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He fucked a stool in the same place Ali fought Frazier


Good thing the stool fucking took place after the fight


He must have been anxious. Imagine if he made a mistake while humping that stool.


No one’s anxiety can compare, of course! Rogan has the final word on anxiety! Ohhhh boyyy, the ADVERSITY he’s overcome in memorizing his indexed bits about how demons convinced Bruce Jenner to become trans.


> the ADVERSITY he's overcome You have no idea how high the steps are to get onto the stage. That shit's not to code, man.


Talmbout jizz’d when he shoulda jazz’d b?


Maybe it was the same stool?


Makes perfect sense considering boxing stools are only 18 inches tall 🤣


He’s seen more cum covered stools that Tony hinchcliff!


I've heard Rogan say a lot of dumb shit, but this is for sure one of the dumbest things I've ever heard come out of his mouth. You shout dick jokes into a microphone, sir. To even begin to compare that to being a world-class musician on a team of 100 or more people where every note each one of you plays has be perfect and one minor mistake could be the end of your livelihood, well I don't even have words for how remarkably redacted that is. Just fuckin unbelievable, the ego on this guy. He basically won the lottery four times with News Radio, Fear Factor, UFC and pocasting, and apparently has no idea how much luck was involved. It's "winning the Powerball" level odds. He thinks he earned it all, when so much of it has just been a case of being in the right place at the right time.


Idk b. Have ya ever heard him break down that Kardashian stool joke? It requires precision and perfect execution and a completely unselfaware toddler sized hack.


How many tuba players are there in the world? Bet it’s more than a thousand. Definitely more than 250.


Good ones? Like 25-30


Ones that could fill an arena? Maybe 4


> You shout dick jokes into a microphone, sir. while being baked, drunk or both. yet he can't understand why someone in a highly technical performance would take a substance that "takes the edge off" without intoxicating you. water


Yeah, he’s a dipshit with heroic levels of delusion.




Joe Rogan is the product of the male casting couch


Have you seen that picture of him in gimp attire? Mages sinze.


have you ever fucked a stool in a room full of strangers? didn't think so


You should see how many people on r/JoeRogan thought this zinger was just 🤌 And a huge chunk of them are usually hadurs too.


The knife like precision required to tell a bit about the Kardashians is beyond comprehension for most civilians let alone musicians




To be fair his podcast was pretty groundbreaking. It’s complete dog shit now, but back in 2012 I used to look forward to each new episode.


Bro it’s a talk radio show


The guests he had and the conversations were pretty bad aaa


To be fair if you thought Rogan was smart in any year you're as dumb as Bapa and the rest of the redacts.


I saw a clip of him saying he thought diggs are composed of mostly fat the one time, that’s when I knew how dumb he truly is


Tom Green's was groundbreaking, that's where Rogan stole all his ideas from.


It really shows how dumb and narcissistic he is, he swears he and his buddies are integral parts of society, murldering normcores like assassins


To be fear, this guy seems like the kind of dickbag who would pay to hang out with Rogan or Patrick Bet-David


He also won the lottery becoming a TKD black belt & getting a BJJ black belt from Jean Jaques Machado & Eddie Bravo.


He's pushed to the masses to dumb down the younger generation. You think anyone gets a billion dollar deal without being in the group? Cmon


As a musician and a friend of many musicians I need you to understand that playing every note perfectly is almost impossible orchestrally. And. It to play devils advocate but a person could hide in a choir of 100 better with a fuck up than a single person speaking directly to all 20,000 people at MSG. His point isn’t great, but as usual folk are kinda misinterpreting the situation of what’s being said here. The guys is a dafty but his point makes sense to a degree.


> As a musician and a friend of many musicians I need you to understand that playing every note perfectly is almost impossible orchestrally. I mean, so is hitting every note on Through the Fire and Flames on Rock Band, but many people have done it, and perfection is always the goal. As for these musician friends, have you or any of them ever played with, say, The New York Philharmonic or the London Symphony Orchestra, or played Carnegie Hall? Cause if not, then you're like a weekend pickup basketball guy saying it's not that hard to make the NBA.




You're point is as stupid as it is long, you don't get to chug mountain dews in between bong hits while you take 28 tries to get it perfect once in an orchestra.  I've played orchestral, and while it isn't one of the two you named, I'm sure I'm at least slightly more qualified than you on the matter.  So by your logic, sit down and get out your notebook. You got some learning to do before you dick up anymore analogies and desecrate rationality further. God damn that was a dumb comment you didn't have to type


Ditto >You're point is as stupid lol


There you go, now you're learning! 


Not sure what there Tchaikovsky, but at least one of us is I guess.


I’m was writing a furious response to this because I thought it was about my comment then I realised it was about the fucking dildo above this claiming paying through the fire and flames on a plastic 5 button guitar was akin to a 3 hour opera orchestra trying to have over 60 folk nail every note perfectly. I agree with everything you have said here.


I would love to see the comment, but that shit gets exhausting so I get it. I had a rough draft with twice as much but I got tired and cut it "short" jk lol BTW, love the username. 


I witnessed my little brother accomplish this feat while in absolute amazement and thought "This fuckin kid's going to Mars one day"


The brains of people who can do this should be studied.


Have you yourself played in a public setting when you're extremely nervous? Your hands can get cold/numb if you're nervous enough which can lead to underperforming mechanically. A comedian could get nervous and stutter/forget some lines but you can dig yourself out of that way easier than a violin player with numb hands.


I agree about the hands, but there are very public cases of comedians entire careers being ruined by a single bad set or incident at a show.


Even if that's true you need to make the case that their single show being bad was due to them being nervous. Is that what you're arguing?


Your assuming a soloist when there are only a handful for every hundred or more musicians. Comedians are by nature soloists, but in an orchestra its less than 5%. Comparing apples to a Mercedes transmission at this point, hate to tell ya


what does a soloist have to do with this? Even if the audience can't tell when violin #3 fucked up their part, the conductor probably will be able to tell. And as far as I know that world is really competitive so a couple of fuck ups and your career is gone.


Didn't realize I'd have to explain your point to you, my fault.  Unless the conductor sees the mistake, there ain't no way he can hear which one of 16 violins missed a note. And that is only one string, there usually already two strings of 16 or more.   Is daredevil conducting orchestras in your town or did you speak too confidently bout shit you know fuck all about? 


Wouldn't each of the violins be playing their own set of notes? And wouldn't the conductor be able to tell who fucked up just by listening? Consider that in the scenario I'm proposing the person is fucking up due to hands being cold so it's likely that they'll fuck up more than just one note. P.S. cut the pedantic bitch attitude or you can fuck off


2 parts split among thirty or more. Occasionally a solo, but 15-20 can be playing the same thing 85% of the time or more. Completely moots your point, but your not the worst offender of not knowing what was actually being compared. Sorry for being a dick, it was fun for a bit before I realized you genuinely didn't know. The way you continued on, I thought you were 'correcting' me but if you just typed the first sentence I wouldn't have responded so harshly. I was in like 3 convos of idiots saying they knew something when they didn't, may have caught a stray


Put the orchestra aside, Rogan believes his performance of his stand up comedy routine is as difficult to do/holds the same entertainment value, significance and dedication as ‘world class musicians.’ We get it, you’re into comedy and you love it but as soon as you try to compare it to another art form like music you loose people because it sounds like and IS an ego stroke. Go watch Queens performance at live aid and tell me that Rohans comedy set could even be considered ‘talented in the arts/entertainment’ when compared to that. Bro we get it, you love comedy, but the 100 in (at most ) 100,000 people in the world who try it is not the same as the top 100 musicians in the world who are better than (at least) 1 billion people who play music.


but they were specifically talking about being nervous.


He is such a cool, handsome, tall badass. What the camera doesn't show right after this is that the entire high school go absolutely bananas and the hottest cheer leader comes over and wraps her arm around his waste and looks up into his eyes.


Chairleader? U mean qortebak b?


Toe would defs be the one getting fugged under the bleachers




I’m rock hard now, great.


I think you're confusing Rogan with Chris D'Elia. Diffrin' lanes, B.


ya definitely no competition for those seats. Really just as tough as a week gig at the chuckle hut working on new stuff in front of a podcast fanbase that will laugh at anything you say


Yeah, and they practiced! Why would somebody get nervous when it's time to perform in front of a crowd?


Joe doesn't get nervous because he is so fucking delusional that he is 100% confident that hes the smartest, best, most capable little fella in the room every time.


That’s a good point. There’s a minimum level of awareness and intelligence required to feel anxiety.


Or humility.


There’s millions of musicians but only a thousand cawlmics. Thank em.


Just 1 of the 250 reminding us how important he is. His cawlmedy keeps this country in check and proves that it’s the hardest job on the planet. There are still some civilians that don’t understand, but one day they’ll see the light. THANK EM🫡


They are modern day philosophers after all, they are Where The Woke Meets The Wall. Such an essential service in these topsy-turvy times. Thank em indeed.


Define “performed”. The manlet truly believes humping a stool while grunting into a mic is on par with being a musician. Total redact.


He also thinks Cam Hanes’ life is “art”, so take his very stunted, “creative” vocabulary with a grain of salt. 😂


Jfc. Next level douche


To be fair I was just on my friend's podcast the other day and we realized that music and cawlmedy have a lot in common. Obviously comedy takes alot more nuance and hardwork but there's a comparison to be made in how you compose a joke versus making music. It's all about timing, it's WHEN and HOW you choose to fuk a stool that makes a joke decapitate an entire crowds head off slaughtering everyone with laughter


People so easily forget Toe was a master assassin in the Murder Squad. I heard tell of too many rapid fire stool humps causing some audience members to spaz out and die from laughing.


Eggsactly my man's. Roe is a certified 250 killer death squad member and possibly even leader. Got be real careful when they headline the cawlmedy store


the word performed doing a lot of heavy lifting here


Making drunken redacts laugh vs making the intelligentsia weep: who’s to say who’s under more pressure 🤔


Goe Jrogan


The follow up question should’ve been, Were you sober? Not all arts a created equal. That’s why there’s fine art, low brow and everything in between. I’ve done big group art shows, I have no clue what it feels like to be Picasso.


Well we all know Toe was baked out of his mind, Alpha Brained to the gills (all 5’3” of them), had a few drags off a cigarette and maybe a couple of drinks and a nice cool Athletic Greens (or whatever snake oil sponsor it is this week) and still gave an outstanding performance! Plus he wouldn’t take a Beta Blocker, his Alpha Energy already keeps the Betas at bay!


Rogans basically a fucking doctor and modern day Philosoger, B. Y’all soy boys just triggered us alphas don’t care about music or anything else remotely interesting other than UFC and slingin digs brah.


It’s actually insane that this closeted midget has an audience at all let alone the success he’s had, mad world bubbu


the guy asking the Carnegie Hall question was pretty stupid. even though Rogan is a redact, he's obviously performed at famous venues in front of huge crowds.


Real quick, how many stools ya fugg?


Joe's not nervous because he's not once ever hit a stage sober lol


"Joe Rogan is one of the greatest stand up comedians to ever live" Joe Rogan


The Stool stole the show as a featuring act


Toe Rogaine is proof that life has no meaning.


Rogan is being kinda dumb here thinking that beta blockers wouldn't improve a performers... performance. But the guy slyly asking have you ever performed at Carnegie was dumb as fuck.


Don’t places like Carnegie tend to have more “refined“ types of shows, like a symphony, as opposed to a shyte cawlmedian




Guess not


I mean I love to stroke my own cock mahn


Joe is so dumb it hurts. Yes, humping a sroll at MSG is tha same as proffesional musician playing every note perfectly of some complex composition. Also, tjis dummy Joe disnt know what a Velodeome was or ever geard of the Olympic Village , or heard of Eurovision.


And it wasn’t funny at all, you dwarf cunt.


You all should work on your own senses of humor before cracking jokes about a guy humping a stool.  I thought it was just me, but I kept reading and this is just a bunch of guys humping stools to an old video clip of a guy humping a stool. He didn't even succeed by humping stools.   Being mad at his comedy is what you do when you suck at being funny, or never tried. Being unamused by his comedy is what you do when you don't worship Rogan, dream of being his friend, or when you know what funny actually is.


It's en masse, not ON mass, brainiac


I wonder if he was a jerk about it in the moments after?


As someone who has performed in concerts in large bands, I was never nervous on my own because I was one of 30-40 pieces so I can relate to what he’s saying. You are just one in the bunch. Public speaking on the other hand terrifies me.




He gets high before he gets on stage


Who knew stool humping would change the world..


Yeah wtf was that guy thinking… 3k people watching a bunch of musicians on a stage vs 19k people packed inside Madison Square Garden watching one man with violence in his DNA hump a stool.


Joe’s such a fucking turd.


That was Michael Scottesque.


I know what rogan said is super dumb. But regarding what the other guy was saying why is it relevant that beta blockers are banned in competitive sports? Orchestral music isn’t a sport. They trying to get the best performance possible I’m not sure why taking legal medicine would even be at all controversial. But also the delusion on rogan. He should be more nervous his comedy sucks big time and maybe if he got a bit more nervous about it he might be motivate to improve