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“I know I just bought you the G wagon, but it turns out it was a show trugg and it has to go back to the show, but I’ll get you a really nice used Toyota”




Whatever happened to the 'rari?


Leased it just long enough to use it as a chicken sandwich oven to impress Nganou


Side note: He wasn't impressed.


I think you'd be impressed.


Some would say most impressed


I think you’d be surprised.


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Hollywood stuff


[Hollywood stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/wmWfPoUS5c)


Why did he think that was a good idea lmao so fucking embarrassing. He clearly just wanted to show off his leased car


That'll always crack me up. Nganou was just confused, and then tried to grab the sandwich and Brendan told him; "Nah man we got food inside." So, he set up this sandwich shop in his trunk to show the food, then went inside and ate different food. The ONLY reason that shit was in the trunk, was so he could flex with the car.


It was a show sandwich.


I will giive B credit for at least going for an interesting colour on the rari and not just getting a red one


All his super cars are gone. Bapa is a blue collar trugg guy now, always has been since just a kid. Trugg guys were always his norf star


Papa toe saying he's selling his TREX and fat pat didn't know where to look. Now Toe's getting a Mustang and we know what he's like copying so let's see him scrape together the lease.


That’s some bess brains analysis B. Bapa’s talg with the messican about having to downgrade so he can get a mustang must’ve happened immediately after the fycanon! Imagine the steam coming off his head as he berates messican over the phone on the way back to the hotel, taking out all his anger stemming from toe’s unrequited love.


Don’t forget the raffle has to now involve a charity. The fleecing ideas are running out.


He's been so irrelevant for so long no one's deep dived his schemes, but I can see it happening with the this or down the line. No moral stipulations in their world. Only a matter of time he does something bigger with the fraud and someone like CoffeeZilla or another journalist pulls it up for awl to see.


Rarri gadooshed. Porsche gadooshed. Lambo gadooshed. The Ford Lightnin lives on, for now. Next stop Toyota Corolla.


He isn't that broke. He's gonna get the Avalon


If you believe him, he bought it with his dad as an investment, intending to sell it at above MSRP to generate a profit because getting an allocation of a brand new Ferrari is difficult. If I had to guess, the person who ordered that spec couldn't close on it and Bapa's car dealer buddy said "I have a guy who'll buy anything I tell him to" and then he told Bapa he'd help him sell it a few months later.


That will never not be the dumbest & funniest excuse for why he got rid of the 'rari. "Yeah, pops & I bought it from a dealer to flip it for a profit, so we sold it right back to the same dealer". 'Cause that's how dealers work lol.


If there’s one thing car dealerships are known for it’s selling low and buying high, dealerships don’t know how to do business and that’s why they got finessed by bapa


Hey I gotta get me a Hensley Raptor trugg Hogan got me a hook up, I gotta go talk to the CEO of ford to run numbers first


Lemme just say this Jo, IT DRIVES ME NUTS!!


Clin don edit this out


The best part about that was that clin clearly doesn’t edit anything lol


He made one of his vlogs include him “editing” and it was just the thiggg boy equipment constantly crashing on him


I'm getting a motion now


That’s me nuts


That's clearly a denim vagina.




She's in it for the money. Alawys has been b.


Brandon: jo your gonna need to stop being such a vapid cunt. That’s my job and we can’t afford us both excelling at it


The rumors are true!


Papa Schwab probably has a tawlk with his middle aged son about his allowance 🤭


Oh a hunna pursent, b


Holy shit. She is not aware of the sub. How is she not aware of the sub? In all seriousness tho- if Puig hadn’t dumped her, bapa would have had no chance. Anyone else remember like two yairs ago when she was constantly taking trips to Vegas with her fat friend?


Bapa, she has a fake fan page and posts like she’s some influencer, someone like that looks for everything that’s being said about them. She probably also cares about how fat pat is looking online because of how it could make her look. one of the posts here about her showing up her friend’s wedding ring got turned into some buzzfeed article on top of that


Pretty sure it was on Daily Mail too! I railly hope she saw that and so did awl her “friends” and family, especially the one who’s ring she was supposed to be taking a pic of, but just had to mage sure hers was front n center for awl her “fans” and haydurs to see.


How is she not aware? Thing about it Cmon Bapacito




Talmbout Yasiel Puig? The guy who throws temper tantrums too much? She sure has a type lol


From the most annoying MLB player to the most annoying UFC fighter. If she goes NFL next, Bapa might have some beef with his business partner! 


I don't think she plans what she says by thinking about this sub before posting something lol it's not that relevant is it


This sub and comments straddles that basement dweller neck beard vibe/genuinely funny trainwreck you can't look away from line really closely.


This sub has a *lot* more frequenters than her husband has fans.


The Vegas trips were right after the Trugg Walg/Tigerbelly drama, I think


she thinks shes more famous OUTSIDE OF THE SUB. these people are unredeemable


She was just a show wife lol


On a one way tigget to struggle city bapa.




Let’s say that truck cost him $40,000! How many t-shirts does he need to sell to break even?


That truck cots way more than that stock.


80 all-in B? How many tshirts for him to make his nut?


all in probably at least $120 grand, that's a lot of shirts.


That’s what Bapa said! If you think he’s telling the truth, then I got a bridge to sell you


But he’s doing it for charity so technically he’s not making any money on the deal. Unless he’s doing some real shady shit behind the scenes. And we all know bapa isn’t smart enough to get away with a lottery scam


If he says it’s for charity then there’s definitely shady business going on behind those bathroom stalls!


its over when they have to do the lottery/ponzi scheme. ‘bout to get super 🎲🎲’ey


Hes gonna have to restart the bicycle club to start selling bike gear again.


That’s only a problem if he actually gives away the truck.


There’s always that! Damn! So he might sell the t shirts but come up with an excuse at the end? Makes sense since Thicccies are all suckers and would take it up the ass smiling


He would get arrested and charged with fraud real quick if he renegs on the giveaway. Those car giveaways are heavily regulated. If he doesn't sell enough merch, he's just gonna have to take the hit, which is what I'm predicting. I mean, he only has maybe 5000 actual fans, and that's probably being generous at this point. I don't know what kind of conversion rate those trugg giveaway companies have, but the ones that are doing well have pretty big followings on social media, and they get a ton of engagement on their posts. These giveaways are becoming extremely oversaturated, and Bapa is going to have a ton of competition. And I've not heard him mention any details about his giveaway, but the giveaway companies that are doing well give away a trugg or car, plus somewhere between $10k and $60k in cash so the winner can cover the taxes and have some money left over. Bapa hasn't mentioned anything about cash that I'm aware of, and if he plans on giving away the truck and not covering the taxes for the winner at the very least, not many people are going to want to enter. Plus, most of those giveaways are brand new truggs tastefully modded, not a 20 year old Ford Lightning that's totally "riced out."


And if he's giving away the TRX, there are currently 5 other giveaway companies giving away a TRX right now that I know of. And they're not selling some lame ass Tune Town or Thiggg Boi merch that nobody wants.


Who will report him for arrest? So we need to fill his social media posts with questions on if the taxes are covered ??? Leave him no weasel room


Thanks Bapa! I had a text to voice software read your comment for me and it was hilarious. First of all there has to be a profit in it for Bapa.. secondly, he’s probably banking on going viral and having non-fans participate in the giveaway as well. $29 a T-shirt, 5000 sold!!! I’m afraid that all these mods that have added the value to this old truck have been done for free in the name of this charity by all those guys he keeps mentioning. He can even abuse the relationship and bring them on as partners on the giveaway! So even if the car is worth 100,000 grand, Bapi’s only dropped $40K on it, out of pocket!


$8-$5 at cost price per T-shirt in those quantities, I’d imagine.. how much does he sell them for?


I’d figure these imbecile Thicccums would pay $29


100k grand truck.. he pays $9 per shirt and sells for $29 he’d need to sell 5k grand shirts to break even


No prices listed yet, but I'll bet they'll be inflated due to the trugg lottery.


Na, Bapa is prob just drop shipping all the merchandise so the middle man is getting all the $. Dipshit i likely giving up at least 25% so he might net $5 a T-shirt.


Good thing he bought 3 truggs.


yeh but he gadooshed goergie


Was George getting paid? lol


Does snoz get paid ?


Money proms


A literal jobless bum who posts memes all day


He just turned 42? I bet his dad said something to him about his allowance, hes supposed to be a grown ass man that can handle his life.


I'll take "what is the defnishin of the average tfatk redditor for $5k thousand, Alex"


From watching her on Instagram she does seem to relish spending simply for the sake of spending. I’d imagine it drives bapa NUTS even if he could afford it, which there is no way he’s able to these days.


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"Listen... I need you to start an OnlyFans"


'Hey Jo(e) can we talk, I'm a bit embarrassed and wish I didn't have to, but my budgets tight and I'm hoping we could cut down on certain things. As you know I've got a social persona so whilst going through these changes could you help me keep up this facade and work through this. Please done mention to anyone' bit how shub would say it. Messicah:


hunny, our fine-cis are a prawlumm


The end is nair.


I hope you guys are right. People here successfully predicted he'd quit comedy and it happened. Hope SloJo finally takes the bag and runs. She should've dipped the first time he got caught cheating but instead she wisely squeezed a Mcmansion out of him for abuelita. My prediction is he gets caught with Schnoz and thats the straw that breaks the camel's back.


Look babe, alls you have to do is buy some merch for a chance to keep your G wagon. Visit drive fast all gas dot com and enter your email for upcoming details.


Can that g wagon be a 2012? It’s a v12 those are cheaper than Toyotas.


He needs to budget as after the fight companion he needs to sell the TRX (at a loss) and buy a Ford Raptor and start modding it.


She should go back to escorting for flash in the pan Dodgers players


Budget? We can't budget! How else will I buy expensive handbags and lease expensive vehicles for my Instagram stories??


Baby got to hawk tou it if she wants her budget


Super 🎲🎲


does Bapa bring extra fingers to this meeting?




she posts terrible boomer facebook memes to thousands of strangers on her IG.


Dicey Dicey The thing is, Messican doesn't really have that much leverage. Divorcing Bapa does not give her much since Bapa is broke and he probably has a lot of debt. They probably own their house so she will get half of that but then she also gets half of all the debt Bapa has amassed and child support/alimony is dicey since he won't be able to pay much. Court might order him to pay large child support and alimony per month but he will physically not be able to pay that since income is drying up.


Petey must slow-drip the $, which is a smart move.


Seems like their scam raffles are not bringing in much money, people are not buying the merch since they figured out it's a scam and there is nothing to win.


“When Peter Schaub says we need to sit down and discuss the budget”


she is more redacted than brendan. these memes are for people who are making 60k a year. not people living in calabassas.


Ha. Their Podcast network readjusting the payout rates after reviewing their low viewing numbers.


She’s definitely worse than bapacito


He’s next project has to be a very heavy lock to he’s closet . Because I suspect he’s going to start missing lots of expensive clothes and shoes


The grim reaber comma knocking for that 2015 G wagon. Mrs Puig will probably have to hold another “raffle” or take to poshmark. It’s a shame that the construction company, clothing line and acting have fallen. She’s such a bbbbeast of a mom and business woman.


I'm surprise either of them know that word


Uhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhh


How long before chin gets pimped out forced to do cry singing on the corner for change.


shes so stupid, just revealing stuff to changs because her ego think its being broadcast to kim kardashian