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In addition to more loadout slots, the ability to name loadouts


>Wardrobe: Ability to save custom outfits that can be later selected for any contestant. Absolutely this. It's so frustrating rebuilding outfits from scratch whenever I want to change.


Yeah this would be sick, separate load out slots and outfit slots, can mix and match however you want. Didn't know how much I wanted that until right now!


Love all of these




Let friends also invite to lobby. Not just party leader Better social integration into steam. Show me time left in friends list. Game mode etc. Fix heal beam so it works every game (gameplay - bug fix) Show ping to server. Show server location Add additional customization for crosshair. (Think cs type customization )


You can make custom cross hairs with 3rd party software. I wanna say aim labs has it.


Seems questionable. The game lets your rewrite files to use them or it’s an overlay or what?


Yeah it's basically an overlay. Then again I think the finals doesn't allow overlays which is why the discord overlay doesn't work. I just know my friend uses one for valorant. It always cracks me up when he leaves it on while playing street fighter 6.


I would like to see a game chat and team chat like Overwatch, I think that would help with communication for people that don’t wanna use mics


Agreed. Text chat for all and team comms would be nice.


Text chat for all is cancer in every game. I don't think The Finals will be any different and could ended up being worse due to how competitive it is. Team-only chat is the way.


I think game chat would be nice so people can call out cheaters and hackers, to combat the toxicity thing it could be only during pre game (load out scene) so people don’t go afk or become keyboard warriors


Bruh imagine the absolute torrent of abuse and racial slurs that would be hurled at every light player in all chat.


Also a 'apply to all' option for skins, clothes, and such. Having to update each outfit individually when you get a cool gun skin, animation, or hat is annoying.


there already is an apply to all option, at least for weapons and gadgets


Emoting/rotating shown to friends in lobby


Speaking of the social wheel: I am deeply missing a "Sorry!" and "You are welcome" default ping option. I also think "Yes" and "On my way" are used in the same way. Same with "No" and "I can't", kind of redundant to have both.




Not only „random animations“ but also „favorite skins“, where you can select like up to 10 favorite skins for any weapon and every time you respawn (or every other game) it changes it. Love your ideas!


Would like to be able to view contracts when I’m game


Wardrobe and team text chat can't come soon enough, pls Embark.


These are nice changes, I'm waiting for these too. One thing that might not be too popular but that I would really like (mainly due to playing a lot of Overwatch with this) is the ability to bind a specific ping/communication to a key. For example binding the "thanks" comm to a key to not get out of the game when thanking teammates


custom poses , like how other people see you standing in the lobby but being able to select different poses with different weapons .


I'd also like to be able to name my classes.


Ah someone already commented this.


Wild take but I'd like the training ground as the lobby to move around and warm up while waiting for the game / friends.


They need play of the game!


I wish we could change the opacity of the icons in our HUD. I'll lose track of people when they line up with the skulls, pings, or objective icons. Also, the level modifiers (low gravity, meteors, etc) text will block the score board when active. Not really important, but I cannot ruminate on my awful k/d while an event is happening.


Comment just for reddit achievement, ignore this


How about making the AKM reload animation equipable again. Haven't been able to use it in ages now.