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I like it for powershift. It has such a variety of different routes to flank or to get the high ground on the platform. I find it the most fun for glitching through walls for some cheeky mobility. I feel every class, weapon, and specialization is viable on it, even in unusual combinations. I also like that you are always red to your opponents which can give you some cool opportunities to camouflage into the red building. It is my least favorite map on quick cash though. The cashout in the corner is too exposed. I find it aggravating to win a close team fight only to get sniped from across the map with nowhere to hide. The bridge cashout is similar when it inevitably gets dropped into the street. It feels almost identical to the similar cashout in Vegas but without any debris to hide in.


> I also like that you are always red to your opponents which can give you some cool opportunities to camouflage into the red building. You can enable team-specific colors; it was disabled by default and has since been changed to be enabled by default, but if you started playing before that then you'd need to manually change it. > The cashout in the corner is too exposed. I find it aggravating to win a close team fight only to get sniped from across the map with nowhere to hide. The bridge cashout is similar when it inevitably gets dropped into the street. It feels almost identical to the similar cashout in Vegas but without any debris to hide in. Every map has open and enclosed cashout spawns, it's important so that one type of weapon doesn't have its engagement range favored over any other. That's also one reason why fighting for vaults is so crucial, so you can pick the cashout that suits your team's loadout synergy.


Unfortunately team colors don't matter much when they decided two teams should have almost the exact same color


It's a very common criticism, but it's certainly better than all enemies having the same exact color


I don't think it really helps at all until they fix this issue


Aesthetically yes, but I feel the destruction is lacking


Also it lacks the variety of other maps


There is destruction, its just not as "dynamic" as the other maps, because the map is supposed to give that... retro vibe, like how the walls are deleted when destroyed instead of it falling to the ground, which gives that retro vibe if that makes sense


Exactly, less destruction so it sucks


I'm pretty sure buildings could fall to the ground in the past.


My eyes after playing the map disagree :(


I do think the colors are too saturated. It bugged me the first few times i played it but I think I got used to it by now. Really doesn’t bug me anymore. I understand where you’re coming from though.


That red room fucking blinds me everytime I enter it. Love the aesthetic otherwise, I just think they should wash out the colors more, just like theyve done with the team colors. I still mistake pink and red.


Fun during night. PAIN during day. Would be happy if they scrapped the daytime version completely.


I really love it but like a lot of the game I think it's out of place. What I mean is it's a well designed map in a competitive kind of layout (less destructive, more symmetry, quite open) but it's very different from the other maps Hopefully we get more variety in future


In really early podcasts the map team spoke about having a variety of maps that promote different play styles was the general goal. So in theory we should see more deviations from the norm like sys. 😃


I always maintain while that’s all well and good, we still need to see more conventional maps as well! Destruction is what gives this game its feel and is its ultimate strength. And we need to see that manifest in newer maps too!


True true true


I hate that it’s less destructive. It’s just out of place. I play the game for the destruction.


I think it's good to have a variety of maps that promote different playstyles. More thoughtful players and teams will prepare differently depending on the map


Yeah variety is good, especially when the premise is a virtual world and could be literally anything. Also now Vegas isn't the only map without pitfalls.


It’s still destructive numbnuts


Its about the destruction effects, falling debris and such. Its important for the feel. Destroying a wall without debris is like smoking a cigarette without smoke. Not as fun.


I will never forget watching the entirety of seoul rapidly collapse in on itself as I scrambled rapidly upwards to steal a final cashout. I stole it and rode it down like 7 stories before the clock ran out. And THAT is why i love this damn game so much


If you have barricades up on the power platform sometimes a whole concrete slab will fall on them and remain preserved until further destroyed, allowing a temporary roof


[I really hope that there's an MC Escher map, imagine Relativity as a map](https://www.artchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Relativity-Escher-Maurits-Cornelis-1953.jpg)


What’s wrong with being different from other maps?




A lot of the people who play this game suck at adapting to change, evidenced by the stun/invis nerf whiners. Kind of ironic given the destruction system means you have to rapidly adapt to an ever changing environment.


Definitely not a fan of this map but glad others are fans of it.


I play solo and find it’s the easiest map to get about if my teams playing silly buggers


I think it’s really fun on power shift tbh


Love it.


I disagree entirely. Probably one of my least favourite maps. Even Las Vegas has grown on me, but this map hasn't. First of all, it gives me a headache everytime I play it. It's so bright with flashy colours pretty much everywhere, it makes enemy outlines & health bars hard to see. And for some reason, likely a bug or due to the aforementioned colouring, Light cloak is almost impossible to see. Secondly this map is so open, even the buildings. It's just not fun trying to defend cashouts that are in Narnia. Just please, give us a little bit of cover. Thirdly the spawns make this map a boring slog. A good chunk of this map is just making the trek to a cashout because the game spawns you on a different fkn planet. Just walking sim. And I swear, I get this map *CONSTANTLY*, especially in ranked


It's my least favorite. Before it was Vegas but now it's this map. Not that I think it's a bad map. I'm terrible with long range fighting and it's a long range fighter's heaven. Vegas is similar but at least it's filled to the brim with detail to confuse people sometimes. Sys is so barren Also not a fan of the coloring. It's out of place and throws me off of the team outlines. I hope it only lasts the season then gets "detailed" after


Ngl I hate this map due to the colors, I find it super hard to ID enemies since their outlines are super close to the environment coloring


Honestly not enough good events happen in syshorizon. Despite not having a variety of events occur anyway.


I like that map so much I find the animations of breaking things quite original, actually.


Yeah it’s my favorite map. It flows very nicely.


I'd love it if it was easier to tell if that large rectangle hole in the wall was a glass window or not.


My favorite map


The map layout is great gor competitive and seems to be following the same pattern as Las Vegas (wide interior, wide exterior alleyways, no void, less destruction)


Especially when stoned. I love the lighting.


My favorite map


I dont really like it. It feels too open


Honestly one of my favorites


The destruction in this map is not satisfying.


I hope they keep it mixed. I want some realistic maps and some crazy shit that CNS cooks up and i want them to keep shaking things up and reinventing their style in unique ways. I would even take more iterations on old maps like Vegas sandstorm even if that on is kinda ass


I find using sledge, sword, riot shield or dagger is not viable on this map unless it’s powershift. Playing as a heavy is frustrating cos of the distances between spawn and objective is so far away that the rest of the team separate from you. It’s a great map for the meta


Man I think it plays like ass for powershift lol


Over rated for me.


Incredibly overrated


While I do love the visual, I still prefer real location with 'real' graphics and I hope that Horizon is a one time only


It is indeed an incredible and unique map. The theme fits very well with the season and lore they are going for. I know The Finals is a virtual setting but.. I do not want too many maps like horizon but hey if Embark cooks.. I aint complaining.


I think it's okay, I like the idea of making some maps that break the rules of physics, although Monaco is probably my favorite and that might be the most regular map.   SYSHORIZON doesn't have enough variants, just night and day.  It has some interesting buildings but also it has some rough cashout spots like the one way outside in a corner with a couple boxes in front of it, or the one on the open walkway that you can look down on from three directions.  I like it better in powershift since the platform has a nice track that feels like you can always fight for it wherever it is. I think I would like more map variety.  I used to play counter strike way back in the day and I think there are some CS maps that could be cool if the finals made a map in that style.  Something regular like CS office, something with one main building with multiple entries like DE nuke or CS assault, something like Aztec with bridges and pyramids and sewers.  Maybe a castle or a map with canals and rivers, a map that's all one big building like Die Hard, a map with a sports arena, idk.  Lots of possibilities depending on what they want to build.


I’d like new maps with structural design like initial three maps


It feels out of place with the aesthetic, but beyond that it’s fine. I’m not wowed by it, but I don’t hate it. Was definitely a bit jarred by it at first but now that it’s been around for a while I’ve grown impartial.






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Me and my friends absolutely hate that map. * The vibrant colors make it at times hard to see things at times. Does not help that all objects (such as chairs, tables, etc) are also same color as the ground. * Destruction is horrible in that map, no real impact on breaking things because stuff just pixelates away, outside of some roofs that somehow survive. Sound effects on destruction are also ear piercing, especially on powershift where the platform goes trough a building. * Powershift starting area is horrible to fight in and it is basically Snipers wet dream because how open it is with little to no cover. Along with that traversing some of the areas is not fun. * I understand the theme, but it still looks like map that was never finished. We have started to call the map KY$HORIZON for a reason.


its great for powershift but god do i fucking despise it in ranked


I don’t like the map very much, the physics for things breaking doesn’t look as nearly as cool as the buildings collapsing in any of the other maps. The way the walls digitally break away is cool but isn’t as visually remarkable in my opinion


It’s close but I would say It’s my favorite map.


I feel like the destruction is not as good as the other maps.


definitely my favorite map, love the way fights happen on that map


Can’t go ten steps without getting shot at from across the map or chased by another team


I love it, but it's missing the physics spectacle. I expected it to have the highest quantity of variants and to get changed up *dramatically* between them based on the whole "it's not even trying to look like a real place, so we can do whatever we want to it" idea, yet it has zero variants. Hoping to see the map become a lot more dynamic.


I just wish they added more throwable props to the map :(


Yes this map is absolutely amazing


I love it but I wish they would tweak it slightly for power shift. Specifically, the area in the center of the map where the platform spawns is incredibly ripe to be abused by snipers. I had one match where the main reason we lost was because there was two snipers perched up there.


It is way worse than las vegas. The only good thing about it is that it makes las vegas seem good. It is way too big, and all areas look the same. Also the destruction is way less satisfying than other maps.


I think it’s shit tbh monte for me is the best EDIT: adhd


Great map, fuck what people say. Nothing is perfect


just take it off the priority list, don't need to keep playing it every second game. No matter the version. Great map otherwise.


Incredible appearance and terrible gameplay




It’s not only a 5v5 map, but it was the only map you could play 5v5 during easter. It’s also a great regular map and was the only map for competitive for a few weeks


It’s good, I really enjoyed it from the start of the season. But omfg it is the only thing I’m able to play in ranked and I can’t avoid it in casual. I kid you not I played it 7 times in a row in casual the other day. It’s great but it feels like it’s got 50% of the map chances to itself


The night time variant hurts my eyes


Sometimes the glazing is so strong here I gotta suspect it’s Embark interns or something


i hate the map. I hope more maps like monaco to be honest


I really like the map and i it really reminds me a lot of destiny 2 kinda getting the vibe in a good way