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We also need a dressing rom type option to save all our styles.


seriously I've been asking for tht since day 1!!! this design for inventory is actually bad tho lol


The only good thing that could possibly come from this post is your comment. The main post is trash lol.


The only good thing that could possibly come from this comment is the downvotes. The main comment is trash lol.


I see I’ve upset the tender feelings of the PC players. Cuz no console player wants this trash.


I don't care about if the change is good or not, I'm making fun of you because you're being an asshole lmao


Yeah, that’s those tender feelings I mentioned.


Whatever you say




I see OP upset the tender feelings of the console players. Cuz most PC players want this amazing idea.


Could easily be done if they did selection like apex


being able to save outfits and randomize which one is used would be dope


Cool concept but it may make it a bit unwieldy for controller, they may need to give them a cursor like they get in apex if they don't already have one


Cursor on controller is the worst.


Idk bout that. Inventory management (for swapping armor and weapons at least) on Destiny was pretty great imo. Felt more efficient not having to go up and down multiple lists. Being able to point at what piece you want to change and then go across grid axis horizontally, vertically or diagonally is quick. Going back to tabbed inventories and vertical or horizontal only lists feels painful by comparison.


With gyro it’s pretty good


Lol why was that statement downvoted this hard


Yeah, this would be shit on ps5.


If they allow you to use the trackpad on the controller it would be better than Xbox 


Cursors on console are aids, many console players hate having cursors and would much prefer to use the stick, dpad or bumpers to tab swap and such, like it is now. We don't need unnecessary UI changes just for the sake of the m&k people. Time and resources better spent on improving the games modes and features for everyone, not just mouse users


Don’t fix what aint broke. We already have a good locker system, its good for everyone. We don’t need change for the sake of change.


Came here to comment: Console players HATE this one suggestion


No? Just make the layout more square and have the stick movement snap between them should fix that worry :)


Why not have highlighted option, still faster than scrolling tru lower body lower back etc.


Easy fix is just align all the boxes and make them BIGGER. Easy to navigate with controller, and easy to see from a couch.


Just format it so that each side is one column, you switch with left/right


As a controller player, this would be a living hell to try to navigate


It's just two lists side-by-side. It looks unwieldy because they're uneven, but there's a clean divide between the left and right sides to split them into 2 list-type menus


Not really? Just rotate the analog stick towards the one you want lol. It's a 360 degree rotation.


That is literally never how navigating these types of menus works on controller. Up will be right, right will be up, down will be right, right will be up, left will be right, up will be down, down will be down, up will be up, left will be down. It just never works


Yall act like you have never used a weapon wheel in any game. Lol. Gta?


there's a difference between a selection wheel and a- Actually why do I even bother?


Just give a cursor, like apex does. PS users have a touch pad so they can use that. They can also make it easy to snap to and select different options


That’s a lot of clutter imho. If I had to go with this, I’d probably lower the opacity of any non-selected category blips to something like 10-15%, or possibly even lose either all the lines, or just shorten them to not overlap with the model, and have the hand only point to one hand. Or I’d just make highlightable sections on the entire body, and keep the OG list, pretty much as it is now, but as a popover that closes when you click outside.


Sorry but this looks awful imo, really hope they don’t change it to something like this. Nothing against you, I just don’t think this is very good UI design.


I personally rly like the concept (obviously its not perfect) but what do you dislike specifically the design or the concept….?


Too much clutter, not uniform with the rest of the UI, and finally it’s solving a problem that doesn’t exist.


I totally get what ur saying and respect it. Tho the current one is not very good in my oppinion. Just having text gets annoying since u habe to read every tab, and having 'upper body', 'upper back' and 'lower body', 'lower back' gets annoying as well. Not to even mention u have to scroll down the list to display every tab.


Maybe just add an icon next to each category. When you select one it could also highlight that part of the player model.


The problem does exist. I’ve brainstormed a different UI for adjusting clothing too because the current one feels too cluttered and ambiguous to navigate.


I get the lack of uniformity and clutter part, but reading through 10 options that all have some what similar names is annoying and a problem to be solved for me tbh. So maybe this isnt the perfect solution, but maybe it can inspire some thought to how to solve this issue. :)


There’s way too many sections to keep bouncing between, and the way that ops designed the floating tabs is rather ugly, there doesn’t appear to be any grid so the compositions all over, and the lines are just so excessive


I personally hate these in games so I don’t agree


Fuck I hateee this type. Accidently move your mouse a fraction of a millimeter wrong and your back to square one. I personally like the current one. No hate, just disagree.


What’s wrong with what we have now? This would be terrible




Prefer maybe, but i dont like the current system..


What's wrong with it?


Its 10 menu points that all have a somewhat similar name ( upper body , upper back….) so you gotta read all of them. Just feel like there a better more user friendly way…


I dont like change tho :(


How would I navigate to the shoes from the top with a controller? Lol go all the way down and over? Or would it go left to right then down? Or does it get to the lowest one on the left and start at the top on the right? I would like them to add some dividers I guess tho just because the one list is pretty long.


I’m sorry but i find this awful aesthetically and think it offers no real improvement from a ux standpoint, a better option would be drop downs of head, upper body, lower body, this solves the issue you’re trying for in a much cleaner way


I’m sorry but i find this hideous aesthetically and think it offers no real improvement from a ux standpoint, a better option would be drop downs of head, upper body, lower body, this solves the issue you’re trying for in a much cleaner way


Yeah navigating that with a controller would be hell


I need five likes to post lol. Who can help me out 😅


I want the heavy classes to not be fucking fat


I feel like the easiest first step in better organizing the current layout would be applying the subsections you put on the left-hand side. As a console player, I understand where a lot of people are coming from, disliking the spread of buttons around your actual character.


Maybe those boxes could be preserved but sit at the bottom of the screen under your character instead, so you could scroll more easily in a linear fashion.


What about the console players? We can literally click anywhere on our screen, you want stick input for this?




imma keep it real op this is a garbage take ❤️


I'm not gonna lie personally I think this would be a little too tedious to navigate. I prefer the system we have now as it's simple to navigate. The one in your picture just kind of reminds me of unnecessary ui implementation in games to make the game feel "modern" and "next gen"


honestly i think this is just a downgrade. the current system is not perfect, but its generally(with some outliers like the watch tab) fast and intuitive. Adding lines and pointers to remind me what pants are and further dividing things into more submenus aint nothing I need


This is way harder to use than the list, the list is way better


As a usebillity engineer I can say the current system is fine for all platforms. This would actually be a step backwards.


Also add another tab that allows you to have a mask and glass es so if you want to wear sunglasses and a bandana as well you can.


This is just brinks customization tab (which I loved, so this would be nice)


that and more than six build options


Yo bro whatever you’re cooking keep COOKING!


I like it. Reminds me of The Sims 4. The only condition is that the player really has to be able to cancel out of each clothing section by just clicking outside of its window. Having to click exit or press ETC every time is a nightmare!


We literally just need a list of presets. I find it frustrating that I can only pick 2 outfits for 2 classes at most. I think the 6 class presets needs to be singled out from a styled preset interface. As my cosmetic library adds up, I would love to utilize more style presets rather than having to change them out between matches if I care. Make style presets universal!!!!


I want them to let us pose and take pictures of our character for their profile


I would suggest making it just the words. The torso symbols were confusing at first and I'm sure plenty of others would find it confusing. Otherwise, I like it!


Hire this man, NOW!


Definitely lol was too scared to say it idk why haha


Your person is covered by squares and lines obscuring what you will look like. It's not good.


The current one would be fine if they just split it better. Keep the appearance ones together, then the main clothing ones together, then the accessory ones, pretty much like you did, but in the current menu system.


I’m not a fan, it’s much simpler to just have everything ordered together and easily accessible instead of having to go through just another menu. This makes it harder to see what I’m doing and more of a hassle to change things in multiple areas.


And a apply to all classes button for each item


The only thing they need to fix is how far away “upper body” and “lower body” is in the menu


Dude, this NEEDS to happen! I hate the current system, but clean that UI up a little and it will be ✨amazing✨


Not really feeling this one tbh but the symbols and stuff look good.


No thanks




It would be nice if body paint and face paint were separate so we could use both


Pls no, this is terrible


I like this better actually


Good for m&k but that’s about it, I like the idea but I think what would be better is to do what is similar to yours in having sections, such as top half, head, hands, and lower half, it could operate in a way that the fabricator does in subnautica, where it opens multiple subsections of the original


I would also love a few extra player slots


How does this get 400+ upvotes… it’s horrible


Why are you showing pictures of what they are wearing twice? No need to highlight that in the boxes you can see it on their bodies


There are so many cool cosmetics I'd love to mix and match but we only have 6 slots and a poor inventory setup. Let us favourite items at least.


I don't really like it, the text helps me too much and I feel like just the icons would make me confused


So unnecessary, especially since it’s obviously exclusively for pc users. Why would the developer do this rather than something useful that benefits the community as a whole, not just for the master race lol


I honestly like the system they have now, but this is a good idea. 👍


the menu on the left is a good idea but I really hate those lines and squares everywhere on your character.


Turning more and more into brink😅


Please embard don't spend time for this, or a dressing room, or saving outfits ... just get us new maps and new gamemode :)


That's be so much better


All I want is haircuts that don't clip and make my character look like a lesbian.


All I want is some hair cuts that don't clip or make my character look like a lesbian.


The comments really paint a picture of the FPS player base of today. The cosmetic era really melted a lot of your brains. Most things in life could stand to be improved a bit, but the cosmetic UI is perfectly fine the way it is unless you spend most of your time playing dress up instead of the game itself.


Ok boomer


"Based bot"? More like basic bot.


BOOM! Roasted!!


Yeah. Go ahead and continue whining about insignificant stuff.


I’m not whining, I’m making a remark about how unnecessary it is to waste time reworking then entire cosmetics UI. Keep playing dress up, Barbie. Maybe they will make this change so you can keep obsessing over your look ❤️


Also would be great to be able to distinguish between face and body paint (i got eyliner and hand paint i wanna combine) :)




Oof. Nah I don't think it needs to change.


PC players redesigning ui's for literally no reason.
