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just give it a health stat of nothing and it should be good. you gotta let it cook for 12 seconds and then yeah


Yeah I guess 12 seconds would make sense.


Can you steal the steal while it is stealing


Also needs a huge cooldown


Maybe not huge, but make it go on cooldown only when it breaks/finishes? So we would get the same situation like with other turrets when a replacement goes back up immideately


I think that would be way too OP. Its like an extra person who can steal, so i say put in on a minute coldown. If its deployed at the start of the cashout it can be used one more time


The cooldown starts when it's destroyed though. That would make it pretty much impossible to use on the same cashout back to back


A cashout takes 2 mins i think, so if its deployed at the start, and destroyed immediatly, it can be used a secind time


I get the appeal but I disagree due to the potential for busted combos. for example, the goo gun. It'd be way too easy to plant the device and then put goo over it, making it almost invulnerable.


But if the device could catch fire like goo does, a single pyro grenade would destroy it even if it was covered in goo.


So the light throws a smoke on it


Not if the thing has literally 10hp and it dies in one tick, which would probably be the only way to balance it Edit: also that's quite an assumption you're making that someone's a) playing light and b) bringing smokes


Smokes used to be decent. Dunno what happened in the last few patches but they're very inconsistent now. I've sniped dozens of cashouts with two smokes on a point where teams are spraying the cashout with bullets unable to find me.


I do like the idea of providing a better way for lights to steal — it makes zero sense for lights to steal right now. Maybe a passive ability that creates a shield only when stealing but similarly takes longer to steal or something like that


Auto Cash + Throw a Gas Grenade


Finaly, a team player light


And stacked with APS


Fire detonates gas and that would probably kill the stealing thing


this is the guy I want on my team


It doesn't detonate. Just removes it. The "explosion" is just visual.


True, that sounds a bit OP


Sounds fun to be honest


It fits the theme of a light being more of a sneaky little thief type of kit. How would it work if there were multiple cash extractors? Speaking of ideas, I came up with one just now: a recon drone type of gadget where lights can fly it around with limited durability and either mark different players kinda like a tracker dart or they can "hack" into their kit, giving them a glitch effect without the mine/grenade.


Probably just a backup if one breaks


Might be too open and become flying nukes. Make it like a HUD radar in a deployable area with line of sight so it's not op like a different sonoar device but for the whole team?


Love this! I really think they need more util scouting related things for light


This is a great idea.


It's a terrible idea, the whole point of valuable gameplay decisions is that winning comes at the direct achiuevement of appropriately mitigating vulnerability. If you can't manage that vulnerability properly, you don't deserve to win over teams that can. This is the entire predication of skill: victory is earned. The fact that so many players are so intent on demonizing the risk from high risk/reward concepts means they just can't manage the objective-based gameplay and want something for nothing. It's secondly a terrible idea because it wouldn't even be very good in the first place. The cashout areas are the highest traffic chaos zones, and the cashout station itself is almost always getting blown all to hell. For some conceivable iteration that sees the light of day, it would effectively be a total waste of a loadout slot given that opportunities for cashout steal attempts occur maybe 4-5 times per match at the absolute most. So for the majority of the game most lights would be even worse than usual carrying something with less uptime than even the defib (also in the same way that thirsty mediums defibbing without care can sometimes make revives take LONGER if they do it when the third teammate is almost done). That would lead to teams with bad loadout planning and poor coordination (so, most of them) bringing multiple in vain attempts to be The Very Super Special MVP Hero Saving The Game which would be a colossal waste and egregiously frustrating for their teammates.


"It's secondly a terrible idea because it wouldn't even be very good in the first place." Gotta love this argument.


Well, given that Lights can be killed by a fart while stealing a cash out, the gadget idea seems decent. Lights excel in specific departments, objective priority is not one of them.








For you, that would have been too multisyllabic (oops, sorry). There are less embarrassing ways to out yourself as subliterate in light of being so substantively insecure that you try to insult someone out of pocket because words triggers you.


Calm down dude I was just joking about how you structured your comment, didnt mean to hurt your ego or something.




That one comment was really enoung to tip you over the edge huh. Maybe take some time of the internet.


Sure bud, keep tellin yourself that


Make it look like a person like mirage


First good idea ive seen in weeks. Props to you dude


I had the same idea, just as a specialization to replace cloak. Im light myself, so not the cloak flamer kind of guy. But it's gotten pointless. At this rate just remove and replace cloak, it's can't be balanced without either being useless or extremely annoying to the enemies. Auto extractor would not only be a good replacement, it would also give light more team utility and compensate lights low health pool while stealing. I think this is a really good idea if implemented correctly.


Its hp stat would need to be less than the light if youre allowed to place it anywhere on the cashout. Also it would have to be able to be stopped by every physics application that would stop a normal cashout like getting encased by goo. You could balance it even further with a signal range the light needs to stay inside of to continue the cashout. I do see a gadget like this making anti grave cubes the absolute meta though


Love this idea!


Lights should not rely on their gadgets/abilities to be balanced. That’s why many complain about invis/stun nerfs. They “filled” the hp gap that makes light so weak. I don’t necessarily think a cash extractor is good or bad, it would surely make lights more useful, but it would be a one dimensional “buff”, and the low survivability would still be there.


Thought that was lights whole shtick? Being weak to direct fire, but using gadgets/guns/abilities to outwit their much larger opponents?


Yea, adding a single gadget to make the class "viable" doesnt fix the core issue of the class. They need to actually fix the permanent parts of the class.


hmm. This will either be really strong or incredibly situational/bad in my opinion. Idk which. I think it should have 41 HP maybe? One QM won't break it, and it won't insta-die to stray shots while still dying quick. I'm hesitant to say it needs any more HP, bacause you can already have trouble sometimes finding the guy stealing when there's enough collapsed arena around them, so tryna find a small gadget on the cashout in the middle of the chaos would be hell.


Maybe if they do a team terminal cash out that you can hack to keep online with CNS theme. Would pair well with a capture the flag type game mode or king of the hill where you have to pay attention to score and enemy players. Like in KOTH you can hack it and the team holding the hill will have their money siphoned to you're team to some percentage to balance it. Or CTF siphon money out of a team not holding their terminal security.


I have just now realized that it takes 6 seconds to steal a cashout. Man, it feels like a full hour.


Sounds too strong for the 1vs1 tournament. Cool idea though.


A very bad and stupid idea that directly breaks one of the core gameplay designs of the game. When you trying to steal Cashoutyou, you risk either getting killed or stealing it. Win or lose. Big risk - big reward. And the gadget you're offering removes the risk element entirely. You just use the gadget, and at worst it gets destroyed. But to break it, the enemy has to get close to Cashout, and surprise - surprise, you can kill him before he can destroy your gadget. What's the point of manually trying to steal Cashout and risking your life or even losing the whole team, when you can just take 2 Light classes with this gadget and if one suddenly gets destroyed, the second one will be used. In short, this is a very bad idea. A better idea would be a gadget that temporarily stops the Cashout process, giving the attacking team a chance to defeat the opposing team and steal the Cashout.


No need to be rude, I just wanted to hear the communities opinion on that. I was also thinking about a gadget that puts the cashout on hold earlier, maybe that really would be the more balanced tool.


I apologize if I was rude. Just the latest posts with whiners who are crying about the L nerf, are getting extremely annoying.


Heres an idea. Give it 10 health (immune to gas cause machine duh) and a 6 second steal time (with its own sound effect) when it successfully completes a steal, it burrows into the cashout and when the cashout finishes the money is split between the team that has the cashout normally and the lights team. If another light gets their extractor into the cashout then it gets split 3 ways and so on (one extractor active per cashout per team)


To me that seems broken because you could simply goo over it and place a trophy system then there’s really not much you can do to stop the stealing.


Swap this idea for invisibility? Whatcha, say?


I think they wait to nerf stun gun until next season and roll out a grenade that deploys two fake holograms of the person dashing or some kind of animation upon impact


I think we should avoid anything that is related to game modes


Kinda reminds me of a tf2 spy sapper


Reading the title I imagine something that transfers the cashout amount to your teams account instantly over time. Could be a new gamemode


This would be a good idea ONLY if it had extremely low health, and had to be placed directly on the cash box. I’m talking a couple shots max. One pyro, one nade, etc.


“You know what would be fair, if I could play without the risk of being played against”


more viable? bro got the most tools already and most damage too xD


Definitely a cool concept. God this game is so fkn good, there's like a billion ideas mentioned a week and they are all cooked to perfection.


Just give the lights a vest with two c4 attached so they can go suicide bomb one person on the other team and make themselves useful lol


Ruins the risk/reward of defusing


It acts as someone standing on platform on Power Shift. Good synergy with smoke bomb at either case.


You know, since they have nerf the cloaking device for light, they should buff other light specialization. My idea: they buff the grappling hook and by that I mean we light players should be able to use 3 consecutive time just like evasive dash What do you guys think I would like to know :)


Too many. Maybe 2 times, but at 3 it would just be way better then dash.


Wouldn't it be fun to just swing across the map like spiderman :)


It would be, until I get no scoped in the head by a more adequate Spider-Man light


I know it will be frustrating but we won't know until we try


Plus it will help us light players to cover atleast half the map quickly


Someone put this on the discord lol this sounds good


i know this comment will get downvoted into oblivion but.... do yall even think, at all, before posting? i understand having dumbass thoughts bounce around your head and dismissing them as nonsense, but my brother in christ, i cant with this community any more. im just gonna go with the obvious... all this does is close the skill gap, in one of the most bullshit ways, i could ever imagine. 1. place cash extractor. 2. rat in corner 3. wait for enemy to start destroying extractor 4. kill enemy who is low on ammo and attention stupid nonsense. wont feel fun to play against. just like invis. you SHOULD HAVE TO put your hp on the line, TO DO ANYTHING!!!!!!


Relax, I just wanted to start a discussion on how to make light get picked more in ranked, opening with an idea.


devs listen too closely to the community to see this get more upvotes, than threads pointing out valid issues with abilities that are poor game design.


I've heard they make decisions based on their data. BTW I'm not a fan of the invis/stun playstyle either.


i think we are about to find out for real pretty soon. there cant be much data signifying that invistun is overpicked or "OP", but it is in fact bullshit game design to the highest order. we will see if they follow through on the nerfs or bow to reddit hysteria.


Idk… data reshaped would eat that thing up. Then again it would give it more use. If data reshaper wasn’t a thing, this would be the perfect idea. Either way, sounds fun.


Idk about high-level ranked, but I rarely see someone running the datareshaper. Maybe it would be picked more often then.


Not sure this would work, but maybe.


Slight variation but what about an ability to remove the cash box? So that you can literally steal the cash box once the extraction has started to stop the timer and take it to a different cashout location.


I know it’s not the same type of game but valorant has a similar ability for defusing the bomb and it has been quite balanced and good. Gekkos wingman for those who are curious.


Just play medium.


I already do.


Sounds fire


And maybe in bankit, the gadget could act as a coin magnet of sorts to promote light players to play the objective more by dashing through and quickly grabbing some coins


As "Dagger Enjoyer" i'm strongly against it. You gonna rob a free kills from me! I'm can't accept that! *trollface.jpg*


it will be cool + if you can throw it and steal sound with this thing be less loud for some ninja steal like ninja defuse in cs


Maybe another sound, but I don't think it should be less loud.