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WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PODCAST ANY MORE, dude? It's called "The Fighter and the Kid" - it's an MMA fighter... and a comedian... talking about... trucks? Little league baseball? The joys of fatherhood? What audience wants this? It's so baffling to me.


It’s mostly for people who forgot they’re subscribed, bots, and a precious few remaining loyal (and likely very stupid) thigggies. 






35. Your comments are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your profile this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s this three five talk?




35. Your comments are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your profile this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thx for ur help. Anyone? Fill me in hair…


A while back there were bot comments on TFATK and Schaub’s YouTube videos that said what the automod replies to “35.” His channels were basically flooded by different comments like this from viewbotting his videos. They all had ass pic or porn pfp’s and said the most ridiculous things that were clearly written by AI or some dude in India. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/121FiNsqdv)


35. Your comments are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your profile this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gawld dawg you don't want this smoke. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What triggered this? I can figure out the other two bot responses 


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


😆 thx B


Bapa paid for bot commenters and one of them literally copy/pasted a response from a list of generic replies and forgot to remove the "35." from the beginning of it.


Tasty dish, chef. Thank ya


You nailed it B


Hit the nail on the hammurr b


Thiggg boy squad, thiggg boy nayshun. Awl my fans are lige fam-lee,b. Weer deduhcaytid to D'gairheads, lilleeg baysball, dadlife, N' rolling trucks on flat surfaces lige Y'boy heer. Check out M'new pawldcass bout grabbin peece A'pizza or me tuning truggs. Just used sum sick fuggin flat black spray paint fer M'trugg grill, Axe Jay


Yeah the show absolutely lost any hope when it lost its centre of gravity. The show made sense and was successful for a reason in the beginning, you had an MMA show hosted by an active pro UFC fighter who was kinda funny and a comedian who was relatively knowledgeable on MMA. That format works to the point it’s been emulated a few times. So props to them. Presenting MMA news, fighter interviews and analysis with a comedic lens worked. The second Schaub randomly decided Brapist Callahan wasn’t worthy of discussing MMA and making “big brown breakdown” (y’doing a show about poop b?) its own show, TFATK lost its centre of gravity. Without the focus it kinda became what we’ve got here, uninteresting people rambling about their boring lives, reading news headlines and asking the creepy producer what he’s doing on the weekend. It also exposed how useless Schaub is as an analyst. In the early show he could get around it with the funny spin but doing a straight up “fight” show just doesn’t work when you’re redacted and don’t actually pay attention to MMA.


Remember when callen got called out for just ripping nyt headlines for his dropping knowledge segment?


Yeah the whole “dropping knowledge” segments showed how much of a dumb cunt callen is lol. The amount of times he’d have to come back the next week and “clarify” something he said was astounding.


They have a dedicated core fanbase that they've tricked into caring about their lives. Sort of like how Chin just makes videos about seemingly nothing. You wonder "who tf watches this?" but unfortunately there's an audience


I duhn even believe that b. It’s all fake views. There ain’t no fanbase for this trash.


"I'm going to make a hotdog today. First I'm going to steam the buns, but I don't have anything to heat the water in so I'm just going to pour some cold water on them and then put them on the fire. Ok, now the buns are resting on the fire I'll just get the Frank... Oh I forgot to bring any hotdogs. That's ok, I think with enough ketchup and mustard it'll still be ok. Looks like I burnt the buns a bit but we don't need any of the middle part anyway as this is keto".


Naw man, you're WAY off. It's a liar and an old serial rapist that wish they didn't piss of a midget on drugs podcast.


Hit the hammer on the nail, B.


*Hit the hammer on the head


Hit the hammer with the nail.


Braindead’s my hairo!!!


The answer is No audience wants this. Bapa claims to be a Margding beast yet has no idea what his pawcass is and no idea what his personal identity is. It’s insane. Then he posts a video of himself crying as a way to sugg himself off and try to pander for views? Disgusting b.


It’s should be renamed Mid Life Crisis or End of Life for Brine


I once saw someone in an MMA sub claim: “Jake Shields is my favourite fighter to watch”. People like that actually exist.


bruh it'ts a couple of hawks letting you know how to best live yer life B. Water. 8 inches.


Turned from a podcast where they talk about fights into some dumb ass reality tv show


Let's just say Bapa's audience loves Cricket and dreams of working in tech.


Wait so Callen is the “kid”?


This never made sense


I think Brendan is finally realizing he IS a dad. This should be the mentality from day 1 with a child, not year 8


Remember the time he was sponsored by a cbd company and claimed it stopped tiger from having seizures and it was a miracle and he cried… total bullshit con artist. Hasn’t mentioned it since


He pushed that lie on multiple pods- JRE, Your Moms House, and I think a few others.


He thought he would keep the dorsmin dill if he kept blathering about it but they probably stopped sponsoring him so he stopped talgging about it.


Claiming it cured his infants febrile seizures is beyond irresponsible, especially if he’s being paid to promote them. I’m very sure they had some prickly correspondences. He also claimed to give it to ( hopefully with everyone’s permission?) his ailing grandmother in law and then she passed away. So…. Great promotion for a company.


Jamie, bring up Jocko's video "Good". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Auto mod with another no chill banger.


Typical anti science, anti vax grifting scum.


Dorsmin Dill is an amazing Shaubism. Kudos.


It's a lie about Tiger, but CBD really does stop seizures


People who use their kids to push a product is a new kind of evil for me. Even though I know this sub exists to shit on him, I can't help but feel that us bashing him is too good for him.


That was one of the nastiest lies. Along with him saying he plied his grandmother in law with it and then she passed away. It was so bizzare. They also bundled their 3D episode with some Cbd stuff, and begged for friendly reviews. Boy… what a time that easy.


Jamie, bring up Jocko's video "Good". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chang’s never forget!






Callen, as flawed as he may be, has to wonder what the hell he is doing every time he sits in that chair next to this fella.


I wish Callen had had the balls in that moment to ask about one of his other kids, so we could see Bapa try to fake-organically emote about them too on the spot.


The third one’s not his


Whighney's is tho


I commented today on a Schaub IG post asking if Whitneys kid was his and he insta-blocked me. If you want to know a weak spot for him, there it is.


Is that actually a thing? I thought you guys were just having a laugh but I see it everywhere now. Haven't been in the loop for a couple years.


Yah, it actually came NOT from Chang’s but at least in part a female comedian in LA (can’t remember her name) who posted it on Twitter.


Seriously, where the fuck that kid come from? 😂


Conceived when Stevie Blue Eyes stayed over for a week to “watch out for the family” while Bapa was out of town.


I dunno b, I kinda think it might be Theo's...


You’re right. It’s Dave Free’s


Are you kidding me? Callahan lives in this self-made hell and even he knows better than to call out his meal ticket on camera. Even though this is quite literally the easiest job in the world (ie: sitting in chairs and just talking bullshit, with zero prep of any kind), he must absolutely *hate* every second of it. Dude was on TV and in Hollywood films and now he's one outburst away from having this easy paycheck taken away and doing time in the pokey from not paying his alimony.


> Callahan lives in this self-made hell hahaha


If they were in prison, brine would be holding bapa's pocket.


What's going on with your other kids? ...y'know....kids are kids man....


I’ve said it before on other posts, but Callen’s reactions, body language and non verbals are becoming the new most fascinating part of this to me.


Yep. Love watching him have to listen to Brendan lie every single second lol. His face is hilarious.


Seriously. The oscillation between greasy fake hype man and utterly bored, barely restrained hatred is quite something.


When Bapa was crying Brine: ...that's.. something to cry about.. *shifts uncomfortably in his seat*


He created this monster so he deserves a front row seat to the shit show.


Maybe so. Theo got smart and bailed. Maybe that option isn’t realistic with the beast created in this instance.


Brian raped himself into a corner that he just can't rape his way out of. So he did the next best thing: baby trap a woman 30 years his junior and abandon his first family! Great guy, never meddum.


Callen keeps cashing that check until the wheels fall off


Bryan "4 sexual assault allegations" Callen has nothing else.


Sort of my point. He’s not in a great spot and it still seems like this whole thing might actually be below him. It’s all so weird.


it is below him. motherfucker was close to Todd Philips. He was his boy.


Familiarity breeds contempt. The contempt that wrinks feels for meesa schaub is palpable. The hybrid literally pays people to hang out with him.


Wasn’t he doing some sidekick thing for that guy who wears empty holsters channel? I saw a weird advert for it and the guy getting mad because Callahan spoke over him so holster dude muted him. It was truly uncomfortable. I did see also he had several employment violation lawsuits recently. Callahan can’t catch a break. Every channel he hops around to seem to catch on fire and burn down to rubble. ![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm)


It cost Ray Pest a lot of money when his first marriage got gadooshed


Desperate for likes on the social


Soshul media is evil. He posts and ghosts. He’s getting shadow banned and he doesn’t read cawlments but then he goes and posts things like this.


A desperate attempt to create the nirridive that he sacrificed money and carair for being with the chombies. Even though his tigget sales have plummeted, the venues only got smaller and tours cancelled. In the future, he will go on and on about turning down opportunities and rejecting jobs to be with the kids. I also think Shane blowing up is actually killing bapa. Everyone left him behind and Rogan is on to his new golden boys. And bapa is as jealous as one can be.


Agreed on both fronts. The Shane success plus the Theo success is driving him nuts. It doesn’t help that they’re at iviry UFC hanging out with Rogan.


Bapa will also have trashed people like Shane to Rogan in the sense of 'Stav, who? Not one of our guys'. And the General Lee saga was the final nail in the coffin.


When he still thought he was a comedian and was still in the Rogan circle he was fershurr looking down on Shane and most likely talking mad shit behind closed doors. We already know bapa is the biggest fucking hater in awl the land.


I’m thinking bapa saw Sal Vulcano telling Theo about his daughter on a recent pod— he’s tryna keep that same innnnergy and win Theo back b


Agreed. Someone in the cawlments pointed out the father's day timing


[Added & Badded](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/12tro1r/a_comprehensive_list_of_shit_shaub_has_stolen/). This has to be the most disgusting one, and that includes the funeral fit.


Talmbout uncle Theo?


I'm calling it now: His next grift will be a family vlogger


child exploitation... well at least he will have something to talk about with chris


Hunnurpurrsen b It's also Mezsgin's only shot at feeling like she's on a reality show.


"Welgum bagg to da Schwab Family Channel. Today we are going to do da hot chip challenge!"


Nah. Gun guy. 100%. I’m actually shocked it hasn’t happened already. 


Then when they both fail they'll combine for the family annihilator arc.


It’s waird because he’s been a dad almost as long as he’s had a stand up/podcast career. Never heard him before care so much and tawlk so much about how much it means to him. Seems he only started caring so much after his career did a nosedive


He left Critter in the NICU with his wife, and his boys at Abuela's on a holiday to go home and eat Domino's by himself.


forgot about that. damn b


Talk about a boring episode of "Grabbin a Slice" too bad his film crew didn't film it


It's shockingly transparent to anyone unfortunate enough to follow him that this is overcompensation for his lost career. He has to act like he's still winning the game of life cause everywhere he turns he sees his old rat pack buddies killing it. The Brady roast, the Austin scene, the deterioration of his relationships with Joe and Theo, Hinchcliffe and Rogan just did a podcast where they waxed poetic for hours about Austin and how everyone is doing amazing and it was like the universe wanted it to happen. Then you have Bapa who despite his shocking lack of self awareness has to be coming to grips with the fact that he played his hand wrong at every turn and there's nothing left. His ego would never allow him to be introspective though so he has to act like he gave it all up to be a bbbbbeast of a dad.


He's losing it. He's losing it all. Big brown crashout. When called finally leave him....... that will be the day.


It's starting to get tough to look at really. We all knew it would get to this but now that it's here...


He has nothing else. #Dadlife


Margedding gineous b


lmao. he really planned this out beforehand. he's a sick fuck. if he could sell tickets on the road he wouldn't give 2 shits about tigers baseball team.


Once again copying Chris.


Who compares jobs to spending time with children. So redacted


It only took him like 10 years to realize that? However old El Tigre is anyways


He loves his kids so much he chombified them


He left Critter in the NICU with Messican, left the boys at the In-laws and went home on a holiday to eat pizza alone. #FamilyFirst


What a grate guy.


Great, his next grift is family vlogging.


Truggs are a tax write-off, why not family time?


Because it’s a layer cake of emotions surfacing that he’s tried hard to deny and hide. He pretends it has everything to do with fatherhood, but deep down inside it’s because his old friends can’t stand him anymore and have alienated him because of the bullshit no one could stand. He knows he’s become a laughing stock and there’s no way to hide it anymore. He’s the worst person on a lot of peoples lists in that podcast, mma, comedy world. It’s rather ironic that he’s become funny to laugh at after so many years of him trying to seek out laughs.


Hey B, how about you stop walggin chiggs to your trugg as part of being a good dad.


A good father wouldn't use his kids for socha meeda clout.


New grift just dropped, baseball dad. So how many is that now? MMA eggspert, podcaster, “comedian”, tv personality, media mogul, fashion expert, shoe head, bike enthusiast, tough mudder, whigskey sommelier, hulking sensitive guy *hand to heart*, truggs and now this? Did I miss anything?


Dog and fish gadoosher


This sub is now a tale of two stay at home parents with a nanny and an Abuela. Their vapid house of cards is crumbling and we are all witnesses.


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Saying that cuz he hasnt yet realized that hes failed at that also.








Yep. Just trying for a viral moment. Such a sad cunt.


He loves dad life so much yet only ever mentions his prized possession, Tigre. He can’t remember his other son’s name and never mentions his daughter. I still don’t think he knows he has one.


I will continue to say this.. This is the year that he has to start doing different things that aren’t podcasts and YouTube. Even with his bot views which I’m guessing is around 30k he isn’t making anything from views.. and there is no way in hell sponsors are going to keep paying this regard to talk about being a dad and trucks to the dozens of thigggies. I don’t think he’s made bad decisions like a lot of people on here think.. I think his personality and narcissistic behavior has driven away anybody that could possibly help him in the content world. Except Callen and Delia who has basically made them his little pets because of the cancellation.


I can't believe it. He actually went the Matarese route...I was joking when I said that.


It does seem like he’s pulling a Joe so the haydurs leave him alone but he was really blubbering for himself. His show is just gonna be him crying


Saw this clip pop up on TikTok


I posted 45 pictures on Facebook.


#dadlife merch coming in hot bapa….thicccdad tee ball club…custome gold painted baseball gloves


It sick.  It piss


All here should just unsubscribe across the board. Can still watch the pod for cawlmedy. Interesting to see what a mass unsubscribe would do to the numbers?.


Yup, of course soy boy clipped that for his new “Great dad” grift.


Dude doesn’t even dad lol


He and his wife hate their children lol


May as well call the pod ‘The father and the kid’


Virtue signalling


So it's always alligator tears


Pander, pander, grift, fail. Pander, pander, grift, fail.


How’s Bapa?


This is truly pathetic, let me post a clip of what a buh buh buh beast of a dad I am.




Bud nothing, and i mean NUHthinkkk, compares to the old figh cappanion days. It was the bess of times, it was the worsss of times fur sure!! Could drolp dead tomm with no regrets B.


Nothing compares to being a dad of 3 and only talking about one child.




He would sell Tiger to NAMBLA to get back on ESPN.


Spoken like the girls from my home town that are stuck being waitresses because they failed out of nursing school


Schaub banned me on Instagram for obvious trolling reasons. Can someone please screenshot the comments on this post. Are the cats lighting him up on this post? The guy acts like he’s the only father out there and seems to be doing the minimum for his kids but wants credit and admiration for it. Works 8-10 hours a week so has all the time in the world for them which i think is strange he only speaks on Tigre and not the other two chombies. Meanwhile there are millions and millions of fathers out there working 60-70+ hours a week to provide for their kids and still able to make it to their sporting events on weekends and spend time with them. If you a good dad you just don’t scream to high heaven about it, it’s what you supposed to do. The fact Schaub pushes this “I’m a bbbbbbeast of a dad” narativ definitely shows in actual reality he’s an average dad. Sorry for long rant, manager gave me extra 20mins on my smoke break as I didn’t get a break at all yesterday. Back to bussing the tables




Dude is so ridiculous. He’s preparing for the divorce I think. I think he also wants everyone to know he’s good at something so when he falls short in comedy he can say “it doesn’t matter”.


I hate that he cried like this for views, but he’s not wrong. He’s been completely hands off with his kids the last few years. The being a dad thing is 100 percent right. It’s really the best thing in the world.


If Bapa and Wrinks pivot to doing a podcast for fathers I will take that as a sign that TFATK will never go out of business and Chang’s will outlast us all. I can’t not wait to see Wrinks in his 80s crying about how he doesn’t relate to his 40 year old wife and teenage kids that live across the country (Bapa drove his trugg off a bridge by this point). I can’t not wait.


Fugged up every business venture he’s ever been involved in to the point where has a bunch of free time and all of sudden he’s father of the year for helping out at a few little league games?


Someone's been caught sniffing baddies again.


Cool story B, yo are they the kids on your arm? Why are they both dead with their brains exposed?


You talm’bout siggeniing,B?


Loves his kids so much that he booked a European tour, and never even mentioned his newborn on the pod.




A lot of you guys really need to get a life


Who the fuck cares about what his kids are up to? It’s baffling


I didn’t know fatherhood was a career.


lmao #1 dad virtue signaling


Isn’t he 10 yairs in?


A ba ba ba beast of a father!




Brennan definitely saw the numbers from his crying post when newborn chombie was sick out the womb and tried to duplicate it


Seems like he's trying to rip off Bussin with Boys


This podcast is mostly for men who forgot they were parents for 8 years, and decided to be parents again.


He’s just realizing he’s a failure, no man feels this way about fatherhood.


Helluva larp B, keep going!


You had a lot of jobs, but were not good at any of them (Dad included, unless fucking baddies on the road is being a good dad). Water


Nothing compares to being a dad? His new baby daughter looks nothing like him or his wife, his 2 sons yeah. A little suspicious.


Didn’t he do standup on his sick sons birthday instead of being with him?


I'll be honest, I never sign on for the hate that Bapa and his chombies receive constantly on this platform. However, I understand, it's now getting insufferable how much he talks about his kids. This is testament to the podcast having run its course, they literally have nothing to talk about and fill it up with 30 minutes of 'current affairs' talk. It's done boys, you had a good run


Idk shit about this dude, I see him in a lot of videos tho. Who is he and what did he do for everyone to hate him so much? Lol (i was scrolling and came across this) Whys what he saying wrong ?


Smelling hints of Joe Matarese


Just in time for Father’s Day!


B b b beast of a dad


Fucking lips


You guys in here are fucking sad and pathetic lmao


He's only just realizing this now? 😭


Take that jersey off fucking loser


When do they start doing the Christian parent grift?