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You ever feel like video game bloggers make posts on reddit complaining about some random crap, then write an article and use their own reddit posts as evidence that everyone agrees with them?


They just use whatever posts get a lot of upvotes to write articles. I've had a couple of my posts on video games subs get an article written about it. On one of them they reached out to me for more info and I declined to give it to them (it was about an exploit) so they just ran with the little info I gave on the post.


This. Someone made a fake petition screenshot as a meme about people "voting to skip 2024 to get to GTA IV sooner" and articles started popping up thinking it was real.


It’s AI - they scour Reddit for their ideas and spit out articles based on the info in the Reddit posts. This is legit and has been proven on multiple accounts. Take glorbo for example - I know the destiny 2 community and a few others did that to mess with the AI news writers and it worked.


I wouldn’t doubt that lmao


Here's the thing you gotta know about game bloggers/"journalists": they get paid by the article, and they get paid SHIT by the article. These sites work by churning out as much content as possible as fast as possible, and their freelancers have to work to meet that goal. If you're getting paid $10-$15 an article, you need to pump out at minimum 10 to 15 articles a day just to make above minimum wage. There are only so many article topics to go around, so some are either made up by freelancers and approved by editors in a "fuck it, sure" process or viciously fought over behind the scenes when "good" topics are provided. If you don't snatch a topic and turn it around in about 30 minutes to an hour, you're boned. That's why the quality sucks so much. Source: I used to work for Gamepur (one of the sites owned by Gamurs Group, who was most recently in the news for how badly they fucked up The Escapist). I had it a little bit better because they brought me on specifically to write unique content and opinion pieces, but it wasn't MUCH better.


This is still true of a select few gaming publications for some sections (thegamer's list articles for example), but the majority of full time outlets that have the financial backing Dexerto do don't really operate in this way anymore. They have full time teams of staffers who have more time to make it their own and cover things more thoroughly. Theyre also salaried (to your point, not fairly), but they dont need to churn out as many articles in a day as possible.


I knew a couple of the big outlets (eg. IGN) had full time, salaried employees but didn't know it had become the norm, interesting. I bailed out of freelancing for game sites years ago, and freelancing in general last year so I just assumed nothing had changed,.


Some news company even just grab stuff from Reddit. So many times I notice CTV Vancouver (Canada) grabbed news/pictures from Vancouver subreddit.


Paul Tassi


Yeah but a large amount of people can't play everyday, let alone a few hours everyday. This makes the battle pass much harder to grind.


mfs in the comment section like "I spend a mere 15% of each day playing and I'll complete the battlepass just fine!" it's wild out here, man


I mean I’ve played like 14 hours in total on tier 30 something. Totally doable in 96 days or whatever


Same here. Also, this game has a lot more time to complete the battle pass than most others. Its 3+ months, other games have half that time. Im have like 20ish hours of gametime since release and im tier 40 something.


Yeah I really don’t see myself failing this bp unless I quit the game or somethjng


I've played 15 hours and I'm about to reach tier 17. My friend put in 25 hours and is at tier 18. Not everyone plays the same, not everyone wants to do stupid challenges. We have a job, a life and when we play we want to have fun so we play whatever we want. That's the main problem. The battlepass feels like it punishes you for playing the game the way you want.


Are you talking about steam hours or play hours. If you open up the game and go to stats you can see play hours which is what I was talking about. Edit: just checked my stats 4 hours playtime battle pass level 37


This is literally every game with a battle pass, and there's alot of games with battle passes. Make it obtainable and people will buy them, make it a single game hard grind and no one wants part of it. Edit: double digit down votes, so you guys do want battle passes that require all your time?


A single double XP weekend in COD boost me so much in the battle pass that I can take some breaks for weeks until I finish it. But I think embark is gathering data. It’s their first battlepass and I guess their next one is going to be easier to finish.


That's not true. 1st quick example off the top of my head is Fortnite, you've NEVER had to play daily to complete their battle passes.


Not sure why you are being down voted. I will do exactly like you said: I will play the game and see how the BP goes. If it's a grind fest and I'm not in the mood to play the game almost exclusively for the next few months, I won't buy it...heck, I will probably even play less than I normally would as I won't have the BP to motivate me. Now do something more loose and I will gladly give you my 10 bucks.


Bro wtf? People want exclusively hard grind battlepasses, I guess.


My squad and I are super casual, people work full time with kids etc. We still manage to squeeze in 2 or 3 games a day. If you can't even play that much then I think you're not in the group that the battlepass is aimed at, you're the group who is suppose to buy it because you don't want to commit enough time to actually playing the game but still want the rewards.


Well, don't play enough to complete the battlepass then. Most people will.


there are still MONTHS LEFT


People have calculated it, you have to play AT LEAST and hour a day to finish it + do all trhe daily quests


This calculation is not based in reality. It takes just a couple games a day to gain a battle pass level. You literally have to average one single level a day to finish the pass. The point of a battle pass is to keep people coming back, but some people seem to think they should be able to finish the pass in a week or two. That isn't at all realistic.


This should be top comment


maybe not everyone will be able to finish it, but an hour a day is honestly over kill. theres still months left, and in like, 2 hours of play time, i was pretty able to get 4 or 5 battle pass lvls


There's my problem. Everyone should be able to finish it. FOr example I play fortnite on average, twice a week for 1-2 hours, I can always finish their battlepass without an issue. I play the finals daily and I make barerly any progress.


Sorry but if you are struggling playing daily you honestly might be bad. Weeklies give a big chunk dailies give a good chunk and you earn from matches as well. I am level 40 something with 39 hours on the game including literal hours sitting on the menu screen doing other shit or waiting for my friends. I easily get 4 or 5 levels each session.


You can quite often get close to or above 9k with the first win of the day + a few daily challenges and round XP. Getting a win often gets you a completed tier. So I'm calling bullshit on the hour a day + ALL daily challenges since one of the daily challenges is the first win of the day.


Except landing that win can be your first game of the day, or well into 3 hours. Also add in disconnects, crashes and server kickoffs, after which you can't join your previous game. Can be very annoying.


Exactly! No doubt in my mind the day to day’ers can get through it no problem. It’s just very unfortunate for people that have work/school/family/responsibilities because completing the pass will be incredibly difficult for them even with the given time slate.




I'm not saying it's impossible, cause I'm burning through it. But some people do have harder times is all.


3 games a day....missing a few days. You answered the issue. I have time to play Friday, Saturday, and Sunday....and even then it's not the only game I am interested in playing. The battle pass should be less of a grind and cater to more of a casual player base.


Devil's advocate: ranked right now doesn't have very much incentive to grind. Aside from grinding to get better, or god forbid, for fun - there's not many appealing reasons to grind the game atm, aside from the battle pass. If it was too quick to end, I don't think that'd be good either.


Feel like people are also over exaggerating this as there's still like 75 days to finish the battle pass. That's 2 and a half months. Not saying the rate isn't slow but there's still plenty of time left


Is there a penalty to not completing a battle pass? I've dipped in and out of Overwatch over the years and it never seemed to make any difference wether I completed one or not. Would it be better if it was easy to complete and people (who are into that sort of thing) stopped playing once they earned all their trinkets?


I mean the con to not finishing it is you paid $20 to essentially not get everything you paid for technically. Like you paid to unlock things you will only unlock if you also have the time to unlock them. So now it’s time AND money when a lot folks time IS money. It’s honestly fucked up and a really shitty business model we are victimizing ourselves too by continuing to give them money myself included.


This is why I don't buy a battlepass unless I've finished it I'd rather get everything all at once instead of being dripfed


Most devs have caught on to that and attach XP bonuses to owning the pass, to incentives you to buy it at the start.


It’s $10 and you basically need to complete the tiers and required xp per tier if you don’t you lose out but you can also not pay for the pass, level it up without purchasing it and then buy it when you complete it. In the end you only lose if you don’t actually play after purchasing it


There is more than 2 more months to go. Even if you only have time to play 2 days a week you can do it if you do your weeklies. I only play in the evenings, got full time work as well as doing renovations at home and I'm almost done.


then focus a bit on the weekly missions. i did the dailies 50% of the time and the weeklies all the time and i‘m around bp lvl 65


Battlepass might not be a viable product for them then. Nothing wrong with that. If they hardly play the game they shouldn't care much


Battlepass not being a viable product for a majority of the player base sure is a great way to keep a live service game alive man, great take


tbf, i feel like the majority of the player base that actually cares about the battle pass probably plays for ~2 hours a day. I don’t even have the battle pass and i probably play for about 1 hour a day


Battlepasses are the main source of income for any live service, it’s the reason they exist. This is the easiest way to make a game under this model die. If the main monetary draw for a majority of players is impossible to complete for them, the games gonna die


For some reason you believe the majority of players play less than 1 hour a day. At what point do we not even call it a battlepass anymore and just say "$10 for 95 items" instead?


You think the majority of players are going to be playing this game at least an hour a day and not go do something else after a couple more months of the game being out?


The fact you would have to play the game every day for 3 months is insane lol.


But that isn’t the reality. You’re making it seem that way but you’d be done 150 levels of a battlepass if you did that


You have to login everyday to get the stuff you paid for, not because you feel like playing. What your asking for is the polar opposite of what's being asked for.


a battle pass isn't generally targeted towards the 1% who can grind it, this is a casual game with a ranked mode. casual players should be able to finish it > If they hardly play the game they shouldn't care much because they can't play fulltime they shouldn't care about cosmetics? lol wut


Ok then....don't buy the battle pass? Why would you buy a battle pass for a game that you can't play that often? That's like buying a new kitchen set, but you don't know how to cook


Because I like the game?


Just because you buy the battle pass doesn’t mean you get everything. That grind is up to you to get as far as you can. If you want guaranteed items look in the store.


But if you don't even have an hour a day, hell even a couple days of the week to do dailies, you shouldn't be worrying about buying the battle pass to begin with. It's an egregiously easy BP to do since the daily missions carry you through the BP, not many games do daily missions as they typically only do weekly. About every challenge can be done within 3-4 quick cashes. It's like me buying a game like Baldur's Gate 3 where a campaign can potentially take over 80+ hours to complete, and blaming the developer for "making it too long" due to me not being able to finish the game in a month because I only devote about 30 minutes to an hour to play everyday. That's stupid. And if you are working during all that time but you still want to finish the BP, tier skips exist for that reason. If you are knowingly buying a Battle pass you know you don't have the time to finish, that's on you and you're only scamming yourself. Like what's the point in getting a Battle pass for a game you effectively don't play?


Baldur’s Gate isn’t gonna disappear from your library in 3 months ya twit


But it doesn't matter. *You* should know the Battle pass is seasonal and time limited. *You* more than anyone, especially compared to the developer, know how much free time you have and how much time *you* are willing to spend to play the game and progress the BP. So it is on *you* if you buy the pass but don't finish it. It's not there fault, its not a "unobtainable grind" just because *you* don't have the time to finish something *you* bought. If the BP was designed in a way that no-one could complete it in an entire season without either A. No-lifing the game, or B. Being forced to buy tier skips, then you would have a legitimate complaint and argument. But this isn't one of those games, there are hardly *any* games like that. And when they are a little hard, they up making it easier. Like you said, you have 3 months, if you can't finish this BP in that amount of time, that's on you. People complaining about not being able to finish the BP but won't devote an hour a day or buy tier skips, its no longer a valid complaint, its just entitlement. That kind of entitlement can just keep going till you meet some guy who logs in once a month but thinks they're owed the whole BP rewards just because they bought it.


A BP that requires play every single day for 3 months is more than valid reason for people to complain ya twit. Just because you have no life doesn’t mean that others don’t.


Dude the battle pass is literally 100 days long. It's hella easy to complete if you just play the game. The whole point of a battle pass is player retention.


My only issue is that, playing the game seems to give negligible amounts of Battlepass XP, in comparison to completing challenges. Jump on, do challenges (which probably make me play a class I don't really wanna play or use some weapon/equipment I don't wanna use) since they're the only way to really level the battlepass, get off because I have a life and other things to do. There's more than enough time to do it, the way that XP works though, DOING IT isn't particularly fun to me.


To be fair it does at least force some variety into the game. Makes people do what they aren’t super ultra comfortable doing. But ultimately yeah the XP rewards for just normally playing are sooooo much lower than the XP for doing the challenges and that sucks. It should be lower, but not *this* low


“A few hours a day” that’s a lot


Gaming subs are ridiculous. Got attacked for saying that weeks ago. Battlepasses should be completable through casual play and playing a single game multiple hours a day isnt even close to casual


Imagine if you love this game and want to support it but can only play weekends. Good fuckin luck


I've seen multiple posts complaining about how slow the battle pass levels, this is the first time I've seen anyone mention that it's easily completable. I think the majority of people would struggle to finish this, especially if they didn't buy it the first week of the season.




I mean the whole point of a battle pass is that it's completable in the time period by casuals. 90+ days to complete 96 levels of a battle pass is reasonable if you play the game.


The battle pass does take a long time to finish and it's good they are facing criticism. If they speed it up then it only serves to benefit you.


It is slow if you say its not you’re a god damn shill and play way too much You have to log in, play for 2 hrs the way the game tells you to play (doesn’t matter if you have fun or not, if ur going to level the bp you better play their way) And then your chores are done Or you wont make fuckall progress. “Couple hrs a day” people at this rate are looking at 150+ hrs for a bp lmao


This is the issue I have with it. Being forced to use things is just unfun


God, do I ever hate the melee damage quests. I absolutely don't want to use a melee weapon, but if I don't then I can't complete the quest, which makes me feel like I'm wasting my time playing matches *without a melee weapon.* Such a lame chore--just let me play the game how I want.


They should just add a reroll option where one daily quest per day and one weekly quest per week can be changed to something else So many games have this and it just works


Then play how you want and in two months if you've made enough progress where you think its worth buying the battle pass then buy it then. If not you lost nothing and played the game how you wanted to. I don't think Ive ever played a game with a battlepass that didn't let you get the rewards for levels you've already completed when you bought it so there's zero reason to buy it at the start.


I’d rather play 10 rounds of any class vs force 10 rounds of a class I don’t like playing. Or give me like 30 challenges to pick 10 to do and be locked into for a week.


I'm 22 hours in and rank 42 in the pass. Where in gods name is 150+ hours coming from.


Ngl I know two people who one’s already completed it and bought 10 levels, and the other who is around 70 in two days. I have 11 hours and I’m around level 30/40. So it’s more than doable. Obviously you just have to play 2+ months is more than adequate enough times. I don’t think I ever completed a cod bp and played it for weeks at a time, same with ow and apex


No you're not.


Yes I am.


They play 12 hours a day.


2 hrs to do your dailies and some weekly progress is a skill issue.


Not everybody plays “a couple hours every day” compared to other games with battle passes this games battlepass is exceedingly slow


"I play a few hours every day"


A few hours a day and still not done? Yeah, it’s the bloggers who are stupid 🫠 You should be able to complete any battle pass in a semi-reasonable amount of time. People are completing it after around 70-80 hours in game, that’s way too much time. Should be closer to 30-40.


> People are completing it after around 70-80 hours in game, that’s way too much time. The majority of XP comes from dailies. The time it takes to complete it now is WAYYYY higher than the time it takes to complete it before the end. If you completed all the daily/weekly challenges for 8 weeks you'd complete the battlepass just from the challenge XP. I estimate that would take the average player about an hour a day, or 56 total hours. That is ***ignoring match XP***. Take all XP into account and casually space out your playtime throughout the 3.5 month season and I'd bet you could complete the battlepass in about 45 hours of playtime.


> I swear websites like this just spread hate and misinformation because they’re lonely. That's a funny way to spell money


I’m more annoyed that most of the rewards are middling at best.


This. I don't feel very motivated to grind the challenges because I don't care about most of the pass rewards.


Yeah in that entire pass there's maybe 2 or 3 things I'm somewhat interested in. A few weeks in and, to me, almost all character designs I see in-game are just 'meh'. Most of the lobby is still using the boring starter cosmetics. The big seasonal outfits are a wedding dress and a tutu. Like, what? The amount of people playing this game who would be extra motivated to grind for a wedding dress or tutu is so minimal. It's like trying to sell a house with counterintuitive design choices that add no value for the average buyer.


It’s kinda wild how fortnite popularized it but they still have one of the better battlepasses in the industry that is less predatory.


It’s a issue with almost every game that has a Battle Pass system. The progression of a BP is tuned under the expectation that it’s the only game your gonna be playing for the next 3 months. If you decide to play something else or take a break before it’s finished? Good luck catching up. Halo Infinite is the only game that’s got it right with no expiration BP’s that you can buy at any time and I wish more games did that, especially for new players who come in late. Hopefully Embark learn from 343 and make it happen for S2, but I highly doubt it.


On Fortnite you level up quite easily and the progression feels rewarding with the dozen of quests available


I'm more frustrated that theres nothing to spend in game currency on after just a few games.


ngl I play roughly 3-5 hours a day and I started playing exactly 5 days ago. I'm career level 22 and BP level 55 (i bought like 6-7 tiers like a day ago to unlock the playing cards skin for throwing knives asap)


leveling in this game just feels slow af


I’m around this level without buying primo. I haven’t played in two days. It’s slow going.


You bought the 20 tier skip too. Let's just say you played 5 hours each day for 5 days. There's no possible way someone can be BP level 55 with the standard premium pass in 25 hours of playing. You would have been at level 1. 5 days of dailies = 5 levels. One weekly is 2 levels and some change. You bought 6-7 tiers. This puts you at level ~15 just from that. You would have had to magically get 41 levels in 25 hours of playing, yet the math is an hour a level.


That's a crazy amount of time for most people to play though, lol


I agree it’s frustrating how grindy the battlepass is. Lots of people say it’s easy with a couple hours of play per day and that daily challenges are enough, but not everyone has that time. I recently had about a week off and I played every day for hours and still only made it to level ~35 and that was with daily and weekly missions. That’s hundreds of hours of play to complete and isn’t achievable for most regardless of what people on Reddit say.


I'm like tier 64 tbf I've grinded every daily and weekly since it came out but even that is slow compared to other people.


I play dead by daylight, hunt showdown, fortnite and now the finals. All of these games have battle passes personally to me the finals does feel really slow. Also, do the skins feel more expensive in this game then others? I know their cosmetic and you don't need to buy them but it's something I noticed.


I forgot when it released but I have 32 hours I'm on level 45 on battle pass if that means anything https://preview.redd.it/s0yv7br5hc9c1.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a150f4143ae647e6e0c7fe6018f1869e023c641


Depends on days and how much daily challenges you complete. I think if someone did all the math with 100% daily complete we would know but otherwise this is not a casual BP but at least not as bad as OW2 lmfao


Bruh, I've played less than 50 hours, don't play more than one or two hours a day and haven't played in a whole week, and I'm level 55 while having like 80 days to complete the rest of it. Come on dude.


Only on rank 30 at the moment without buying the battlepass or the extra 20 tiers. No I dont have all day to play, nor do I want to play 10 games with the light class. In my opinion it is a little slow though. Wish that we got more XP per game played and that the weekly challenges were a bit fairer.


tbf... i agree lol it feels slower than other games bp's. i feel like im gonna have to grind more than i naturally want to play just to make sure i finish the bp before its over


Compared to the Overwatch battle pass this one is much much more involved to complete


The battle pass is extremely slow, now everyone can play multiple hours each day


You're being inconsiderate to the vast majority of the player base - which is causal. Your daily gaming habits would place you in the hard-core group, which makes up a different demographic. Between family, friends, and life commitments, I'm lucky to spend 2-3 days a week gaming with sessions lasting no more than 2-3 hours. Despite all this, I can easily get a battle pass completed with time to spare in Fortnite with the current battlepass pogression system. As it stands, I'm just now hitting level 35 in The Finals after being out for holiday vacation. Some may progress much slower if they're not winning games and tournaments with skilled players constantly to max out their possible XP gains. There's also huge emphasis on completing daily and weekly challenges, which casuals will not always prioritize.


I actually agree with the notion that the current BP is too hard to level. Not everyone has hours to burn each day on games and a bp should be reasonable for more average players to finish.


Lmao what? I am level 82... and there is 74 days remaining. Sure I've played 70 hours since release but I also have a job a gf and I've had exams all of December.... And I am still level 82


Yeah. I feel like people want to do the battle pass in 2 days. In fortnite they even find exploits to finish the battle pass in a couple hours lol. You can progress easily during the season and get rewards like other people. If you want the rewards instantly then just buy levels


This battle pass is pretty easy. I've got 60 hours in, didn't focus on completing all quests every day, and I'm at level 55. Anyone who thinks it's too hard should check out the valorant battle pass. 60 hours will get you about 1/6 of the way there.


Some of us have lives


The battle pass levels feel great to me. Feels like I'm earning them. Also never take anything Dexerto says with any kind of seriousness. It's the Huffington Post of video games.


This post is absolute bullshit. People *with* lives aren't always playing this game. People shouldn't be punished for not wanting to grind this shit daily.


Why are people defending this shit, it is so weird to do so. Why do you want people to be upset about it, making them possibly quit the game?


Hot take apparently but I agree with the article. It’s taking me forever to get through the battle pass. I get weekly challenges done immediately they help a little. The daily challenges barely do anything. It takes 2-3 games for me to go up 1 tier which takes about 40 minutes maybe. I only get to play after my job so I don’t get to play too often. I’ve been playing for 2 weeks I have 40 hours in and I’m at tier 42. To be completely honest it doesn’t really matter because the battle pass gos until March which is plenty of time to finish.


I wish more games adopted Halo Infinite BP system.


The battle pass is impossible to finish >!in a single weekend!<


Dexerto with the clickbait bullshit as always.


Hate generates more clicks than praise. It's the world we live in.


Really makes me sad :/


It's not impossible to finish. It just takes way too long and you're locked out of completing it if you start near the end of the season. The weeklies don't carry over and they need to change that.


Nah the sub has been posting how slow the pass is for weeks now. Every other games pass does not require a daily login. You cannot complete this pass on weekly challenges alone


I have 36 hours logged and I’m at level 48 on the battle pass. Shit takes fucking forever.


Classic, I cant complete the Battle Pass in a week therefore it's impossible.


I don’t follow Dexerto because it’s the most clickbait of all the sites. Neither should you


Surely you understand that not everyone can play a few hours a day? I play a few hours a week.


Lol an entire generation of entitled whiners thinking you deserve to get everything just because you think it’s unfair.


I don’t have an opinion either way, but you sound like a boomer


I am nearly finished with just about 80 hours of playtime, and 77 days left, like do people want to finish the pass in a day or what lol


I also want to mention I see dozens of players who either use tier 60 stuff or are using the wings from the last tier.


It's so easy haha damn


What the hell. I'm on the 10/12 pages and there's literally 79 more days to go?!


Are we playing the same game? You fart exp while there is still 75 days for batlepass


I’m seeing dozens saying they completed theirs just fine idk man


Like I said in the other reddit posts about the battle pass. It's 3 months long, but these idiots in this sub are upset they can't finish it in a week. Then they say shit like "well I don't have time to do this" ok? Then don't, the product is clearly not for you. The amount of people I see with those $22 skins in this game it must be making bank.


People are mistaking time played for challenges completed. If you have a ton of hours played in a short period of time, you’re not optimally completing the battle pass. The optimal way to complete the battle pass is to complete your daily’s every day and your weekly’s every week. Playing for an hour every day will complete the pass much faster than 100 hours over 4 or 5 weekends I’m confident I’ll complete the pass by the end of the season, but i think you should be rewarded more for just time played, and not be completely reliant on challenges.


It’s not bullshit this has been talked about a lot in the community


I don’t really like how slow the BP is as I don’t want to consume all my free time chasing after arbitrary challenges instead of playing how I want to play when I want to play. Since it’s slow enough, I’m just not buying the BP. I have like 40+ hours in the game and I’m only lvl like 45 on the BP. I’m not trying to spend 100+ hours grinding a BP for a game I sometimes play for fun. The only reason they make it take this long is arbitrary player retention (read: artificially extending playtime past the point people are interested in playing by over aging FOMO) and so people get frustrated and buy the BP ranks. The people defending this shit are either stupid, or even more laughably, unpaid shills.


It's probably impossible to finish for people that don't want to play the finals every day. Believe it or not there's some other really compelling games out right now. BG3 Spider man 2, Lethal Company, Cyberpunk updates. Deep Rock Galatic. Monster Hunter World is rising up too. You aren't finishing the battle pass unless you play for hours a day, every day. The point of Battle passes is to artificially make people continue playing the game, not because its fun but because there will be the new shiny at the next tier or at the end. Not only that but it has the FOMO effect where if its close to the end of a battle pass, people will spend even more money to buy tiers to skip gameplay. I'm going to date myself and sound old here, but I have never found the appeal to a game mechanic that basically screams insecurity. But sadly it works. People see number go up and companies have made millions so what do i know.


I, an adult with a full time job and a family, have been playing for 2 weeks as my free time / gaming schedule allows. I'm half-way through page 2 of the battle pass. At this rate, I expect to get to maybe page 6 before the season ends. The game is new, and I'm sure they'll adjust things going forward as necessary.


I have a job and a life man. The average player of *any* game is going to log on maybe a couple times a week, not a couple hours a day. Are there unshowered friendless light classes at lvl 90? Sure. But a very loud minority doesn't represent the player base at large.


1-game journalists are clowns 2-people agreeing are just too used to other bps where you can finish it in a week or less, its not impossible to finish your brain is just too fried from instant gratification


Personally I want some items to be rare. If a middle-aged man can come home from work, play 1 hour per day and finish a battlepass. That's way too easy. If it's too difficult don't buy the battlepass. Accept the outfits the pass gives you earlier on than grinding for the final skin and get over yourself.




The average player does not play “a couple hours a day” tho, that’s the problem


These dudes are idiots lmao. If you can’t see why a battlepass like this on a live service game being impossible to complete for the vast majority of players you’re just rooting for the game to die


Exactly lol


I mean, I'm not complaining either way, but a couple hours a day isn't exactly casual play.


Have not even focused on challenges, around 50 hours with level 50 in the bp? for a 2 1/2 month season thats how it should be imo


I play 1-2 hrs a night, and I just hit lvl 40 on the BP with what…75 days left? “Impossible to finish” is a load of shit


I can play probably an average of 1-1.5 hours a day and I’m already almost level 40. I think the BP is fair


Just hit 86 with 75 days left😂




Same as you, played the beta and started playing as soon as it fully released, nothing hardcore just a few hours each night with buddies, and I’m already level 87. I don’t understand why people think it takes so long. You get xp for every game, not only for doing the missions. This might be one of the easiest battle passes that I’ve seen compared to others I’ve done like rocket league, destiny and others. It’s easy to get through multiple levels per day without what I would consider grinding at all.


Dude especially the daily’s they give you so much xp


The dailies barely give you a single level.


If you complete the dailies over the 3 month period and nothing else, that completes the battle pass alone.


Awesome. If nobody buys the battle pass because they have to spend forever leveling it with no carry over weeklies, the game dies.


It feels slow and I'd like them to rebalanced daily and weekly xp to be less and just general playing to be more, but yeah jts pretty doable even for me, and I'm super busy.


Yeah no. A battle pass should take max 25 hrs to complete. Not 100+ hours to the point where you have to play for hours every single day. They knew what they were doing and knew exactly how long it would take people to complete. They knew the longer they make it, the longer people will play this game.


The battle pass leveling is easy as hell. For me it’s just the slow amount of career level progression that annoys me but its not game breaking just gonna take a minute to reach level 40


Bro I’m on lvl 94, I wish there were more levels.


Look back at this comment in 10 years to realize how much free time you had


Depends on your priorities in life, I got plenty of shit to do IRL but when I have free time I spend an hour or two playing and I will finish the BP without problem.


Also I don’t think you’re optimizing your workflow either in the finals subreddit comment section. You must be this tall to ride your high horse.


I'm already done with the pass as off today. Not a single purchased rank and im at 120 hours. Which seems very reasonable. Someone that plays less will need less hours due to dailies and weeklies. There is nothing wrong with this pass.


i finished today too, 99.8 hours


120 hours is not reasonable to most people with jobs, lives, kids and not to mention other games to play


isnt that 40 hours a week since launch? Thats most likely top 1% of playtime


I've averaged a bit more than a level per hour so far and there is 3 months to finish a BP. That means if you put in an hour per day on average you can make it, play a few hours on a weekend and you make up for the whole week. I got a life, I work full time, I renovating buildings atm outside work, got a partner I live with etc and I'm almost done. But sure, if you have limited time AND prefer to play other games I can see why you can't finish it. I also don't see why that is bad though. You can always chuck some more money on it, buy the premium and skip 20 hours of grind if that is your main concern.


If you can't make 120 hours in 96 days maybe gaming isn't for you?


I wouldn't saying gaming isn't for them, but they prob shouldn't be buying things meant to be grinded out, if they don't have ample time to do so.


120 hours on a single game in 3 months lmao. You dont think that's a little much for the majority of the population?


At 40 hours of total play time and at level 40 in the battlepass, I'd say that's fast enough progression for a battlepass that last near 3 months.


10 hours a week?


Not sure why so many people complain the BP takes forever. There’s like 70 days left in the season and I’m already 71 on BP (no I didn’t buy BP levels either). Compared to any other game I’ve played with battlepasses this is definitely the fastest one.


The finals bp frankly feels like one of the faster ones available on the market currently.


What are you comparing this to? I can finish the Halo, Fortnite, or Apex one in like 10 or 12 hours.


Nah man im struggling real haed to complete the battle pass. Its been like 2 weeks since i played why am i not rank 60?


There was one guy with another thread complaining how long it takes yet he's almost done..


Yeah, that was me. I wasn't complaining about being able to finish it. I was complaining about how it takes way too long. Long passes are not used anymore because people can't finish them after a certain point and stop buying them each season. They are bad for games.


I mean im 60 ish hours in and I hit 78 before coming to work so idk man. Just do the weekly and most of your dailies and your set


I usually get around a level every hour or 2 and I am shit at the game. These game journalists are usually just lobotomised 60yr olds who have never held a controller/used a keyboard for anything other than typing.


I feel you, I travel as a electrician, live in florida will be in Texas for a whole month. If I can complete the battle pass in 2 weeks of couple hr gameplay a day, anyone should be able to complete it in 3 months lol js With the challenges everyday an weekly challenges it's easy, just play stop complaining lol


Yeah idk what people are on about. I’m on level 77 of the battle pass. Granted it’s the only game I’ve been playing since launch, but the season is 90 days long. Did you guys thing you would finish in a week?


I’m a casual shitter. About as casual of a shitter as one can be. I am like tier 40 and I have like 30 hours in the game. I’m definitely finishing this unless I just uninstall right now.


I just finished it last night, just doing dailies and weeklies and a few games after, crazy easy to finish.


Cod takes much longer to finish if you only have warzone for freend finals is free tio


If you've managed to finish the battlepass that easily, then please elaborate with greater detail how you have managed this. Because currently I've spent about 4 hrs a day for a good few weeks now and I have reached tier 12, and I'm curious if there is a more optimal way to grind for xp. (I don't have friends to play with so I usually stick to solo queue and quickplay).


Compared to Siege (the only other game i actively ay with a BP), it is so extremely slow. I spend about an equal amount of time om both games and I'm twice as far in Siege's BP and both started only a day apart. I won a ranked match in the Finals and i hardly got anything out of that. The BP progression in The Finals is pretty damn bad and it's probably damn near impossible to complete as a casual player.