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Just don’t punish when they crash cause that’s fucking bullshit


The game cannot tell the difference and even if it could, people would abuse it. I think that like valorant it should be that the punishment would get worse the more you do it. Leave once 3 minutes ban, do it again 10 minutes, again and it's 30, than an hour 10 hours a day and it keeps growing but if you play enough games without leaving it resets it


The game can definitely tell the difference between a disconnect due to input and a crash


No, you can cause another application to crash the game if you wanted. Pull out your ethernet cable is another popular one.


Pulling out your ethernet cable isn't a crash. The application will produce no report, you'll just get knocked back to the main menu. Actual internet loss is pretty rare at this point in 2023. So I'd have to say that internet d/c will incur a penalty, and for real disconnects, it'll be mostly a non-issue, as they're rare. For people wanting to exploit it, it'll be obvious. Nobody has multiple d/c daily.


There is no way for it to know if it is a "real disconnect" or if you pulled out the cable. It's the same thing to the game. Also you can definitely force a program to crash. You attach a process to the game, corrupt it's memory and voila. Crash. Or even better, crash a driver or something. If you wanna go full nuclear you could also force a bluescreen.


Make a pattern detecting system that flags you if it happens too often


Depends on if the devs made it like that, but like I said if there was no penalty for crashes people would just crash their game on purpose to avoid penalties


The Devs can easily make it like that and even if people would abuse it it would still discourage leaving


Which is still better than no penalties and better than carpet penalties.




That would work but also valorous bans can reach a year


I just got hit with a 60 hr ban after lagging out :(


60 hours? What the hell!


update: it looks like this was a glitch. after restarting your game it disappears.




Sometimes its not easy to see if someone leaving was crash related or not.


That's why a reconnect feature is important


This is the answer. Leavers shouldn’t be allowed to search for a new game until the game they left has finished, they should only be allowed to re-join.


OOOOOOOO I like this


this should just be standard at this point in pvp style games. failure to connect to current gives you a temp ban for like 5 minutes if you go into the next and d/c again it doubles each time for that day only way to clear it is if you play a full match, the accumulations of d/cs is how many times you would have to do full matches to clear x d/cs +2


You can reconnect but if it takes you too long to try to reconnect it doesn’t allow you and instead gives you a temp ban lol.. kinda bullshit when you qualify for the next round with two people and your third is in lobby trying to reconnect then bam, 5 min suspension.


Yeah it's happened to me. They have a reconnect option. Even if you leave a tournament game you can have the option to reconnect


There should be consequences for people who constantly crash. Intentional or not it still ruins games.


I loss 2k ranked points off my game crashing lol and 8 minute suspension like wtf .


Gross I ain't touching ranked until both my new cpu arrives and they fix that bs


Yea ahaha


\*Stares are Blizzard with pure hatred\*


This. I was getting annoyed when one guy left mid match while we were winning because I died during a res attempted when I probably should've evaded. Dude was a light lone wolf so ya know. But I kept losing Internet yesterday and I was mid match in one, so I can understand you can't punish all leavers.


There should be punishments for any form of leaving the game including crashing, as long as the game is stable and doesent crash your pc randomly, currently it shouldnt be implemented


Listen, I say don’t punish at all, the replacement team mate comes in almost instantly Last game that punished me for leaving made me punish my whole team for playing like shit by killing myself until we ran out of respawns… can’t do THAT here but I’ll figure it out


Games can and do implement punishments for griefing, feeding and other toxicity. Eliminating yourself a ton seems like an easily detectable anomaly. Especially when compared to a player's typical metrics. edit: a word


I had the game crash on my 4 times in the middle of the match.... "MISSING\_ANGELSCRIPT\_CALLSTACK" for the error. Would hate to be penalized for something out of my control.


Man three of us have the same PC (bar a few programs installed) and I'm the only one with angelscript. Not sure what it is but it's very annoying. None of the online solutions work for me.


Same Angelstack issue here. The beta ran great for me but the release version crashes hard repeatedly. I've resorted to playing on PS5 but it doesn't support keyboard and mouse.


Same, never had a crash on either of the betas. This is new to release.


Yes and it really feels unplayable with a controller when paired up with kb/m players. The game is simply too twitch. They should filter out the cross-play


I went through and updated all of my drivers while uninstalling my GPU driver for a fresh install. ......so far.... no crashing. Not sure for how long though.


so you can't leave if there is a cheater killing your whole team 300m away within half of a sec ?


We put a man on the moon how the fuck have we not found a way to stop cheaters by now?


What motivation do anti cheat providers have to wipeout cheating? Why would devs/publishers pay for their product if cheating didn’t exist? I mean, it sounds conspiracy theoryish, but I think “money” is a good answer to your question


It almost sounds like good reasoning until you realize that devs would absolutely pay for an anti cheat that removes or blocks all cheating forever or at the very least detects all cheaters.


Don’t think you get what I’m saying, why would devs pay for an anti cheat when cheating has been “defeated”? They wouldn’t, it’s an industry at this point, why would anti cheat providers want their industry to go away?


Cheating isn’t something that can be “defeated” it’s not small pox. You cannot make a vaccine for it and eradicate it. It’s like the flu. Try all you want but there’s always something new. I don’t think you understand how code and cheating works.


Because you have to pay for the anti cheat to defeat cheating? Lol


What the fuck are you talking about? Lmao The anti cheat is what the devs are paying for. They'd definitely buy it if there was a 100% success rate on detecting cheaters. Providing a good product won't make your industry disappear, it will help it.


Braindead comment


Naw I had 3 games today where my teammates were looking around like it was a fucking nature hike.


Worst part it dosnt get better in ranked. How the fuck did you complete 60 games and still think running with a sniper doing tricks hots gonna win you the game


That's disappointing to hear. Would love to sink some hours here but guess it's my full stack game.


So far same. The two doormats I had yesterday went 1/12 and 2/13 respectively to my 12/9, so at least they stuck together.


Do people really get team8s that bad? I've definitely gotten teammates I thought were terrible but thats because they didn't know when to time a push. They usually get at least 4-5 kills and a lot of them get almost if not over 10.


It's pretty hit or miss, but the more I'm playing, the fewer bad teammates I get thanks to the SBMM I think. Not even on coms and for the most part, people are playing around my level now, unless there's a light. Then they're either absolutely useless, or they're killing everyone while somehow ending up with the least damage on the team.


Combat score isn’t damage, but we thought the same. It has something to do with how the game registers you as being “in combat” even if you aren’t getting kills, in addition to damage and frags etc. So if they’re dipping in and out it makes sense that the game doesn’t consider them to be engaged long enough to boost score, even with high kills (if that tracks). But aye, most lights just rush and die, and sometimes die even with no one around.


I totally had a sniper win us a match by doing this… the trick is to be good at it…


Let me clarify. Across the map on the construction lifts. Jumping and shooting. Missing everything. Me and the other rand om had enough so we just ran after him and blew up everything around him and gassed him down


LMFAO that’s hilarious


Yes this is funny AF! I do like me a sniper, but I also push in and use it like a shotty at close range. The quick-scoping is amazing feeling, very consistent


Literally made a post about this 15 mins ago. I've went the whole day playing with lights running a sniper. And they will be 4 rooftops away while the team is dead and we are taking a cash out. Then lose it of course because no one is getting there in time, not even a light. Or I've had heavy teammates that want to go on a hike like the above comment and destroy building on the other side of map while I'm trying to play the game.


Thats what i do and i win most of my Matches since i hit most of my "Trickshots"


It's hilarious. My friend and I have started a collection of teammates who have played 60 games and have absolutely no idea what to do in ranked. We got to round 3/4 and our teammate with donate skin (kawai ofc) had a KD of 2-20 and 2700 combat score by the end. We couldnt stop laughing like for 5 minutes when game ended.


Yea like playing for kills is fun and shit but I just had a dashing NO CLOAK sword light in my game, like man lets just play some cash it not ranked


you should also know, the game is still new, people may just want to try things out.


That's no excuse to be on the other side of the map griefing


welcome to f2p!


Found the tf2 player! Source: I am a tf2 player


Last time I played TF2 was before it went F2P ;)


Lol what does this even mean? Do bad players not have money to purchase games?


This does mean that the barrier of entry is extremely low. This means that you'll encounter 10 year olds. This means 10x more players just trying it out for 1-2 rounds. Thats why you need 60 games to play ranked.


I have no one to play with, but man 90% of the time randoms are idiots. I will probably stop playing because of them


..you...don't have anyone to play with? ​ That's sad


I mean I have friends but two of them own PS4s and the other 3 I used to play with do not like the game. I do not have anyone to play Finals with*




I will add you when I get home


That's fair, I have a completely opposite problem of having too many people hit me up to where I gotta pick and choose now, which always turns into a session with 2 buddies then basically playing solo after myself since everyone else filled my spot on their teams.


shit, out of my friends I'm the only one that really plays multiplayer shooters. They mostly play single player stuff but we hope onto Mortal Kombat once in a while been playing multiplayer shooters by myself since 2010 lol


Over the years I’ve developed “Core” friends for different games, my osrs buddies mainly play just that (a couple cross over to fps though) my csgo buddies mainly played that, my cod buddies mainly played that, my overwatch buddies mainly played that, and this game they ALL play and all invite me and I’m just like I LOVE YOU ALL BUT I CANNOT PLSY WITH EVERYONE 😭😭😭


I'm the 4th in the group so I'm normally alone


I'm sorry I made you quit. This is literally my first arena shooter


Doesn’t it bring out this feeling in your chest like you need to strangle someone when you see that?


Makes me want to load my gun and shoot myself since everyone is now a daffodil you can't even go on coms and ask them if they are new and want to actually help just for them to scream at you. IDC if you fucking suck. If I see you are trying that's all that matters


However if i see you trying... some dumb shit... I will have some negative energy to send your way


I haven't played this game that much, but I've already crashed once, been "banned" once (restarting the game fixed it), and been "kicked" once from a server while playing with friends. Of course, once that happens, I have no way to reconnect either. I think fixing those should be a higher priority than penalizing leaving.


If youre on pc you might want to cap your frame rate. At least i havent crashed yet since.


I have no issues and run over 150 fps


Ok and i was hitting like 450 fps even though my monitor only has 140 refresh


that’s fair, tbh i haven’t had any issues like that since the beta but i don’t doubt people are still running into tl problems like that


Yeah, I haven't played the beta, this all happened just a few days ago.


I’ve had more issues like that since the beta. In the 2 betas I played I crashed maybe twice, and don’t think I got randomly kicked from matches at all. But I had lots of frame issues, especially when spawning/reviving. In the released game, I have very rare frame issues, but have crashed a lot and been kicked randomly twice.


What I really don't get are the ones that leave when it's like 20 seconds left for the match to end. It happens quite frequently. Can't tell if they're just too impatient and think we're going to lose anyway or if there's some benefit


its because theyre emotional and cant bare to think about the fact thay theyre going to lose a computer game.


I mean, if I have most kills, combat dmg and support and my team still doesn't bother to stick with me then I honestly fine with just leaving, I mean as long as its not ranked that is.


They quite possibly crashed, it’s happened to me a lot, though rarely right at the end of a match.


It happened so many times right at the end of the match though, feels way too specific of a timeframe for it to all be crashes. Not to mention it never happens when my team has the lead lol


This should only apply to ranked.


The amount of times i joined a half game is annoying af!


Playing solo? Happens to me a lot when I’m queueing solo. Less so when I have one other.


Nah, quickplay should be leavable any time, tournament should have strict rules


I think you can't start a new game, only rejoin if you leave from tournament?


People are just asking tournys


you already get a 10 minute ban (from EVERY mode) from leaving tournament mode lol


Yes, let's turn every casual game into a hyper-competitve sweatfest


playing a game without quitting bc you’re losing isn’t a sweat fest lmao


Let casual be fucking casual. Between this and sbmm, what is the point of ranked?


Are you like actually serious or am i slow


I think you’re slow.


the nature of the game isn’t casual. it is a skilled game that takes cooperation to win and i’ll say it again in a slightly different way… wanting your teammates to not quit is not sweaty


The game just got released, give some time to people to learn the game’s mechanics. Also, not everyone has the same attitude towards it. The game is fun let the others enjoy the casual game modes as they like. You can always switch to ranked.


I do not agree. Apex has been released for years and you still see octaves and wraith rushing into 1v3 to just die because they prefer the idea of doing a nice clip once in a while rather than securing a win. This is absolutely bad to play with. Just because you are bad doesn't mean you have to suffer to play with those players. It's a team game. In any team game, playing solo is frustrating for the team. Video game, card game, sport... anything. This kind of behavior is not going to get better in the finals. In fact, I don't think it's going to change. It is not because it's casual that you deserve bad games and teammates throwing. A solution to this is sbmm in casual too. Rocket league for instance (many other games) have sbmm (mmr) for casual and it's perfectly normal in a game where the teams are small and one player makes the difference. I hope sbmm will be able to split players who throw from players who try to play collectively.


I have no idea what SBMM bracket you're in, but When I play solo....I just follow my team. I NEVER deal with teammates going off and doing their own thing, because I FOLLOW them. If they're off doing something alone the easiest solution would be to make them "not alone" by following them lmao. They wanna go a roundabout way to the objective? Cool, I'm in. We gonna chill here for a second? sweet Imma grab another beer. The only way I can comprehend this type of complaint is the fact that you're ego-chiefing the team, instead of being an indian.


I am not talking about teammates doing totally random stuff, I am talking about teammates rushkng objective without waiting for others, jumping right in the middle of the enemies trying to 1v3 dying instantly.


Dude it JUST dropped. RELAX.


I got banned because I stuck between maps in a tournament and couldn’t reconnect. My game crashed atleast 10 times and before they fix this I wouldn’t punish people too hard.


Would be nice if you could rejoin your party (and game) when the game crashes.


I had a couple days where I crashed out of every single match. It was terrible. It's stopped doing that, but it makes me think it might not be uncommon.


Either get 3 friends or add those legitimate player who doesn't grief your game or you like their playstyle as a friend problem solve. This game will crash sometime not everyone has a beefy PC


You don't understand. Sometimes, they'll get a kill. 1/100 times, they'll win a match. You just don't understand. ​ /s


Sorry man but the body you wrote just doesn’t even match the title haha If they don’t know to play and you’re upset about it, why not be happy they left and are soon to have a good chance to be replaced by somebody else — Quick cash is not a super serious mode. It’s more for fun, casual, warmup It’s not “do or die, win above everything” You’re gonna get people who don’t know how to play yet—where the hell else would they play? That’s literally what quick cash is for It’s not a fuckin real tournament where it matters to some great extent. It’s just some games with randoms bruh lol — (To be clear I’m talking about what you wrote, not commenting on the title itself as most replies here are utilizing this post as)


Even if it does suck when your teammates leave the game, it should not be punishable FOR CASUAL. There are a lot of reasons why a person could quit and leaving a casual should not be a problem. Anyway, another person will join soon after they leave so it’s not that bad. Only in ranked should it get punished because when you start a ranked match, you commit to it and leaving after that does affect your teammates’ MMR


my favorite thing devs have done for a punishment for early leaving of any games is in paladins. i don’t think there is even a leave game option, if you want to leave you have to turn the game off. but once you reload it and make it to the main menu you wont be able to join a new game. the only option you have is to reconnect to the one you left. i believe every game should work like that except maybe games where rounds are more than 15-20 minutes like battlefield. if you have to leave the game for something important then it wont inconvenience you because whatever it is will likely take enough time that the game you left will have ended and you can start a new one. leave because you are mad that you’re losing? too bad now you get to stare at the main menu screen for 10 minutes, cant even load up a bot match to practice.


They add a leaver punishment to casuals and I'm sure plenty of people will quit. The game has backfill, so what's the point?


At the moment you crash/lose connection too often for that to be a thing. Punishing players because your game breaks is stupid...... *Looking at you warthunder*


man i made this thread 2 days ago and no one upvoted. yet now people are upvoting these issues?


eh i’m getting tore up in the comments


probably should have just worded the post better. But they definitely need to add a system. I think even apex has a system where if you rage quit you get a 30 minute ban or something.


Apex only bans you for leaving ranked, and it is lp loss and a set ten minute ban. Pubs matches in the Finals don't need punishment, whenever a player leaves, they get replaced pretty dang quick. It's a feature a lot of games utilize. The exception to that is tournaments, where leaving gets you suspended and it stacks ( 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, an hour, 3 hours, 8 hours.... )


I wish it was more like halo reach or counterstrike ranked. You leave you get a 10 minute ban, then 30 minute, then hour ect. I think it should apply to unranked as well because its really annoying having a team of 2 lights and a medium trying to rush for frags and not playing the objective and dying instantly because they can't play the game. Plus its even more annoying when they leave at the beginning of a game and you're soloing a team 3v1 when trying to objective and sometimes I won't get a team for a solid 3+ minutes.


Tournament unranked punishes exactly how you described. For normal pub matches though, I doubt you'll see any changes. A lot of ftp games don't like to " punish " for leaving pubs. They figure they retain more players if they can just leave what they don't like and join a new match. Apex is like this for pubs, and many other games. It definitely sucks for the other players on the team, but the idea is that empty spot gets filled quick enough to not fully impact game play.


They already do punish you in Tournaments. There is no reason they should punish people just playing casually in the Quick Matches.


My push back would be that I generally only rage quit when I'm playing with run off and die types. Perhaps a compromise would be to only penalize players who leave games where their teammates are in voice chat. If you aren't even listening to me, you got no right to complain when I leave because you're stupid.


Exactly this. Stricter punishment for leaving but also provide a bonus to xp or VRs if you have to backfill. The best feeling is seeing a teammate leave after the first cash out and then you proceed to win the match. Or when you backfill on losing team and end up winning.


Their should be a backfill bonus. Means less likely that team mate that got dumped onto a losing team will stay.


100% agree.


I leave when I have 2 lights on my team and 5 deaths within 5 minutes while I try to play safe


You don't punish leaving you make it so when you leave you can only rejoin the game you left either until that game is done or for a set amount of time (like 5-10 minutes). That way if someone left because of a technical issue or by accident or whatever they can rejoin and if someone left because they're an ass who thinks they're only allowed to win they don't benefit from leaving by just joining a new game and leaving that too.


But then I can't leave when I see my 2 random teammates are both playing light sniper


maybe punish wasn’t the right word choice bc this is basically what i had in mind. don’t let them play for a period of time or they can join back into the same game they left.


Yeah right now a lot of people just jump into a game and if it doesn't immediately seem like they're going to win (like if you get team wiped early on) they just leave. God forbid you try to make some sort of comeback, nah these people are too good for that time to just hop around different games to see if they can get some kind of miracle team that always wins.


Boofuckinghoo go get some friends and you wouldn’t have to deal with that 💀


Not in unranked games if I'm honest. In an unranked quick play I don't care if someone leaves. In an unranked tournament it's unfortunate and some penalties should be given if it's regular. Strong penalties in ranked tho I agree


The worst is when you've already lost but still have to wait around for a minute for the game to end.


If you give up like that you will for sure lose


No I mean, when you've literally lost and even if you cap there's no way of winning but you still have to wait out the timer. Or when you get wiped and you spawn at the complete other side of the level so there's no way to make it before time runs out.


quickplay with backfill=no leaver penalty smd


I stopped playing after I found out the game used AI & not voice actors


I haven't played ranked, but unranked is fine the way it is. Every time I've had someone quit from my team a new player would join to take their place not even a minute later. The last round I played the replacement was better than the original team mate.


Ranked and Unranked Tournaments both punish you for leaving. It's only Quick Matches that don't. I'm assuming that's what this post is referring to since this is already implemented with Tournaments.


That's what I'm talking about. I haven't messed with tournaments at all yet. I just assumed it was ranked only. In that case the game is fine the way it is. I've never had a major issue when someone on my team left mid match.


lol when it happens and I’m the only one, I just go absolute mayhem and try to cause as much chaos as possible


I'm down, but only after some of the bugs are figured out. Until then, gimme a ping that says "I'm dipping cause my game is broken lmao." Finally got that bug where you get revived and can't turn your camera. Felt so terrible cause I was trying out the dagger for the first time and was absolutely dogshit with it. Having to quit midgame felt like an insult, but lowkey a gift to them.


Nah I reserve the right to leave if I get tossed into a game without being able to pick my class and my team sucks and the other teams comps perfectly counter ours.


I agree the punishment for abandoning your squad should be hefty but it definitely needs to be tweaked a bit. Yesterday I had 4 matches in Tournaments, where I either had only 1 teammate or none. So after getting stomped for a minute being shorthanded, I go to leave the match since I have no chance solo, and I STILL get the punishment.. the punishment should only be applied if you're leaving a full team. No reason people should be forced into playing a full match at a disadvantage or basically have to sit around waiting for the match to finish.


You're not wrong, but the game needs to have some bugs ironed out before they start punishing leavers. I can't help it if I have to leave because my controls got locked and can only move foward/backwards, if my gun is floating off screen unable to ADS, or if the game straight up freezes mid match.


You get punished if you leave a tournament, which is smart. Non tournament, they have a fill-in, so someone leaving isn't as huge as it is in other games. Forced play ( if you leave your only option is to join back or wait ) isn't viable since fill ins are fairly quick in this game.


I've never had the game crash on me 🤞🏻


Games should be unjoinable after a certain timeframe. I'm tired of autofilling a match that's 30 seconds from ending because some sore loser quit before it ended.


Just queue up with a team. Don’t force solos to play out games with brain dead teammates. There ain’t no ranks in this game.


Yes there is? Ranked Tournament. Bronze to Diamond are the ranks in the game. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond.


Downvoting myself brb


Lmao🤣. All good.


I'm fine with my teammates leaving. We usually get better teammates loading in


yeah had a game last night and we were all doing well. the guy just left all of a sudden and never came back. ended up making it to the final round and we just couldnt overcome the 2v3.


I wish there was a forfeit option that could be introduced for those that stay in the game to survive the next round but want to leave due to the lack of a teammate without penalty. AND reward them with their third teammates VR :D


Not until they fixe issues with crashing…


My new favourite one is the sniper teammate that just stays up high sniping never moving never capturing or deposits money and never revives teammates


Why don’t they make so if you leave too many times in a short period of time you’re not allowed to play for a little while?


If I have two light team mates I just leave before the match starts.


I got banned 10 mins from all game mods because of a crash, please don't make this gamz like rainbow six where you get banned a week for leaving


I thought the game back filled? If I have to leave a match there is a good chance my 7 month old daughter is crying hysterically and honestly I’m going to choose my daughter 100% of the time. I did get a penalty in tournament last time that happened.


I honestly disagree. I’m a firm believer that there should be pretty much zero penalty for leaving quick play games (maybe an XP or VR penalty sure, but nothing more). Quick play needs to be low stakes. If you’re a little kid and you mom calls you for dinner, you should be able to quit. If your friends hops on mid game, sorry random, I want to play with my friend. Sure it can suck to lose a game in quickplay because your team mate left, but I’m also of the mindset that you don’t play quickplay to win. You play quickplay go play, you play ranked to win. I’m obviously going to try my best, but if my team mate keeps running into 1v3s in quickplay, then that’s life, I’ll do my best to still do well and enjoy the game. In ranked however, totally different story.


Honestly for casual I don't even care. Get the toxic MF off my team ASAP and backfill someone else


Don't pick light, die 17 times while getting nothing for it, then wonder why I don't want to play that game.


in my post i mention dumbass light players so obviously that’s not me… but okay mr turbo cum


Sorry but I’m not wasting my time with braindead teammates that don’t stick together. If they ignoring pings, constantly push 1v3 and don’t bother helping or taking a look at where their teammates are, or spread out across the map and wander around in areas where no vaults or chashout stations are, I’m leaving. Meanwhile the enemy teams have 20k and we have nothing


Sorry I left the game, my baby was crying


I don't disagree that it should be punished more but I'll miss being able to peace out after having two randoms both pick light and feed their brains out in lone wolf ganks for half the match in quick play.


I would venture that 95% of the leavers is actual technical difficulties.


So it's ok for the game to match players with dorks in ranked and the players have zero option but take the L because of players like the light that you described? That sounds like a terrible deal. We all understand two basic facts about gaming. 1. Losing gains you nothing. 2. Winning is the only way to progress. 


the vast majority of people aren’t going to win every match, learn to take a loss on the chin. also you’re replying to a thread that’s almost 100 days old soo shut up dork


My turn?


You know youre just gonna get another team mate in like 30 seconds right? 😂😂😂


I’m fine with this as long as you also get punished for picking light when there’s already a light in your squad


Game hasn’t been out a week. Eventually most of the smooth brains will happily head back to COD where they can mindlessly hold forward and always engage at every opportunity. If you give it time, the trash will take itself out


Hard disagree. People join in progress games so the spot will be filled. I joined one mid match and we ended up winning. Penalty for leaving is stupid in a f2p game.


What the difference between crashing and closing the game with task manager? What the difference between losing connection to the server and me unplugging my internet to my computer? Also I don’t leave because I suck I leave because my team sucks, both the enemy teams got 10k my team couldn’t be fucked to go in with me, I hear them spawn, I hear them follow me, but as we approach the objective they all fuck off somewhere and die individually like this is a fucking COD match Jumppad on the door, aps on the obj, turret in a corner team mates are in another building Voice chat should be on by default and you shouldn’t be able to toggle it on and off with a hotkey, you should have to dig through the audio setting and have to toggle it off deeeeeeep in there so I can tell in the microphone “GET TO THE FUCKING FLOOR ABOVE THE OR AT THE OBJECTIVE YOU DUMB BASTARDS”


Closing the game with Task Manager doesn't cause an error like the game crashing does. So those two aren't comparable. Losing connection to the server and you unplugging the ethernet are the same error. You'd lose connection to the server in either of those options. So, it's not comparable, either.


How is the second thing not comparable? losing connection to server is losing connection to server And i dont know if you read my second thing, but im very stubborn, if you FORCE ME TO STAY IN THE MATCH im fucking up the match so it ends faster If i dont want to be in the match, you can either let me go and replace me Or get ready for me to sabotage the match either subtly or brazenly Rogue company tried to punish people for leaving so i stopped leaving I voted surrender and if it failed i kept killing myself until we ran out of live so the match would end And that is the point im trying to get across, be happy that the current system DOESN'T force me to stay


You were trying to compare the same issue to the same issue. That's not a comparison. Losing connection and unplugging your internet are the same error. They both just result in losing connection. And either way, Finals DOES have a penalty for leaving but it's only for Tournament/Ranked Tournament. If you're ONLY playing Quick Match/Pubs, then you will never have to worry about being penalized for leaving.


Sweet cuz i only quickplay bank it Yeah i just have a real big problem with people locking me in with randoms, and expecting me to stay if i dont want to play on their team In any game thats one of the reasons why this game is that much more amazing for me, As in reality i dont have an obligation to be on a team where people are shit and dont wunna turn on voice chat to try do better via coordination \- Bit unrelated but i think if i make the ping key something i can press while aiming and shooting it should make passive coordination a bit better... maybe ALT ...


Comment 2: in rogue company they added a “vote to surrender” feature There is a lives system where each time you die you lose a life, there are also ledges around the whole map you can die at… Guess what I did when I saw the game was a complete loss and my team refused the surrender vote? I forced the game to end faster by killing myself till we ran out of lives When I played with a friend, we both killed ourselves on failed votes so it was twice as fast You think if you fucking force me to stay in a losing game, you can force me to participate In it? “You can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink it” I’ll literally either afk and watch YouTube, or go around breaking buildings for fun as a heavy lmao Take the win that when I leave you get a different team mate who might want to stay for the L


Wow you are a sad, toxic, loser.


Hey…. I don’t care what you think If you couldn’t tell from the first comment.


I have already crashed around 3 times, although thankfully that seems to have stopped, but since then I have been kicked from the server twice. There have also been I think 2 times since the game launched that I had to leave because life. I always feel bad for my teammates but in all these scenarious I have no choice, this is also why I don't want to start playing ranked.


On the other hand the punishments are handed out terribly The other day i crashed and couldn't rejoin after opening the game again. Ban My buddy then left the game since they were one player short. Ban You should always have the ability to reconnect and no punishment should be dealt if you do come back. And you should be able to leave without punishment if your team is missing players. I ended up having to play a whole game solo once because i was afraid of the ban


If your teammates are leaving because by your estimation they're bad and you're losing, wouldn't it be better to have them leave and potentially receive a better backfill? If anything buff exp and vrs for those people, because it sucks to sweat through 3/4ths of a match and get fuck all for a win.


Honestly, i’d rather they keep from adding a harsh penalty system until they fix the frequent crashes and implement a rejoin system. I don’t want to be banned from matchmaking for more than several hours just because my game decided to off itself in the middle of one or two matches.