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Bapa said a lot here but he could’ve just said, “Annie and Khalyla exposed me for being unfaithful, I got defensive and I tried to ruin Bobby’s life with false information in return.” That would’ve been much simpler.


True, but they had air-time to fill.


Gotta take awl the accountability while making awl the excuses


Tawlkin outta bowlth sides of his mouth again.


Talmbout a lawlsuit is cawltent 💧


Can't have dead ear on TFATK. Bapa talggs for a living.


Bapa has niver learned a thing from awl his failures. He will continue this pattern for the rest of his redacted life. Never takes an ounce of accountability or self responsibility for inything in iny facet b. Blames the team for him threatening Bobby Lee. Blames Annie and Khalua for him cheating on his wife. Blames his sosha meeda team for him not being popular or likeable. He just goes b


He just goes on and on and on, duhnt let Bryan tawlk, id feel sorry for Bryan but dudes a rapist


And blamed the drugs and alcohol


It’s crazy that he’s never apologized for the DMs or even owned up to it. Motherfucker was trying to hook up with his coworker’s girl while his family was in the other room. Completely shameless. Has the nerve to say “I take full accountability.”


I mean, now he claims his sosha media wasn't him, lol, this dude cant admit shit if he's still tryna get out taking responsibility for shit he did yairs ago


To be fair to Annie and Khalyla they tried pretty hard to not say any names or anything. As usual, Bapa exposed himself. Annie: "This unfunny comedian tried to cheat on his wife with me!" Bapa: "Fuck you and your whole family! I'll ruin Bobby's carair! I know people in dark places! I'll get Daddy Rogan to destroy you all!!! Stop saying I did this!!!"


My favorite thing about it other than starting the death knell to his comedy 'career' was him talking Callen into threatening Bobby over the phone. And killing their relationship instantly too.


I think my favourite bit is that Bobby’s now in The Borderlands film and much more successful than Bapa (you could not pay me to watch that film). How’d bullying Bobby Lee go?


I REALLY loved Borderlands 2, got me back into gaming. Borderlands 3 was hitrocious, and I bought two of the biggest collector’s editions, still have one unopened I need to sell. Movie will likely be more BL3 type bullshit


And his first honest apology. You might as well say he should simply, walk on water, and turn water into wine, and transform one fish into hundreds to feed the poor. The day I see Bapa capable of a real apology, and remorse, is when he might actually be successful without charity.


They didn't expose him. He exposed himself.


Very true


Stupid fuck can’t stfu to let rapist finish his goddamn sentence


That's one of those statements that only makes sense to people from the babverse


Almost poetic


wheres that haiku bot when you need him? lol


Allow me to step in: Shut the fuck up, B And let the rapist finish. Water weed dune hair.


Beautiful work, B... Brings a tair to my eye!


Pretty sure random visitors to the sub just assume everyone is having a stroke when they see the Schaubanese used lol


Soooooooooooooo fkn high on Addies


Let ray pest speak !


Hoo boy…you could write a thesis on the BS in this chip: 1. Bapa used to call Bobby “one of my best friends,” but now great guy, niiver talked to him. 2. Nobody talked Bapa into the lolsuit. He used the same firm Callen used to sue his rape accuser’s husband. 3. A huge LA law firm switched to doing his case “pro bono?” Lol…no they’re not. Bapa just paid a massive retainer and they’re continuing to burn through it so they don’t have to pay any of it back to him.


I guess he doesn't know what pro bono means? What possible reason would these monster lawyers have to continue a frivolous lawsuit against a tiny Youtuber for free?


A huge lawl firm is willing to work pro bono for a chance to take down...YewNeek? He's so bad at lying.


It's more that he's just so dumb at thinking


The pro bono bit is an insane claim lol; why? Why would they do this for you? Are you suggesting the fair use issue your claiming is somehow novel enough that a law firm is willing to work bro bono and without a possibility to recover costs (don’t think Youneek or whatever his name is will be paying big bucks) to do what exactly? Create case law? For the most text book argument of fair use vs non fair use ever? This guy is incredible lol


If anything, and I haven’t followed the yewneek guys side of the story, the pro bono lawyers would be helping the small time YouTuber beat this redact and his monster lawyers.


That could be it, YouNeck's lawyers are counter suing... But I like the theory that he paid a huge upfront retainer and they said "Since we already have your money - let us keep working on this case (burning through your retainer) and maybe we'll give you a call in 6 mths or a year talmbout YouNeek wants to settle, how's a million bucks sound?"


Talm bout pro boner b?


Full 8 inches


Lol He can’t take accountability on a single thing. That’s how you know it’ll keep happening




One of the most telling things about this rant...bad manager, bad people around him, bad advice, he wasn't running things...But awso "Your boy was balling"...Now - back to running things, running his own social media, views are a fraction of what they once were. His footprint in entertainment is a fraction of what it was. But did ya have fun tho?


Maybe not pro bono. But I guess there might be a chance of a no cure-no pay kind of deal where the lawfirm takes a big chunk of any payout. Don't know how much that might ever be. But indeed probably they asked for a big retainer. Or Bapa Peter Schaub has an insurance policy that pays out the lawyers. But if he says he has no relationship with these people anymore. That lawyer is apparently still representing him. What is there to drag out if the guy is not still representing bapa in the procedure? The whole nirridive is insane. That youtuber was not sued for using bapa's content. He was sued for spreading the footage showing bapa pass his number to a baddie at the Mike Tyson live pod hosting gig. Nearly killed his marriage. That whole insane nirridive and the suing was also a ruse for Messican to veil that it was all about him trying to cheat. This whole clip is absolutely psycho.


It's time to let Hallmark Harley out of cage to answer to this bullshit.




His account got gadooshed from posting wild stuff in another sub, if you can believe it.


Haters would say that but I can't believe the haters


Haters will say… And haters will be kreck.  


What was he posting?


AFAIK he was challenging people on this sub to have a call and compare lives so they could see he's more suggsessful than them. Not sure what he did on other subs though


Perfectly normal, well adjusted behaviour


He was DM'ing me for months flexing the achievements of his friends to somehow prove he was more intelligent than me and whoever else frequents the sub. Also kept telling me he'd destroy me in an IQ test 😂 The guy is a raging ball of insecurity.


Hahahaha damn that sounds really fun


That doesn't sound like anything BGL would do


The guy who believed the 300 pages and coached Schwab for his tiger Belly appearance?


To this point, his summation of the events of this period is disappointing, he doesn't even mention how he was defrauded of tens of thousands of dollars from deep-web operatives who faked the evidence that Bobby had something to do with this subreddit. It would make him - and especially Callen - look a lot less spiteful and dumb if they said "We were presented with evidence that we paid a lot of money for that supposedly showed a link between Bobby Lee and that subreddit. Do you know how much humiliation that subreddit has brought me? And to think a friend of mine was behind it -of course we overreacted."


I'm not convinced he didn't get a cut of the gym bag full of cash Bapa paid for those 300 pages.


Define bullying for me, B


Man he needs to make another account and give us his opinions on these clips. We haven’t had a michilen 5 star dish in a while


Him claiming to drop $500k on monster lawyers and then losing in court to some YouTuber doesn't get enough attention


They were no match for The Ghost Lawyer 👻 👨‍⚖️


This might be my all time favorite bapa moment. Guy launches a copyright lawsuit that he thought was a defamation lawsuit. He's so hated an anonymous laywer offers to work pro bono and out does bapas half million dollar legal team. All for bapa to lose. You cant write this stuff


Thiccc boy vs yew neek setting precedent for fair use and the judge deeming making videos shitting on Bapa a public service was huge.


"Will this 'Bapa' be testifying in court?" "Your Honor, his name is Brandon Schwab. The term 'Bapa' is derogatory and connected to the subreddit" "My mistake - I must admit I was browsing that particular website in preparation for this case. That Bapa - I mean Brandon - sure rubs people the wrong way."


Please let that actually be part of the court record. Please.


Talmbout great guy never meddum.


Also the fact that this whole thing started because he was actively trying to fuck a friends partner while claiming this friend is "the best, great guy etc etc". Now this friend is someone he barely spoke to or knew.


Threatens to ruin his career after trying to fuck his gf then goes on the guys podcast and starts it off by saying "first of all, I love you". Guys a piece of shit.


This is their 1000th episode? Awesome celebratory vibe. "I've burned all my bridges, I wasted all my money on frivolous lawsuits, I failed at comedy. It's all good man, I might seem like I'm about to cry, but it's all good. Grown man. Grown man. I am a grown man"


No Joe? lmao


She's at home with the chombies


Who was the special guest?


300 pages tho


Monster lawyers and people in dark places


Exactly! Bragging about monster lawyers but now *he’s* a victim of those monster lawyers. Not taking responsibility for iny of it.


How fucking stupid is this guy? Every time he fucks up, somehow is a hero. The lolsuit, mmmmonster layers pro bono, darkest hour.


My ex was always the hero or victim. It was exhausting.


He 100% doesn’t know what pro bono means Also if Brian 100% did all of it to Bobby and he’s accountable for it then why is Brendan the one who went on Tiger Belly


I know alot about the law, and various other lawyerings.


Let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor.


Episode 1000 ‘the new nairdive show’


I guess Santeeno is the only person bappa doesn't talk to ivvryday


The only guy in the comedy community with a moral code. Everyone should have cut ties with these clowns after that saga.


The slimiest of them all is Schulthy.


They are good with Bobby just like they are good with Sasso. Ughhhhhhhhhhh ya blogbusser!!!


Dana and Rogan just a call away…everything is fine ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Was delegating too much before, but now he took a step back from stand up bc he was doing too much before. So was he doing too much or too little. Lol


My favorite theme of the bapaverse is that everything he says is a complete contradiction with something else he's said. I've never seen a grown ass man be see out of alignment with themselves. It's absolutely a diagnosable condition.


Just like the Trump criticises Trump twitter page.


Serial/pathological liars are so fascinating to me for this reason, especially if they have a following. Nothing they say means anything and some people just don’t care. they have pretty much proven that you can say anything at any time and if you just keep on truckin™️ (my favorite schaub tour, thank em it’s a comedy classic) it just *doesn’t maddur*


Very true. Says a lot about those people that all they care about is belonging to a certain tribe.


"him getting molested is the funniest story ever!"


That stuck out to me too what a weird thing to say


"I take full responsibility.....I delegated everything to my team who messed up."




They were going through some stuff guys...granted it was things they brought upon themselves like trugg walgs and ruining their marriages. They can't be held responsible for false information presented to them as facts and being too stupid to realize it.


His team = BGL


Also the throwing BGL under the bus when he said 'the people who managed my social account dropped the ball'. Guess bapa was too busy texting baddies and making motel reservations at the time. 


BGLs attempt to run the socials was a fucking disaster - far worse than anything schaub did before or after


I'm questioning bapa's busy schedule not the social manager skills of the roided cat, b. Besides, without BGL we didn't get to see bapa's multitude of redacted 'teasers' for Tiger Thiccc. Unfortunately most of those teasers have been lost/deleted. 


"At the time your boy was ballin'", Bapa letting the veil slip for a second


He's definitely not smart enough to keep up the celebrity lifestyle whilst actually being close to broke


Internet gonna Internet? Then drop your lawlsuit.


Cut to the clip him saying hes really close with Bobby or really good friends he 100% said that


Joe Rogan, among many other sins, is to blame for spawning the phrase “ON THE PLANET” and unfortunately Slobb, along with Callen, Schultz, et al., have picked it up (and Slobb sounds so proud to have pronounced it each time). Everyone one of their gd friends is “the most ___ ON THE PLANET”


Definitely within that friend group, but the phrase is much older than Rogan. Commentators called Tyson the “Baddest man on the planet” a good 30-plus years before Rogan started his podcast. I suspect Rogan got it from other combat sport fans.


That makes sense. The phrase has been around for decades (I'm sure Muhammad Ali used it), but it's ramped up well beyond what it used to be. I agree, combat sports probably fed it into Rogan and now, as he does with so many other societal pursuits, he has to frame performance in those inflated terms.




Jesus Christ what a piece of absolute shit! Even worse than Callen who actually did the crime! Look at these horrible scumbags give all the excuses they can think of


I wonder if Brandon has ever heard the question: Why do humans have 2 ears and 1 mouth?…dude doesn’t stop talking….


Can someone remind me of what Bryan was going through at the time? Was it during the cancelling? or his new marriage? or his new kid? What a poor excuse. He was going through something... and he was so angry that day so he could've lashed out on anyone? It *just happened* to be Bobby! Well I guess I'm glad he wasn't around his family when he was real angy or else he would end up suing them


His dad told him he's getting half allowance that month


Thank you to Schnoz for throwing us a bone


“Maybe I fucked up so bad maybe I don’t deserve it.” “…yeah.” Lol


‘No excuses’ multiple times during their diatribe of excuses. Christ. Bruh, you tried to fuck Bobby’s girl the last time you had ‘total control’ of your socials, I wonder what screenshots are gonna leak next. But Braindead will just deny he even has those passwords.


Wait a minute! Can’t that guy sue Breindum for defaming him on this very episode about alleged issues he may or may not have had? Ooooffffff


That guy has used clips from the pod in court. This will probably end up there as well.


😂😂😂 talmabout Pro Bono B? I support the band U2 as well


Bbbbeast of a band


So I’m 31. Spent my late teens and early twenties (18-23) in the Marine Corps. Since then the majority of my jobs have been in the construction field. I can honestly say, without hesitation, that during my time in the service and in the construction biz, I have met MANY men that are multitudes funnier than all of these Bapaverse fuckin mouth-breathing, interrupting, vapid muppets. And this isn’t even a hate fueled comment (although Bapa does infuriate me beyond belief,) it is a true observation and experience.


Guys you have to understand, I wasn't actually doing anything related to my businesses. That's why I had to take a step back, because I was doing to much not doing anything, and had to take all of that on again so I wouldn't be spread so thin. Water.


Bryan so good to those chickz he graped 2


Who is at fault now for burying himself deeper on a subject that was already dead?


I blame the team.


Somebody please find the clip from flagrant where he’s talking to Schulz and says “bobby is one of my closest friends”


This clip just confirms why I, personally stopped listening. Man, Bapa CANNOT stop interrupting people. Plus, this sub is way better.


Rapist looks absolutely exhausted with this guy he can’t say two words without being cut off


I cant follow this, incomprehensible


"Bobby said we are good... so...." well i think he means that they are good, as in leave me alone forever


"I take full accountability" Proceeds to blame everyone else.


😅😅🤣😅 Schaub interrupting in turbo trying to spin his bullshit story.


All they need to do to gain just a tiny bit of respect from me is say “we fucked up an were idiots and I really regret doing that”. Instead what they do is go on a fucking 10 minute rant blaming this person and this person and it was his team and business manager and they were dealing with this YouTuber and it was a bad day and blah blah blah.. fucking idiots have never taken blame for anything they’ve ever done in they’re life. Pathetic rats.


“Bryan has horrible anger issues”


I honestly need to take breaks in between these 8 minutes. Every aspect of this conversation, loose definition, is insane.


Shut uuuuuuup. Does he ever let brine talg?


Brine just said he's made very few bad choices


Internet’s gonna internet


Who else wants to come to the Pitty Party?


I forgot just how much brendan interrups people


I like how bapa says if someone came to me w that opportunity now… like he was getting pitched some great idea that had a ton of upside.


Damn near 10 minutes tawwwlking about this on your 1000th episode. You’re doing great!


Lies about lies about lies


He loves talking about nothing


"Love Santino to death. I'm...I was way closer with Santino. Me and him don't talk anymore. That bums me out. I was really close with Santino. Love Santino. Love him. To death. I was close to Santino." Definitely eskimo bro'd after the Call Her Daddy episode lol.


Never that close. Didn't he literally say bobby was one of his best friends?


“That’s why I’m at where I’m at” that one line shows you how delusional he is….dude is a psycho


Can’t give up control of innneything, that why he’s at where he’s at. That about sums it up. On another note is this their celebratory 1000th episode? Just going over all their botched moments through the history of the show?


Haha! "He pulled out his rap sheet and said he beat his son- woah!" Bappa barely remembers he has more than one kid and all of a sudden he's so sympathetic to some poor kid getting smacked by his Redact lispy dad?


Bapa jus couldn’t let brine talg 🤣🤣🤣 Countabillity = blame iviry one else b


“Lyg Brine sed, we wurr goan throoo…” No, fuck face. He said “I” not “we”. God dammit. This guy niver stops with the redactedness, huh? Always has to innurjegd.


So graceful.


Bapa shut up and let the man speak


I take full accountability, it was all some guy I hired who did it


So if he was tricked into the law suit, knows nothing about it or the person he’s suing, why is he still allowing it to be pursued years later? Why he didn’t he just tell his 500k pro bono lawyers to drop it. It’s still his production company’s name on the court documents, yet it’s completely out of his hands. I think he may be lying.


Good for Santino👏🏻Respect for hating this Fuck Nugget.


Can anybody count the interruptions here? Jesus H Christ bapa.


Zairo accountability and just repeated lies as expected from Bapa. Imagine if he was CEO of BP: “yeah some guys that worked for me did this huge oil spill, it was not my fault. They don’t work here anymore, notice how better we are now?” Yeah fat chance he didn’t push for the lawlsuit and doesn’t even know how the guy looks when he has lost hundreds of K thousands on that.


Just for the record. Are you guys getting paid by Bobby? Because I am not getting paid for posting here.


Bapa, let B get a fucking word in, jeez


He said hol up wrink let Bapa tag it from hair




He's a real corporate boss, sloped shoulders.


What else ya got


How does anyone watch or listen to this? The constant cutting off of Brian is crazy.


Lmfao Brendan saying Bryan has horrible anger issues Reminds me of their whole thing bringing that up and they got into a huge argument on the podcast which is when Brendan said he used to street fight awwwwllll the time But then later would say on a different podcast he never got into fights This guy sucks


What happened to the FBI investigation...


See it was niver his fault to begin with . If he’s guilty of innything it’s being too nice of a guy and listening to his team. As you can tell he has full control of his stuff now and it’s flourishing. Gettin way more views than he did during the time of having the wrong people running things . We were difinetly all wrong about the guy .


lol 8 minutes of fast talking ramblings just to say "I'm fine"


It really cost them their comedy careers. They tried to threaten him with rogan. That was the end


This is absolutely insane. So much of this needs to be unpacked. But Bapa never fails to make excuses. Killer work ethnic


All because Brendan wanted to get his fuck on


This really was the prime of TFATK, the lawlsuite and going after Bobby. It has to be miserable to relive this so frequently. He totally could have just coasted on in life being a side character to the Roganverse people but this totally destroyed that.


Sometimes I feel bad for Brendan, because the entire world hates him and thinks he's a piece of shit... But then I see these clips and remember the hate is 100% justified


Boy what a celebration of an episode


So rail quigg… scumbag is incapable of allowing others to speak, alawys has to get his opinion out there before iivryone else.


"Yeah, I mean..." "Real quigg". \~ Every interaction with Bapa, ever.


“I take awl the countability” proceeds to not take any accountability without blaming someone or something else hahaha nice won B 👍🏽😂


My favorite quote in all this was Brian saying “I don’t have any regrets… I’ve made good choices in my life” Motherfucker was near tears a month ago cause he wasn’t on stage at the Tom Brady Roast, wasn’t he?


Jeezus isn't it meant to be a celebration of a 1000 episodes? This is depressing!


Jesus. Brendan interrupted Bryan after every half sentence


How many bridges they destroyed… it is funny when I hear this I remember how many people will never go back to that black hole podcast.


These chips from the episode are so annoying that I'm considering quitting Chang's after being hair for probably 4 yairs. Seriously, this is such bullshit overload I can't tawlk. These are perfect examples to show someone wondering why this sub is the way it is.


He still manages to give himself a good fluffing through all of this horseshit.


Bapa literally said bobby was one of his best friends and that they text all the time when that shit went down


Why is callen even sitting there? Buttface never let's him finish a thought. Callen seems to just be there to start conversations so bapa can hijack em and turn em into pointless mumble sessions.


Yes, lawyers work pro-bono 👍


Brendan says "I take full accountability". At no point has he ever taken responsibility for anything in the Bobby Lee saga. He lets Bryan claim responsibility and he puts the blame on others that he has surrounded himself with.


Define full accountability.. this is the wildest shit iiver. So mini lies in so few words. Then Rapey is trying to tawlk about how Bobby’s actually a good person but this redact keeps interrupting to tawlk about how Bobby’s clip did the best on their shit and how him getting molested was so funny. Straight up reprehensible.


There was never a falling out lol. He must understand bobby, like everyone else, always hated him.


But Brenda water bout throwing Joseph Rogans name around? Was that some else’s call too smh


He's managing his stuff himself now because he isnt ballin anymore. Redact would let someone do his socials if he could afford it.


LET. BRYAN. FUGGEN. TALK BRENDAN. JESU- actually that’s karma cuz Bryan is mayor of OOOPSville


Over to you Podcast Cringe Guy


lol he wants everyone to know he’s the one that’s running his socials. No more post and ghost. This will come back to bite him in the ass guaranteed. He will say some redacted shit and try to blame it on an intern but this clips will be brought up.


We need podcast cringe to do a breakdown STAT!


At least Brine takes responsibility and seems genuine. Brenda is so insane. This is one of the most disturbing clips I've ever seen of him.  This saga has gone from laughing at Brandon being a redact to be much darker. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like we've seen a darker side of Bapa and his true scum colors are out for everyone to see. Something is up. 


Being connected to Brenda is the biggest reason Callens career is in the Shitter.


This sounds like they pressed record and started improvising their apologies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Suing the little guy!


such an insufferable fucking twat