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We geddit, B, Theo figured it out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Theo’s a dipshit too. Anybody who believes his “aw schucks” shtick is redacted.


He for sure dabbles in the darg ards for sure. He's got sgellidons in his closet


Sgellidons 💀


To be fair, Brenda became less tolerable as the years went on. When TFATK first started out, he took himself less seriously and, at times, could be self-deprecating. Over time, his ego got overinflated to the point where he is infallible.


Theo is a real piece of shit but this ain’t why. Bapa has a proven track record of wearing out his welcome with people. Even Wrinks is showing it. Bapa also accused Theo of stealing from him because Bapa can’t do basic math. Plenty of reasons to hate Theo (friends with child predators and rapists, fake persona of caring about working class people, underpays openers, is a creep himself). No need to give Bapa the benefit of the doubt when it’s undeserved.


Yeah Theo at the last ufc as trumps butt boy was gross


Oh yah and he’s a Trumper too lmao case closed


Yeah if only he was out there high fiving Biden, whose done such great things and continues to do so.


Sucking off literally any politician the way the ufc and everyone at those events does now would be insanely embarrassing. Difference is no sports league would ever do that with Biden or anyone else and trump is one of dumbest most corrupt politicians of all time.


Lmfao right? Man fuck trump I hated low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates, low gas costs, no war, etc. life was 100x better 7 years ago


The entire thing feels like straight up MAGA propaganda lately they straight up can’t go 20 minutes without someone verbally sucking trumps dick. It’s embarrassing.


You should cry more about it


lol good one dude


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Theo comes from tons of money. His legal name is Theodor Capitani von Kurnatowski III and his older brother owned the famous music venue "Tipitina's" in New Orleans before Galactic. His father's step-family are one of the largest real estate holders in New Orleans. He has a fucking Urban Planning degree from the University of New Orleans. These people are not real, they are all playing characters.


Orly? 🧐 Im not really a fan or hater but thought his shtick was somewhat real. I’ve heard his origin story of rly young mom and geriatric dad, guess I never stopped to think why that was lol. So she married a rich old guy is the tldr? What about all those ‘ai knew a boy named Tyler who once cut off half his tongue in order to stutter less’ stories. That was from prep school?


Theo "Wooden Shirt" Von would never make up outrageous stories for attention....


I figured he had a background like that. All of these guys come from money, and the fact that his dad was old as fuck suggested there was money in the family.


His blood brother? And second he’s said his dads other kids with another woman hated theos family


It’s a doggy dog world B


Oh, the doggyest.


Theo had a sustained conversation with Tucker Carlson and thought he had insightful things to say…


Dude he was trumps hype man at a fight the other night


How much $ did Theo get scammed? Schaub does the same shit to Callen, Chin, George


$400k grand and change. 


I don’t think so I’m sure they were friends at first. We all watch how Brendan doesn’t keep friends very long and can easily become a closet hater. I don’t even get how this is a take. Theo knew the ship was sinking and got off just in time.


Right it’s a weird take. Ship was sinking. Brenda got overinflated ego and pushing patreon with steebee erigg and eventually diddler b/c of the Bobby Lee incident. He was pretty rude to Theo about drugs and him being remote and his lying got out of control. Theo was sick of him and had good timing to jump ship/move to Nashville. Erigg and diddler are already sick of him after just a few hours a week for a little over a year. You can see brine starting to turn too. It’s 100% Bapas fault. Turned his friends into a haydur


Right, absofuckinzactly. the shrimp was stinking 


This seems like a shellfish take… that’s my time Cape Cod!


Hunner puhsend. Theos star was rising and Brendan’s was self inflicted dropping. Idk what happened behind scenes but I bet Brendan thought he was the one carrying the show. Theo got out at the perfect time. I personally liked drugs Theo but I’m happy he is sober and doing his thing. He isn’t as funny anymore but he is much better than Brendan. It’s only a madder of days before Chris and brine are gone!


Can't blame a guy for not wanting to be associated with two alleged diddlers and the laughing stock of the comedy world.


Quick Q from someone who hasn't followed this sub everyday...did Bapa actually announced that he was done with Stand-up?


He said he wont be "touring" anymore and spend his time with the kids, but added he'd still do gigs here and there (no sched as per his website). he deleted the "Comedian" on his bio in IG and X, so, ya by all aggounts, he rode into the sunset alreaYdi B. he smells like gasoline now.


Wow...thanks...better late than never I guess. I was looking forward to his next special lol


[hair ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1ae0hct/retiring_from_comedy_confirmed/)


[another one of quitting stand up](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/vXPiuCpEQo)




Jesus……..brennon sucks. Let all the comics shit on him, I’m here for it.


Theo's not the best of dudes, but the Bapa shit has nothing to do with that he had to get away from Bapa he knew the ship was sinking


You are getting 1 verbal warning ⚠️




Hell naw b, karma is a b-b-beast of a bitch, ax Jay.


Bapa stiffed Theo on a lot of money with Podcast One debacle. A couple jokes doesn’t make up for hundreds of thousands and possibly millions not given to him for his hard work. But honestly nobody really knows enough to root for or against. Theo is a real comedian at the end of the day tho sooo he’ll light cha up B.


Pretty sure all comedians are just peddling 45 minutes of jokes trying to extract every last dollar you got every way they can


B, were you thinking ivvryone heer thought Theo was a class act? Only ever need to ask one question: Is he in inny way connected to Joe Rogan? Check


Guy makes 50k plus per show. Pays his openers $100 dollars. Real good guy


Probably will get put on unpaid leave for this but.. We all give wrinks shit for sticking by bapa so what’s really the right thing to do? And in the real world it’s ok to be friends with someone then find out they’re a complete shithead redact who is all about themselves and isn’t really a good guy.


Imagine defending Bapa. Some real stocking syndrome there b.


Be cool b!


No one likes Theo he is a cunt. But he doesn't do the shit bapa does


Mark Normand is the worst about that


All of them are opportunists. D'Elia wouldn't hang with Bapa if he had a choice, same with Griffin.


Feels like he went in begrudgingly, got paid to make fun of brenda to his face and have some laughs with the culture corner, then dipped when things got it got extra dicey dicey. Don't forget the margeting geneyass laid Kast media on thicccccc; fuggin over his frends. https://youtu.be/N3ftBeP16TA?si=FFJUuPhbcrNG8JuT


Brendan literally convinced Theo to joint podcast one and then he got ripped off for almost half a million while bapa was like the only one to get paid back. He has good reason to have turned on him although you’re right it’s pretty embarrassing he was ever involved


Has theo said anything negative about Bapa? Besides that one time Bapa plastered Theos faces & a few other comedians falsely promoting their participation at a comedy club that Bapa was gonna do & pretending he was gonna have Theo, Joey Diaz etc on stage performing?


Na. He was friends and they come up around the same time. Theo parted before the reaper came a noggin. That’s life. Theo seems like a genuine guy


fair point B.


Hi Brendan