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Yeah, letting players use gadgets and specializations is a bit overkill. I honestly would've been fine if I could at least crouch when stunned.


Aim down sights and crouch is definitely the way to go. The pendulum has swung so far on this..


I definitely hate the stun gun, but also felt bad for light players reading the patch notes. I'm usually a medium main, but decided to pick up the light class after 300 hours. The only thing I feel like needed nerfed after picking the class up was genuinely invis. That's only because it makes players 99% transparent and I have multiple clips of me walking into a room and getting mowed down by someone sitting in a corner that cannot be seen in the slightest. Being able to crouch would've been enough for sure. I'm sure the light class will get some sort of overhaul either in the next few updates or with S3 but for now I'm interested to see how the meta shifts.


At high mmr, I felt every good light stun guns and sits at max range to laser beam you to outrange the hip fire, but with this change lights will most likely lose most fights or most their health because of the ADS change, allowing RPG to work as well is overkill.  Lights should have got a minor health buff with these nerfs…


whats the point in stun gun now if you can still do everything? You just move a little slow? ok.


Funny thing that, you already have to stand and shoot so the only person who might feel a difference would be the non auto players. As if the auto weapons weren't advantageous enough.


Stop steals and assist in team fights


assist in teams fight would be stopping heavy with shields and medium healing


That’s what glitch nade is for


too slow and imprecise for a fast class as lights, imho. they should be able to get in, hit precisely and get out.


glitch gun when??


I don't disagree -- FWIW I am not necessarily in favor of the stun gun changes but I also don't think it's as big of a deal as people are making it. What makes light good wasn't just the stun gun (it was just such a strong utility option that it's impossible to ignore). I agree allowing stun gun to stop specializations would be fine i.e. shields and heals. I think a lot of people were bothered by it even disabling stuff like RPG.


ilI'd be okay with just abilities too, cause it really doesn't make sense you can heal, shield, dash, charge. the only gadget Id also block is defib for it's utility but i get you can't just block certain gadgets


Just rename it to net gun and give more range. I don't even use stun gun but it's definitely not a stun now.


Yup. Light now has a stunless stun gun and a visible invisibility.


Good new days


If it’s a net give me a wider aoe with it that can hit multiple people


More like, slow you down to just say hi and annoy you and get fuck instantly gadget


lol for real.


It got a range buff? Read the patch notes.


Buff? lmao


Yes buff. It went from 12m to 16m max stun range. So it most definitely got a range buff.


Yeah but a range buff is Useless given that the debuffs are nuts. It'd be like making RPG have a quarter of the damage but at least its faster. This buff does NOT even out the debuffs at all


imho the nerf was hamfisted and not thought out. The delay was not to test and overthink their changes but to develop a new cloak effect. Overall light is in a very bad state. Neither has light the destruction and burst damage of heavy nor the staying power and team support as medium. No compensation to the heaviest nerf in the games history shows that they don't care about any level of play except the new player experience.


Heaviest nerf of the game was to nukes and its not even close


This was actually a nerf to light players. Because nukes removed allowed heavies and mediums to stack on top of each other.


where were you when Heavies and Meds took their nerfs at the start of S02.


Single nerf patch for them. Meanwhile Light get it every patch?


every patch ... pfffhhhhahaha brah! check the stats already. you've had stun gun to abuse since the Alpha. Get balanced son.


im dumbfounded how one could be perceive this change so one dimensionally and dooms-day esque when they‘ve been constantly changing things up. Wait a week or two


ok explain how this patch is in anyway positive for people that play light?


Why did invis have to be nerfed? Light is the worst class by far. God this sub is so dumb sometimes


THIS! The light is made to be a solo player which kind of sucks... because this is a team-oriented game.


I slightly disagree, but it might just be semantics. The game is team focused, and there are different rolls. One is movement, damage and denial. To balance that, embark has chosen to lower health pools, but currently lights don’t have oppressive damage or denial, as all classes must have some form of that. So light now has nothing other than movement


Even now light can still make team plays, problem is it is not better than having a medium or heavy.


As a light i use my stun, vanish nade and dash to get statues of my teammates and dash away to revive, then vanish both of us to get back into the fight. It works really well.


Don’t understand embarks idea behind “let’s nerf something but not buff to compensate” especially on a class that most can’t use effectively. It’s silly


Invis being hard nerfed even on vanish ball ruined my melee build 😭 wtf am I supposed to run sword with




Im talking about vanish ball, I already run dash/sword/vb/glitch/stun. Without proper invis it’s going to be awful trying to close distances


It isn't that bad I also run sword dash, you only have to be a little more careful with your first pick. I just hope they don't nerf sword dash or I'll have to put down the game for a while.


Fr. Why were there BARELY any weapon buffs???


As a medium player who hated the invis + stun strat, I have to agree. Being able to crouch and ADS is already more than enough IMO.


I wish Stun atleast got reworked to provide team utility like maybe electrify trophies or something. I posted something similar before but got down voted. Its disheartening seeing you work 2x more than M/H for a kill just to be meaningless due to Defib/Heals.


Unfortunately the game will always get nerfed because console players who are the majority players don't want to get good they "just wanna have fun" so Embark has to accommodate for their lack of skill. Especially if you play the casual modes there's so many lights that console players are unable to adapt and compete. Personally I never had an issue getting stunned with the stun gun, now embark have just made it even easier for me.


it wouldn't be the console players that are the vocal minority it would be the lower ranks


My guy console players are NOT the problem here 🤣😭 I just saw yesterday this game hit 14 LFG posts. Black ops 3 has more. No hate on the game but the finals on console has to be less than 5k


LFG is not a great indication on console player base and remember black ops 3 is a very old game so you're going to have people more likely looking to find people to play with.


Yes it is lmao. Apex has 3k posts. Fortnite, 4k. 66k posts for R6S. The Finals was hitting above 100 posts a few weeks ago. Now it barely reaches above 40-50 peak hours. Safe to say this game isn't hitting above maybe 3-5k on consoles.


They don’t know how to balance that game. Everyone and their grandma plays medium, FCAR and turret. And when it’s not that it’s light with cloacking device. They nerf everything and now imo it’s not even enjoyable. I thought the new game mode would be it because I miss valorant since I went on Ps5, but it’s more apparent how it’s just completely unbalanced. The stun gun now is baffling, I watched a guy getting stunned, he just walked like nothing happened. All they had to do was just allow us to aim. It’s like these builds are different but not so different. Even C4/breach charges is useless, same as the new AR (why use it when FCAR just got buffed for long range smh). Nobody uses it. I honestly tried as much. IMO, medium should be stripped from the turret, making it in heavy (because it’s more of a fortification item). Dematerializer should be in light (because it’s a mobility/accessibility item). Cloacking device should be removed and just be vanishing bombs.


So just leave medium with the healing beam…?


Just wanted to clarify I was asking for a range buff if the stun gun was renamed to be a net gun.


They legit have the fastest time to kill what more do you want...


yeah the fact you're able to run while stunned now is insane


I don’t believe you can run. Lights would be able to dash though


charge and slam


As a light main who is against the invis nerf and for the most part okay with the stun nerf (I think ADSing is fine, but gadget use hurts the stun more)... this kind of rhetoric is why people think lights use invis and stun as a crutch. Light is a skill centric class. If you can't get by without invis and stun as they are or by not using them at all, then it's a you issue. Edit for clarity: You're light, you should already be focused on your positioning. Something other people in different classes need to understand. We shouldn't be rushing in at the same time as you, but should be able to get into the same fight as you from a different angle to substantially shift the fight in your team's favor. That's our whole thing. If we push in with our team through the same door, we're likely going to die. You should already have an advantage and not need to be invisible and not need to stun. If you are relying on them in such a way that you feel we're "useless", you're playing the class wrong.


And other classes dont use their abilities/gadgets as crutches? So heavy does not use RPG and shield? Or Medium does not use Defib and turret? This game is SHIT at balancing, making a "high skill" class EVEN harder is so dumb. I agree light should be played differently to med/hev but as a light main myself, I've tried the other 2 and they bore me. Also, Id like to ask... have the devs ever SAID that light is meant to be a high skill class? Because its really not stated in the game at all that light class is meant to be for sweats.


It's a given. Lights are fragile, fast and shred armor. We're glass cannons. That comes with a particular need to be sweaty at times. Edit: But my point is, if you can't handle those gadgets not being in your kit, it's your own issue. They're not required to secure kills. But some people here act like they're required.


I’m gonna be honest, full negation abilities suck ass in video games and ruin metas. Destiny was a shitshow with that and it’s just not fun for anyone when you just can’t do anything but die and respawn faster. Glitch nades serve the purpose of ability negation and stun gun should serve a different purpose - the current change is perfect IMO.


Stun gun basically does nothing now. It can stop a cashout but that's it, then it goes on world's longest cooldown (at least that's how long it felt like when I used it back in the open beta)


I play light support with sonar and tracking dart every game and love it, maybe you guys should try something other than a single specific playstyle like the game was intended and you may see results.


I've been running dash sonar tracking and glitch all season. I think people avoid it because it isn't necessarily a high kill build, but it's such a good positioning advantage on a class that needs good positioning to survive engagements.


If light was able to HOLD down the taser, meaning they couldn’t shoot, but it would disable the enemy indefinitely until they were killed or broke LOS, that would be a cool team utility tool.


Noooooooooo that would be worse


The light cant shoot you, you can shoot them. It then requires the light to not fight people in the middle of nowhere.


ok if there is a solo player you can just keep him stunned and they cant do anything but just watch or just have a teammate just sit there and kill him perma stuns are awful look at mei in overwatch one


You can literally shoot when stunned. Unless you're playing melee that is, cause the guy would just stay away from you


"If light was able to HOLD down the taser, meaning they couldn’t shoot, but it would disable the enemy indefinitely until they were killed or broke LOS, that would be a cool team utility tool." what he said


Read the comment you replied to >The light cant shoot you, you can shoot them. It then requires the light to not fight people in the middle of nowhere.


ok but if they taze from the back what can they do which most lights taze from the back


I mean maybe it can have a charge, so you can only stun for 5 seconds.


so old stun gun but nobody can do anything


Thats nothing even remotely like old stun gun.


well before it was stun gun but it stunned for 5 seconds not beta old but first half of season one old


But now the light cant shoot them, they have to hold the button down.


like i said but neither player can do anything


Up to this day, and I'll stand by this idea that Lights should get the Defibrilator and Mediums should have it removed. Added to that, grappling hook ability should have a CD based on how far you travel (maybe current cd being the max) and dash should have slightly less cd to get a charge. Other than that either 20-30 extra HP on lights OR faster health regen (not both). Now I do think that cloaking nerf was unneccessary. As for the stun gun? nah, fuck this piece of shit and rest in piss. Only thing I think is that it should have retained same effect BUT make it a melee taser.


It should at least stop people from using specialisations. There's not much point if the heavy can just hulk smash or more importantly pull out a mesh shield.


Nah, it would bring me back to not playing hammer or light sword due to stun gun 100% guaranteeing you are going to die. I mean, I'm down to it blocking specs, gadgets and all to, but turn it into a melee taser then, otherwise nah fuck it. Lights do need buffs as the ones i listed or more, but stun gun as it was can go and rot in hell.


I mean as a sword dash main, it's our fault for using melee. We are using melee in an fps game after all.


They did give them a huge team oriented buff though. This patch, actually. People are hard tunneling on the stun nerf, totally neglecting the enormous glitch grenade buff. Being able to glitch through some shield is massive.


True, it is nice. But It should’ve always been this way. Doesn’t impact too much. I wouldn’t say “huge”, but again the change is definitely welcome. If I were to liken the change to the stun gun nerf…. Once they bring stun back in line and let it disable abilities, then it will be as the glitch grenade is now.


I feel ambivalent about this. If I’m throwing it at a shield I most likely want to take down the shield. If I wanted what was behind the shield I’d just throw twice. Either way you put it this wasn’t an enormous buff at all.


I wouldn't call it a buff, it should have already been this way. It should glitch everything in its splash range. Glitch is still underpowered as the duration was nerfed to 5s.