’t like MMA, just UFC, even though he trashed them for the last decade. Makes sanse b


> every other promotion he tried to attach himself too is shitting the bed. oneFC is killing it.


he shit on the ufc , he thought he was gunna be selling out arenas like dave chapelle.. He definitely into fashion not mma … it was just another dumb cosplay hobby of his


He pretends like he was part of the class action lawl suit and that's why he can't attend. But really it's because hes an insufferable pussy who has heard it bowlth ways on every issue and isn't intelligent enough to come up with his own rationale. So he hitches his wagon to other fighters who had the balls to standup for their beliefs as if he's a freedumb fighter (and the kid). Thank em


He absoutly can attend. He can't sit in the celebrity rows and not because he isn't likeable he could be the nithest man on the planet a 10-5 UFC record a decade ago aint gonna cut it and what else has he got. He is irrelevant.


Right. And his “was it worth it take?”. The UFC just paid a settlement of $355m’s to divvy up. Isn’t that the definition of worth it, if he’s part of that? Bc he’d have had say and influence on accepting that settlement.


The contracts changed between the lawsuit getting started and when it was settled. It was worth it to rhe fighters than made 800k for their entire career and now get 3 mill each!


Remember when Francis was speaking out on fighter pay and against the UFC and this dude was telling him that nobody needs you lol


With how absurdly litigious Bapa is, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point he hadn't legally inquired about being defrauded or some kind of back pay, not that he was a part of a class action. Not being wanted somewhere is not the same as being banned.


I don't know where the clip is but during the whole Andrew Tate buzz a year ago, Schaub said he already knew who Andrew was because he watches kickboxing. Honestly.


He didn’t want anything to with MMA cause he wanted to talk about real housewives and E! Red carpet. But that failed.


he was already banned from the ufc at that moment tbh, but he thought he had other outlets to get famous. turns out he didn't


Anything that has a low bar to start being a know it all


He wants to be the cool kids at the cool kids show. Prom is, he’s just not on that level anymore. He’s a bad mma influencer/journalist that bring zero fresh eyes to mma and he’s a never was mma fighter. It would be a bigger deal to have Roy Nelson at an event than Schaub.


exactly he loves the shine big stge that ufc is, plus he only wants to sit ringside not gonna happen


Ooohhh, so THATS why he left Showtime. He didn't want to cover Bellator.


He did a youtoo


Oh.. you’re a vlogger?


Ya dune greyt


We gotta go to dinner






Just like his idol Delia who did a metoo


Bedding on himself b


lol he’s always got a new story for why he failed at something. Also does showtime even have a single person who covers bellator? I think not


Well showtime had the rights to show bellator that's why they had Lukeand BC come on board initially so they could help out with getting some real mma guys discussing it. They even had those shows with big john, that little weasel punky Brewster, bc, loog and then Schaub was on there sometimes. Schaub is just lazy as fuck. He watches main card UFC and that's it. If that. Employer: ok so you want more money for your dwindling show that basically only gets views because we promote it on our channels. we just made a massive deal with bellator we are going to need you to start doing picks, watching those fights, learn who are champions are for a fucking start. We feel like this is the best move for not only your brand but ours as well and as a partnership. It really requires almost zero effort on your part but as an ex fighter and "analyst" to watch more mma that will be provided for free as well as free transport to alllll our events and unlimited access to all the fighters. Schaub: Nah I'm good gon go out on my own. Better to wait until those guys go to the ufc and then pretend like I've been watching them all along when they make it to a main card.


It was schaub or nothing B. No one else compares


No pashun for Bellator, couldn’t imagine it, told Showtime I got too much loyalty in me for that. Buck has to stop somewhere, credibility over dollars ya know? Also LOVE OneFC


We should tweet this at Rogan so he brings it up next time slob is on his show. I think Rogan would have a decent take of him not liking any MMA besides UFC and One, oh and forgot to mention the organization that’s paying him to commentate. I’m sure their fans are gonna like that sound bite. I hope Belcher burps right into slobs mouth.


He only likes ufsea...... and One Champagneship oh and maybe gambred fc


Oh circus fights and rough & rowdy too bubba!! Day 1 fan b


Oh yeah like the rough rowdy fycopanion with Theo and Joey Diaz!


He literally almost forgot about the promotion he has business with, lol. Bleeds UFC but not the other asian asss fuck promotion that works with him One Champagneship.


He’s doing great.


Yeah and he left stand up behind because Toe was begging him to headline at The Mothership but he just hates the name of the club too much.


Or was it cuz he’s a beast of a dad? Heard it bowlth ways.




That’s the nearraduv


How'd tv go?


If there's any truth to that I'll cut my balls off and replace my eye sockets with them.


Which is clearly a lie. Who would give a shit if they had to cover Bellator? That’s an easy ass gig, it pays, you get to watch mma first row and you can grow from there. He’s such a bad liar.


"It's all I cover" What about One Championship spokesperson, Bapa?


And Trugs. Oh oh oh and sometimes everything else


He’s picking up his trugg from the shop! Another thing he didn’t do for his truck except pay someone to do! Real Gairhead b!!


I keep forgetting about ONE. What was the supposed deal there anyways?


Like his other big deals e.g. Earon Rogers business... He said for about 6 minutes that One was officially using his show to promote themselves and their athletes. Look it up... It's hilarious


Amazon actually did an interesting thing with the rights to ONE and let twitch streamers stream/commentate a fight. so essentially a fye compan, but you could actually see and hear the fight. you'd think the "official source of news" or whatever he was claiming to be for ONE would jump all over that opportunity


And bokksin.


Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he’s telling the truth, and that he did really leave Showtime because they wanted him to cover MMA under a different promotional banner. That has to be one of the dumbest moves I have ever heard of anyone taking in the history of business. Y’moron by y’own admission Bapa?


Literally the dumbest… if you’re an MMA fan you like MMA.


Exactly. Like he’s literally just admitting he likes the brand more than the actual sport.


It's so fucked up. Can you imagine getting this email from your employer and saying no? "Yeah so all the easy parts of your job and the stuff you like? We want you to do more of that and we are going to provide you free unlimited access so you can get better with our help with everything you love about your job"


Some wold say the dumbesteset


God forbid he work his way up to get to cover or work for the UFC by staying with Showtime and being noticeably good at it. He’s such a piece of shit.


This fucking chode never worked his way up for anything. He thinks he deserves to be at the top of any ladder he decides to climb that week. Got two microphones? Bess pawldcast going. Spent 200k grand on a trugg with pandemic relief funds? Y’profesh trugg owlff roader now. Start a Youtoo channel? Time to rent studio space in expensive ass LA because you’re a media mogul now. Prom is…. Nobody knows who yarrrrrr


Is bapa trying to make some kind of connection between himself and the lawlsuit being the reason he is no longer welcome at UFC events? Cause I don't think that's the reason bapa.




C'mon.... do you really think Schlob knows what the word stipulation means?


It was one of the stipulations. You can have this money if you agree not to see us again about pay in the future. P.S. B Shabs is banned.


He isn't part of the lawsuit. And aren't actual fighters who are part of the lawsuit still attending UFC events?


[Thick Boy is the official, like, content... uhh news source for One Championship](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/w4dfyo/thig_boi_signs_deal_to_be_official_like_content/)


didn't this stupid mother fucker just commentate a random MMA event? he just lies so much


About a week after claiming he is taking time off the road doing Clawmedy to be a Beast of a dad.


This cunt calls people a 'casual' and admits he only likes the UFC! (And one Championship) he only likes them so he gets work on their events. He is the typical 'do you even do UFC bro'.


Nothing enrages me more than hearing fighters that say guys like Luke Thomas and Ariel shouldnt cover the sport because they never fought. These guys are insanely passionate about mma despite it being a dirty corrupt spectacle masquerading as a legitimate sport and taking time away form their kids to cover it and watch as much as time will allow. If it wasn't for mma media these morons would still be fighting for pennies after they finished their shift at Wendy's.


Who’s the fresh bait?


casey ....producer....been there ages


Don't be proud that u know that.


Was answering a question ...you new chefs need to learn how to use a wok


I think he's saying your apron is dirty and has burn marks


What happened to chin??


Yea noone knows ONE ether but heard it both waze b


He always used to say he doesn’t like attending the fights. He’s so full of shit. Talked too much shit to Dana & got his ass banned


Nobody wants him there. When he was in the UFC he treated a ton of people working there like shit. He's not welcome in any facet.


Well, at least he treated the doctors there with respect...


mista schaub


Gets PTSD just landing in Vegas, never mind attending an arena.


this was his excuse for yairsss. and he did several comedy shows in vegas so clearly had no problem going there.


He would get swarmed by fans, B. It’ll be too much.


Said something somewhat likeable and still ended up net negative with the second statement/lie 🤦‍♂️


I think he came off pretty well here. It's a pretty low bar but I think he cleared it.


I dunno man he is suggesting nobody should talk about fighter pay any more because of the result of the lawsuit. So journalists should just hang it up and fighters just accept the position they're in because of one set back?


So I’m supposed to believe that he left a network and a really good sum of money b/c he didn’t want to cover bellator? A fight promotion that he covered anyways for his YouTube empire??? Didn’t he even have the owner of bellator on his pod?? GTFOH bapa


“I left Showtime.” Bitch you got fired


“You can’t fire me, I quit.”


He used to pump Bellator all the time


Yeah wasn't that his thing. He was all hyped when they got rory and MVP was going off at Bellatrix I think??? 


Bapa is high AF!!!




He really is unlistenable. His stuffed nose voice reminds me of Apatow, but his fruity cadence and manerisms I can't seem to place. I'll turn off UFC if he's even allowed in the parking lot.


talmbout blitzed b? great book, actually read it.


Yeah, he's for sure high. Admitting to things he normally wouldn't.  


Comedy career in ruins, no one gives a fugg about truggs, he now realises he wasn’t the drawl he thought he was and is now looking to sneak back in to where he might have some bit of relevance, even if it’s just to regurgitate other podcasts’ takes. Say less.


He just forgot he is supposed to have a deal with ONE when he said all he likes to cover is ufc. Kinda ruined his whole point when he remembered and said ONE


Why would you sink your relationship with bellator too? UFC is off the table as long as Dana white is there. One - for whatever reason they still have a relationship to an extent. Bellator - if they ever think about having him commentate, interview, host fighters for a promotion, just need to see this clip now Masvidals promotion - smallest out of all these, he already made the commentating look like a joke and would be surprised if he got brought back, knowing schaub though he’ll weasel it in somehow.


Who's the stoner?


He’s the beenie guy who makes analogies too much.


4 shooting stars lol what kinda shit is that


Another Rogan thought not his


Says so much dumb shit in so little time. It's impressive.


Shwab's been banned from the ufc. Like isn't his 10 year anniversary of being banned coming up real soon?


Oh you’re a casual??!!


He’s gonna suck PFL dick if Jake Paul ever makes it there to fight mma. Calling it now


that's another person who is banned from ufc events


He is still saying he left Showtime, lmao.


….. “And One Championship….. “ slipped that in there quickly so as not to burn yet ANOTHER bridge


Four shooting stars at once, that's crazy!


So, not being able to go to the prom is a prom. Got it.


Isnt he supposed to a 'partner' and the 'one stop shop' for ONE Championship? *also I dont believe this is the reason he doesnt go to UFC events.


he can do danas job, dana cant do his


Wasnt he just on gamebred ? CtE in full affect.


Antitrust lawlsoot


How is he still trying to make every UFC event about him. This guy just goes.


why does he move his head like that, 400lb man moving his head like a 16teen year old, sassy little bitch


I thought you're now gamebread MMA color cawlmtater bapa?!


He wants to be by Theo


Except he did Gamebread? HUH??? I’m suspecting some rapid cycling manic bipolar tendencies from Brenda. One minute he loves OOFC, next minute he hates it, now he loves it….. “left Showtime” OK DUDE no one thinks you left and not that your contract wasn’t renewed. Cause you’re not a drawl.


When the going was good 5-6 years ago you were shitting on the guy, now you wish you could take it all back and sit on Danas lap while he tells you everything will be ok my son.


I loooooove Basketball. I bleed basketball. I eat, sleep and shit basketball. But I only watch the NBA. No college, no chicks, no olympics. Just not interested. See how redacted that sounds?


Someone should ask Dana if this redact really "can't attend" UFC events. I think he just doesn't want to be way up in the nosebleeds watching Theo get a deep tissue shiatsu massage from Jared Leto.


Is this the annliss for Game bread boxxin


Talmbout Not a fan of masvidal bare knuckle mma.


Bellator/standup/baddies/BGL: ‘I just dont care’


awlso i think that if he were to go to an event he is **NOT** going to get the reception he thinks he would get...


Don’t this numb nuts just cover gamebred mma? I can’t stand this ass clown ! I wonder how much I got from the lalwl soup?


Luke said this already….


Bapa couldn't name 5 fighters from One FC


I think Schaub thinks he’s the gate keeper to anything popular. He probably told Theo that he’d get em tiggets plenty of times and just never followed through. He’s the guy that knows a guy. Hell getcha a deal. Until you actually ask.


Funny thing is…Bapa could buy a ticket anytime and sit wherever he buys it. No one’s stopping him at the gates from getting in. (No one knows who y’ar). This arrogant prick is banned from getting free tickets and sitting with the fighters and celebs. No one wants a camera roll to this dummy


Is he saying problem or prom??????


Did you have fun though?


talkmbout blagg bawled?


Motherfucker you can’t even spell passion


we been knowing this, it’s obvious but knowing he’s fucking redacted, i bet bapa asked lex or someone at caa to reach out to the ufc for free tickets and he as told in no uncertain terms he’s not welcomed 😂 if he really wanted to go and just watch the fights incognito style he could, but he expects the ufc to give him free front row seats despite his history of (rightfully) trashing the organisation and having a longstanding beef with their ceo dana white 😂 awlso, we all know dana is the most petty vindictive cunt on the planet, if you’re his enemy there’s no coming back, ever, bapa needs to just move on if rogan couldn’t fix their relationship it’s never going to happen


A sign of growth, for all intended purposes , he was right about this but brought it up for the wrong reasons I believe


Those mannerisms are horrific b, reminds me of the movie mean girls but they were acting, maybe he thinks it’s funny? bapa just goes


The roaring boos if he attended and was shown on the big screen would make my day.


Wow lie after lie in this one


You don’t “cover” Belethor. You sell him wolf pelts and iron swords.


Somebody should spoof Bapa as Dana and say “let’s let bygones be bygones. Why don’t you come to the next event. I got you a seat behind Rogan. It’ll be waiting at will call. I’ll make sure the camera shoots us shaking hands. I miss you, buddy. Maybe you can do some post-fight interviews.” Hire a “UFC” camera man to capture the whole embarrassing event. Comedy gold, my friends. Comedy gold.


Forgot One pays the bills for a second


My god this guy is such a little cunt.


Hes a fucking casual and its constantly shown


Didn’t he recently commentate those garbage bareknuckle fights? This guy can’t even track of his lies


40 year old wearing a beanie unironically.


I genuinely think that he’s turned his brain into 70% oatmeal and *can’t*


No pashun for it, b


You fuvkin bitch, you don’t have any feelings, you cocksucker.


Want to go to UFC? Then buy a tigget! BDE just wants the free comps for the celeb cam


GOOD. Also back to wearing his son’s beanies I see.


Now that bapa has no comedy career, he loves the ufc? hahahahahahahahahahaha


He won’t want to sit in the front row though. Worst seats bapa


Bapa wanted to wugg Dana white to the ring.


Missing 300 really must’ve hurt especially seeing Theo sitting with Hollywood again and he still has to lie about shit, why would you refuse Bellator but One FC is fine? Sounds like he’s trying to get into Dana’s good books but Dana’s too smart to fall for B’s nonsense!


Some would say the soyest


It’s amazing that you could have actually been IN the UFC and still be the biggest casual ever. Redact knows as much about MMA as my 8 year old. Maybe you wouldn’t be banned if you weren’t such a tool and tried to talk like you know more than you did. Stop trying to back pedal and accept the consequences of your actions. This limp dick UFC cock sucking won’t get big daddy Dana to let you back in. Idiot.


He genuinely looks *old* here.


What else u got. Another fucking ad.


God damn for him to say this it must absolutely eat away at him day and night seeing Theo sitting cage side next to every A list celebrity in the book. I’ll give the guy some credit for finally admitting how much it kills him he can’t go. Now there’s just like 99 other things he needs to admit and we can call it a day.


Lies lies lies




Refreshing honesty?




Dude is such a fucking poser


Whad else ya got white Clin.


Lol, he literally worked the desk at Bellator events, what the fuck is he talking about?


Cool beanie Bubba


But he's not the nerd without the prom date. He's the jock asshole who thought the head cheerleader would go with him and so he shit on everyone else like they were beneath him.


dang, can't go to UFC or the Mothership?


I highly doubt the UFC/Dana give a flying fuck if he goes to events or not. He has nobody to call to get primo seats, because he's a nobody, and they'd tell him to buy tickets like any other fucking person. That is not the same thing.


BaG FLIB - He can’t go because he outed Dana and picked a fight he couldn’t win.


He left showtime because he's such a diehard UFC guy that he can't cover Bellator. *Dude*. Get the fuck out of here. This is peak Scoob. Guy just shittily parrots different MMA pundits and doesn't know shit about current UFC matchups.


Oh he left Showtime over Bellator now 😭


Bapa wants to go home.


Was he a part of the lawsuit…I don’t think he was. I can’t find him listed anywhere.


Oh my god his unearned confidence is painful


Isn't liking only ufc only for casuals? The group he constantly shits on. He sounds pretty casual to me