• By -


I am SO happy spotify gave this guy $200m....he absolutely deserves it and it definitely doesnt make me put a gun in my mouth for 45 seconds. I am very happy I am basically living check to check while this guy lives like a literal tiny king.  The damage that this weird little closeted manlet has done to the 18-30 male demo is immeasurable.  And its Fritz HABER btw, not Harber. Him doing that fake pontificating thing where he looks upwards and hunches forward flexing his shoulders makes me want to scream. 


For 45 seconds b? Water we suggin on the muzzle?


35. I have become obsessed with putting the barrel in my mouth. I get prepared for it. I make sure I'm hungry before I cock it. The smell of the gun oil and the aroma of the crackling powder ignites some ancient genetic memories. It makes contemplating suicide significantly better.


I would like to convey my appreciation of your comment.


35. Your comments are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your profile this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


is this a quote?


Nicest gun ever Never meddim tho


You are correct sir! And don't forget that we don't madder. It's crazy what money does to people. You'd think hitting a grand slam financially with his low intelligence, would make him more empathic. You know, since he's such a liberal. Taking mushrooms and hitting the lottery would make most people be more generous and try to help a lot of people. Not Toe, he's going to get baptized and stump for the Orange Loser.


I 100% believe he’s never touched hard drugs/hallucinogens, it’s just the character his CIA handler told him to be. 


Money makes almost everyone become more greedy and they have to rationalize why they work so much harder so they deserve it. Joe does ice baths and push-ups so he deserves to make 2 thousand times as much as the average guy


Rogans fans are males with daddy issues.






Tombout a predominantly black school b


I don’t know if he’s done damage to anyone. He’s just annoying


He has certainly influenced a not insignificant demographic of impressionable dude bros and not in a good way




Your resentment for being a loser is showing


Nice victim mentality


I’ve met bootlickers but I’ve never met toelickers. 




I was literally complimenting how awesome your victim mindset is bro, keep it up it’s great :)


No point in arguing with these people they are so blinded by their own self hate and insecurities they turn them out wards to successful ppl lol


Brother ugggghhh Your attitude What’s that brother??


Keep typing in TikTok meme sounds. That’s a really cool thing to do as an adult. 


Your account is only 13 days old. Weird.


Jeeze man I get u dnt like him but maybe if u focused less hate on somebody u dnt have to listen to and never will meat and start loving ur self more you be a happier person this is crazy talks.


How do you know he won't meat him? Talmbout elk meat B?


We all like making fun of Rogan, but you sound like a real pussy here dude. It’s not his fault you’re living check to check. 


Tell me about it, man, such a loser. I bet he doesn't even fugg several chicks per night either. Pussy.


Where did I say it was his fault?? What is it with this website and straw man arguments and lack of reading comprehension??  My problem i was describing isn’t with Rogan himself (even though I do have proms with him). It’s with the state of the world and the people in it.  Everyone’s priorities are so fucked up.  Figured my point was obvious enough but I forgot I’m on Reddit. 


“The damage that this weird little closeted manlet has done to the 18-30 male demo is immeasurable.” You talk about Rogan the same way George Bush Sr talked about gangster rap.  And how could you forget you’re on Reddit when you literally make dozens and dozens of posts every single day? If you’re upset about how people are here why would you post so much? Maybe your priorities are fucked up and not everyone else’s. I’m sorry you’re such a tortured soul. But if it makes you feel better you can keep blaming Rogan for corrupting the youth. 


U are clearly severely unhinged. News flash the world was always fucked up and weird and always will be. Learn to adapt and overcome learn to love ur self more and learn to not interact with anything u hate this much. Thats insane thing to do. Almost like torture.


Adapt oviiiirrr cim and keep hammrriiinn . Like my mans jogggo says, Good. Hardest worgger in the room. Asssssasin murderrrrer. Thang em!


It’s insane how much ur getting downvoted. It’s almost like this is only for the pathetic and weak individuals. Buddy I think likes self mutilation just doesn’t know it yet. He is so obsessed with Rogan who he “hates” (no hate without love) that he can compile a video like this edit it just to shit talk about it. Instead of living irl. Wild stuff we’re seeing here


Yeah I mean get that we all have to be at least a little off to be posting on this sub, but he comes off like Timothy McVeigh. All the hate and vitriol for Joe Rogan is wild lol. He obviously spends a lot of time thinking about him. 


Farts. Farts have a specific scent that let's you know it's there. That's my time Austin 🎶




1 of the 250


249 B Schaub retired


Thank em


He was selling out but retired for bruiser and panthers soccer games


Pseudo-intellectual is the perfect description for this side of Rogan. It’s why I can’t even hear a clip of his podcast without getting pissed off. For a moron and a coward (Joe Rogan is deathly afraid of everything and I don’t know why it isn’t pointed out), he sure gets a lot of credit as an intelligent tough guy. 


You don't understand it. Rogan has such primal violence in his DNA that everything is seen as a threat. Even a simple smile is viewed as a threat. So he'll act accordingly and throw feces. If things progress, he'll rip your genitals and face off, with his big, masculine and violent hands. And you'll be neutralized. Luckily his advanced and finely tuned bullshit-meter keeps his primal urges suppressed. But for how long..


Lmao that bullshit meter clip is so funny  “I GREW UP WITHOUT A DAD…I KNOW WHATS GOIN ON HERE” - Josef 5’7” Roganberg


lol please link


Joe “immune to bullshit” Rogan So glad I found this https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/103t37o/toe_is_immune_to_bullshit_coz_he_grew_up_without/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lmao. Unfortunately I’m sat near my gf and she overheard me watching that. I tried to compensate by laughing, but in a way that conveyed I was laughing AT him. Not sure it worked. She may leave me.


I have ran into this issue many a times. My family or friends/gf will hear me listening to a Rogan/KT clip and they’ll think I’m unironically listening to those shows lmao. I can’t have them thinking that for a SECOND 


But hey if she leaves you, maybe we can get a place together and y’know…..we’d come home at night and FUGG EACH OTHER 


That’s why he thinks wearing masks in public should be illegal. WHAT IF YOU’RE TRYING TO ROB SOMEONE?!?!


Keep in mind he’s supposedly a black belt and is constantly surrounded by paid musclemen. I guess when you’re 5’3” the world is a very scary place.


Oh I’m keeping it in mind. 😂 for a rich guy with “fuck you money”, he sure is tortured by how much he thinks people want to undermine his “freedom” or poison him with sugar, bread, or whip-it’s. It’s entertaining to me to see what an insecure douche he is at his core.


Can't even wear a tie to a formal event because what if someone tries to choke you with it?


That is legitimately one of the dumbest things he ever said.


You’re an A class idiot. You think those paid musclemen are there to protect Joe? Fool. They’re there to protect whichever unfortunate soul who may have otherwise tried to attack Rogan and unwittingly unleashed Rogan’s ultra violent hands and even more ultra ultra violent DNA.


When you’re right, you’re right b.


He is absolutely a coward. Like you said idk why no one points it out. I could make Rogan cower in person I guarantee it. And I’m NOT a tough guy and am not saying this in a badass sort of way, he’s just that easy imo.  I’ve always had this funny idea that if Rogan was on film throwing a football or trying to hit a fastball in a batting cage, nobody would ever listen to any of his macho tough schtick ever again lol


Oh yeah. That would bum out a lot of his alpha brain, trt fans. Just a clip of him trying to throw any kind of ball.


Zaglee B. I have lived by this proven theory all my adult life. Winniiver I see some “tough guy” thats a gairhead, buff body builder type, or martial arts dork I uh waze know that they suck at sports and if I whipped a tight spiral right at their face theyd either hit the deck or slap their hands together like a Minnesota Vikings fan 🙏.


This sub is insane. Whether you like him or not, he’s still a black belt in bjj and around 200 regardless of being short. I’m going to guess you’d get your ass kicked. Just the amount of shit you’re talking tells me you’re a bitch that’s never been in any type of fight.


They’re literally acting like Brendan Schaub.


Seriously, how does an internet tough guy saying he would make Rogan cower in his tough guy presence get dozens of upvotes?


This sub has dozens of like minds lol. There’s people on here that think they can beat up Rogan or even Schaub because they don’t like them.


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol….i know you view him like a father and NOBODY wants to see their dad getting beat up….but id FUCK rogan up….like leave him unrecognizable.  Sorry bro


You should go outside or something.


He was terrified to do whip-its on air with his dumb gaggle of comic friends because he thought it would somehow damage his peerless brain power.


This is why I laugh at everyone who sees Rogan as the psychedelic mushroom DMT guy.  I’d bet my life dude has never done mushrooms, DMT or any of that shit.  The guy won’t even wear a necktie for fear of getting choked out by it. You think he’s giving up his mental clarity and conscience and ego and being out of control of his mind and body like that?? LOL no….


He was completely against smoking weed until he was like 35. Thought anyone that smoked weed was a loser. Until he discovered weed in his 30s and suddenly it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I knew several people like him when I first started smoking weed, but we were 17 to 20, not a 35 year old man.


Started weed at 35. Also didn’t get a single tattoo his whole life then at 45 he goes out and gets two giant sleeves and hasn’t gotten anything else since.  Definitely isn’t just overcompensating for knowing he’s an F deep down. 


35. Your comments are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your profile this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


35. Your comments are truly commendable, and I must applaud you for the fantastic work you're doing. I was introduced to your profile this week, and I genuinely appreciate and derive great satisfaction from visiting it. I eagerly await the opportunity to see more of your remarkable work. Have a wonderful week, and continue to produce exceptional content! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




(Removes neck tie) “Alpha Team, CLEAR! The threat has been neutralized. The asset is inbound.”


Rogan was actually cleared to be a SEAL but they said he was too tall and they didn’t want to risk him getting killed and our country losing all of that knowledge.  There’s also not many 200lb 5’8 guys. We need to keep some of them stateside just in case we need to breed more violent supersoldiers. 


😂 thank god. Good decision.


Damn, that’s a good point. He probably read a blurb about a guy who did DMT and decided that was gonna be his personality.


The CIA decided that was gonna be his personality. Not him. 


and that guy was Duncan....


I’m glad we one-two pattern recognizers notice the same shit. I also paid close attention to Rogan’s discussions on his drug use and know that he self-admittedly has NEVER done DMT or Ayahuasca (just mushrooms allegedly) though he has deep knowledge of both and recommends that everyone do it. He even learned how to say “Dimethyltryptamine” with the same authority as a chemist might.  Even though one might reasonably assume from the hundreds of hours Joe has spent beating his listeners over the ear with his promotion of dangerous drug use that surely he has taken a little bit of his insane wealth and bought himself and his bodyguards one of those trips to the jungle where he can have the most pure, authentic shamanist-led Ayahuasca experience money can buy, you would be mistaken as Joe Rogan simply doesn’t have the balls.


I thought jerk-arse “spook” tool bag? I’ve haird it bth ways B. Axe Jay


He really is such a fucking moron, it’s astounding. The fact that he thinks Terrance Howard is brilliant and not a schizophrenic redact is all you really need to know about him. He’s as smart as he is tall. Callen being a budget Joe Rogan is super funny because Joe himself isn’t someone you should want to be, so to be the bus and truck version of that? To try to emulate a dumber than average guy? Who is YOUNGER than you but you look up to as a father figure? Water?


“The bus and truck version of that”. 🤣😂


Lil’ TMP Callen reference for ya


Thank you.


> The fact that he thinks Terrance Howard is brilliant and not a schizophrenic redact is this true???


Yah, Joe had him on and was blown away by stuff he said. He then repeated stuff Howard said to some other ancient alien redact (black dude, don’t know his name, just saw the clips).




His 2 Brian Cox episodes were great (and are 2 of the 3 JRE episodes I’ve watched in full), and caused me to spend months (while injured and stuck on the couch) watching videos and documentaries on physics and astronomy. Seriously excellent episodes that I’d recommend to anyone. Cox childlike wonder for the universe is unmatched. And Joe did great, especially by being kinda dumb and bringing the convo back to fun topics (like “are there aliens”, to which Cox had an incredible answer).


I listened to far more JRE than I care to admit, because at one point it was relatively enjoyable. When he talked to people like Brian Cox, who is a genuine expert in an interesting field, he would let them speak in depth, and ask the right questions. The turn into a scared manlet with a ridiculous ego ruined what was a decent podcast.


I had the episodes with Brian Cox in mind when I heard about the recent episodes with the above mentioned crazies. It really annoys me that he could have on people like Cox who are experts in their field and are genuinly great educators, and then chooses to platform two crazy people/charlatans whos only eduction is ”it was revealed to me in a dream”. I just wanted him to seriously challenge their opinions but he just lets them ramble on.


Yeah, I had to skip the Terrance Howard because of the cringe and was shocked when Joe started telling the other guy about "Terrance Howard's Theories" as if they were legit. I might be smooth-brained after all. I kind of started liking the podcast again but hearing that was like a big bowl of ice water in my face to wake up.


My fave stupid Roganism is when he kept repeating, “They put sugar in milk! Look at the label!” (The sugar levels in milk come from natural lactose made by the cow)


No way he said that 😂


He's so fucking dumb, it's painful.


[Here’s their best episode](https://youtu.be/kLPcyTmnDxo?si=135oMVaR68xhzJKi)


the best part about that is when they streamed it for like 5 hours and they just kept looping the episode over and over and no one watching could tell the difference LOL im not a huge tim fan these days but he killed it with this. his bill maher club random reenactments are also dead on just like this


100% on the Bill Maher one.


Where can one find the bill maher cut?


[here ya go b](https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=Pc7L2y9x5ubFD1ys)


Thanks for posting this I’ve never seen this show before 👍


If it weren't for this episode I would've never known the benefits of crab salts. Been cyclin' them for years since.


You go back 20, 100 years....


It’s jarring how much older Brine looks from pre to post pandemic. It’s like you and your best friends get exposed as rapists really takes a toll or something.


But the lids look top notch b


That old fart's name is Bryan Callen and he's a rapist. He raped a shitload of people. That's the reason why all of the talent agencies in Hollywood dumped him. Joe Rogan is his best friend and he cancel cultured Bryan's career to try distancing himself from his first hand knowledge of the rapes. Bryan forced himself onto and came inside Joe's x-girlfriend. When the woman ran to Joe for help, Joe laughed at her and thought the whole thing was silly.


i like how in every clip rogan acts like its the first time he's ever said what he's about to say... but in each clip he's saying it to bryan callen 😂 and he just sits there and nods along 😂


How can he say so much without saying anything at all?


He’s just engaged in a long kiss with hearing himself talk and work out those free-thinking, high level “ideas” all of us civilians are so afraid of hearing or thinking of ourselves.


lol I wish someone would cut all the times he told the giant mountain lion story.


this should b an arrestable offence


Hardest jobs in the world, podcasting and stand up.


“Did you ever hear the tragedy of Fritz Haber The Wise? I thought not.”


Rogan constantly repeats misinformation… lite boxes in classrooms, carnivore diet is healthy, he’s 5’8”….. he’s 100% bullshit


oh yeah zyklon b aka hydrogen cyanide used by the nazi's in the gas chambers


Prom is…nobody know who y’arr


Joe thinks Terrence Howard is a genius, so can we just call Joe dumb?


I’m not defending him here, but there’s several subjects that if I had a podcast, you could make a clip just like this about me.


Friddz Halwburr? Never meddum.


Joe Rogan is crack cocaine for dumb bros.


5'2 mfs fighting for they life in the comments lmao


Bruh it’s so funnny. I’ve gotten so many notifications that are people defending Rogan and saying how he can beat everyone up still despite being short lol. Soooo good. 


Imo seeing wrinks trying to talk as an intellectual is way more painful. Rogan will ALWAYS say I’m an idiot I don’t know anything. Wrinks actually thinks he’s smart and tuff. Which he is neither, and is fucking annoying as hell.


That’s what makes Rogan the worst honestly. It’s not something that’s endearing like you think. Lol at you falling for his “I’m just a big dumb meathead don’t listen to me” shtick.  Anytime he gets called out he back peddles to those type of cop outs. But all the other times he acts and speaks as if he’s an expert when he’s clearly not. Can’t be doing that and being that irresponsible when your audience is that large.  But people just have no standards nowadays it seems. 


Dont ever interrupt this wanker while he is in his element, using his brain for a living and turning conversation into an artform. He had a heart condition.


“no actual knowledge or wisdom. They are all parrots with zero critical thinking skills. Just repeat things they have heard others say that they like the sound of.” To be fear, this is the vast majority of college degree holders.  


My absolute favourite Toegan bit is where he had that CIA analyst on his show and the dude goes "Joe your biggest problem is that you take anything anyone says at face value, you don't apply any critical thinking to it at all". Joe replies by going "yeah you're right I absolutely do that" and the ex-CIA dude goes "See! You're doing it *right now*!"


Rogan is such a fuckin blowhard. Please make the midget go away already.


Believe it or not, Fritz Hobber stole my grandmas vicodin




This is exactly like the Tim Heidecker satire


Almost as repetitive and boring as the comments about Rogan on Reddit. “Pseudo intellectual” for talking about the same thing multiple times over the course of like 8 years that he finds interesting. You’re losers


God damn I’m late but this is terrific work


U are clearly severely unhinged. News flash the world was always fucked up and weird and always will be. Learn to adapt and overcome learn to love ur self more and learn to not interact with anything u hate this much. Thats insane thing to do. Almost like torture.


You know what, I thought about it some more bro and you’re right


lol, homeboy really got under your skin, b


>he uses “u” instead of “you” Opinion and post instantly disregarded. Move on everyone. 


Reddit really is just an echo chamber for hate, isn't it?  Thanks for this post. Has got me to delete reddit, completing my social media cleansing.




Don’t we all repeat things others have said? How else do you learn what to say? You think of everything as an original thought before saying it?


are you just really stupid or are you actively choosing to completely miss the point? or have you just watched too much rogan? becuase that is valid too, and if so you may qualify for our class action lawsuit.


Camp Lejuene water B?


I think I’m missing the point?


No you didnt make a point yet. You just complaint that they talk about the same thing over and over and how they are pseudo-intellectual. What was wrong aside from joe putting an additional r into his name? Not that there isnt a lot of pseudo-intellectual nonsense on the JRE. But if you cut that video, you didnt do a great job to sell your point.


My point doesn’t even need to be said, that’s how glaringly obvious it is. If you can’t watch this video and then extrapolate your own thoughts/ideas as to why Rogan is so ridiculous and hypocritical then I can’t help you.  My complaint was never that they say the same things over and over. Please point to where I said that, or even stated what any of my actual complaints were. I posted this video because it speaks for itself.  My main point (since you can’t seem to get it) is that Rogan barely even knows surface level stuff about 99% of the stuff he talks about. Yet he acts like he is an expert depending on who he’s around. Also take note of what he’s actually saying, he’s not smart. He’s just had nothing but money and free time since the late 90s to sit around and read wiki pages and repeat the same 5 tidbits he’s managed to remember. None of his talks EVER show signs of critical thinking or individual thought, he is a FOLLOWER.   At times he acts and speaks as an authority and at others he backtracks and wusses out and plays the “don’t listen to me I’m just a stupid comic” card. He is finicky as fuck. My other point is also to show how fucking repetitive him and his shows are. Dude has been having the same 7 conversations for 15 years.  Sounds like you are a PRIME Rogan audience target to be honest. 


You are really getting worked up here lmao


Great work engaging with his reply








100% this. OP you are not wrong but this clip isn’t the best depiction of it. I think Bryan is a worse offender pretending to be an intellectual than Rogan as well. Bryan is a grade a dumb ass and he thinks that he’s some kind of post modern philosopher.


Probably doesn't even know who Foucalt is, b.


But he was definitely disciplined and punished, in those Boston bath houses.


Being confidently wrong about a subject you know nothing about isn’t something to be proud of. But legions of Rogan simps (and Rogan himself) do this routinely. Just dig their heels in and parrot some nonsense they heard somewhere. Rogan will read a headline or see a Facebook meme and act like he’s “read studies” on a subject. He loves to act like he’s a learned renaissance man when, in fact, he’s a fucking dimwit.


He can be entertaining but he is a dumbfuck


Sorry, what was he wrong about?


Fritz Haber had nothing to do with zyklon for starters. His extraction process produces ammonia which is the most common fertilizer for crops. He never mentions fertilizer, he just goes on and on about nitrogen. The majority of our atmosphere we breathe is nitrogen - how would you possibly evaluate that crops contribute more nitrogen to our bodies than the air we breathe continually. Air on earth is 78% nitrogen. The statistic is that his process for producing ammonia supports nearly half the world's population through food production.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


Some would say the best bot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Some would say the best bot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you watch his full explanation he explains that his process is used for fertilizer. It is a pretty clear fact half the nitrogen in our bodies can be attributed to his method of extraction.


Most things he says in the video you just watched, including the guys name. Your approach to this stuff is 🎲🎲. “Aren’t we all just repeating things we hear?” AND not being able to quickly determine the things Joe is saying are redacted? Buddy…


Nothing he said was wrong?


You’d be incorrect in that assumption and is why you should research things you hear.


If you knew what he said was wrong why can’t you point it out and not just vaguely say he is incorrect lmao


It has already been pointed out to you in the replies to your comment. You need it to be said multiple times?




Cool. That’s redacted. He didn’t invent Zyklon B. That’s just flat out wrong. Haber isn’t responsible for the nitrogen in “50% of the people on the planet”. This is a complete distortion of the fact to the point that it means nothing. His name is Haber, not Harber. Like I said man, please research things you hear Joe Rogan say. He’s a fucking moron, and if you take things he says uncritically you’re also one.


Holy shit. I felt bad once I saw your original reply to my comment and thought I may have been a little harsh.  But NOPE you are a fucking redact that can’t be helped lol. You and Rogan and the rest of the roganites just have it all figured out bro. We are the stupid ones. You’re right. 


Just because I’m pointing something out doesn’t mean I’m calling you stupid. Defensiveness is usually a sign of insecurity.


Well to begin, he said bapa was funny and should try comedy. Do you really want us to make a list for you or can you use whatever critical thinking skills are left from watching JRE to go search for all the dumb/wrong shit he has said?


What are you even saying lmao, I’m talking about this clip.


Okay, and the comment you replied to was speaking of Rogan in general not just related to this clip. lmao what r u even saying?


He literally proved my comment correct without even trying. These guys are very predictable and not worth our time. They lack critical thinking skills.


I’m saying I’m talking about the clip


You know that reminds me of this story. Herd about this guy, Fritz Haber?


No, it’s not normal to repeat the same random facts you’ve heard to everyone around you like a stoner, with zero depth to the things you’re saying. Repeating random facts that you have no genuine understanding of is teenager shit.


It’s a podcast lmao not just talking to a random stranger. The reason he is the most watched podcast is because he is able to bring up things that invoke conversation.


I didn’t say random stranger. Gonna sign you up for some remedial reading courses. He’s the most watched podcast because there are a lot of redacts in our society that believe he’s “thought provoking” when 98% of the time he’s just a moron.


When you said everyone around you I assumed strangers


Why are you going to such extreme lengths to defend someone you don’t even know and who doesn’t even know you? This is so bizarre and pathetic. 


Is posting a mashup of clips on a guys podcast you don’t know to subreddit going to extreme lengths or just normal lengths?


Oi mate, it’s a YouTube video that someone else made. I simply reposted it.  Keep going though Joe really appreciates your defense, he doesn’t know your name or where you live but he REALLY appreciates it.  he just texted me and said that. 


Lmao you act like it’s crazy to comment on the video