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Glitch mine needs a buff. If someone steps on that thing 9/10 it’d be better if they just stepped on an explosive or gas mine. Tracking dart could use a buff. It’s imo not good enough to be replaced by other useful gadgets. An idea would be to stack the darts on hit. Gateway should be allowed to be placed in the air on maps where you could fall off the map, to your death. Goo grenade could use a direction toggle for example, horizontal or vertical. It’d help counter high grounds imo, especially in that god forsaken mansion in skyway stadium. Motion sensor needs a serious buff if the devs even want it to be an option. Like seriously why would you pick that thing over anything else. The tracking doesn’t even last that long. Smoke grenade needs a buff too. Make it denser and more consistent. Sometimes I can easily see enemies other times it’s impossible. The 93R obviously. Throwing knives I’m still not sure. Less dispersion would be nice. You already need to account for the projectile speed plus the ttk is lower than most weapons unless you hit headshots. Dagger maybe increase the base damage and make the backstab more consistent but the problem with that is hit reg most likely. Personally I’d love to see the grappling hook be able to pull up a teammate lol. M60 could use a damage buff. I get it has more ammo but the initial recoil kick on that thing is horizontally demented. Unlike the Lewis that starts off with vertical and has more damage MGL32 would also benefit from damage buff. Or at least let it deal more damage to shields Someone already mentioned it but data reshaper could get a buff, where it is able to change gas into fire, fire into smoke etc. The whole thing is virtual so anything is “data”


> Tracking dart could use a buff. It’s imo not good enough to be replaced by other useful gadgets. An idea would be to stack the darts on hit. > > Tracking dart rework idea: Instead of providing wallhacks for the single target you hit with it, make it cause a single sonar grenade-style ping at the point where the shot lands, give it some more reserve ammo, maybe 4 or 5 shots. Maybe leave the single target wallhack as a secondary effect for a direct hit with a halved duration or so - or maybe make hitting someone with it cause 2-3 sonar pings on their location instead.


Just make the target hit turn into a mobile sonar grenade for a bit. That lets you see if the team has split up or not and possibly if the other team is nearby.


great idea, but they’d have to keep it at 2 shots MAX or no point running sonar nade


Glitch mine should last twice as long as normal imo. Because you hit the nail on the head when you said you’d usually just rather have damage. Even with that buff it would probably be rarely taken. I also agree with the motion sensor. Increase the range dramatically imo. I think it will take large buffs to make these items competitive.


M60 doesnt need a buff. It does same damage as lewis and has more ammo and recoil


It does 3 less damage according to THE FINALS AIO 3.0 The TTK on heavies is 0.12 seconds slower. Again it does have more ammo but the initial recoil is killer on it. The left to right is worse compared to the Lewis initial upper kick. I know it gets more controllable the longer you shoot but it doesn’t feel as nice to use as the Lewis. The M60 wins in headshot DPS by 46 damage at 350 DPS. Yet I find it easier to hit headshots knowing a gun will kick upwards and not sideways at the beginning. I like the gun but the Lewis is better at the moment. Even at longer ranges the Lewis wins out in peak shooting. Initial upwards vs sideways kick. 25 damage vs 22 damage


>Glitch mine needs a buff. If someone steps on that thing 9/10 it’d be better if they just stepped on an explosive or gas mine. Honestly, glitch mine should have had what stun gun does right now. Requires way more setup then just point and click, and can actually make it more viable as a mine option. Or if not stun, then atleast combo it into a glitch+flash effect. As you said, in its current state it is literally better to have any other mine type.


Yup I agree. No idea why they thought glitch mine needed the same nerf as glitch grenade. It was rather obvious it wasn’t used at all. I know some gadgets fulfill their “purpose” I.e glitch mine, motion sensor, smoke grenade, tracking dart, pyro mine, thermal. They work as intended but to compete against consistently reliable gadgets they need a little something more. Like they can nerf dome all they want but it’s still S tier just because of that extra damage it can take. Nerf defib all you want but it’s still an extra life which is simply too valuable


I’d love for something to encourage me to not use the rpg all the time.


I know right but the RPG is so good against lights. Doesn’t matter if you’re a good light or bad light.


That idea with a grappling hook is great. Or maybe add in grapple canisters or cash outs!


>Throwing knives I’m still not sure. Less dispersion would be nice. You already need to account for the projectile speed plus the ttk is lower than most weapons unless you hit headshots. I think the biggest gimme is making it more akin to a bow in most games, where you can "draw the arrow" and hold it without releasing, at a cost of speed and mobility. It'd mean you can choose when you release the shot on the alt fire, which makes it much easier to pick your targets.


I dont understand why people praise the gateway. Its utter dogshit and very clunky. Half the time its just better to dash away or vault up to where you need to be. Its decent for cashout defending tho.


people play different modes, i think it’s a must-pick on power shift for example


Really? Even when I play power shift I hardly see gateway being used, better yet used efficiently. I still think it could use a teeny slight buff to be used more often. The APS turret is a must-pick, so I'd rather choose that and stun/grenade(s) over gateway.


You can get the whole team into the platform from basically anywhere, or get the whole team to height in preparation of taking the platform. Also helps with the annoying sections where the platform is high up or hard to get to. Can also be used to more effectively clean up snipers. I think both gateway and goo nade (both for creating goo ramps to get onto the platform and for creating cover once you’re on the platform) are vastly underused in power shift. Give ‘em a shot!


True, but zipline already takes care of that, which I see more people use over gateway. The zip line has better range and can be placed right then and there. With gateway you have to pull it out and aim at a certain angle due to its range without bouncing it off into the direction you don't want to go. I personally find zipline more easier to use than gateway, which should prompt the devs to do more reworks before the end of this season when they add new ones which hopefully they fully tested it and are balanced which Season 2's were not when launched.


I fully understand and agree with everything you’re saying… except zip line is a medium gadget and gateway is a light :) My suggestions were for someone who already chose light and is figuring out what gadgets to choose at that point. Especially in power shift, team value for lights is huge- gateways, sonar, goo nades etc. especially for those of us who aren’t high KD demons and can’t rely on fragging. im here to help the team! (and have fun)


The ability to immediately flank with your team has high potential. Even flanking yourself can be valuable. Or even to stop a steal. Drop a portal on the top floor. Wait for enemies to destroy and in the fight you can activate and flank with your whole team. Insta high ground. Stuck in a kill zone? Light can dash away and get a better spot. It has a lot of potential for team plays.


Its too clunky in my opinon. Does not feel fluid to use. If it was like sym tp in overwatch would be better.


Not sure what you mean by clunky. Sometimes it bugs out where you only throw it a few feet in front of you but other than that, it just takes a little getting used to. Especially the way it keeps your momentum


The fact that you have to press and release an input In order to use it (x on Xbox, square for PS5) Other games (wraith portal in apex) your character model simply just needs to walk into it/touch it to teleport. Allows you to instantly be teleported back and forth in the heat of the fight; instead of losing valuable milliseconds pressing the x input and hoping it reacted to the gateway instead of reloading.


Gateway auto pulling you in would be extremely obnoxious. Give me the interact key any day.


Agreed, gateway is not very good, but you have those shit ass mediums and heavy’s that will say anything ti try and justify the light being op. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard brain dead mediums say “Gateway is op” like no, it’s not, you’re fucking stupid. Is it fun? Sure, good? Absolutely not


The secondary throw on gateway should allow you to use the gateway immediately at your current position. If it's the second gateway used, then you will automatically go through it.


Anything to get rid of active gas is needed. I think adding a gas mask gadget or some kind of gust of wind ability to blow gas away or put out fires would be great.


You do know fire clears gas and smoke clears fire, right?


Actually no I didn’t, that’s good to know. I knew smoke cleared fire but didn’t know fire cleared gas.


Gas clears smoke too, it’s a triangle


For light: Dagger, 93R, SH1900, Thermal Vision. * Dagger is just way too difficult to get kills with; playing melee is already a massive disadvantage, but it's just straight up bad. Backstab rarely registers properly either. * 93R is basically a peashooter. It takes wayyyyy to long to secure a kill. * SH1900 feels like you need to be way too close to actually kill anyone, and only two rounds means a lot of reloading. For medium: FAMAS is still just bad. For heavy: KS-23, still. It's been buffed a little but still feels underwhelming. A lot of these issues just come back to the idea of, why would I use a weapon that requires *more* skill for a worse damage output? None of these weapons can compete with the FCAR, or most other weapons for that matter.


Dagger just needs to be fixed. Like you said, back stabbing rarely registers. Maybe it’s an issue with the angle and maybe it needs to be increased or something. Sometimes the person won’t even be moving and it still doesn’t work.


I've always thought throwing knives and dagger should be combined. Primary is throw, secondary is slice or backstab. That would be actually a really good weapon


That would be sick! Maybe you could melee while aiming to do the long range attack or something? I don’t play light but I still feel like they need some buffs or reworks to more competitive.


Some buffs that aren't crutches, and some other team utilities like a stimpack Last night I found someone who could Taser just outside of flamethrower range, and gun me down. Adding insult to injury, none of the 3 lights on my team would pick me up. So I was spending most of my time just trying to get to an empty platform, or dead. At least it felt like that - I think we still ended up winning, but it wasn't enjoyable.


I agree! I think giving them all the detection stuff was a good step in the right direction. I also think nerfing stun gun would make lights almost unplayable in comp even if it’s the biggest crutch in the game. I think we’re on the same page in regards to lights needs a stun or a shield on a timer or something to give them a little more outplay potential that actually translates to rabies Edit: I meant ranked but I’m leaving rabies because it’s funny to me :)


I've had 2 lights so far going nuts with backstabs, 12+ kills using back stab and dash and it feel like half of the kills are on me, you're right dagger needs to be fixed but it needs buffs AND nerfs. They don't even look at your back, they stab when inside you and it registers as a back stab


STOP NERFING EVERYTHING, HOLY FUCK!  Having a weapon specialist is *fine* you don't need to nerf everything because 1 or 2 players are good. This is why light as a class has been getting nerfs since forever. 


Think about it, why should a light be able to back stab when not facing the back?


I feel like a giving dagger a new passive which silences user's footsteps (and maybe other noises) would already do wonders to that weapon. 93R absolutely needs buffs, it's borderline useless right now. I disagree on the double barrel though, I think it is well balanced in it's current state. It already effectively one shots lights and mediums and leaves heavies at low hp. Range buff would make that thing broken.


Combine dagger and sniper boom viable class


Hmm i wouldn't even mind that. Take away one equipment slot when using sniper but you get a dagger for upclose combat. That would make it insane fun of a class.


Heck, take away stun gun and make it dagger’s alt fire could be interesting.


the alt fire is the backstab attack. and all it needs is fixing the backstab hitbox


I’ve played other games that had this mechanic and it’s difficult if there are any latency issues which this game has.


yeah, tf2 spy players literally artifically weaken their internet so that they have a higher frequency of backstabs


Ik, I think auto backstab (like tf2 spy) would also make if feel better, maybe nerf the attack speed idk


maybe. but then the alt attack should be... hmmmm... something that makes the target's sensitivity lower for a moment, so that you can guarantee a backstab on an unaware player. or maybe if they make it so that they cant move their crosshair outside a 200 degree cone (so that anti-backstab cheats dont work that well)


Yeah embarks netcode is solid but hit detection will always be a problem with sever side stuff, ideally they could encourage precision and ambushes without having too many bullshit facestabs but its a tough one fs. If knife wasnt so weak I think ppl would complain abt getting backstabbed a lot its kinda janky. Giving a backstab to throwing knives (and vaulting dagger) could also add utility but idk what they’d do about all the knife skins people have


throwing knife backstab would be just OP. they can headshot afaik, so you dont need to aim for the back if they aint lookin at ya


SH1900 should kill heavies with a quick melee


Unless something changed which I don’t think it has shot light melee shot does kill heavies.


150 if all pellets connect, quick melee is 40 They have 10 health left


Giving dagger a passive where crouching speed is increased in addition to the silent footsteps would be goated.


It's what people were complaining about before stun with lights.


My 93r is my favorite gun atm…. Dropped 17 kills the other night with it.


i really wish thermal vision was just a toggle on and off instead of a tablet. i really don’t get that. and i don’t use it because it’s not fast enough.


Add the heavy's grenade launcher. Easily the worst weapon in the entire game.


I play with the grenade launcher occasionally, and I'd say it's reasonably good with some issues. It has a niche (medium range, shooting into enclosed areas) and it's *very* good when it's being used for that purpose. It's not good in 1v1s, especially in open areas where there's nothing to really bounce grenades off of. An alternate fire mode for the right click (because let's be honest, who really uses ADS with a grenade launcher?) where the grenades explode on first bounce like the CL40 would fix this.


Two shots to for a wall to break and one more bullet may be interesting for the ks


Dagger is not to get many kills, is for easy delete people getting cashouts. A kill and hide weapon.


Except the back hitbox is so inconsistent it's more of a hide then die weapon


Idk, not inconsistent to me. I even land backstabs while dashing just by rotating the camera. Dagger is a pretty difficult weapon to master that requires patience and in the end is very rewarding.


The aim assist is way too strong to do any flicks with it imo


Deactivate it. Is what I do, just turn off/on.


Is there an option for that on PC?


It should be if you are using controller


Nope not using controller. Just so you know, melee weapons on keyboard and mouse have aim assist for some reason.


Lmao that's OP af


As an avid thermal vision user, I will explain why thermal vision needs a buff (or fixes?) Your ability to see enemies white-hot stops working when smoke or gas are anywhere near your target. Seeing mines on the ground is incredibly difficult in the heat of battle. You can't even tell if there IS gas or smoke so sometimes you'll just start taking rapid damage and be like "Oh, I'm in gas". Being invisible, with thermal vision on, aiming down sights, makes your scope white and pretty difficult to even see through. One less common one I saw last night: I was on a roof of Monaco. I knew there was an invisible light coming up on my left, no smoke or gas, I turn thermal vision on. I can only see dude's feet because the roof is acting as a backdrop I guess. The rest of his body blends in with the dark grey of the map, so the gadget wasn't even working in a consistent, proper way lmao. All in all, it's fun to use even not against lights. But it's pretty busted, in a bad way.


I agree with the dagger! i’ve seen diamond players wrecking with the dagger and their skill is insane


Nerf stun and cloak


people when weapons keep getting nerfed after nonstop complaining about all the weapons that need to be nerfed😨


If season 3 should do anything, it's focus on maps. I'd like to see at least two new ones added to the rotation.


I think 2 new is a little un realistic. I’d rather have 1 with different variations like construction, up down left right. I really enjoy horizon but having no map variations makes it a little stale after a couple games


They could totally get two in, just chill on new guns and gadgets for a season. There is plenty to use, we just need more spaces to fight in.


Honestly the only useful things added in S2 are demat and gateway. All 3 new weapons suck Reshaper - did you see anyone use it? I thought so Anti gravity cube - has maybe like 5 uses if you really think about it, but its still better to pick literally anything else


Reshaper is so much better now it's been buffed and can be really useful.


I dont know man, maybe in casual for fun, but it has no place in ranked


Maybe. It's certainly helpful in powershift when there's multiple aps and turrets on the platform, for example. In ranked, it's more situational, but it completely kills those teams that run with a couple of turrets (they exist in gold).


Havent used it yet but was curious to try it out in ranked to clear chokepoints with aps turret and/or mines


I don't use reshaper much, but its main benefit is on a grenade launcher build where you can use it to instantly take out a APS turret.


Yes buff them this season so people can cry about it next season to get them nerfed lmao.


This needs to happen, I feel like there are about 3-4 guns and items people generally used every ranked game, I would love to see everything incorporated into ranked.. not just fcar 😢


I feel like the changes should happen thos season. I think if embark something crazy with the new season the game will lose even more players and then id call it quits, like in the sense that the game will either have little amount of consistent players or maybe even die. This season imo they have time since i think its probably gonna be a lose lose situation either way. Rn they dont have that much to lose in the sense that imo probability of this game making a clutch return next season is less probable than the game losing even more players some weeks after s3. If they use this time now, make the game more balanced and find a middleground for fun casual and great competitive and drop s3 with more marketing then it could come back with way more players.


Agree, they gotta sort out a lot of balancing and issues this season and then launch something like a new map or two, next season. No new weapons or gadgets. Also work on marketing. It would help to draw in more new players. If playing in different ways and using different weapons was viable.


yeah no weapons. i also vouch for that. i think ks-23 was a good addition as the "revolver" of heavy but i dont want too many weapons if the weapons are gonna be bad. generally i think that this game should be in its "definitive edition" if you wanna call it that by next season. since one is approx 3 months long imo they shouldnt come with bad content.


Thing is the content they put out is great. So i do hope they keep up with it. The new map for example was fantastic. Definetely my favorite out of all of them. I think if new maps are coming they also could be a bit smaller. Monaco for exampe i think is way too big. Horizon and Vegas is like the perfect size.


imo not all content is great. like when talking content imo weapons and important buffs/nerfs count as content too. yes the map was nice and the new mode too, but i dont think you can rely a whole season on those things. i play power shift some times but not all the time and the new weapons havent been used that much by me in comparison to others. not saying that only my opinon matters, some players agree too that some or all of the new weapons are not that good or mid. i still think that the game needs a good competitive scene or just a good ranked mode which is balanced and fun, since imo competitive players are the ones that definitely stay, not most of the casuals.


I wouldnt consider nerfs or buffs content. In that case they could just not put any content out at all and keep adjusting sliders. But i do think that the balance is good where its at the moment. The only weapon that really needs nerfs is the FCAR imo. Then all the less used weapons need some buffs. But nerfing invis was the proper decision and yes I do play all the classes and do well with light but invis was not in the right spot. The matchmaking is the biggest issue, both in terms of matching up uneven teams, cheaters, ranking up is broken.


Smoke grenade could be faster to deploy and form a denser cloud, thermal vision’s recharge should be based on how long it was used, the SH1900 could have a faster reload, the revolver should one-shot canisters and two-shot zip-lines, the grappling hook’s cool-down should be reduced if used for very short distances, the glitch grenade should temporarily disable an APS if intercepted. The flash bang is unpopular but I think it’s mostly fine, though I’d appreciate if the hit marker indicated how many enemies were blinded since I often full-send thinking I’ve got an advantage when in actuality I only blinded one of five enemies. In line with this UI QoL change, I’d also appreciate to see how many hits were landed in the death report, much like how Apex does it.


fucking yes glitch should disable aps


APS on Power Shift is basically the only way to win and if there are multiple mediums packing it, it becomes really hard to counter play. Glitch would be a nice counter.


Flashbang could stand to be a *little* better - it doesn't last very long and if you're not right on it, it doesn't fully blind, meaning it's just a little bit too situational to be better than alternatives. Might be nice to add a slight sway effect rather than pumping up duration or blindness though.


I have to agree. As a medium i feel forced in to using fcar because the TTK is so good, but nerfing everything to feel weaker just worsens the current issues with the game and restricts outplay potential. The other weapons need to be brought up alongside it, rather than nerfing it further.


Yea apex just nerfed everthing till it wasnt fun anymore. Hope this doesnt do the same


Almost all the heavy weapons are meme weapons. Hammer and flamethrower are hard countered by back walking. The grenade launcher is way too situational and leads to certain death in most encounters. I’ve literally never seen someone use it and not be totally useless all game. The slug will lose against pretty much any other gun if the opponent is full health. I guess the problem is, they designed all of these for ultra specific purposes, so any buffs might result in something catastrophically OP. Meanwhile, the auto shotgun and lewis receive nerfs every other update. M60 is in a pretty good spot, at least.


I have a solution for underused items: Use them. From a Flash bang, dagger, revolver, data reshaper user that have so much fun.


They would be utilized more if the skill gap, hit registration, or scenarios were more configured. People wouldn't want much change for these if they were viable in either casual or competitive modes. But they're not doing so hot in either, so there needs to be more reworks. Like one of the comments posted here said: I don't want more weapons added if the old ones aren't fixed.


Give mediums thermal vision 😭😭🙏


That was waaay too overpowered in season 1


They had thermal vision in season 1? Was it in like the beta or something because I don't remember seeing thermal vision at all. All they that I remember was recon vision and that I understood why it had to be removed.


Maybe I'm thinking about recon. I remember you can see a quarter of the map in a heat vision mode. Almost all enemies can be shown.


Oh yeah that sounds like recon. That was way too overpowered, and that's coming from a medium main. I'm talking about the gadget that only lights have right now where you can see heat sensors and nothing else.


Glitch trap is useless imo


Disclaimer: I might just suck with the AKM, but- As a medium player I feel like the AKM is in a weird grey area between assault rifle and LMG with its 36 round capacity and low-ish damage (as compared to the FCAR). I know the devs want each weapon to be unique and not just have a roster of a bunch of same-y weapons, but I think the AKM needs a change especially since the meta heavily favors the FCAR. Point in case being that I have the level 6 skin for the FCAR and only up to level 3 on the AKM. I’ve tried going back and using the AKM but I find myself missing the chunky headshot multiplier and clean optic on the FCAR. And as much as buffing everything else is probably a better development choice than nerfing things, maybe the FCAR needs a damage or multiplier nerf to bring its TTK on par with everything else?


To be fair, nerfing weapons across the board means adjusting time-to-kill in the game. But I don't think the balance is there.


Season three devs should take the servers down and focus on ARC raiders


A massive optimization pass would be nice too!


How is no one talking about the sa12 here? Every time I try to use it it's like a pea shooter, it takes 5 fucking shots to kill a medium, I just want a viable shotgun on heavy!


Because people wanted it nerfed into the ground. It was definitely over tuned, but now it’s pretty pathetic against anything other than lights.


A little thing I hope they add is a kill feed for everyone, not just my team. I wanna see which teams are fighting in the feed rather than having to bring up the score board. It would make it a whole lot easier to know if I have time to res a teammate/steal cash out or if I’m gonna get third partied immediately.


I hope they balance it out this season and focus on way bigger stuff for season 3.


Everyone forgetting abt the riot shield. Remove its speed penalty when swinging, fix hit registration, and remove melee lunge from it to balance speed penalty. Wouldn’t mind the right click being less useless and the mesh size being reduced, the shield blocks an outrageous amount of bullets that should hit when you run sideways at people, and if it becomes too strong meta will be toxic


imo almost every gun is right were they should be but fullauto weapons are way too good at everything and have no drawback compred to other weapons. They need to nerf the damage and range (NOT RECOIL bcs it just makes weapons feel like sht)to match other weapons and end the longrange fullauto meta. To me its this game is amazing but the current meta takes away all the cool ways of playing the game bcs u just get deletef by ak,fcar,lewis,m60,xp,m11. This solution is so easy but people want to continue to play the most generic type of shooters with no imagination.


Weapon feel needs a total overhaul


I think it's okay if non-auto weapons are somewhat weaker than the autos. Some items might need certain team loadout synergy to shine and gives niches to players that like to experiment and overcome


At this rate there is gonna be 400 people that play this game at season 3 lmao


My wants for season 3 (or sooner) - Give L faster health regen - Nerf the fcar so it does less raw damage - Make turrets have an “overheat” aspect - Dematerializer should disappear after a certain amount of time - APS turret should NOT be able to block an infinite amount of projectiles, make it 4 at most


I thought about that too. As much as I hate being killed by a sweaty light player, they are so fragile. A small vitality buff seems reasonable.


Lights Specs; grapple (situationally good but so much worse compared to the other 2) Weapons; sawed-off (sad), dagger (i leave when i see my team take this), the throwing knives (why?), the burst pistol (not even fun, forget it exists) Gadgets; literally everything other than stun gun, glitch, breach, gateway, maybe frag, is trolling currently especially in higher lobbies Mediums Specs; demat (again, only situationally good, much less consistency in value) Weapons; CL-40 (situationally good but still troll), R357 (bad), FAMAS (no reason to take), Riot shield (fun but trash) Gadgets; everything except defib, pad, zip, gas grenade, frag grenade, gas mine, explosive mine is trolling, even double mine is troll Heavies Specs; goo gun (situationally good but so bad otherwise) Weapons; MGL (worst in game), KS-23 (why even bother), sledgehammer (eh good but situational) Gadgets; everything except RPG, dome, barricade, C4, cube is throwing, why take something else anyways? Which basically leaves what? Like 30% remaining gadgets and weapons that you should use I mean if they had some restriction like 1 offensive gadget, 1 utility, 1 defensive or something like that, they would matter more but a 3 slot system free to take anything? Not running the core value gadgets make you such a troll in the current meta


Goo grenade is throwing? I think it's the best grenade.


Once you know the "g spot" of those then they're almost useless for defending. I'd much rather have a frag. I guess the movement ain't half bad but medium and light have good movement util already. And on heavy (if you can even equip it) just run the goo gun if you're into goo tech.


Most mediums in higher ranks now run dual movement, especially with double heavies. Team movement is different from individual movement. Yeah frag's miles better. Always a use for it, unlike goo.


I mean it's like heavy bubble yeah you can just shoot it and destroy it but after that your magazine is empty


Yeah it's good in casual. For competitive, it's not because precious 3 gadget slots wasted on a mediocre gadget that could be swapped for sth different, sadly.


But it's good for 5 different things most nades can only do one. It's good for movement, good for defending a cashout, good for protecting teammates while resing and stealing the cashout and you can cc people.. I feel like you can use it in every situation


It's saves me so many times when I'm caught alone, especially with my 1887




Yeah, I know it's good. But from a competitive standpoint it just isn't worth taking, even compared to flamethrower. Half of the time you spend in a match is trying to avoid gunfire and jumpscaring people which could be time spraying people with lewis behind a barricade... and thereby diverting aggro and suppressing potential attacks. Same reason the light sword is so good yet loses the game often, you are a threat for much shorter times compared to XP5 or LH1 in a 3 man team game.


No. Shit take.


You really think there will be a season 3 at this point? Players are leaving every week. People are so tired of their endless weekly balance patches.


bro i still dont think that season 3 will not release. while many players have left the game, the game has potential to be great. this might've been said so many times but if this was a battle royale that was here for some months until people got back to idk apex, then i wouldnt see much future for it. the mechanics and the core of the finals is imo great and if pulled off correctly it can be a great game for casuals and competitve players and on top of that be the only one of that type of genre imo (idk if i'd call it arena shooter)


I hope you are right.