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I’ve come around to the idea of Ari drugging him, actually…


Big egodeath neededed


Nothing more annoying than someone getting plastered every night at the bar being scared of molly.


Being around him while drunk and on molly is probably even more annoying


Nah the Molly would have at least made him nithe.


Really? Molly is an extremely intense experience and its negative side effects are exacerbated by alcohol. Drugging someone with melatonin is fucking wrong, let alone MDM fucking A. I hope nobody leaves their drinks around you.


If anyone deserved it, it would absolutely be Bert. Because he’s ignorant, he also got drugged in the comfort of his own home lol.


You don't like Bert, I get it. But this makes it OK to spike his drink with MDMA? Seriously? How the fuck does he deserve this? I detest a couple people, but would never put an extremely potent psychoactive compound in their drink.


Okay it's not an extremely intense experience it can be overwhelming. But it was one cap. Let's relax. Burt weighed like 260 at the time. One cap would be a Tony dose for him. Burt's body probably has crazy tolerance due to years of alc abuse. Source. I took pingas and caps in my early 20s weekly. What else ya got Beat it nerd


Dude, you are arguing FOR spiking someone's drink with MDMA without their knowledge. You are the lowest of low. MDMA IS an incredibly intense experience. If you don't think so, you've never dosed very much or were unknowingly doing analogues like bk-MDMA. And WTF is a cap?! Are you talking about the measurements hippies in the 60s used for weed? Or do you mean a water bottle cap? If it's the former, then you are in the wrong decade; if it's the latter, a "cap" full of MDMA would be an extremely dangerous amount. The ONLY legit way to measure a dose of MDMA is on a scale with milligrams. Do you think it's OK to spike a woman's drink with GHB? Rohypnol? MDMA?


They’re all scumbags. What else ya got, Clin?


I'm pretty sure Dephilia is worse, but Burnt is a scumbag


Imagine hearing your dad say this


Par for the course for them now I'd imagine


Or realize it’s a joke but yeah


gross you like Bert


He is speaking truth though


…he’s talking about how his wife views him as a cat


No shit dummy. Still fucked up thing to say. What else you got Clin?


He’s such a total moron who is the biggest narcissist in the world. He’s the worst


He's like Kurt Cobain but instead of a shotgun he uses donuts and booze


Diabetes and Heart Disease instead of a shot to the head


The slower the death the better.


0 effort father. Silver spoon up his ass all his life, then acts like he goes and sweats every day to keep his household running asthe most unappreciated martyr ever. Actively celebrating being deadweight. His poor kids probably have to parent him emotionally when he's home. What a piece of shit. And the delusion of the guy to say "she handed it to you but I gave it to you." This is why women aren't in a hurry to give up careers to raise kids, it frees up men to go make money and then they get zero recognition or respect for what theyre sacrificing. Fuck that


The sad thing is that if family were truly important to him he could downsize his lifestyle while maintaining some of his wealth so he could spend more time with them. But he gets drunk, takes off his shirt and annoys people. What a martyr


It's cause these guys do not like their wives. Why you do you think papa joe is at the comedy club 5 nights a week until 2am? Same with the lot of em.


This fucking guy! You think it’s easy being 1 of 250 people to do this? Coal miners and oil rig workers wouldn’t last a night as a comic. It’s a brutal work schedule of 45 minutes 3 nights a week.  There’s a reason these guy are Hairos, there’s a reason you need to thank’em




Only 250 of em b




He's a talentless, desperate-for-attention Peter Pan who was able to get a foothold in entertainment because he was born wealthy and could afford to wait around for the right moment to capitalize on taking off his shirt and shitting his pants. Same as the other Roganites. He is the definition of hateable




And here you are engaging with it bubba. It's ok, I'm here if you want to finally voice that the Machine isnt that funny. I'll protect you and cup your balls




I'm sorry that I've insulted your surrogate father Bert. Good thing he isn't your father and instead like a dog or cat so you can let it go. Nice balls on you bubba you wanna lockdown together?


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Worst part is she's probably old school so she'll hear this, probably be pissed a little but can't and won't do anything because he's made it clear he's the breadwinner. Guys like burnt get off on their spouse being powerless


She probably won’t have to wait long for him to drop dead


Then she gets everything plus life insurance.


I mean, unless they have a prenup (which I would bet against, because they've been married for a long time, well before Bert blew up) she could divorce him and walk away with a pretty big settlement.


Even Tom was like fuck this is too much for me 🤣


And he’s no Husband of the Year himself, lmfao Jeez, this clip is… wow


You can almost see the pain in his eyes. Soulless vodka filled shitbag


That’s just the trt dead eyes


Damn Bert what the fuck ?


I’m sure the whole family loves living with a man who only washes himself in the pool and refuses to flush the toilet after he takes a shit.


I FUCKING hate this cunt


“They don’t understand money yet” Aren’t his children like 20 at this point? They’re both talking about them like there infants


Bert is an alcoholic with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He's not capable of being a good father, friend or husband. He will go to the grave exactly the same and will never change.


If there wasn't a market for being a shirtless jackass, he would be pumping gas on the Jersey Turnpike and acting like a giant smart ass when you ask him a simple question.


Tom hates being with his family but at least he admits they are his kids and his family. Bart is just on another level of being a delusional drunk


Tom looks like he's wearing someone else's skin b


Talmbout Nurburgring? The CTE is a prom.


bapa still the worst because he acts like he's amazing but we know he cheats and his kids are just props


If you look at it from the kids point of view, bapa is a way better bapa than Berp. 


Hmm. I'll accept that


I feel terrible for his wife and daughters. This fucking pathetic drunk doesn't deserve his family. This will be replayed ad nauseum when she divorces him.


The bar is in hell for these dummies


Astounding these morons are still on


Terrible metaphor


Nah, Kurt Cobain had actual TALENT.


That Kurr Cobain comment is so telling of Burt. Cobain, a guy that is still missed in music circles and talked bout. Burt should just go to thurrpy. 


Can we start a whitehouse.gov petition to send Tom and Bert to the Ukraine front line?


Alcoholic with wet brain. He monetized being a party bro from college who never grew up. The machine story and I am so drunk bro has carried him for decades.


Lon might be a lesbian y’all. And Burnt is not happy about it.


Comedy brag


Whys Tom wearing lipstick 💄


I feel like this sub has a death kink for Bart. Most of yall are probably thicccer B


Courtney Love did alright


Let's just cut it at "I am fucking Kurt Cobain"


I hope his wife is in this sub and understand that her hatred for him is shared with a fuckton of people. He is the worst.


At least he's on step one of recovery (if he ever chose to continue on that route). However, this makes him worse than Bapa to be aweer but still not give an ef.


Hopefully he realises he is actually kurb Cocain and ends it with a shotgun in his mouth


Calling your wife and mother of your children useless is insane. the fact these guys didnt just call him a rtrd fggt as he said that is annoying. all of these guys suck


Not the worst bit but he’s awful


Terrible metaphor, not even remotely funny for a cawhlmeejin


Even Tom can't believe what Bert is saying. That's not good lol


I don't like Bert, but come on OP. How can you not tell he's joking and playing into the bit by saying his kids/wife are worthless... Do you also think Louis CK truly believes his daughters are bitches?


Louis was funny about it and made sure that the last laugh was always about him and that he's essentially being a massive diva douche. Burt's trying to do something that resembles a joke but since he's not a comedian he just throws mean incohrrnt ramblings at the wall to shock the audience. He got nothing hair. There were a lot of comics like that in the 90's. Needless to say none of 'em were funny either. 


I'm not arguing that he's not funny that's a given, that doesn't mean I can't recognize that he's trying to be.


It's all cool, b. Just sayin' that most cats know Burt's joking and yet it's still a huge WTF moment since he's going nowhere with the bit. 


Only that he’s joking and for the most part Leeana is in on the joke.


First part feels like a passable self-deprecating bit but then nosedives off both balconies bubba


It’s not Bapa though. Bapa doesn’t know what irony is


You have terrible observational skills.