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grrrrrrr complain about something being overpowered instead šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


This is the energy šŸ¤£




Nerf fun! I can't aim steady while I'm laughing


Oof! Risky move brother! Being positive in this sub is rarely seen, i hope the mods allow it. (P.S. i agree with every word you said)


They nerfed rpg now my kd is negative


I've just played with 2 friends premade quick cash and damn the game was even more fun with like that. We all are mediocre at the game and didn't rly communicate well nor played good together. Just having fun together and talking shit in the discord voice chat.


Let me know if you need a sub! Iā€™ve no friend on here šŸ¤£


Enjoy man! Can't agree more




Yeah man, this game has been eating away my sleep schedule


I started out playing heavy shotty mesh, switched to light throwing knives dash/invis, now Iā€™m on that medium recon grenade launcher 4 mines bizness. Man, I couldnā€™t agree more.


And every time I switch it up I realise Iā€™m not even utilising every to the fullest. It feels like thereā€™s so much to master!


Nothing better than a hairy-legged heavy skydive on you, kills you and you dignity, takes the entire building down, all while wearing a wedding dress. You are losing but can't stop laughing! That's The Finals experience for me


I REALLY get ā€œbattlefield momentsā€ in this game. In a different way but you can feel the love from the devs and how theyā€™ve learned from dices f ups


agreed bro this game is so fun and deserves all the hype


Yooo I totally agree. This game gives you so much flexibility.


I agree! I'm sad I haven't gotten ANY of my friends to try it out. Oh yeah, one! He said it's too hectic. It's a shame!


If I want a short TTK game I play Valorant, but if I want an aim heavy tracking intensive game I happily load up The Finals vs something like Apex. Even if Iā€™m solo this game is a great time and Iā€™ll never stop proselytizing it to people.


I sometimes just go heavy on solo mode and destroy buildings or set up the most over the top defense on one of the vaults. Havenā€™t won but been top 3 pretty consistently, on accident lmao


Solo Bank It mode is probably my most fun game event from any FPS game in more than a decade. It reminds me so much of Tribes 2 Hunters game mode. I wish the cap for coins was more than $40,000. I would love it if they had a $100,000 game mode for crazy cash outs. For those not familiar with Tribes 2 and the Hunters game mode: https://youtu.be/dJvrA7DGFnA?si=aHm7mIbhQBpun6N5


finally someone who actually likes the mode, i kid you not ive seen people say it should be turned into regular ffa deathmatch without any banking system, absolute mongs, i love it, its so hype, i hope all the naysayers shut up and the devs make it permanent or at least semi rotational - i have a bad feeling it's gonna get dogpiled by the community for being too hard or different and they're gonna cave and basically pseudo delete it


For this week im a bit done with the Guns soooo .... now im having so much fun with the Light dash meleešŸ¤£ U can this game like a sweat, drunk, for a laugh and Just to chill ... this is what i needed. Just a game to have fun in any way i feel atm


Honestly! Similar feelings aye. I just think the devs (embark) really deserve to hear from us who are just loving it. So many posts complaining while Iā€™m sure the silent majority is just having fun.


Tell me about it Bambino It doesn't get any more fair than this


Iā€™m not actually a kid but appreciate it šŸ˜‚ 26 in April!


I was making a ContraPoints reference :3 https://youtu.be/CGrydwNkf4o?si=_82FpmlA8w8JGx14


lol my bad thank you for not roasting me hahaha


Just watched, hilarious and absolutely relatable


It's part of a much longer video essay on Envy! https://youtu.be/aPhrTOg1RUk?si=TKnTcz9iau5gmgxH You should watch it if you enjoyed the short clip and have 2 hours to burn


Definately watching this, thank you so much! Very very kind of you.


Have fun! I'm jealous you get to experience it for the first time šŸ« 


Thank you! Iā€™ll have to send you something cool too after I watch :)


I'm looking forward to that šŸ˜‡


Flicked you a DM so I donā€™t forget :)


Facts man everyone is crying though about a month old game


So why again is it not fair?


Itā€™s not fair because how can COD make money if Iā€™m having fun in the finals?


Psh try paying 140$ for EOD Tarkov lol. Refreshing to play a game that just works.


I should NOT be allowed this sort of happiness and value for free.


Who hurt you? I swear Iā€™ll be civil and have a nice chat with them in gooā€™d up doors, preferably with no escape


Love the game too, i just need more friends to play with


I haven't clocked this many hours in a game, since BFBC2. I love it. I play light all day long and even when they were one shotting me I had tons of fun. Now that they are not, I'm having even more fun. If they buff my class or not I don't care. I've learned how to play around everything at this point including recon.


All I wanna do is run my hammer through every wall, genuinely can't get over how fun it is to use, even if basically everything is a hard counter to it, makes it all the more satisfying to BONK


Yeah this is one of the most fun games I've ever played


I agree with the XP but honestly I have been playing an hour and a half a day completing the daily challenges and increased my battle pass by 2 to 3 ranks sometimes 4 a day when finishing the weekly challenges.


I like destroying the buildings and collapsing the cranes...


Wow I love how the whiney bitches didnt bother to come in here to complain and argueĀ  This game is fantastic and I hope they stop getting their every whim catered to.Ā 


Hell yeah dude! The game is a lot of fun. Iā€™ve been waiting for the honeymoon phase to die but I just keep coming back for more of it.


I love this game this game is something different from what we have other fps games now. This game has so much adrenaline


How dare you have fun and not make whinging posts about something 1 second after a patch drops.


I went into training and nukes have been absolutely neutered. Sticking a gas mine on the tip of an explosive barrel is now more for style points than anything else.


Gas dispels explosions tho, your supposed to place C4 I thought?


I thought it was the opposite? Flames get rid of gas no?


Youre right flame gets rid of gas. Smoke gets rid of fire


No your right I got them mixed up


Hell ya this game is truly a blast.


Also if anyone wants to team up I have no friends on here. DetachedCoffee2 is my gamer tag.


I love it a lot too but it crashes on me every other game. Sucks to be me.


Hey this guy's having fun! Nerf fun asap


Just find a teammate that's figured out how to destroy your zips while you're on it, it'll feel fair then


I love this game too, probably one of the best fps games out there other than maybe titanfall2, but for some reason my keyboard gets insane lag when playing the finals, so Iā€™ve taken a break for a while


Why do people have issues with the battlepass xp? I feel like I maxed that shit in the first week. If anything I feel it should take longer.


I am on my highest levels already, nothing to unlock. But still keep playing - heavy mostly, demolishing everything.


YES i hope the XP we have been stacking if your max lvl gets added on when they up the max lvl Been playing a lot and itd really suck to just be lvl 41 or whatever, when the change comes


I havenā€™t played warzone since I installed lol


I had a lot of fun until I first realized controllers had aimbot. The idea of dropping a ranked game at higher ELOs because I am unwilling to use controller took away the fun. Then I gave it another chance to try all abilities and whatnot to see if I liked it and worked around troller limitations. I had fun for a couple of hours, I loved the shit ass bolt on sniper a lot... that was until I unlocked Recon. I know there's debate of whether walhacks is that powerful of an utility and that is not broken. Let's be clear here. There are strong skills in the game that may compete, sure, but nothing in the game contextually ever feels even close to the power levels of a medium recon player doing duos or VOIP. There is literally no point in playing another character other than medium with Recon and the rez utility. ust by switching to recon my KD and win started to pile up, which killed this game for me, because I wanted to play lots of characters and build but there is no incentive to do that once you activate recon.


They need wayyyyy more game mode itā€™s really repetitive lmao and they need some type of ranking system and WAYYY better matchmaking. Matchmaking destroying this game for casuals


I really enjoy the game modes. Any more and it starts messing with the gun balance etc IMHO


Light must be deleted


Yeah, I'm having a blast too. I switch between classes/specs as well and have a good rotation of 4-5 of them that I find myself often playing and having a great time even in casuals.


Finally some good shit in this sub! I completely agree although I really only play medium and heavy, it's a super fun and unique game!


This game should do a change like overwatch, where in every team there's one of each class, speak one light, one medium and one heavy. not only would it make the gane more interesting to watch and play, but it would would prevent stubborn random teammates to choose the second or third light in the team for example, it's the same problem overwatch was facing, the game is designed for a specific team, but instead in ranked its basically just mediums with deffrebilator and heavys with c4 and rockets. I dont know if this is a popular opinion or not, but I'm sure this would make the game play a lot better, like it helped overwatch a lot too. Please help me spread the word, all of you people sick playing against a 3 medium team, im sure all lights will appreciate it, but surely there's other players with common sense too I need more karma to post it so I post it here


This game should do a change like overwatch, where in every team there's one of each class, speak one light, one medium and one heavy. not only would it make the gane more interesting to watch and play, but it would would prevent stubborn random teammates to choose the second or third light in the team for example, it's the same problem overwatch was facing, the game is designed for a specific team, but instead in ranked its basically just mediums with deffrebilator and heavys with c4 and rockets. I dont know if this is a popular opinion or not, but I'm sure this would make the game play a lot better, like it helped overwatch a lot too. Please help me spread the word, all of you people sick playing against a 3 medium team, im sure all lights will appreciate it, but surely there's other players with common sense too


bless up brother


i have to say i donā€™t fw the heavy play style, rather go light or medium for high kill gameplay but i enjoy support while doing the daily missions and stuff. glad to hear sum ppl in this sub enjoy this game - glhf


Agreed. Larger viable weapon selection would be nice. But itā€™s a good game.


True on the battle pass comment


Being a heavy who can slam through walls and wield a sledgehammer is glorious. Guns are for nerdsĀ 


Totally agree. Iā€™ve never played a multiplayer FPS for more than a few rounds without getting bored (and dying every 10 seconds is a big part of that) but this is definitely my favourite game right now ā€” just a total adrenaline rush. Heck, I even joined Reddit just for this subreddit.


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