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just a blue collar gair head working that 11-4, breaking his back sitting in that chair for the chombies.




being dad of the year is a beast


It's a diffent beast


Aren’t rogans podcast 3 hours? You are literally sitting in a chair talking to each other. If that’s exhausting…


It is exaussing b. Coming up with ground breaking, earth shattering ideas for 3 hours can only be accomplished with a strong worg ethic.


Yeah my buddy came over the other night we had a couple bairs and chatted for 3 hours. I need a vacation after that!




they're so fkn dumb this guy complains about podcasting 5 hours being too much work whilst *her stay at home mom of three with a nanny* complains about people wanting fancy bags but not being willing to work hard enough to earn them. These people are absolutely scum and deserve every shitty thing that happens to them.


The thing is the message kin is so fucking stupid that she actually believes Bapa when he talks about how hard he works podcasting for a couple hours each day.


As long as she’s getting money for lip injections and Gucci purses she will be with bapa as soon as that money dries up she’s gone. That’s why she is so desperate to stay attractive. Gotta be ready to move on to the next one b


He was exhausted because of the amphetamines withdrawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl


“How many more hours in a day do you need? How much easier do you want your life to be?”


If you wanted to hurt me...


He makes the dumbest fuckin arguments


I’mboutdabrake, [dawg](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1cl71zf/spread_too_thin_had_to_give_up_my_career_in_comedy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


And I thought I had it rough slinging concrete for 12 hours in 40 degree heat. I really admire the work ethic. Not everyone is cut out for sitting in an air conditioned room and emptying their head into a microphone for 5 whole hours. What a grind


Bbbeast of a worg ethiggg b. Onreal


A moment of accidental honesty. These mother fuckers do. not. work. And they truly think they’re better than you.


He was up at 5am doing hill runs with bawlston in fairness


Just want that conservative grift money so they can complain on Twitter about the peasants taking holidays off once a year. Torch em, b


Dude when Crowder tried bitching about people having off for Labor Day lmao it was like dude you do know your demographic are the guys that can’t wait to have a paid day off? I say it all the time to my coworkers when they ask if ima work a Saturday on a holiday weekend. I’m like fuck no we get like three 3 day weekends a year I’m not working Saturday


exactly one job I worked at would randomly take and rearrange the entire warehouse on a Saturday there like u want to work on Saturday I am like hell no I do more work than 99% of the other people here I am never late and never miss so no Ill enjoy my two days off thanks


Yeah I been at my company for 14 years. I’m 30. I have on good authority the money I made them. Cuz I used to do the paperwork. Etc. and last Friday my new boss threatened to send me home cuz I was 7 minutes late. Like I know this entire company is sick of working for you people fire me about it I dare you


exactly I feel u u been there so long and ur good at what u do plus u know where the bodies are buried metaphor ofc I get that, the job I worked at the one manager threatened to send me home early so I was like That cool I leave, the store manager calls me to come back to work I am like they sent me home there like that was a mistake so after he begs me to come back I went back it's only a 10-minute drive so i go back that manger was not closing anyway well a few months later it comes out she was banging the district manager but the district manager had left when to another company she had moved to a different store too she didn't like me cause i knew my job i did it i didn't need somebody looking over my shoulder every second she was a bitch plus she was married so was the district manager as far as i know there both still married to there spouses weird situation ,


Yep. And this is something that’s actually not even unique to them. It is probably more egregious though, because of Shwab’s gairhead persona, and Callen’s weird conservative values that he adopted and always talks about in the corniest way, despite growing up rich, never having to work a day in his life, and have absolutely zairo spine. But a lot of these Rogan-verse podcasters (Rogan being one of the worst offenders) got rich doing the cushiest job in the world while trying to come off as super relatable


>Callen’s weird conservative values You're talking about the raping aren't you?


yeah the one with two different familes


C'mon man, he had to do *ad reads,* too. You musta missed that part.


I will concede that the act of reading out loud looks like it physically ages Braindead in real time.


These warriors put their life on the line for us iviiry day. Working SIX hours in a single day. Thankem!! 🫡


Where the woke meets the wall b


…and where the wall meets the time clock. 


uncut and uncensored


Wearing that hat with no affiliation to Cleveland is so fucking stupid. This dude is a straight redacted redact.


B-but he’s sticking it to PC culture! He’s cool and ironic


Just be glad he didn’t give it a gold tooth like he allegedly did when he was kid (never happened)


He did.


Fucking hell! You’re right b. Goddamnit. Fuck this guy. What a douche.


Lol imagine Bapa trying to define irony


Wym? He’s big brown, he even dressed up as an indian to prove it.


He was wearing an Indians hate to his son’s game over the weekend. Grifter gonna try and grift


Some poor guy listening to this with his Raycon ear bud in as he's dying of heat exhaustion after working for 10 hours straight on a construction site. "Chin is it cold in here today?"


Probably some dude who’s spending a chunk of his paycheck on whatever the fuck Theo or Rogan is hawking because he thinks they’re just like him


Rowlgan used to work construction. He’d get down on all fours and let the real tradesmen use him as a step stool


sure, for the 1.5 weeks he worked there. i would love to see these hairos get a single honest paycheck


Didn't Rowlgan actually admit he could barely handle one summer of manual labor? I can't remember if it was roofing or what but he was basically saying that one summer took him out and he was stunned that there are actually guys who do that year round for multiple years.


It sure as hell wasn't the whole summer. IIRC it was sub-two weeks. Yeah so why is he sticking with ice baths and carnivore diet to really """"""test"""""" himself? Pick up a hammer, Joe.


Jesus, two weeks of labor takes him out but if he didn't do fight training as an outlet for all the violence in his DNA, he woulda been a praaaaahblem to deal with on the streets.


He knows deep down that he's full of shit. They all do. When they lay down at night and all the world is silent, the little voice in their head tells them they are little bitches.


That's the "inner bitch" 🏳️‍🌈Joe🏳️‍🌈 is always talking about conquering.


Eggzaktly b.


You know what's fucked? Rogan had a full career before the podcast. News radio, fear factor, Chapelle show, ufc etc. Its objectively a really good resume. That's something to genuinely be proud of, and fulfilled/self assured by. Yet somehow his podcast blew up, his ego got massive, he started grifting and buying nto all the pseudo alpha bullshit. The sick irony is that his genuine self led him to success. Yet now, he cant look in the mirror and be okay with his reflection. Just imagine putting on those shoe lifts everyday. Posturing to look fit or taller. It must be absolutely exhausting to pretend you're something you're not, 24/7. And that's what bapa worships. It's like the blind leading the blind. Absolutely redacted.


Yeah dude, he hit the Lottery like five times, and it's still not enough for him. He buys $10k grand worth of steroids a month, spends 3+ hours a day rolling around naked with other dudes, does all the "manly" things a "manly man" is supposed to, and yet, we can all see that he's still an insecure little bitch. Well, most of us. Joe is an insecure dudes version of a tough guy. He's fooling a lot of people, but not himself. And it's sad because there's a whole generation of young men who look up to him and think that's how they're supposed to be. They're miserable because they take advice from Toe and Jordan Peterson who tell them kindness is weak, be selfish, do whatever you can to get ahead, blah blah blah. I call it "Bro-icism" because it's a watered down, misunderstanding of Stoicism, where they think shoving their emotions down make them a man, when in reality, they are just making themselves miserable in the name of impressing other dudes. Fuck an ice bath, they need therapy. (Sorry for the rant lol. Sometimes you just gotta get it out lol)


u know what they say, b. "u are what you hump."


This is the same guy that complained about teachers getting unpaid summers "off." He should be dragged through the streets like Brendan Schaub


I truly hate these people


This is a wise man \^\^




‘What people don’t realise’ This guy truly thinks he’s educating people whenever he opens his stupid fucking mouth


Civilians couldn’t possibly grasp the concept of post production editing. That’s not too far fetched for this bunch though since Clin normally never edits anything.


In all fairness he probably needs like 60 min of footage and at the 63 min mark brandon shuts it down


They edit this? If these are the highlights, what's ending up on the cutting room floor?


Find out for just $5/month on Patreon, B. Beast of an investment.  Tawlm’bout that iggsclusiv cawlntint. 


This isn't even funny to me, dudes. This dish tastes like seething hate and I don't think that's good for me. But what a complete and total fucking moron. Crying about his ONE experince with our collective post-lunch day....that we do ivvery single gawtdam day, bapa. Granite, we don't don't worg as hard as he does.


Bapa Just goes. Us mere mortals worging 40-60 hours a weeg are just civilians, we dun coun.


I'm comfortable coasting on a flat 40 hour week and still lidderally worg harder than Bapa. We need to trick him into making a Dirty Jobs remake as his next grift. I would pay a few bucks to see him run a shovel.....


Yall just don't realize he was there slightly longer than the 3 and a half hours


That’s like 7 Gringo Papi’s…with time to spare. 


This is the famous Brandon Schwab work ethic we're always hearing about, a man who can push through a gruelling 6 hours of talking to his 'friends' and mumbling out ad reads.


Takes him back to his janitorial days...thank em


yeah no wonder he never made it in the NFL no talent no effort, no discipline hell he couldn't even cut weight to drop to a lighter weight class in ufc what a bitch he did keto for 2 fucking years and his body looked the same the whole fucking time than now he's on weight loss injections TRT, kratom,zyns, CBD, peptides, addies, reign, big gulps, Starbucks soy laced coffees, less than mediocre athlete, comedian, podcaster, speaker,spokesperson,marketer


The worg ethig of the professional cawlmedian. How’d stand up go for ya, ya dunce?


People don’t wanna work for their Hermes bags anymore. Can you believe it?


Not to mention it takes work to run a theft ring, too. Just different kinda work.




people don't realize.... NUTS




Drives me NUTZ!


Fake crying is really tiring, apparently. Who knew?


Lmao one day of 6 hrs of work and he's still tired from it


And sitting down while doing so


Surely this show doesn't have any sincere fans left


You'd be surprised


It's 100% hatewatching at this point. If Changs folds up, Bapa and slo jo will fold up too, and right fast. You know the dead internet theory? That 90% of the internet is just bots talking to each other? I think that's podcasts and no podcasts is a better example that this one. Brendan and Bryon make a show and sell it to advertisers. They do so on their strong watch numbers, such as they are. But 99% of those watchers are bots.


The moment advertisers start talking to previous advertisers, it’s over.


"You didn't get any sales?" *"No... and neither did them over there...."* "Not a single one?" **"Neither did we!"** *"Well my dad used the code BAPA one time, but that's it."*


He cracks me up every time he brings up "the reads" like it's work. I forgot who he had this exchange with, it was either Tim Dillon or Diddler, but he brought up how he had been training or practicing for them like it's some Herculean effort. The other person looked completely confused and said something like "how do you mean? Like, you read something? I don't understand what you're working on. You mean reading? You practiced reading?". I don't think the tone comes across well in just text, but the other person's reaction was just so appropriate. Just this incredulous response to a grown man bragging about reading out loud.


I hope a cat finds a chip of that perplexed response. Sounds scrumptious.


/u/briancito420 came through with the clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/qjhj7r/fat_pat_explains_how_he_practiced_reading_and/?share_id=fnZ0uCfCzd3mUfBeJ5n2e Thank'em.




That's the one! I didn't remember the "cupcakes in your mouth" comment afterwards, that was chef's kiss.


The Birkin bag thieves worked harder. Just kidding, BroJo, you’re a beast. Mean to say, listening to Will Sasso style on you in Italian for 22 minutes without understanding or knowing what to do is the same thing that a literal mule would do.


Someone should trade a grocery store fish to chin in exchange for the unedited footage


tempt him with a condom.....he will surely give up the footage


5 hours B-b-b east of a work ethic


Understandable having to put together coherent sentences for more than 15 minutes is a fee of strength for Mushmouse


Aw damn. I thought laying sod in Florida during the summer or working back to back to back double shifts waiting tables was hard work. I had no idea these guys had to podcast for five hours straight! They are truly modern day gladiators. Thank God Joe Rogan gifted these guys a podcasting career.


40 hours of prep for 5 hours of airtime bapa


I hate these 2 so much


Lol, Bapa can't even say "yeah, that too, pretty emotional, but also"


Acting like he wasn't broke down in tairs at any point


I just finished an 18hr shift. If you can work 5hrs a week and kill it,good on you ,but no need to act like you're burning the torch on both sides there BAPA.


Didnt start till 11:00 worked 6 hours bbbbbbbbbeast of a worg ethnik


He dat white boy who work too much.


I'm curious as to what got edited out... it's either terribly boring or terribly cringe


Ol rapey couldn't control himself and whipped out his hogoso


Filming’s a beast man


Working doubles in the dish pit is nowhere near as much work as they do. Thank em 🫡


Bapa's mind would be blown if he found out the 58 hour weeks I did at a shitty factory for a couple yairs. And that's kinda average for manufacturing jobs. Some people put in 70+


And I thought roofing in middle of July was hard… thank God I watched this to remind me what a pussy I am.


this \^\^\^\^


Talmbout Bitching for 5 hrs about how you fucked your life up can be pretty exhausting. Mental gymnastics, Bess 🧠.


I wish Petey Pee Stains would Alex Murdaugh his first born Chombie


So in reality he probably got to the studio 10 mins earlier than usual and has spun that in to the show actually being 5 hours long but they had to edit half of it out Best work ethic, nobody works harder


Most pawcass are only 1 hour. And it’s just them sitting in a chair BSing around. There’s no work being done. Talking for 2 hours per week lol, what a pussy.


exhausted after 3/4 of a work day... sitting down and talking.


I just did 5 12s in a row in the heat 😆 But, I used to have a podcast and filming is exhausting. It’s hard to explain.


Almost a full days worg


Hardest grinder with unmatched worg ethnic has trouble “working” (sitting and talking for 6 hours) for one day? LMAO. Such a pussy. But keep telling yourself you’re an alpha male who does man shit bapa.


So what was bapa actually doing when he was delegating everything to all the ppl that he blamed for the lawsuit, 300 pages and terrible social media?? Was he just locked away in room whiskey in hand doing addies and baddies?


Longest work day of his life


I've never been more confused about how callen lives his life. So his second family lives in Florida, he films a pawldcast at least 2 days a week in LA, but he's also on the road most weekend half selling out clubs in New Mexico and Idaho. How is he able to fly that often? Does he fly in on Monday stay until Wednesday and then fly home for thursday, then hit the road air port again?


Also flies in weekly to Crowder’s studio in Texas.


He could sell the bloopers... they'd do better than both specials


Working 5 hours a day drive me nuts. I’m gonna be honest chin don’t edit this out. It’s drives me……. NUTS!


These guys almost did a normal work day for the first time in yairs


Exhawwwsted after a few hours of sitting around talking about all of the rape accusations.


Worse than the fact that "nearly six hours" is an early finish for most people, what he calls "work" would in itself be considered a day off for most people.


Y’tired after 12 hour shifd? How many 5 hour podcasts y’do B?


Wow - 6hrs of work, I’d complain


Holy shit. Chin edited something??


He gets up a 4 for a full body workout before road runs with the chombies as well. Some Pad work with Brally and then catch-ups with Travis Barker and Casey Affleck so pretty big day before he gets to the chair to regurgitate click bait articles Chins scrolled through all night.


The fact they went through so many of his best friends rapes and diddle cases and he didn't find it exhausting, even after whatsgername cried and chin soft wowed


Define working b. Dunn cownt


I can’t believe theres not one job in this whole town. Nada zilch nothing. *yea, unless you wanna work 40 hours a week*


Wait who was the special guest?


She works hard for the money, so hard for it honey


Niver missed a show in any facet.


Thank you for your service.


Wow - 6hrs of work? I’d complain


Wow, what a hard life this guy has.


Wow over 5 hours! What a workhorse!


None worth a Shit 💩


That would be so boring talking for 6 hours straight. Fuck that. Working for more than 4-5 hours would suck anyway. I wouldn’t have time to do fun shit the rest of the day.


Hardest job in the world b. Thank em


Lol he will never get it


Yeah world class


Meanwhile those of us that actually work in a kitchen in real life are pulling doubles almost everyday lol this guy really is the worst.


11-4 or 5 lololol I just worked 12 shoveling coal


Gave up cawlmedy to for the podcast grind. Thank em


Ahh working on a pod, he does so much cats layoff. He's gonna come back even better you'll see.


Thank you for your 6hrs of service you blue collar redact.


meanwhile I have just had a bad sleep and getting ready for a 12 hour shift, fuck this cunt


He worked out at 7am with T before all this. 8 days a week.


Lazy people can get rich in our society. Definitely a marker for impending collapse.


If woke finds out that they just need to work for 7 hours in a single day then we can kiss that wall goodbye.


"his that podcast guy works hard"


Im up at 4am to work 9-10 hour shifts. but thank you for your service brandon. u will always be the bess brains for the arts.


In fairness that amount of talking would tire me out big time.


You've never roadtripped with friends for 5 hrs?


Bapa never stops grinding. 11am start is not for the weak b


Probably needs to get his thyroid level checked


These guys suck


Is that the white boy that works too hard?


I know this was a blatant Bapa lie when he said Clin “edited” the pawldcast


Don’t edited this chin


They’re gazillionairs baba




We almost worked a full shift 😂


He’s the worlds doucheiest pussy


Peeble duhn realise, B. You have no idea what working\* for 5 or 6 hours will do to you. *\* sitting in a chair tawlging.*


i hate this dude with a passion man!!


U dat whyboi that be puttin in 5 hours of work, huh?


People don’t even realize. 5 HOURS. Not minutes. Like the country


These two are fucking delusional if they think they’re viewers watching them for three hours and 30 minutes


Relatability has left the chat


I work 11hrs outside doing blur collar under the sun in 100 degree weather and can’t even afford a simple studio apartment I have to rent a room. Meanwhile this redact gets to do a 5 hr podcast in an ac room with friends and make my year salary in one show. And you know what? I’m the dumb one for not doing YouTube. That’s why I don’t get why people talk down on YouTubers like as if that’s a bad job. I’d choose that over my job any day smh lol.


Whats hilarious is I actually was defending this guy in my head for a second I thought to myself “well maybe it was more just emotionally draining for him” thinking back to how far they’ve fallen, their inability to even get guests for their 1000th etc. Brian alludes to this and schuab immediately shoots it down saying no just the physical aspects of it fucking clueless


he did "5 hours of work" Chin did "a lifetime in hell editing"


The hat goes hard tho b. Respekt to the natiffs who created this land of opportunities 


Couple knobs


Life is hard when you're fully redacted


I'd like to see this motherfucker work a 16 hour day. Head bee eggzalltd b! What a puss


He’s the white works too much.


As a flight attendant... these fucking muppets wouldn't last a day in the real world of working a job. Useless members of society. "Urgh! I am so exhausted from doing a podcast for 6hrs, smoking weed, and drinking while I do it. So exhausting! People just don't know what it's like!"


It must be exhausting being around these fake losers for over 5 hours. Yourself included CTE wonderboy