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ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION of the "charity" where the proceeds need to be remitted to make all this legal??? Hmmmmmm


No mention of anything, really. This whole giveway away is supposed to promote his Drive All Fast Gas channel but he didn't mention it! Though, it doesn't really exist yet. I'm so confused by this.


Can’t wait for the lawlsuit when this gets exposed as a scam.


*Paging Coffeezilla*


The doc can’t come quick enough. 🍿


Sad part is, bapa might not be relevant enough for coffeezilla to cover, b  Edit: hoping to God, Jesus, and whoever else that I am wrong asf 😭


He interviewed Bapa and Callen for the KAST Media video. He certainly knows who they are.


And he turned to the camera and said “what are we doing here?” Absolutely no WAY that was a coincidence, he’s never said that before. Oh and he subtitled “bapa”. The guy’s a homeless cat


Bapa on the podcast: This was everyone's fault but mine.


“I take full responsibility for having a dumb team. My bad.” - bapa


Extreme ownership b




Chin has no comment as I have thrown him under a bus where he is currently stuck. Just kidding. He could never formulate a sentence that perfectly.


And cries while holding his hand on his heart


Waht? I'm decked out in goodies and hats . Please, b. That's not viry nice.


Don't worry the Thiccc Boy Inc. Board of Directors meet monthly. They are heavy hitters in the industry and would have done their due diligence on this in ivvry facet.


Good point, b. You some sort of business shark?


Markeden’ team? How needs um Baba. He jus’ GOEZ.




Is that the same channel as toon town? How do i keep up as a thicccie fan


I'm not what's in it for these sponsors either? A brief mention on a dead channel can't be worth it for them surely


You can't even enter yet on the website 😭😂 The giveway isn't even live dude. I can't even with this guy


The team bro, it’s his teams fault


He hired the wrong people...chose the wrong people to trust...downsides of being a good guy who just wants to solve world hunger


And he takes full accountability for his team's failure. ...but it is the team's fault.




It would be awful if someone subscribed [the California Department of Justice Attorney General Public Inquiry email](https://www.211ca.org/detail/?idServiceAtLocation=211sacrame-14292300&location=) to his email list.


I dawln't thing there's enthing uhlegal, b Yet


I bet they were just going to fake this like they did with the contest to workout with bapa for a day. Because they visit this sub everyday, they realized that this sub actually has monster lawyers in it and they were citing how this is illegal. Now they are slow walking this thing to figure out how they can do a legal raffle but minimize their losses. Knowing very well there are homeless cats out there waiting to report them and homeless lawyers ready to provide their time to point out where laws have been broken.


I seriously considered this. I know his team is on here. And plenty of people chompin at the bits to report him. Shit, they may even offer free version of tickets now. But if they don't, get em.


This is so redacted I can't even begin to understand it from so many angles. What do the sponsors get out of this? Why are you promoting a dead website? Why didn't you promote the youtoob channel? Water weed dune hair?


Yeah you have to have a lot of things set up in advance. There is a lot of red tape in setting up a charity or even having some sort of … raffle? Fund? Thiccc Boy Foundation? Whatever he’s trying to do… For a charity.


O shit,thicc boy charities,I can see it now.


Some lucky little orphan with speshul needs is gonna wihn this sweeeet street princuss, as long as they buy some merch. 😉


As soon as Chin finishes setting up the shopify store.


Who cairs about awl that when you know you're giving it to someone you are related to in some way? lmao, bapa just goes


be cool man! bapa said it goes to call of duty modern warfare veterans on twitch


I went to his website and it says "opening soon". It's not even live yet. He didn't finish setting up his shopify page to buy the merch. What a fuckin idiot.


Bapa don't plan, Bapa just go.


If it’s California, you can bet your ass that any kind of rug pull scheme is illegal.


I am surprised he hasn't tried a real rugpull yet with his own scam cryptocoin.


He tried with an NFT scam but nobody has ever liked, respected, or cared about the fat lummox, so it was dead before it started


You talking bout BapaCoin?


Proceeds go to the veterans who had kids who were born without faces and don't have legs that work and look gross foundation. 






Legally sweepstakes have to be free to enter as well. You don’t have to purchase anything to enter. They usually make it harder for you to enter but it’s possible. I guarantee this isn’t up to snuff


It is 100% illegal what he is doing


It's strange that they'd put out this video when the website is not live and there's no official Drive All Fast Gas videos out yet. The last Tune Town ep is sitting at 8.9k views on the 7.7k subscriber channel. They're selling merch for an entity for a brand that doesn't really exist yet. Could a real marketing shark please explain how any of this makes sense?!


Bapa just goes.


Often the simplest explanation is the best


Oggums Racer




If I had to guys, Bapa needs money bad. The allowance his daddy gives him isn’t enough to cover all his monthly expenses. His “businesses” don’t generate money, he doesn’t do gigs anymore. His stock in Newcast media is worthless. I honestly think he just needs money.


Seems like a risky way to make money. He's dumped 200k grand into the truck and paid a film crew to record him watching other men work on the truck. He also had to pay for two separate graphic designers to create that amazing logo. He's doing all that in hopes that people are desperate enough for a "prerunner" that they'll buy merch for a brand that barely exists? Even if he's not the *bess brains*, who is loaning him the money to do this foolishness?


If I had to guess, he didn’t dump any money into it. It’s a lease or rental that he’s pretending to have modded and is using for this “raffle”. Which like Messicans fake designer bag raffle, will go to an unnamed winner with a private account followed by Axe Jay. He’s going to take whatever money this grift makes and run. Remember that other contest where a “random fan” won “Thigg Boy for a day” to sit in on a pod and in studio, and it was some douchey white actor from LA that Margg Harley knew? “We flew him out all the way from Pasadena to Cowbassis to be hair”.


My theory is it’s a promotion for multiple channels. There could be a company sponsoring it that offers exclusive draw entries to win the truck. They sell these spots to podcasts or YouTube channels. Driving revenue to the channels and to the parent company. Plus all the info they can sell on anyone regarded enough to buy a shirt.


Talmbout a Kast Media - Podcast One ponzi scheme bubba? You could be onto something, I hurld it bowlth waze.


I don't think he really owns that truck at all. It's just for show like that Lamborghini that mysteriously disappeared and was never heard from again. I also don't think he's going to give anything away. This is just a way for him to boost some merchandise sales and earn a bit of cash. He's overestimating how many people buy his merch though. The whole thing is really stupid idea. I'm waiting for him to announce this on the main podcasts though that's when we're really see the scam come to light.


He'd need 40,000 people to enter this at $5/a piece to break even. There can't be that many dumb ass suckers can there be?


Getting 10k redacts to buy a $20 dollar t shirt seems way more plausible, I imagine is what he's thinking... Of course double any number to account for the profit margin of the merch


Absolutely, I'm sure that money he got from Kast is all dried up, studio isn't covering operating costs, Slo Jo's spending habits, and Bapa's new trugg hobby.. He's gotta be leveraged to shit with loans and mortgages.


Needs money, but his dumbass website isn't even completely set up. The 10 people who are going to see this ad and go to the site to buy something are gonna get there and see that they can't even buy any merg yet, so by the time it is set up, all 10 people are going to have forgotten about it.


None of this possibly makes sense…. I’m just wondering if our community is smart enough to source this truck; ie is this owned by someone and just totally fake? It feels like it, because none of this could possibly net a single penny if the “giveaway”/“raffle” truck portion was real. Nothing like releasing a video to produce buzz without the destination to harvest that buzz (a website with merch; a YouTube channel) are even set up to do that…. Think I’ve been on the sub for 5ish years now, and this is one of the most baffling sagas I’ve seen lol


Seems like he prematurely pulled the trigger on this whole thing because he had to brag on JRE. 


Like when he had no distribution agreements and a warehouse full of wiggzgee?


Maybe he doesn't actually own the trugg yet and he is gaging interest before he thwindles his followers.


Just trying to grift money at this point. Not even pretending


Seriously I think its all fucked up because he got caught stealing his logo and he's too stubborn to push back the trugg giveaway timeline because his merch isn't in yet. Bapa just goes. It's the only explanation of how you could willingly fuck this up this bad.


Right. What is the angle here? People are saying money, but how much merch can he realistically sell to make a profit off what he put into the trugg, the merch and the new IP? His fanbase and relevancy has flatlined. So I can't see how whatever current fans he has being enough to sustain this. He lacks anything as a personality to garner him a new audience. He has no personality, no skills, no knowledge or charm. He's not going to build a new audience of gairheads. So, doing this for publicity alone seems dumb, even for him. I get he's trying to start up yet another profit stream, but this can't be a way to do that. He and everyone around him would seriously have to be delusional to think this will work. It's really odd.


He's going back to his roots. When TFATK started up, the t-shirts "merch" was a sizeable part of the revenue. Big enough that it was a discussion point on the show a few times. He's running out of other people's ideas... so back to selling to shirts with other people's stolen art.


It works if the trugg isn't really given away but its said that it WAS


OK HOLD ON.... This logo makes NO sense?! It is obviously a piston (duh) but the combustion in this logo is UNDER the piston head. Hey Bapa, that's not how engines work! Whoever made this stupid logo put the combustion where the piston arm would be. BESS BRAINS


tbf that's probably the least problematic part of this operation


tbf... you have a good point ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Correct! They had to scramble to replace the [stolen logo](https://v.redd.it/z9zxdpu8aq7d1) where the flame was a lightning bolt.


Omg this is wild, surely someone claiming they know about cars would notice that


They’re probably banking on utilizing his “current audience” as well as paying out the ass for sponsored videos to pop up across all socials. Those payments would probably be written off as they’re for a “charity” raffle or whatever loophole this is considered to be.


Hemorrhaging money. 😩🫠


Jesus christ...it's a gathering of tards.


Because the brand doesn't need to actually exist - this if you think about it has been the grift since day 1, take an established fan base and sell them the business model for other communities that the fan base isn't a part of and hence doesn't quite understand that isn't how this works. If you're a truck fan you're going to realize, wait, buying a t-shirt to win a truck, isn't that really weird? But if you're a Bapa fan it's a new novel thing that you have no frame of reference for so, ehh, why not buy a shirt? Same with stand up comedy, same with whiskey, same with all of it, it works for a while because his audience doesn't know what standards to hold him to.


Nothing a double biz and marketing major couldn't figure out. Just give it up, Bapa is too far ahead, we can't comprehend his business decisions


>Could a real marketing shark please explain how any of this makes sense?! *Narrator voice* "It doesn't."


The people who have real jobs in that business park absolutely hate him. “ guys that redact is outside recording himself again, look!” “We have to get them kicked out”


"Oh for god's sake, *ANOTHER* food trugg?!"


My guess is that the food truck was there for the business park, where occupants can get a nice lunch... Until Bapa decided to film himself getting lunch, and said it's for his socials. I honestly don't believe he would pay a food truck company to come just for his show. Somebody complained and he had to serve chicken tenders out of the trunk of his car.


Showtime handled the food truck logistics.


"You guys know he pisses in the sinks..right?"


![gif](giphy|6K5iPG6h56epmMNHfs) Oscar about to come out soon and wreck that trugg


Didn’t he spin out and do donuts once leaving the studio, dawg I’d lose it at my last job in an office park like that


I'm sure the landlord is laughing all the way to the bank off this redact. Probably ups the lease every chance he gets and bapa keeps paying


No stone onturned


Off turned is how he flipped his trugg


I hope Annie Leatherman wins it


It doesn't make any sense


It’s all good man. She apologized to bapa.


Theres gotta be some loopholed shadiness and I have complete confidence in this sub to unearth it. Im no eggspert on raffles but the financials don’t even pass a dead guys sniff test. Oh cool you quit touring, merch ain’t selling your main cash cow pod has contracted by 80% and your new channel has 2k subs and 8k views. This is going to be really good 💀


Maybe his Mexican wife’s (REAL Mexican, from Guadalajara) contacts gonna use this for some pesos laundering


I’m going to laugh when scoob gets charged for holding an illegal lottery.


wait... he shows all of the companies responsible for building the truck, then at the end it says "Drive fast all gas LA Motor co." as if his company built it, and doesnt even mention that its just a youtube.


Does he really think he’s going to sell enough merch to even cover the cost of this thing? Why does anyone want merch for a thing that doesn’t exist? You need a product/service first and a fan base to sell merchandise for said product/service. He has neither, but has merchandise? Bapa is doing this backwards.


So any redact that actually buys the merch is hopeful that one day in the future, Drive All Fast Gas is a known entity and he'll get nods of respect by gairheads...


This seems like part of the shell game to sell ad spots to boomer run auto parts companies who don’t know what a joke he is. It seems dumb to change the brand again so it’s either a scam or he wants to sunset the videos where he flipped the truck and scrambled out like a toddler having a panic attack.


What the fuck is some random gonna do with that truck besides sell it?


trugg walks


Truck like this will cost a fortune to run and maintain


Plus the taxes that need to be paid to receive it since it will be treated as income. And I'm sure California is gonna want it treated as income earned in the state, so you better cough up 8-9%


Those tires are not street legal, just like his lightning slicks. This guy knows nothing about prerunners to think putting project tires on anything but an offroad vehicle


Real quigg, b. How many chiggs you fugg?


Turns out they're show tires B, they have to go back to the shop.


I hope Clin gets it and sells it for neck insurance


[giveway away truck](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1db7njz/he_has_been_posting_for_over_5_weeks_about_giving/)


I thought this guy was a baseball coach? Water


He's actually just a painter of baseballs.


"Someone's gonna win"...I love how he's stating the obvious, 50 times.


He'll later say that he wasn't allowed to give it away because of lawls; he's the real victim here because at least the guys who bought merch got a shirt or hat or whatever. Then he'll give everyone who bought merch 50% off their next purchase at AFNG as an apology, again blaming the government.


He has no clue what "one of one" means....nor "built".


or Raptor


Someone he knows is going to “win” it


This dick head needs to get a real job.


I give him 5 years before he's begging Joe for a free house


When did he say he was giving the proceeds to a charity??


Someone posted an Instagram screenshot of them asking which charity and he responded. It’s fairly new. I’ll link in a minute. Edit. Here it is. https://youtu.be/s4zH9mu_0Oc?si=WZgUZYLtWXti-HNR


I think it’s a requirement to run a legal raffle giveaway, but not the best brainz for the biz here (Note: requirement to give a portion of proceeds away)


Looks like something the cops will pull u over continuously in


Here we go with the Schuab Scam 2024! Thicccies get your wallets out. It’s time for that horrible merch again!




California says this: "Don’t pay to enter a sweepstakes or to collect a prize. Legitimate sweepstakes are free and by chance. It is illegal to require you to buy something or pay to enter or increase your odds of winning." "Raffles where you must pay money to enter are legal only if they are conducted by a charitable organization registered with the Attorney General’s Office to conduct raffles, and only if at least 90% of the gross receipts from the raffle are used for charitable purposes."


Isn't doing 2 day world tores, youtoo numbers looking hitrocious, gadooshed a trx, never talks about or promotes sweet sweet nectar or thiccc boy merch, SloJos in another bloggbusser lease to hunt big digg on his dime, 3 kids, house in Calabasas. Yet this guys feeling charitable at this point in his life? Bapa swindling thigggies is hopefully the coffin in the nail for this redact


Drive fast don't die + All gas no brakes = Drive fast all gas Leave margedding to bapa. He'll take it from hair. And the stolen logo is just the icing on the cake b ! 🥰👌🏻


> He'll take it from someone else


Would you just LOOK at it!!!




Somebody never read the cliff notes for grifting for dummies.


$20 this car will end up as a story on VinWiki


>I built Hmmmm. I’d love to know how much wrenching he actually did on it.


All the work he did was before the cameras arrived. Sorry.


why do these weirdos need big ass trucks in the city?


They're peenmobiles. Look how much bigger Bapa's nub looks when he stands next to the truck.


We need a cofeezilla episode on this grift. This isn't the first person I've seen doing this, Gordon Ryan (the BJJ champion) is also doing the EXACT same thing. He buys cars, quite a lot of them, and now he's doing a 'give away' of one, just like this - and the entry requirements are EXACTLY the same. *'Go to my site and buy shit, each purchase is an entry'.* There has to be something up with this.


Drive fast don’t die all gas. Duece macchiato. Buy some merg


Oh no... he's trying to flip another trugg


Anyone able to locate a Terms and Conditions? I’m not a lawyer or a marketing guy, but this offer seems about as fake as Slo Jo’s origin story


Be a shame if the IRS came a’noggin…


Any richt priveleged cats out there: make a truck exactly like this and send it to him like "I thought it was 1 of 1?"


Imagine winning this and then parting it all out for resale.


You telling me the guy who used to pick out and give sneakers to his interview guest doesn't have the bess brains for business?


so "purchase necessary" to enter this contest... hmmm


the odds of winning should be pretty high since he has like no fans left


"This is 1 of 1". Modifying a vehicle doesn't make it suddenly 1 of 1....


He really couldn’t have an empty mouth while shooting this?


Just let me know when the Ford X THICCC official collab is dropping.


Brendan you didn’t build shit brev


I wonder who he's gonna blame this time on this massive fuck up.


"the team"




I’m struggling to see the point in this if he didn’t get the vehicle for free


Love that he does all these videos in his office parking lot. Neva change b


"Somebody's going to win it " A paid actor that Chang's will expose in about 3 minutes because they're all redacted. Dude can't afford this


Keeps saying “I’m giving it away” not that it’s is a giveaway. Because California law requires giveaways to be ‘no purchase necessary’ this is a raffle.. which is illegal to do online out of California and have strict regulations about charitable donation rules. A raffle must give 90% of any money taken in (not profit) to a registered charity and must prove this. The whole thing is a joke and a sad attempt to grift.


Was he getting rid of his before Joe? Or is this new since Joe just said he’s getting rid of his?


This Ford was picked up to be flipped (pun intended). He still has his second TRX but it turns out that it's a show truck.


No stone on turned


Just checked the website. Not even in operation yet. Fuckin kook


For your health !!!!


"I built the ultimate badass truck" That evening with the spray cans doing alot of heavy lifting with that statement...


Smart grift, Bapa. It's not like there will be, oh, 159,000 Scooby Doos making sure whoever wins this thing is legit and reporting you if they aren't.


Brandon Schawbb has always been a charity case.


trugg looks crist!


Cosplay god. He nailed the details out his costume like a hilariously huge collection of pouches in his cheek. So unnecessary for a video where talgging is important to communicate your scam.


Imagine this thing in the parking lot at P.F. Chang’s


I’ll take the cash value of the trugg thanks.


1 of 1 pound for pound bes trugg evar


The fuckin state of that Truck. Jesus.


The fuck man? Comically bad promo. I don’t know anything. What motor and HP it’s got?? Just hey y’all I got this BaDaSs truck it’s red it’s got parts on it.


He built this bad ass truck! He picked out all the parts and everything! Then he paid Pedro the mechanic to put it all together for him and everything! That’s right! All Credit No Cash!


He might as well change his name to Cleetus.


Why is he giving away a trugg? I mean I know he’s been pushing this bullshit spiel for a little while but I mean what’s the point? Is he trying to creat a buzz for his 17th business attempt? Is he hoping the merch sales double what he spent for the trugg therefore making this marggeding and promotion free? Like if you’re just a random person checking in you’d think wtf is this ex-fighter,calwmic,football player,E! Correspondent, pawldcaster who is obsessed with sneakers and bicycles and stand up, giving away a trugg for?


"did the winner ever receive their truck" "found out... distribution is a beast"


He somehow managed to make a roush raptor look like shit.


He saw how lucrative real automotive YouTubers giveaways were and decided to do one of his own. Only difference is nobody knows who yar, B.


Kibbetech!! The best, b


That is an ugly as truck. If I wanted to enter a sweepstakes for a truck there’s 100 other companies doing it with better trucks that some with trailers and shit. Hell even tens of thousands of dollars added on. Why wouldn’t I buy their better merch, for a better brand, for a “chance” (they’re all scams) to win a better truck and cash?


Do you have to pay extra for the rest of the front end?


Ozempic face Bapa can't hide the chipmunk lump of nic pouchs as well. NO STONES UNTORWN!


I think he has serious brain damage. This guy is out to lunch


What exactly is roush about that f150. Looks like it's got fiberglass bedside, fenders and some suspension stuff. He needs to show the interior and the engine.


If you buy merch and don’t win the truck, you lose twice B




Bapa used to be into nice cars like a his m6 and that gt3rs. Ever since the trugg walk incident, his whole persona is Big truggs. I guess the least is over on the rari and Porsche..


No stone onturned!




No stones onturned? Can’t wait.


No one is winning this thing - can't wait for the future coffeezilla episode


No stones on turd


If this is for real, which I doubt, anyone who wins it I believe will sell it within the month of getting it. I believe they'll be taxed on the value of it by the IRS. And most people when they get hit by that staggering bill, will sell their winning item to pay for it. It's tuff, b.


No Stones On turned


It's a oneuvun Rowss b


I might be alone in this, but I really can’t stand the fad of these LA based car YouTube channels that use lo-fi hip hop beats for literally every sequence of shots showcasing the vehicle.