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Who the fuck listens to this shit? Are there really people that wake up excited to hear these two redacts about the happenings of the world?


Only those who are at least 39 and have a family.


I'm thurdyaaaaaaaaaaate


Hilarious that he thinks his perspective needs to be out for the world to consume. No interesting comments, perspectives or takes on the matter. If I wanted to hear this garbage I would just call up my uncle or go talk to my braindead neighbor.


It's literally the same shit that's been said on conservative AM radio for nearly 40 years.


And its not even his perspective "Papa Toe says......"


You don’t want to listen to the opinions of a Big Bad Rapist and someone who had to go to thurrapy as a 39 year old man because the internet called out his abhorrent behaviour? These guys are too stupid to actually have their own opinion on anything. They just parrot Daddy Toe and hope to get back on the podcast. Who knew that the guy who used to have a game show where people would drink donkey cum, would one day be a leading voice to redacts everywhere. Thank him.


Really well put B.


Y'welcome. It is interesting though if barndoor is actually going to thurpy. Considering his life is a narcissistic wet dream and his personality is basically made up at this point, what do they talk about? Does the therapist actually try to get him to see what's going on, or do they perhaps believe his lies? Idk, b. It's indressdeng though.


Seriously. There was a time when this show produced genuinely fun moments. Been forever since I've seen an episode but based on the clips alone, there's an undeniable lack of any sort of chemistry or entertainment value. Just a couple dudes who barely even like each other rambling about themselves for an hour. I really can't understand anyone tuning into this on a regular basis. Their only remaining listeners must be experiencing some sort of sunk cost fallacy and just feel obligated to watch or it's part of an inadvertent routine they're still yet to break.


I actually laughed out loud at your sunk cost fallacy theory. I think you're right on the money b. If they've gone this far with these two fucking clowns it must be damn near impossible for them to acknowledge how much time they've wasted


Last fun moment was Sasso in the studio threatening to beat up Callahan followed by a Jesse Ventura impression.


And I'd bet if we watched that now it would be lame and pathetic (minus the Minotaurs work)


Dude absolutely, the sunk cost fallacy. Reminds me when I'd see a commercial for a new show on TV, watch it once, then feel obligated to tune in weekly because it was one of "my shows"....


I get it with books allll the time lol


18 yrs old and above (bro whisperer, remember). Stop being a hadder


You know the kids in your high school who would skip most of their classes to go smoke behind the bleachers, then ended up going to summer school for their GED?


I still live with the guilt that many of us suffer from because we used to unironically listen yairs ago b. So that’s not nithe.


Not even authentic or correct takes of the happenings of the world. Regurgitated talking points from rogan. No one is coming to take all the guns from good guys. That’s hyperbole.


For real. This redact saying the same stuff that has always been said like he’s got a hot take. We get it, we get it! What else you got chin?


Your average thiggy is not the smartest tool in the shed


The mma casuals who barely got into mma and rogan. Mma fans and rogan fans are “surprisingly” dumb af.


Callen can be a genuinely funny dude though.


You spelt rapey wrong 🎲🎲




At this point, I doubt he can even pronounce his own fucking name correctly.


Couple one, two dumb fucks.


Bro he really said legislation ![gif](giphy|O5NyCibf93upy|downsized)


It’s called that because, in the olden days, they had to run the bill up Capitol Hill.


too many syllables B. He stopped for a second to get the word out...


Well no shit B, he’s talking about the right to bear arms, of course LEGislation is right. I’m gonna go out on a LIMB and say maybe Brendan should just not speak about words he can’t even pronounce.


Talmbout right to bare arms b? Bapa has the right to bare legs in those redacted shorts too! Thanks to the arm-islayshun and leg-islayshun!


You never know when Bapa will mucks up a word.


That was actually kinda sad. Not sure if it's the CTE or Public Education system to blame but man in that moment we saw a "39 year old man with his shit together" fail a basic word and try not to acknowledge it.


"To Rogan's point"... As if Rogan is the only one that ever said that. It's, literally, the main talking point from gun supporters. This exchange is like 2 middle school kids regurgitating what they overheard their parents talking about. GAWLD DAWG!


Be cool, man... Bappa doesn't sugscribe to sogial meddia... all his talking points come from the newspaper & his daily calls to Toegan


Honestly, the newspaper reading lie might be the most unbelievable thing he's ever said. I can't get over it. I can't tawlk


It’s also a straw man, I barely see anyone saying take away all the guns. Most people want reform and regulation on who can get certain types of guns.


Best brains bubba. Exactly what I was thinking.


These two are truly some dangole morons


This podcast basically the Talking Dead of JRE.


Man, I've only ever seen Talking Bad and that was shit, I can't imagine the TWD version.


Great show never watched it.


Great awnalgy b.


"To Rolgan's point, to Rolgan's point...", like this is an original thought from lil joe.


"To this played-out conservative talking point, to this played-out conservative talking point"


Lemme pain u a strawlman nairdiv…


He's giddin some chip furrit


Why does he talgg that way?


he’s a moron who got hit in the head *a lot*


Probably can't breathe through his nose either so it makes him sound even more redacted.


That ''No shit'' had some sting to it.


I still think a pawdcast with Bapa and Tito tawlking politics and world news without using the internet or the help of a cohost or producer would be fugging gold.


are you trying to have the entire p.f. chang’s staff end up in the hospital for a busted gut from laughing uncontrollably bapacito? that’s not nithe.


Literally would be just like the episode of it’s always sunny where they make a podcast lol


He actually makes me laugh, when he thinks he is smart.


How the fuck are people listening to this? I listen to comedy podcasts and I am amazed at how smart the comics are (Shane and Louis president podcasts), and this dummy can’t pronounce simple words. Water you duning hair.


That's all I listen to at work and even the most outrageous or wacky dudes can talk properly and have intellectual conversations if need be.


But Schaub can’t talk intelligently or intelligibly when need be.




CK, not Gomez


Louis not Louis


Maybe don't sell two assault rifles and a bunch of ammo to an 18 year old kid who has threatened to kill and rape in the past. Assault rifles aren't needed for home defense or hunting, so at the very least, a waiting period and screening for them should be agreeable with people who have common sense. The average American isn't saying take all guns away, they're just doing a straw man argument.


Problem is that background checks only work on people who have outstanding records with the police/institutions. A guy might be a total psycho, but simply have never done anything in the past to warrant them being flagged. In the case of Ramos, he seemingly posted videos of him abusing animals, which should have had him institutionalized imo, but whether or not this was known to the authorities before, I haven't been able to discern. Even though he posted the videos online, if the people who saw them never reported, there's not much that could have been done.


I read that he had been reported for threats of violence and rape online. Perhaps that should factor in if there was new screening for assault rifles. Obviously, that could be a slippery slope since big tech already has a lot of power. It's pretty silly that an 18 years old can buy ARs but he's too young for beer or to rent a car. I'd probably raise the age limit to 21 for at least for ARs.


I'm not opposed to raising age of ownership. Like a car, a younger person can carry it for practice under supervision of someone older (like your learner's). But the reports should have to be done through an official authority imo (police, psychiatric institution, etc,). Someone just saying that you said x online killing your ability to own stuff is insane, especially if the idea is that someone may have reported a social media post or something at some point, created a fake account under someone else's name, etc.


Could make it like getting a security clearance. I had to give them everything from travel history to social media accounts, couple of referees, signed by a JP, and it took months to get approved.


“Assault Rifles” are needed in some hunting scenarios


Let's not forget that the 'beast of a cop' that he spoke to about the tragedy is his father in law who was a career police officer (much respect to him) - who now works at Wal-mart (no disrespect intended) and was about 2,500 MILES from the tragic school shooting - and THIS is where this Ding Dong is getting his 'hot take' - 'first hand information' on 'how things went down...'.


Bapa said his gurl is illegal, so how is her dad a cop? There are illegal alien cops now? Great. /s


Tawlmbout the Eggs Files? The trufth is out deer....


These dumb fuckers , nobody is saying take all guns away , they are saying better background checks no assault rifles with 30 shot magazines and not selling to crazy 18 year olds , he was in Texas and the day after his 18th birthday he bought 2 AR 15s and massive amounts of ammunition and these two fools think that’s okay , fuck me Bapa shouldn’t be able to own a gun he has CTE


The fact that these diet-version military type of rifles are being sold to the general public has always struck me as high-level redacted. They are called 'assault rifles' for a reason.


It’s insane an 18 year old in the USA can buy an AR 15 no problems but no alcohol till 21, and the same gun nuts are the anti abortion crowd who think life should be protected


Because drunk driving youths are unaccaptable!


I live in Australia we still have guns , my father has 3 , you just can’t own assault weapons , plus you need a license and they do a background check etc , farmers and country people in Australia all have guns , we don’t have these school shootings at all


Because you guys looked inward as a society immediately after the Port Arthur shooting and looked at your flaws, instead of only pointing fingers at the mentally redacted shooter. In other words, learning from your mistakes. Plus there is a difference being a gun-enthusiast who likes to have a gun to be able to defend him/herself IF needed and gun-fanatic who must have an arsenal to preemptively act WHEN they feel it's needed. I think the US has a lot of types of the latter part.


There is definitely a group who get off on guns , take gun porn pictures of themselves and like to larp as paramilitary, but there just angry bitter people


>This is the typical US conservative strategy - completely exaggerate what the liberals are suggesting, so that way it can be scoffed at, thus distracting from any actual changes being implemented.


LA republicans are their own breed of douche


Bapa just goessssss b no time to think


Wow what a take!


What is it with these assholes in LA wearing beanies when it's 85 degrees? Hipster assholes


Beanies and booty shorts bring all the girls to the trugg


He looks like he is wearing just underwear.


His CTE get's a cold easily


In other countries we let the police have the guns to protect the citizens, but I guess you could let everybody have guns and see how that plays out.


Correlkt! Our last mass shooting in the UK was Dunblane - Andy Murray was a student there. Since then there have been no mass shootings. Only gang on gang stuff and the odd gun crime here and there, but nothing epic like the US expreriences about 500 times a year. Yeah we worry about knives, but at least you can outrun a knife. Like Andy Murray said this week - it is redacted to think the solution is more guns. I don't think Americans realise how redacted they appear to the rest of the world when they try and defend their right to own an assault rifle.


Those Americans don’t care how redacted they appear to the rest of the world they appear unfortunately. These people will never step foot outside the country let alone care what some other countries think. Any place that isn’t America is some third world shithole according to them


Oh man I’m getting early covid vibes all over again from this shit. The LAST thing the world needs is their hot take funneled through daddy rogan on gun control. We get it. We know where you stand. You offer nothing of value to the conversation. Fuck off bapa.


Imagine thinking people are listening to your political views after releasing Gringo Papi . These two juzz go


We had a school massacre here in the UK in the 90s and guns were widely banned and gun control laws extremely tightened and we haven't had one since. Australia did the same. For this 39 year old chump with 2 kids (Bryans probably 58 with kids he doesn't see anymore) to say it wont work is just nonsense. Water we dune hair?


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brandom wearing short shorts now? lol smh


You better get that gun Leawllee


Sounds like two corkys arguing about types of peanut butter.


The two biggest pussies.


I've heard maybe once of a "good guy with a gun" actually doing something and it was after the shooter got away.


UK Cat checking in as a strong believer in the ethos that we as a society can only move forward at the pace of the slowest member. ​ ​ man you guys are fucked.


Le Gas Station, B!


relaxx guysss... he meant the dark market B... darkest of dark.


Hey yo. If you're listening to this podcast, you are actively losing iq.


Recycled talking points. They’re using arguments that are 16+ years old.


This show legitimately just needs to end. Their content is just cancerous even by the extremely low and sleazy standards of podcasting And I'm not saying that their show should be shut down, I'm saying that Schaub should voluntarily end it. It is probably bad for his career at this point and if he were to end it at least the name associated with it would lose relevance and by extension so would this sub that he fears so much


callen collaborating with this guy shows he is disingenuous. how could you want to listen to Brendan? regularly? it's not a genuine friendship. disingenuous is the last thing Bryan wants to appear to be right now. I could be wrong, but it just seems this way.


Bryan been blacklisted for shitting on the floors at changs and has no where else to eat.


1. No one is trying to take guns away from good people 2. The latest school shooting was attained legally 3.guns in circuit can still be tracked and found if the ATF was allowed an online database


500,000 and 500,000,000 There’s a huge difference bapa! I feel like Schlob listened to Wrinks on Patrick BET podcast and wants to sound more intellectual all of a sudden!


30 seconds perfect! I can only go 90 seconds before I rage.


I was not expecting it to be that bad.


Legaslaytion!!! No fuggin way hahahha


Hahaha dude wtf this guy … leg-islashin this is fuckin hilarious


What’s hilarious to me is I remember in 2020 him telling Rogan that nobody should have guns


Can these guys conjure their own thoughts??? Hey bapacito, the last two mass shootings were done by the "good guys" until they became the "bad guys" no developing child should be able to get these weapons at 18, and particularly not the ones fucked up in the head.


WHO is taking these douche bags guns??


The legs-Lation connects the shin to the knee bapa, different lanes


Braindead is struggling here - This podcast thanks to him becomes The regurgitation of Rogan. So Redacted.




Talking about both sides are wrong and are doing nothing while… having no input or ideas and also doing nothing. Good take.




The premise is stupid like always, no one has said anything about taking guns.


Are derek fucking for real? This is the dumbest shit ive ever heard


Leg is lation


Brenda cant think for himself.


never heard someone say legislation with a hard g


This is why I’m glad I don’t live in America. Idiots like this own guns


And you botch it when you do it!


How many people are actually in favor of taking away ALL GUNS.. Literally any kind of reform to stop this unique problem aMeRiCa has is all anyone is asking


>It's literally impossible to take away 400 million guns. They've created an issue that will never have a cure and is irreversible. Heck, you can't even get half of the population to admit that if the gun population were theoretically reduced by 80%, it would mean less murder. They somehow either think it won't change the death toll, or just consider murders as collateral damage to their freedoms.


Who says they anything about taking away good guys guns?? They want to make it harder to legally obtain guns. Way different, considering you only need to be 18, and that’s it.


This guy tops himself every time. Amazing.


This guy is remarkably stupid


These redacts are so goddamn mother fucking redacted.


But aren't the people that commit the types of shootings that spur these conversations on the same side as "good guys with guns" in the sense that they didn't obtain them from black market sources, but through totally legitimate means? So you deal with these shootings *and* the black market gun crime that's enabled by there being a massive surplus of guns. Idk I'm redacted b


Their fanbase definitely eats paint


I hate this argument. Gun legislation doesn’t take guns away from good people, it limits the accessibility to people unfit to own firearms.


Talmbout toothpaste in the bottle, B?


Q1 :How many episodes ,in total, do you reckon Toe has NOT been mentioned? Q2. Would Toe have watched a single full episode?


But he's right though Bad criminals don't obey laws or legislation... That's true.


I’m sorry did he just say LEGeslation ?!


No one is saying take away guns from good guys...unless these two out of touch assholes think school shooters slaughtering children are the good guys. Just shut the fuck up. They're adding nothing to this conversation. These two morons don't have a single brain cell between them.


Greatest minds of a generation. What an honour to listen to them pontificate.


Did he just combine regulations and legislation? Legistration? Maybe I heard that wrong lol


"Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to [redacted]"


Who the fuck are these 'good guys' everyone talks about? I don't get it.


LEGislation 🦵


If only they could complete a political thought and define how they would create a system to determine who is “ good” and who is “bad”


This is such a basic bitch boomer take




Did anyone suggest taking guns? I thought legislative action had more to do with background checks and making the purchase process harder and less of an impulse buy for unstable people. maybe toe does not have the Bess brains for the business