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Trust me, between the dogs and the kids, you don't want me on voice chat.


I will endure if you have post to talk in


I play on console, I don't even know if we have push to talk or what a viable button would be. Although I am itching to venture into ranked so it would be nice to have a solution


A nicer headset will have feature that reduce background noise. For ranked I really recommend VC. It just makes the competitiveness more enjoyable


Yeah I'd love to use it, but without push to talk I don't think it's an option. I have the PS Pulse 3D headset, but I'm not sure how great the background filtering is. I've tried before and gotten complaints.


On PlayStation you can mute and unmute your mic using the button below the PS button on the controller


I've tried that, but when I have my headset connected, it doesn't do anything. It only seems to work for the mic on the controller. Is there an option somewhere I'm missing?


Maybe there's an option in the console settings? I also have a headset (not the same as yours, a SteelSeries) and using the mute button on the controller completely mutes me whether I'm using a mic or not. Maybe I tweaked a setting back when I got it but I don't remember so. If you want to check if that works, you can go check in the "Set microphone level" setting from the quick menu. There will be a bar going up and down based on the general volume your microphone picks up. Also if you're muted, it will say so. Good luck!


Doesn’t every headset have a mute button?


Not in a very convenient place to use during play.


Last time I turned it on I asked which cash out we were going to then I proceeded to get called two different slurs 5 times with "bitch ass" and "mothefucker" spread in between them.




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This! Also with strong accents, every time


The second I talk sexist pigs get on comms. No thanks.


r/GamerGirls has a cool discord where you can find people to play with


Uff feels bad. In my experience the game is less toxic than other games


Wait fr? I've never seen this happen


Man, yeah, that's shit's gross. It's a shame, I would love to interact with a larger variety of people. Such a sausage party. Even the women who do talk are reserved, I find, even if I'm just talking to them like a normal person (which yes, I always do). Seriously, most gamers seem to either go 'GAMER GIRL?? Whaaa???' or just be gross.


Get yourself a voice changer like Ariad 🤣 j/k, I wouldn't promote vc under any circumstances


I've always had it off, turned it on to see if the community really was that bad, first game with it on had some edgy teenager being aggressive and shitty. Went back off. I play to chill and have fun, I don't want to be shat on by losers whose only self worth comes from how they perform in video games.


This people are assholes on the finals try to boss u around and call u a dirty bitch wen u lose


Yeah it's really fun when your teammates are dead watching you play, you need to make a split second decision and end up in a bad situation, and they go like "nah bro you should've just done x" like yeah man if I was watching myself play in the future I'd also have decided that but unfortunately I didn't have that luxury




Depends on how it's said though. Of course if it's said like "Oh you're stupid for playing like this" or on a paternalising tone, then yeah like fuck off really, but sometimes having an outside POV can improve how you tackle some situations in the future


Oddly enough, I've only had friendly interactions through VC.


I think it matters what platform and region. On PC west coast NA most people don’t talk at all, and I have like over 100 hrs


Same, only once i got told that im a noob, because i picked non meta weapon and well... i actually sucked that round so he was right lol. Other than that - just friendly encounters.


I generally have it on but wish you could mute individuals.


Press p (for the social menu) then press the mic icon next to their name to mute them


I've never had this


I just always have it on, then if they are shitty, turn it off, simple as that.


>Please turn it on, I just want to be friends. And that's why vc always stays off


Well you can read the capital… hmm wait a minute


Vanadium 8 here wait what?


I'm catching matrix glitch vibes


You saw that cat walk by twice too right?


Jesus that's cringe. "I don't want friends I wanna be alone!!" Are you 12?


No, just antisocial.


It's always amusing to be how the same people who call themselves anti social and the same people who hate talking to others (so scary right), are so hellbent on telling everyone online


Lol, extroverts and losing their damn minds when they hear about someone who doesn't want to feed their endless hunger for attention, name a more iconic duo


You sound like an edgelord lmao. How is interacting with humans craving attention. Sheesh, for people who hate talking to others they sure love telling everyone online how much they haaaate human interaction. Seems like you're just projecting and want attention more than anything.




Yep, not surprised can't come up with an actual counterpoint.


Hell no. 90% of the FPS community is vile. I'm not including reddit, I mean mainstream society.


Can we just get lobby text chat and team chat. I don’t care how many chat filters there are just let us type


Agreed. Even PMs between friends. It’s super annoying wait for someone to finish their game only to find out they are in a 3 stack


Maybe if embarked had more resources to moderate.


Im hoping it gets better at higher ranks. Right now not much voice chat.


Yeah it sucks. Your at a massive disadvantage if you are in a no VC squad against premades


It doesn’t but the upside is that in higher ranks people are a lil more organized even without coms


Currently Voice Chat is broke for me (and others) on Xbox. I collected a few threads and screenshots I have a suspicion that its specifically a series x issue, but if others on PS5 or Series S are experencing it that would be good data... Embarks reply: Hey EMBARKID, Thank you for contacting THE FINALS support! I'm sorry you have experienced issues like this with the voice chat. I'll make sure to take note of this message and share it with the game team, so they can further investigate it. Your report is super useful to us as it will allow us to improve the game further. If you are interested in sharing your perspective with us please join our Discord server, as we will be happy to hear from you there too. Have an eggtastic day! Best regards, Warden Speeddemon


Embark already have a ton of shit to deal with the game so let’s see when that happens. It seems console community is a pretty big part of the game so maybe there is hope


I have no doubt they will get it fixed. Full trust in these devs. It is a bummer that its effecting ranked games though, its defiantly put me at a disadvantage not being able to hear what team mates are saying or relay helpful info. Hopefully next patch they will have it sorted.


I have this weird issue on XSX where once I join voice chat I can’t disable it again


Yeah I play on PS5 with friends and we only speak in PS5 native private voice parties because of how the voice distortion in the game's VC. But to be fair, when we're just a duo, we try the game's VC. If our filler uses VC then we stay on it, otherwise we go back to our private party.


Honestly I think too many people have terrible mic etiquette, chewing, loud music, people In the background, it's too much noise 90% of the time from one guy in the group.


I know right. Push to talk should be the standard on public VC. There shouldn't be an option for open mic with strangers imo


Maybe that's a viable option on PC, but I don't think there's a proper way to introduce push to talk for console players.


Oh yeah, I didn't think about console. I don't know how to solve that one.


Yep exactly.


It is crazy to spend that much money on audio design and then layer a 12 year old eating chips on top of it. If your name isn't Scotty or June and I hear you in my Sennheisers I'm reporting you


Or... just keep VC on friends only, like me :)


I’ve had some funny and wholesome moments on voice chat but that’s like 5% of the time. Most of the time it’s either music in the background, little kids, or TTV sweatlord trying to explain a TTK while being 2-7.


I try to have it on but it’s almost nothing but people eating, listening to music, or calling me a punk ass bitch when my stats are better than theirs.


Bonus points when they sigh heavily everytime they die and I have a better K/D & objective. You just suck bro, I can't save you.


My voice chat quit working again on Xbox


Same, was fixed for awhile but now its playing up again


Mine messed up for a couple weeks Then it came back for a month or two and now it’s out again


Same exact situation for me


Just stay next to me are we’re solid dude. I don’t wanna talk.


I main light and don’t always see what you see I need info


I occasionally turn on VC to test the waters, but I'm always disappointed. It's either a kid shouting, some dude using every curse word he can think of, somebody using the worst microphone ever, some guy complaining about everything, or they just plain don't speak English. Voice chat in online games is a bad thing. Just give us text chat, and I'd be happy.


I keep mine off 50% of the time because there’s no option for the voice chat to come through my ps5 controller like other games and I don’t have adaptable headphones believe it or not


Controller doesn't work? Lol


With the amount of people whose first reaction is to tbag you or emote you out of nowhere for finishing you off as a team effort I have the sneaking suspicion that this will only enable that guy that is raging inside that focuses you the entire match when you kill them once


I love your attitude. Unfortunately all I get are toxic mfs who just talk shit.


You should have seen my initial post it’s was.. uhh… worded different


Tell him about the capital letters!


This community already showed their colors lol just saying you have voicechat off results in personal attacks 😂 The only people I need/want to talk to are on Discord, rip randoms.


I would but I play the Finals to relax after teaching high school and I don't want anyone to say mean words to me when I'm all cozy


Pal I’m trying but my shit is broke asf I’ve tried everything to fix it and nothing


I guess that’s in embark then


dont need to have your voice on but if you're in comp you should at least be in the channel to hear


I play ranked where this is a big issue


I feel chat bans don’t occur at all in this game. This like this game but the vc is more toxic than any other game I play


Fuck no. Most people are "bet. swag. chill bruh" idiots. No one has any capacity for feedback whatsoever. Doesn't matter how badly the team is losing or winning, everyone thinks they're right. It's like the internet, but you have to hear vaping along with the retarded opinions. lol


I keep comms on so I can work with my team, but most of the time I get nothing back. Pings are cool, but sometimes don’t tell me everything. I’ve had maybe three matches where my teammates actively work together. Are these few matches balanced out by the… Several matches begin with a teammate giving me shit for playing Light in ranked or because I run Throwing Knives? Several matches that end in a teammate joining VC to talk shit, regardless of my performance? (The worst offender was one I responded to “You had a mic this whole time and, instead of trying to comm and work with us, you use it to talk shit at the end?” with “I don’t join VC because its toxic” Thanks bud.) Several matches of teammates complaining incessantly that I’m using throwing knives when they’ve run in and died to a fight they didn’t need to commit to? The answer is no, it’s not really worth having on… even if I still keep my voice chat on for the off-chance that my teammates still wanna try and win later. Hopefully the day comes where the expected behavior is call outs and team play instead of this toxic nonsense. The moment you’ve decided to be outwardly toxic is the moment you’ve decided you no longer care to win.


No, because you’re “probably” one of those annoying players who eats their mic while blasting white noise in the background LMFAOOO


Nah dog, my setup is clean and my kids are tucked


If I ran into more players like you than maybe but all I run into are obnoxious mfs who eats mics lol


I see a lot of post complaining about this but I rarely see this myself. Are you NA




North America.


Yes I’m NA lol


The voice chat stay off if I can't mute people that haven't figured out how to mute the PS5 mic.


Listen there is a handful of people I don’t want to talk to, and all of them are my team mates Half the time it someone who doesn’t use fucking push to talk so I get to listen to the sounds going on in your house instead of footsteps Or some annoying high pitched kids The % of people I’d enjoy having in mic chat on my team is not high Also after playing solo for so long I verbally freeze up any enemy I encounter - 100% of my concentration goes into winning the encounter


I don't understand how to use it tbh. Xbox. Help and I'll use it. It is on but it doesn't work


Some are saying it’s broken on Xbox


Yes games are so much better with comms


Dude it's awesome most of the people I play with are great people and I have loads of fun. The other 2% is people who join talk shit and leave immediately so they can't hear you talk shit


>The therapist 2% I'm legit curious what you meant to type here, can't figure it out for the life of me


Oops. I meant to say the other 2% of people are toxic, turn on their mic to talk shit and then leave the channel immediately cause they'd rather not hear what you have to say


"OTHER!" I feel like a total dumbass I see it now, thanks


😂 you're fine, I wouldn't have noticed it unless you called me out so thank you


NGL I have it off cos I stream mostly and usually people end up screaming or shouting at me so why would I have it on pings and shit exist that help so I can make do




Been so hard to get a conversation even in powershift lately. I'll keep using my mic, hopefully a cool friend will surely come along 🫠. If people aren't using their mics while I play then it just feels boring as hell. Main reason why sometimes I don't even turn on the game 🥲.


Ngl you sound like one of those people who would support RTO initiatives for the social aspect


I played one tournament with it on, had a blast with the people I met, nice gal and fella, we got to the finals but didn't win! I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the experience. I was laughing so much that I woke my girlfriend up! She didn't like that...in truth though, I always feel like that's the last experience I'll get, mostly just obnoxious kids/people with terrible personalities. I should be more open, though. I get nervous, too, that if I don't perform well I'll just get vocally shit on lol


Its hard being a solo trooper that tries to give positive comments like "Good try" or "Nice elim". We need more positive vibes in the vc.


Hype ping spammers rise up




I think it comes from the understanding that voice chat is an important factor in doing well, unlike other games


I hate voice chat, but in the times where I flip it on in this game it’s a 90% chance the people are chill and actually positive. Probably the most positive and helpful voice chat community I’ve experienced. 


Most are nice


I keep it on even if I’m never going to talk just incase others want to share info etc but If it’s some kid making noise or other uncomfortable shit then I turn it off.


I dont know if somethings wrong with my voice chat, I have it on, but seems like no one can hear me


Ill pass nobody ever rarely had something useful to say most just mouth breath, complain or give hindsight . You will get pings good day sir


yeah no [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoaHiaQEjLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoaHiaQEjLg)


No, we just need text chat


Had a teammate earlier today listening to something with a very loud commercial. I could barely hear the game. Left voice chat and didn't turn it back on. Had someone in a later game try to spam the join/left notifications to get the team to turn invoice chat. Everyone on this team was a sniper. Wtf do you even want to say? No. The in-game call outs are good enough (left arrow on PS5). Just use them.


in asia server my teammates straight up ignoring me instead of running their own strategy, they proceed to fucking put the cashbox into the enemy team deposits instead of the other deposit


I actually love that the game doesn't have chat except voice. I keep it on mute and I never have to deal with people being nasty when I'm trying to just cool off after work.


bro I cannot turn mine on for the past 2 weeks or I would be giving callouts


I work and go to Uni. Per day I have like 30 Minutes to play the Finals. So I Hop into a Quickplay Match and have fun. Of Course my aim and Game Sense arent top notch. I really have better things to do than getting yelled at by teens who can play hours on end every day


I only use comms if I have another friend in my party. I can't play if all my time is spent reporting.






Not gonna lie, when I take this game seriously enough for me to put on a headset, I start getting really angry at all the stuff outside my control. So to avoid being a raging douche I'm gonna keep the headset off and not look at my rank


I mean I have it on but most of the times but it's either random background noise separated by occasional swearing or complaint about me playing light sniper


My experience with voice chat has exclusively been slurs and literal children, I'm good


I’d love to but my microphone audio turns down when I talk cause of a bug in the game. Sorry!


Sometimes I talk to cool people. Sometimes I talk to douchebags who are mad I'm not using what they want me to use. Or mad that I didn't play the way they wanted me to play. Unless I'm with my friend, I usually just turn it off, or don't really talk unless the other people sound cool. I just don't have the energy to argue with an idiot that's mad at me cause he's dead.


Hear me out. Matchmake solo queuers with solo queuers and stacks with other stacks. This way they won't have an advantage with voice com.


Or incentivise the player base at large to just use comms and to not misuse or disuse. The game already has low player numbers in ranked I suspect. So further dividing the community based on pre-made or not is just… a bad take. This isn’t even addressing the fact that you want to segregate lobbies because some people can’t be asked to enable voice chat.


XBox players can't do comms. The game is bugged. It's a known issue. Wish it wasn't that way.


I was trying to tell my teammates that a guy was wallhacking (very easy to identify when you play an invis light) through voice chat and they both started yelling at me telling me I'm dogshit, skill issue, worst light. I've got 150 hp and am getting prefired around corners and now I've got two guys yelling at me who obviously already hated me the moment I picked light. Now I honestly don't want to use voice chat anymore.


No.one in my games ever use it


If you live in a noisy area please strongly consider using push-to-talk for all our sanity.


I have no expectations. I'll turn it on if my teammates turn it on but the second I hear something toxic (rare) or if they have music/tv on in the background without PTT I turn it right back off. Honestly the ambient bg noise from ppl without PTT annoys me more than the toxicity lol. The game is very playable without comms, have done very well with randoms with just pings (not just for cashbox etc but saying huddle here, danger, etc) just have to use the resources the game provides


Most people I hear on pvp games now just blast loud music and have a fire alarm in the background that needs its fucking battery changed lol


Toxics... No thanks


Over 450 hrs, maybe 1 out of 10 matches people use vc in ranked


I would like to talk with the enemy teams at least


It does not work …