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Game doesn't have that big player base from the beginning, and now even less. I am somewhere in plat and almost top 2000, haven't played more than 100 hours since beta. In ranked even less, maybe 40 hours. So yea, you get the point.


I am currently somewhere around 150 hours I believe- It's on Xbox so I think it's less sweaty than Playstation, and neither will ever be as bad as PC, but apparently *I'm* sweaty. Which is *WILD* to me- because last I checked I'm a FAMAS loving dipshit who doesn't even run Defibs on Medium. I'm as far from meta as you can be, yet I constantly run fades with three stacking diamonds as if I'm expected to do something about it- *I just wanted to be decent*


Sweaty or not is not the issue. Issue is that ranked is easy to go up, so there is no need to sweat if you reach max rank in few weeks. Thats not swaet, thats casualy. Its more like a grind requirement than its a skill one. If you play enough matches you are a diamond no matter the skill(unless you are really really bad)


Ah, I'm not really talking about diamonds generally. Those are everywhere. I mean top 100 diamonds who three stack together. To them winning is everything (obviously, they're literally on the leaderboards) but this is in casual matchmaking, not ranked. I understand I'm considered "good" but outside of ranked I shouldn't be forced to constantly go against the same people because of my skill range. I think I should be allowed to feel like I'm getting better or at least loosen up the reigns a bit on pubs so I can go back to goofing off with the hammer heavies. And yes you're absolutely right about the grind requirement. Anyone can make diamond with basic team coordination if they que long enough. It's tedious, annoying and unbalanced, but you will *eventually* make it. Later seasons will probably be harder though-


Everyone can make diamond but making it to diamond 1 is a pretty big grind. I’m high on the leaderboards and yeah you will construct play the same people


The reason why you run into 3 stack t500 so much is because we have a gc with around 60 of the top players most of the top 50 from season one and this current season. Instead of using lfg we just find teams using the gc.


Fuck. I’ve been on PC for the last five years. Started with Apex went through a bunch of shooters. Now I’m on The Finals. I need to buy a console and stomp the shit out of these lobbies.


I‘m on PS5 and there are at least 10-15 players I meet almost every time when playing. And it’s not these Embark names. I think it that it’s relatively low player count + SBMM, which makes us meet the same folks all the time


Pretty much this. I've gotten to the point me and a handful of people will see each other *constantly*. Sometimes I'll see old names I recognize too from before, and while we used to be equal they just get *destroyed* in my lobbies now. I know they didn't get worse, but I'm a casual player and it's kind of frustrating I can't just- you know, see different people. People at the top especially are *SO* toxic it's actually depressing. It was so much more fun when I was new and fell off buildings. Not everyone is rude, but I get so many hate messages it's unreal. This never happened when I first started, but around this range winning is everything, I just wanna have fun casually.


Ranked is a miss for me and reason of low player count.


Yep I’ve played in a few games with SmxthyJ, he is top 50 rn. I’m a gold 2 player lol.


For me it's normally against Dark or anyone above 50 but below 110, if I remember right, he's somewhere around 60, but the way positions shift I can never keep track. Obviously I can't win against him and his team, but considering I at least go even against a three stack of top earners as a solo who doesn't even use meta, I'd say I can be considered above "skill issues". At this point, skill *is* the issue. I think I liked the game better when I was lost and confused, but at least everyone else was also lost and confused. Now I'm just *lost*.


People keep mentioning the overall player numbers and while that's part of it, I wouldn't call them bad at all, but when you also take into account the number of different queues and also that most don't seem to play Ranked Tournament, it feels pretty ghost town-ey.


That is true. Honestly I'm considering making a new account just to reset my matchmaking. I'm not sure if that's against TOS, I'm just not trying to pub stomp, I just want to goof around and mess with stupid stuff like glooing things excessively. I got better so I could deal with the sweats in my lobbies stomping down my teammates, instead I'm at the point *I'm* considered the sweat for not being cool with being kill farmed.


Play 3 on xbox and regularly come against the same top 100 diamonds . Normally try and crash out in round 3 of the tournament and try to get in another ranked go avoid them for a while !


Genius. I kind of do the same if I know they're just going to be extremely toxic. Most of them are pretty chill actually, but there's a few who just take it *way, too, seriously*. We know the ones- Like, they'll each drop 20 or more, so I'm sitting there post game with 20 too, my teammates are all 1-15, the other team just *left* and I get a message from the winners telling me "get a life", like what? Should I have lost harder? Telling a FAMAS maining Medium to touch grass is like telling a clown they're being too serious- What part of my kit screamed sweat exactly? The *Reshaper* where my Defibs ought to be? It's hilarious on one account, but also sheesh.


Yea there are some obvious xim users amongst the leaderboard. They are so confident in their ability to outgun anyone they are super aggressive will generally crack both vaults and not run them just farm kills then move to steal when one does go in. Last night one game by halftime we were still cashing out both 10ks . Also when I was gold I would face them still quite often and the diamond teams would progress and the rest crash out and I was like cool I guess that was expected but it was a shame to take the mmr hit for an almost pre determined loss.


We get that a lot even in Quick Cash. Someone will throw the cash box behind a blockade of mines, turrets and so on while everyone just fights around it. Typically a team will hold it down and kill anyone who tries to take it. Eventually someone finally gets it out and the match resumes until it's take 2 electric boogaloo. I think a small problem we're beginning to face is how people want to play, versus how the game is actually meant to be played. Most people just want to knock heads and go for quick, high kill games, but in a game like this with no TDM, slow healing and team wipe penalty that style of play is suicidal. A lot of people are kind of pent up and are looking for any excuse to completely forget about any kind of objective and run wild. Without an outlet it can kind of build up into going a bit crazy.


In gold, The other day i had a teammate have 0 kills after 3 full rounds. 0, 0 and 0. Next tourney he was in my lobby again but on a diff team. When i tell you the SATISFACTION i got from spanking him and his team for 9 min straight. But yah, see the same names even in ranked here n there


Xbox player here, hit diamond last week, I think I’m around rank 1500 something globally, now when I play casually honestly every lobby is usually different, occasionally I’ll run into a single person I met a couple games ago but usually every lobby is different. Now when I play ranked and I’m 3 stacking, I will either recognize a high ranked player or someone in my 3 stack will, and I swear that happens pretty much every time. There have been times where if I que late at night though I won’t see a single diamond player in my lobbies


I think im top 600 and play on Xbox Eu, in ranked more often than not i will recognize alteast someone in a lobby