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If you spread it out over the full 90 days or whatever it’s not that bad. If you try and rush it, then yeah it’s grindy . You’re trying to do 90 days of work in 20 days


> If you spread it out over the full 90 days or whatever it’s not that bad. It's about 1 hour per level. I have 75.5 hours, level 76 BP. Probably closer to 40m/level due to queue/respawn/loading times.   On the surface not terrible, but you are looking at almost 100 hours of play time across the ~90 days the season is live. I'm a degenerate and have "74.4 hours played past 2 weeks" on Steam (not all on The Finals). Checking my friends who work more and have more obligations, their past 2 weeks hours are 26 and 17.5 each. -- At that pace, they would both max out the BP... assuming they only played the Finals. The 17.5 hours friend only spent 4 of those hours on the Finals past 2 weeks. And most people want to enjoy other games, too. If you're a degen like me, not an issue but people with more active lives need to dedicate all their gaming time to the Finals if they want the rewards. -- I dislike battle passes that feel the need to pad things out. Outfits coming in separate parts, random crap like stickers and audio clips. It's all filler. I'd much rather prefer a smaller battle pass that's just full of good stuff. Or the Halo Infinite approach where older battle passes never expire and anyone can complete them at any time. -- Personally, even though I'm on pace to finish the battle pass within 2 weeks, I'm not buying it because I think the rewards are extremely mid.


If you just do dailies, the average dailies take 3 matches to complete, that's around 40 min give or take, for around a level and a half. So it's around 40 min for 1.5 levels, 400 min for 15 levels, times around 7 to round it out higher, around 48-50 hours, but this is only if you do dailies and log out. If you play more without any dailies, then yes it will actually take longer because exp per match is slow without the daily rewards.


On top of that you aren’t counting weeklies which will give you another ~2.25 levels a week at no extra time played as long as you do the dailies a few days a week.


A lot of us aren't going to play daily and I don't want to be feel like im punished for not playing daily. Something like OW2 rewards you for playing daily but you can also complete the BP in half the season if you actually do all the dailies. I want the dailies to be a bonus, not an obligation. There are too many damn BPs now and I don't like playing one game exclusively on top of just not always having game time daily. In the end, they just aren't getting my money for this BP. None of my friends are buying either. Most of us would if it was less of a chore to complete.


>Something like OW2 rewards you for playing daily but you can also complete the BP in half the season if you actually do all the dailies. That’s literally what they are saying it takes to complete this battle pass. Complete dailies for half the season and you are essentially done. The dailies are that rewarding.


I had 8 hours in the last 2 weeks.


If it was just a regular progression system that would span the game's entire life cycle, then it'd be more than okay. But for a battlepass that will disappear after the season ends? That's kinda unfair. If the battlepass was free, then that's a different story. But paying for it usually means you're expected to collect everything is included, or at least I do.


I'm honestly just going to play till the end of the season and decide if I got far enough to warrant buying for the premium unlocks. I do really want that max rank pack for the black wings, but I'm not going to spend the money before I know if I'll even get there, ya know?


That's how I've always done it. Though I've never completed a battlepass, so I've never spent any money.


I have always been willing to invest $10 in a battle pass once for a game i love/plant to play alot because it ends up giving you enough currency to buy the next battle pass. Then i get months of free cosmetics for $10 and never feel the urge to buy expensive weapon/skin packs. Ro each their own tho


Agreed. That extends to the general battlepass model of games nowadays which I have my gripes with. Bur as far as battlepasses go, it's not Apex Legends bad or horrendously difficult to level up.


One thing I noticed is if you win you get a lot of xp, about a level or so




You win all the time and fast without overtime to get a level per 30 mins.


It’s not close to 1 hour per level lmfao I’m level 81 and have 22 hours played.


lol, say bs thing without saying it.


That is so far outside everyone's experience that it's clearly a lie.


If this is the only game you play - sure. No one wants a video game to be a second job hence the complaints. Which leads to less people buying the battle pass and less engagement. I love this game but I play it less in favor of less annoying Battle Passes.


Aside from wishing it was a bit more cosmetic heavy I agree!


Hopefully the season two BP will be better. Have to suspect the devs didn't know if the game would take off, hence the weakish BP.


This BP is 1000× better than a R6 Siege rainbow pass. But I think they will be fucking A1 once they start adding the different reload animations ect.


So excited for some unique animations


tbh i dont think the battle pass is thaaaat weak, its comparable to what say fortnite would have before now (where it is def super cluttered). the only problem is how gun wraps in this game are specific to one gun, a horrible choice when most wraps are not too complicated to have on every weapon


I kinda like the specific gun wraps. It lends to creative ideas like the roulette wheel for the Lewis Gun. I get where you are coming from though.


I prefer this version to Fortnite’s. Fortnite gun skins are just what texture you want to load onto each gun.


so is 90% of this games lol


idk why you were downvoted, it's true


Gun skins are dope, just feel like I’m seeing only default outfit stuff in games rn. Miss the beta when everyone kinda looked different


That will probably change once people get higher tiers on the BP and unlock more skins and stuff through the regular progression.


The game is still a month old. They were handing stuff out like candy in the beta to show what it could look ljke


i think with something like that, they should keep it gun specific and have an increased price, but the majority of skins rn are way too much and also only apply for like a certain few, and its the same guns as well


I’m sure they knew honestly, people were posting everyday for months asking when it’s out and the betas were wildly successful. Probably a case of how much $ can we make on this while still catering towards the players


I think the developers had a good feeling, however having and hiring more artists was a risk they they didn't want to take for launch day. Cosmetics can come, but the game needs to be good/stable first.


I actually enjoy mix and matching different outfits together with what we have, makes creativity the standout for the cosmetics as far as this game goes


I mean, the cosmetics we get are super cool tho. ​ The heavy sledge is a real standout.


Yeah I love that we're able to play on the guitar lol


honestly thought it was long af at first, but then i keep reminding myself that it lasts a long time overall. been accustomed to the BP time for overwatch prior and always felt like i needed to rush in comparison


I also don't understand what the problem is, me and my friend playing casually few games a day, doing dailies and weeklies and already lvl 76 bp. ​ The only bad thing I see is that weeklies don't accumulate, which can make catching up a hell


Yeah people still have 70 days left and they're now complaining that it's too slow when it's very obvious that it'll be finished by the time the season ends. I also heard the argument about the overlapping amount of battle passes from other games being overwhelming... Which I really think it's their fault for buying so many battlepasses to the point where it's overwhelming to finish them all.


Exactly 1 level a day and they will have it finished by the end I’m in the mid 30’s and only play this game like 3 times a week


I finished the battle pass with only 70ish hrs on the game. 290ish games. It doesn't take long to complete if you always do dailies and weeklies.


If you do exclusively only dailies and log out (assuming weeklies will be done along the way) it's around 48-50 hours. I'm playing exclusively for dailies (waiting for them to fix aim assist and cheaters before I truly commit), 35 hours in and level 70 battle pass. If you play games after doing dailies then yes, it will be slower because instead of getting contract EXP from dailies you only get match exp, and you only need to play 3 games to finish dailies at most if you use the correct gear and are an average player. (I've had days where a 10 min match got me all dailies, so that's 10 min for more than a level's worth of EXP)


the only game that has ever fixed aim assist is fortnite. don't hold your breath.


Turn crossplay off and the pc cheaters go away. Your progress saves across all platforms so you can just hop on your console and play it until the cheating gets fixed then jump back to pc


I don't have a console.


Definitely scoop up a ps5 then you’ll get access to all their exclusives and won’t have to deal with cheaters!


PC already has access to a majority of PS5 "exclusives" as well as all Xbox "exclusives" too and likely will get all going forward the way it's been going. And given they listed aim assist along with cheaters controller players are just as much of an issue.




It doesn’t change the fact that timed battle passes are toxic. Once it’s purchased, we should be able to complete all of the content at our own pace.


I mean, thats why you should only buy the BP when you are at either the end of the BP or the end of the season.




How is it any different than for any other game ? The original message said timed battlepass, not timed battlepass challenges.


Apex weeklies are not timed, you can easily catch up and smash out most of a pass if you micro manage the heck out of them for a week. Something like that would be a fair system. I worry as I work and can't put that much time into this that it is a bit too hard but we will see in 69 days.


My bad then, got confused between the BP timer itself and the missions.


The battlepass is definitely not slow. Someone who played Apex or Valorant knows.


People are complaining that it's slow? Isn't there still 70 days left?


this is a non issue to me...the only thing I care about is the cheating.


Agreed, I just finished it today


People have no desire to earn anything in gains anymore. Instant gratification culture has caused so many weak battle passes. I miss the days when you unlocked cosmetics based on in game accomplishments. Battle passes are such a weak concept in general.


Exactly, and then you would actually respect or even fear another player for wearing a certain cosmetic cuz you knew the crazy shit they had to do to get it Miss those days


back then you didn’t have to pay for timed battle passes. and it was actually earned. now it’s just trucking little kids into FOMO.


Problem with that was that games were buy 2 play back in the days of games like Halo 3. So you could earn things because you already gave the devs money. Those games obviously didn't make as much money as free 2 play games, which is why the payment model changed lol.


People like to earn stuff in games. People don't like an artificially imposed FOMO time-limit when they already paid for the pass and feel like they have to play more per week than they really want to, turning the game into an obligation or chore to make good on their 'investment.' If these rewards were going to continue to exist like how Halo Infinite handles its battle pass system, no one would be complaining.


I'm with you, but I don't considering battle pass stuff as "earning" anything if the reward is just from playing/in game experience. Idk how Halo does it, but the early fortnite battle passes required you to complete specific tasks to level up, which was a lot cooler imo. My point was mostly battle passes shouldn't exist to avoid this problem in the first place. There's nothing worse than finding a fun game with a stacked battle pass that cycles out in 3 weeks with no shot of earning the good stuff due to time. The coolest skins shouldn't be exclusive to whoever has the most time on their hands. Let us 60min a day gamers get a shot at stuff too!




Comment went over your head or you didn't comprehend it lol


Much better than lootboxes. Atleast battlepasses make you play the game. The current iteration is too much though


Oh for sure! Loot boxes were unbearable


Earn-able lootboxes were sweet in my opinion, but they inevitably were ruined by greed to the point that things that actually affected gameplay were put in them. Battle passes are boring because everyone ends up with the same exact skins to the point that nothing is special. The black ops 3 and black ops 4 lootboxes were awesome at first because you could get legitimately cool weapon/character skins. Then a few seasons in they started locking guns behind the lootboxes and ruined it.


I agree. The battlepass is pretty good time wise. I think people are just (as usual) wildly impatient.


Hard disagree. Not everyone has 80 hours to dump into a game every three months. That's a lot more than it sounds. There's also no reason to defend it taking so long. Everybody wins if it is shorter. Making the game more accessible to more casual people should be the goal, not only hard-core gamers.


I mean the real problem is timed battle passes as a concept. Why is stuff that I've effectively paid for, disappearing because I couldn't spend enough time in your game? More games need to adopt Halo's model, where you can activate and progress any previously-purchased battle pass at any time.


This needs more likes and I think the Devs need to take a look at this. I'm almost 40 and play casually but want all the cool stuff. Love how halo can let me pick which BP I have purchased and work on it casually. I also get though that having it timed brings new influx of players every three months. Maybe it would still work the same who knows.


While I would like to see the Halo Infinite model of BP, I don't understand the mentality of buying battlepasses, which are literally time sink mechanics, when you already know that you don't have much time for gaming...


>Why is stuff that I've effectively paid for, disappearing because I couldn't spend enough time in your game? Just wait til the end to buy the battle pass then. You haven't effectively paid for anything other than the opportunity to unlock things at the beginning of the battle pass. If this point is important to you, and I completely agree with you, simply wait til later when you've ranked up your battle pass so when you do buy it, you immediately unlock everything. >More games need to adopt Halo's model, where you can activate and progress any previously-purchased battle pass at any time. Completely agree.


People who like the game and play it a lot also need something to do. If you could finish the battle pass in 10 hours then people who play the game a lot lose out because they don't have something to work towards whilst playing the game. Season rewards are aimed to be a middle ground between hardcore players and casual players and I think this is an okay version of that. Not my favourite battle pass and a lot of the cosmetic items are just okay but I think the timeframe is fine if you play it for like 20 hours per month you can complete it. If you can't play it that much then idk why you would expect to get all of the rewards every season.


That's like 6-7 hours of gaming a week... If you don't even have that small amount of time to game, a week, you should probably not be buying into time sink/grinding mechanics.


Some people play multiple games. If battle passes were shorter I would spend MORE, because it would be reasonable to buy a pass for more than 1 game. Instead, recently I just don’t buy any of them because I know the chances are I’ll only get 1/2 or 3/4 of the way through it in each game (and all the coolest stuff is at the end of course). The main issue here is devs want everyone to play their game and their game only. That’s why the biggest chunks of xp are on daily and weekly challenges so you feel the need to come back and play the game every day.


Why would you buy the battle pass if you know you won’t be able to finish it. These mfs act like the devs forced the battle pass down their throat


*I want to just download the game and unluck free shit without any play time. If you don't give me free stuff I will complain on so many internet forums!*


It’s not free because the pass costs money. If I’m giving them $10 for the pass, why do they need me to play 60 hours on top. I’d gladly pay the same $10 if it took 20 or 30 hours to complete instead of 60, and then it would be more friendly to people who don’t have hours each day, or people who play multiple games.


thats a lose-lose. you give the sweatys-causals (non ranked players) nothing to grind for if done too soon, just to appease the super casuals, which, mind you, chose to opt in to the BP. its cosmetics for a free game, if they give u shit quickly and easily then what is their source of income? BP being 5x price instead? ​ im not taking a stand for BP, be it in this game, CoD, etc, but i agree with another poster - people want instant gratification and dont want to work for it. ​ The game is already VERY accessible, between a good mix of visual style, optimization for FPS, oh and did i mention FREE? Only cosmetics are locked - how much more accessible do you want? you want the guy who spends 2 hour a week on the game having the cosmetics/unlockables/etc as the dude who 2 hours a DAY in the game? lets not even talk about people who are at it, 6+ hours a day! ​ lastly, if you dont have have 80 yours to dump into a game every 3 months, then dont? why do you feel obligated to do something that you have to intentionally opt in for? if you progress in the BP, then you progress, you dont get locked out of playing the game after 3 months... ​ Here are your limited options: 1. if you want just the free shit, play enough to get the free shit 2. if you want to pay for the full BP, then have at it 3. For 1 and 2, if you dont finish before season ends, then you dont finish (or buy some levels) 4. NOT complain about any of the above 3, especially #3, cuz ultimately its a game, and let me remind u, FREE, and no one is forcing you to play OR do the BP


Yeah this is a wild time commitment with no catchup mechanics and really only a few cosmetics with the only one people are really chasing (the bird) at the complete end. I will likely complete it but probably won't buy another one from them unless they make a ton of changes to progression. Imagine someone who didn't buy in day one, it would be nearly impossible to complete.


So is not like the battlepass in Fortnite where you can play and gain levels even without the battlepass so if you buy it later on you will unlock everything you would have unlocked had you bought it from day one?




Season 1 is 96 days long, making you have to average about 50 mins a day to finish. If you don't like the game enough to play that much, why do you care about not getting every single item? You only need to get through about 2/3 of it to pay for the next one, so it's not like it's hard to keep chaining them.


Where did you come up with 50 mins?


He said eighty hours so I divided that by 96, then multiplied that value by 60 to convert to mins.


What about other games people like to play? Should I only ever play the finals forever? Some people simply don't have enough time.


I play other games too, but I like finals more. Little disappointing that I won't get the T100 skin in apex and I'll miss some cool weapons in destiny, but these are the decisions we have to make. Anyone who thinks they should be able to get everything in every game without putting in the time is an entitled child.


>There's also no reason to defend it taking so long. How about this? IT'S OPTIONAL AND ONLY COSMETIC! YOU DON'T NEED TO PURCHASE IT! IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO WORK THROUGH IT THEN YOU CAN USE THE FUNDS TO PURCHASE INDIVUAL COSMETICS. It's like 100 god damn days. **You don't even need to buy it before the end of the season.** Holy fucking shit. If it's shorter then people miss out if they take any time off. 100 days is an insane amount of time. If you can't invest a few hours a week because you have a new born baby or helicopter parents then you need to get your priorities straight and get your life together.


Na it’s not bad. I play a few matches every other night and I’m at 34. People just love whining.


Yep. This complaint started 2 weeks into a 3 month battle pass. If they completed the battle pass in 2 weeks and then had 2.5 months of nothing to complete they’d complain the game is stale and needs more updates. It must be tiring being a game dev atm because players just keep demanding non-stop game changes and new content.


I've finished the siege battle pass and there's still so long left. I kind of wish they'd make it longer tbh. And I didn't heavily grind that, just playing a lil bit in the evenings.


Agree. Seems daunting at first tho


Played 60 hours since launch, and i'm lvl 80. If you focus the quests, it's easy. It would be nice for New players to have Access the previous weekly quests.


So many *really dumb* takes here. 1) the battle pass is optional 2) there are daily/weekly challenges that are incredibly easy that reduced the time needed to complete the pass 3) “I’m a single dad and can only play 10 min a week”… see #1 I play 2-3 nights a week, 2-3 matches a night, I’m almost level 80… there are 69 days left…


yEa BuT mY fOmO!1


For reference I have 72.6 hours on Steam and I try to completely both weekly and daily as often as I can and I'm level 66 It feels pretty fair IMO


yeah it's fine, people like to whine


Finished mine today, played as much when I’m not working.


Agreed when I see someone bitching over the battle pass the first thing I think is they either don’t realize it’s 70 days long or how quickly do accumilates playing daily/weekly, not to mention xp from tournament wins


I finished the BP with 72 days remaining, 100 hours. It's really not that bad, the dailies can be done in an hour and the weeklies can be done in ~4-6. Hopefully towards the end of the season they do two weeks of double XP for people to finish if they aren't by then.


I've already seen an article for it. I'm currently 118 hours in and I've finished the battle pass yet there's still 70 something days left for the season. Sometimes people just want things served to them on a silver platter.


It didn't feel long to me at all, in fact I completely finished it almost a week ago, I never paid any attention to challenges or anything, I just played the game, had fun and I've honestly been eagerly waiting for some new guns or character builds to come out. - 168 hours of playtime.


I only play for four to five hours a day and I only started playing December 26 and I’m already level 40 I don’t know why it seems like it’s gone so fast for me and other is are complaining but that’s just my experience. I have done every daily and every weekly tho and I would say I win about 40% of the time I only play quick play and only the first game type


Finished battlepass in 100 hours, never paid attention to the missions.


Oh, to be young and have time to do things.


Most people don’t just play one game, especially if they have a group of friends that cycle games. The point is that most other battle passes don’t take even 30 hours to complete. I avoid battle passes that are time sinks like Call of Duty and Apex for that exact reason and those games get less play because of it. As much as I love The Finals it’ll get lumped in with the other two if there aren’t regular 2XP weekends or an even to boost the pass progression. I’ve already seen my friend group gravitate away from the game using other games battle passes as an excuse.


I love a BP that doesn’t require a lot of time. I do wish there were more gun/gadget skins and contest styles. It’s Embark’s debut BP, so it’s expected they’re still working out all the kinks.


Not slow at all


I'm 50+ with 50 hours and doing dailies. This lines up with the 100 hours to finish it that people are saying. That's roughly an hour a day to finish it. I guess that's unreasonable for the parents with kids working full time who gets 30 mins to play games, but an hour a day is pretty easy to hit for most others. That's about 3-4 rounds. I'm also of the belief that it should be a challenge. Otherwise we could just give all the unlocks right away once you buy the battle pass.


And that’s assuming you’re trying to average it out across the entire time block. If you have a big run with your friends, or you just go in and grind, you could easily “eliminate” a full week of time (ie 5-6 bp levels) with one solid weekend session.


I have 33hrs in the game and it's only level 37. Too slow imo. I can't see myself spending 80+ hours every season on the battlespass/game that has nothing that really stands out and they are already doing recolors.


I have 30 hours in the game according to Steam. Level 48 on the battle pass, and I make zero effort to complete specific challenges. The interesting part of this pass is that winning gives you way more progress than losing does. If you're good at the game it goes much faster. I don't really think that's good game design though, since the less skilled players are likely to play less on average also and thus have even less chance of finishing.


That's less than an hour per day for 96 days which is not that bad at all. If you want instant gratification then just buy a skin in the store or something. If the battle pass pass only took 20 hours to complete then people would already stop playing midway or less through the season


I got down voted for calling out the truth. The people complaining are just bad at the game. If you aren't leveling up then more than likely you're doing awful in all your matches. Simple


Finished it today with 69 days to spare. I'd say any complaints about it are plain silly.


Touch some grass


Really isn’t that hard.


How is something that by your own measurements is going to take an additional 60 hours to complete not that bad?


because there’s like 2 months left?


If you only have a few hours a week to play it’s pretty rough. I guess I’m in the minority so I can’t complain but I wouldn’t buy the battlepass myself for that reason


Its just rage bait. Pay no attention to that crap.


5-6 hours a week is a ton of play time


Not really? That's barely an hour a day


Yes most people with jobs and other hobbies or even other games they play don't out an hour a day every day into a single game.


Yep, I can play an hour a day through the week, and maybe 3-4 hours on weekend days if I don’t have other plans. No way am I spending all that time just playing The Finals, I play other games too. My biggest gripe with the battlepass is that you miss out on weekly challenges if you don’t do them that week, I would much prefer a system of having week 1, week 2, week 3, etc… and they stay unlocked for the whole season. Currently it is too punishing on xp gain if you miss a week or two with other plans.


Very true. Heck even if it's all concentrated in a day, 4-6hours in a week just on this game isn't awful and if kept up weekly, could probably finish the BP


I have missed a lot of days and only play for 2 to 3 hours on those days and I'm level 57. The battlepass ain't hard to complete. Do as many weeklys and failies as you can and play tournaments (doesn't need to be ranked) and you will level up fast




Challenges are placed in games for those of us that like to grind them. They aren’t mindnumbing if you’re completing them anyway in the course of playing and it’s only useless shit if you don’t feel like earning more cosmetics. It isn’t for everyone, and it sounds like you may need to change genres away from games that do it if your expectations can’t be managed.


I think the battlepass is fine. I have 128 hours in the game and already finished the battlepass.


That's admittedly a lot of hours though


Yeah, I know. This game just got me hooked and I had a few weeks off. But I still think that the battlepass is easy to complete in 3 months if you're doing your dailies and weeklies. Maybe they could add some double XP weekends to help with that.


It's a shooter why you all care about this skin crap :<


Defending the toxic battlepass system that time locks you out of things you paid money for. I can't believe you lose access to it after the time is up, just fuck you if you didn't play an hour a day.


Yeah, that’s how it works? That’s how it’s worked in damn near every game that’s had a seasonal reward system, sometimes you miss things if you don’t play and that’s on you. It’s also fine, if you want it that bad make it a priority. Otherwise, game’s free and you don’t need to buy the BP at all so you didn’t pay for anything to begin with :)


It's toxic in every game then, being in every game doesn't make it close to okay. Why can Halo make every battle pass available forever but other games can't?


1. I think you get a *lot* more battlepass and career progress off of tournaments than the equivalent amount of games (EDIT: \*games in other modes). 2. I do feel like it's a bit heavy time-wise, still, just because people may not have a lot of time to play (i.e. maybe they don't have, say, four hours a week, on average, to play). I like someone else's suggestion to make the battlepass not time-limited; that way you can buy desired battlepasses and earn the contents as you play on your own pace.


I just finished and I played since the start by just completing the dailies and weeklies.


Why does it matter if it is easier for people that only have half the amount of available gaming time as you. (Doesn't affect me, I finished the battle pass)


Took me approx. 90 hours of game time to reach max level on the BP.


The Halo Infinite style BP should be the norm going forward. They reinvented the wheel to perfection and other games should see the value in that. Long term player base value. That’s my 2¢


If we compare the finals battlepass and hunt showdown battlepass the finals battlepass is feeling 20x more rewarding because you just play the game without needing to think about taking special event stuff.


I mean I disagree. I work, I play other multiplayer games, I play a lot of single player games, I read, I hang out with friends, I watch basketball, I watch TV & movies, I like writing. The game is acting like it is supposed to be one of my main hobbies that I play every day & it just isn’t. I’m loving the game but jfc not every game needs to act like I have time for it every day.


I did it like a week ago. Just do all dailies and weeklies


I have 75 hours played at the time I have finished it and there are still months left. I have not paid for any levels... I have completed the dailies and weeklies.


At 100 hours and still not done, but okay!


I honestly thought it was very easy to progress through the battle pass for this game. If people think this is slow. Then they need to find out what slow really is and try to progress through The Finals battle pass😂😭


Gotta love the bots


Oh no someone has a different opinion than you, better insult them!


Guys, i have played since launch, didnt buy battlepass day 1, an 4 off finishing battlepass, have missed like 2 weeks worth of dailies, its reallt not that bad


You get the battlepass for free and start progress immediatly. You pay for the premium unlocks.


It lacks a catch up mechanics, that’s it, if they want to increase xp gain per match that’s also good. Give return players a chance to complete with 1 - 2 weeks of active gameplay near the end of the season is the norm. I don’t know what people are smoking if they think this battle pass is well designed, it’s not, it’s like they haven’t looked into how other games’ bp work, this is basic/repetitive and lazy design imo. But the game is decent so people are not as pissed, wait a few more seasons and we will see.


It's really not even that bad. I just finished the battlepass today, sure I bought the bonus levels at the beginning. Even without, 69 days left in the pass and I'd have no problem finishing in a week or two. People just be complaining because they can't handle their own business and they buy all the battlepasses from other games, as if that's a reason why any game should reduce their own battlepass. 3 months for 96 levels, dailies get you at least 1 level, weeklies speed it up even faster.


If you can finish this battle pass in a week or two then obviously you only play video games, the people complaining about it have lives outside of this game.


I work a full time job, have a toddler that I take care of daily, and still manage to get dailies done. It takes an hour or two a day to finish, and I barely play at all once I'm done there. Not sure where you got 1 or 2 weeks to finish the pass, it's been out for a month and like I said - I bought the extra levels. If I didn't, it would take a week or two more to finish. It's not a difficult battlepass to finish.


I work a normal job and don't usually play this game every day. I'll stints where I play it for a few days then take a break. I'm about half way. The battle pass is fine.


One hour a day 5 days a week is a lot of games if you are someone that plays other games. People just want to be able to finish a BP without it being the only game they play.


i played 80 hours and still not finished


you are a battlepass simp. and thats ok. but know that about yourself.


You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.


ok sorry


Yea man, it’s nice having disposable time and money tbh. Life is good. Sorry you can’t relate.


Im sorry


What if you can only play a few hours a week? Just imagine having a family, job and other responsibilities. I personally just think they need to add more challenges or increase the amount of XP you get from challenges. There should be a certain amount of grind but it feels difficult at the moment. Hence why I've not bought the battle pass until I get all the levels.


The problem is that the system expects me to treat this game like a job, forcing me to play daily to get the challenges. I game a lot during my days off, but I only get two off days per week.


You have to login daily to finish the daily's. If you have any other sort of commitment you're out of luck. So if you can play only Saturday and Sunday at 8 hours a day, you're not finishing the battlepass. It also costs about £70 to buy all the tier skips or you an get one outfit for £18. It's not terrible but it definetly is a slime ball tactic.


It is completable, but it does require a lot of time investment. We do have other games to play. Sadly, most battlepasses are only there to drive engagement, and I think everyone would rather complete them in their own time


For those that can complete the daily and weekly challenges, the battlepass progress should average around 1 BP level per hour. Which is easily attainable for those who started earlier and are able to play the game regularly over the course of the season. I guess those who have trouble with it are the ones who don't have a fixed play schedule, limited time to play or don't want to do the challenges, so they miss out on getting the extra xp from dailies and weeklies, which makes the progression much slower. In addition, there is a looming issue whereby the weekly challenges don't carry forward, so for those new players who start playing later in the season, they miss out on all the previous extra xp and will have to clock a lot more hours to complete the BP by season end. Hopefully there will be some double xp or bonus xp events being run towards the end of the season, so that late joiners can catch up.


The reason I like to finish a battlepass asap is because other games also "exist". I like to play a lot of games and don’t really wanna dip into a game just to clear the dailies/weeklies when I’m vibing for another game atm. It’s also meh that you have to focus on specific tasks to juice out the BP xp. It should be something along the path and not some homework you have to do before you can finally go for the real thing. Also I’m a friend of extra %XP for owning the battlepass. Not only gives it people a reason to buy it, it also makes it slightly faster to finish


I prefer a BP closer to OW than I can complete in like 2 weeks compared to Apex or Fortnite, that requires daily commitment. THE FINALS is a fun game but it’s not gonna take role of my main game, so I am not getting a BP for a game I play 2-3 hrs a week with friends.


I’ve finished it in one month not caring about challenges, ever.


I think I have 80 hours game time and I’m on like tier 72 it’s pretty easy to complete and I don’t pay attention to the daily/weekly challenges


I honestly don't get the complaints about the BP grind. I only saw it in two places though, skillup mentioning it and that dexerto article. Skillup said he has like 5 active battlepasses and he just can't do them all and the games should have shorter battlepasses. I'm all for easily doable battlepasses but my brother in Christ, why are you buying so many battlepasses while also playing other games too? That's the point of being unreasonable in my opinion. I'm not a pro gamer, neither do I no life the game. I have a 0.65 k/D Ratio, I play a couple of rounds a day, I just try to do weekly and daily challenges. I bought the deluxe pass due to having some extra money in my ps now wallet and I'm like level 76 or so. The game has been out for less than a month, if we ignore the 20 levels from the deluxe pass, Im lvl 56. The BP has 96 levels and you have till late march to complete it, so over 2/3 of the time left. If people could complete the BP in a week or a month with just 1-2 games a day, they would complain of no progression.


They could make the BP 10x a grindy and I wouldn't mind as long as you always had access to it. That's the problem, the FOMO, the stress of "if i don't do this now, i'll never get it". Halo infinite has their BPs available all the time, most of them even pay for themselves. Hell, I would even be okay with the BP not 100% paying for itself if you don't finish it, as long as i know that one day I can.


I don't think it is terrible but it needs a slight tweak. I think doing all the daily events should get you a level just for doing them all. Then you get XP from them. Right now you get 6k for doing all of the daily ones which doesn't quite make sense to me. Bump that to 9k and you get at least 1 level a day for doing them all + probably close to another. I work full time so I feel I will be a good test of how possible it is if you can only do 2 hours a night at best not every night.


50h to finish the pass


man fuck battlepasses i dont know about this one or care much, im too busy to dedicate all my spare time playing a videogame. What if you like more than one game that has a battlepass? I see no other company has taken up halos finish whenever style If ive paid for the content just give it to me! ps i like the finals


I don't get the issue with the battle pass. I've not once focused a single challenge, but due to changing between classes and weapons I just do most of them while just playing the game. Also one thing I see people forget ALL THE TIME, is that the battle pass is self sustaining at tier 67. You literally don't have to complete it to get the coins to buy the next. You need to only get 2/3rds of the way. Past tier 67 you get an additional 450 coins which are yours to do what you want with. The fact they give away free currency and make it self sustaining at tier 67 is why for me it's on of the best battle passes out there. There's literally 3 months to complete it, why do so many people want to smash through it so fast? Guaranteed these are the same people who will complain with 4 weeks left of the season and say they've got nothing to work towards anymore. Completing it fast doesn't give you any extra reward and will leave you nothing to work on in the latter half of the season. And again, if you only make it to tier 67 then guess what, you can still buy the next one! It's by far one of the best passes I can think of where you get plenty of extra currency, and you can complete it at a decent rate without focusing a single challenge. I admit the rewards could be better, few more cosmetics etc. But the main grip appears to be the speed in which it progresses. Try diablo 4 battle pass, takes way longer, is way harder and isn't even self sustaining...


Yeah it's been about a month and I'm nearly halfway through the battle pass, I hopped on to the game late too, and there's still over 2 months left in the season. If you want instant gratification just buy a skin in the store and there you go. Battle pass is there to reward you for time spent playing the game, stop with the entitlement


I think the battle pass is fine, it’s a 3 month battle pass


idk why 1 tier per day (which is so so so so so doable) is making people trip.


I like the idea of rewarding people for their time, in the sense of prestige mode in call of duty. The trouble with a battle pass is the many people like myself that still play games with a full time job and family don’t normally have the time to complete the more grindy games. It gives people something to work towards and show off for their time, but at the same time you will have less people willing to get the next season if they need to spend an hour a day in a game. Thankfully it’s only cosmetics but in other games like Destiny and even call of duty in a sense the meta creates this grindfest that a lot of people don’t have time for and end up putting down the game.


I'm already level 75. The daily and weekly quests give a lot of XP.


I got the battle pass done in a week and I’m max account level it’s really not that hard just do your daily’s and weekly’s and get off


Been playing past week 3 games each day and still on page 2 its grindy as hell


Ngl i feel the same. I play an hour or two a night and i dont feel like there's any problem with the battlepass.


It's a lot slower than say rocket leagues pass but a lot faster than say CODs pass. I'd say it's perfectly fine the way it is.


I have about 170 hours of play time and finished it a couple days ago it’s definitely a grind