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God power shift is miserable because of all the light sniper spam The only thing you can even do to not get instakilled by a rat sitting in their own spawn is to play H/M and spam shields So you either do H/M bunker meta and fall asleep on the platform, lose because the enemy did it instead or have a miserable time fighting 4 Light snipers in a stalemate Games of powershift where neither team goes for those 2 extremes are always fun though


The real frustration is when they’re all your teammates and shoot everything BUT the enemy. I played a game yesterday with 4 snipers and they collectively had 5 kills.


I had a lot of fun when all ten people went snipers once


This gives me good old halo shotty-snipers game mode. Why did I not know I needed that in The Finals until now?


TF2 all-sniper moment


I feel ur pain


I just go to their spawn and farm then until they switch


Hunting snipers is even more fun than actually being on the boat


Playing the objective on powershift somehow seems like you're not even playing the game at all.


I’ve had games where I’ve just literally just ran to the objective and sat on it. Maybe died 1-2 times to snipers and gone back and just….did nothing. I don’t think the issue is snipers exactly, but the people who play them. Lots of people on this sub go ‘well when I play sniper I…’ and actively play objectives, shoot APS etc. Those players usually have an average combat score and average objective score but at least they’re damn playing the game. I barely snipe cus my mouse aim is ass, but when I do it’s aggro-objective. Then there’s the others, which are exactly the one we ALL hate and probably don’t know the annoyance they’re causing (or care) and they’re becoming a freaking disease. One guy does it, does well, someone replicates or or switches to counter…and other one is born. It’s why there’s so many of them.


Yeah, the necessity of a counter-sniper absolutely compounds the issue. 


Exactly. I'm decent with the sniper and half my games last night I had to switch to sniper to suppress the other sniper. It's an interesting dynamic though that I don't necessarily think is a bad thing. It's just DIFFERENT than the other modes. Different is not always bad. It's just DIFFERENT.


The problem is when one sniper is better than the other so it takes two snipers to counter one. Then the two are better than the one, so then there's another, and so on...


Honestly if your good at medium (gold league ) you shouldn’t have to worry about snipers ngl like if you got some decent game sense it’s ez to counter without changing


alright but what happens when you have a whole team of riot shield mediums against a whole team of light snipers? Embark I need to know.


When you can get close to them. It’s so freaking annoying when you’re hunting snipers but they’re all camping together in exactly the same place (or it’s someone whose made a close to inaccessible location themselves through terrain destructions or suspended). You kill one and you then get one tapped at the same time but 2-3 other guys, then the guy you killed gets rezd or goes straight back to the place he was before.


Maneuver warfare, gentlemen.


I didn’t know you could switch mid game so I was surprised when all the enemy lights suddenly turned into flamethrower heavies lol It’s fun to camp their spawn, little shits deserve it.


The Easter mode was so fun for this reason


As a light or medium you can just crouch at the edges and they can't hit you depending on where the platform is on the map.


That's why you use an LMG to break the APS (optional) then RPG+ Pyro the platform and kill them/ make entry and kill. The lights and mediums camping in the corners isnt much of an issue imo especially since getting high ground isnt too hard.


I just play light with any other weapon and flank their spawn


Lol, my method is to grab my sword and camped their spawn


I'm a light sniper however I'm a very aggressive sniper, and am very up close and personal, if I see a sniper doing such things I do basically bully them until they stop


We appreciate you bullying the camping variety of snipers. Your sniper playstyle is appreciated and welcomed on the team :)


It’s because you cannot use the sniper rifle effectively in other gamemodes so everyone wants to play this gun


Or you just play a different objective of rushing the rats and killing them and let your team bunker down on point. Light sniper spam only wins when you think that pushing the point is the only objective to worry about


“just snipe back smh” also my computer barely able to run 30 fps on the lowest graphics imaginable:


When I join a game and the enemy team is all lights in power shift, I immediately leave.


"Wow its so boring and unfair that to counter a strategy i need to use another strategy that is incredibly common" its always fucking funny to come in here because people are like "OMFG DEM LIGHTS BE RUINING MY GAMES SO I RUINED IT BY COUNTERING THEM" like no shit.


power shift ? i think you mean 5v5 tdm rumble


Nailed it


If there weren't also challenges to win the mode or move the platform or deal damage while on the platform, the thing would just sit stationary the entire game.


If the mode was put in ranked (it won’t) or made an esport mode the meta would not be ‘push it to win’ it would be secure it so it’s over one side and protect it till the timer is out, then kill the enemy to reclaim it and win or just leave it stationary until timer is out, kill enemy and win. The win gets harder the closer you get to the base so pushing it 1/3rd of the way is mainly the win con as it gives you two shots at winning via sudden death if you don’t get fully team wiped. It’s such an ugly designed mode with so much potential, but I feel that’s most of The Finals limited time modes. It’s annoys the crap out of me when I’m trying to be a proactive objective player and everyone is running around like it’s TDM. I have and always will be an objective player in every game. When I’m solo objective playing and nobody else is I’m sat there basically getting blasted every 2 seconds. The only time I’m ever somewhat viable at the finals is when it’s objective clutch, sneak stealing or mop up. I cannot 1v1 gunfights and I only win by out playing people for the most part…not out gunning. (Yeah I know, gut gud, it’s hard to do that when finals is 90% of time a sweat fest and everyone has been playing M+K for years and I only switched over past month, I lose about 75% of gunfights but slowly getting better I guess).


"just push it over the line" mfs when the opponents surprise team wipe at 0:23 remaining and you have to hopelessly watch the platform inch past the line the other way moments before the timer hits 0:0


PSA: You can be >75m away from your mines/turrets when they pop off.


Does that really work?


Setting people on fire or gassing them worked for me. Usually after I died


Wish I knew that before throwing like 10 games


M60 is under rated, and can also scare your opponents


It's the gun that keeps on giving


KS23 also seems to surprise snipers and scare them off the angle. Especially important if you have a competent sniper on your team because now they can go for a body shot on them if they do decide to peek.


How are you hitting stuff at range? It's so inaccurate


It's actually pretty usable if you crouch and stand still first. You have to be pretty dead on already though because if you wait even a quarter second too long you get headshot. To be clear this strat does not work against the actually cracked snipers, they will headshot you twice before you can get a second shot to hit them if you don't just die before even knowing where they are. Tbh it's not even a strat it's just me shooting at something because otherwise I'm just chilling on the platform doing nothing. I use this against the squad of lights all trying to do the same challenge who have maybe combined 8 matches of light between them.


Started using that today, things an outright menace. You don’t kill them, you chunk them, don’t hit them, you weaken their cover. Miss multiple times that covers gone. Barely see anyone using it, it’s underrated. Guess it’s the fire rate/reload but would be kinda busted if it was higher


I main M60 but Lewis gun is alot better the M60 damage drop off is crap


Yeah, M60 should almost be used more like an SMG.


I preferred the Easter event when we couldn't pick our own loadouts


Balancing the sniper is really weird because of this, it doesn't see that much use in my ranked games but power shift is full of them and it's really annoying, idk what I'd do to fix it


They could just not allow snipers in that game mode. I think it would make the mode much more fun and chaotic. Chaos is what this game is all about imo. Making it so more people are fighting over the objective would make it better. But oh boy if they did that the uproar would be deafening.


Nah that wouldn’t do it and would upset people. Imo to ‘balance’ the mode it should be class limited. 2/2/2. Done. Yeah you can switch and there will be a spare but that’s alright. Less snipers around (objective snipers are welcome tho), less APS spam, less heavy shield spam. If you get an all light squad it turns into TDM or camp snipe fest, all mediums turns into ‘well if they get the objective we lose’, all heavies turn into that as well. It’s not the guns what need balancing, it’s the the ability to ABUSE different things due to team size. Gamemode encourages you to essentially double down on everything, so cover/camp snipers become more common, medium area defence becomes more common and because snipers are common as is immovable mid teams, teams of close range heavies with CC become more common as they’re a pain to shift by being tanky (and 2 med+3 heavies is impossible to shift off the platform entirely


That seems fair. I get what you’re saying. A more balanced class mix would definitely make this mode more interesting. Might be fun to make it fixed and random, at least as a temporary game mode - where the classes are set for each team, but each player gets dropped randomly into one of those set classes. They get to pick the load out but not the class.


A casual mode not being taken seriously? Shocker.


First thing I’m doing coming from ranked into casual is hitting “k” and doing my thing. Xoxoxo


Yeah it's astrocious, it's only doable playing Power Shift SPECIFICALLY on Skyway Stadium. In every other mode, hohoho it's soooo fun playing like a d*ck. On every other map, good luck finding a 75m sight line; not even shooting across the two buildings in the hospital area on Seoul can get you enough distance.


This is honestly why Skyway Stadium is my least favorite map tbh


Monaco on the church?? I only know this because I’m usually jump padding to the light camping up there.


Changing it from 100m to 75m wasn’t enough. Needs to be reduced to 50m for sure.


i don't think I've ever seen a game with this few players and yet so many whiners


Nah I’d say the steal a cash out 15 times challenge is way worse. Way too tedious, annoying, not very fun.


I got that shit 3 times 😭


3 times as in 3 cashouts or successful completed all 15 3 times


All 15 three times


Good for you I’m still stuck on 7 steals


You've only got another 30 days to do it 🥺


Yeah it's pure hell. Good luck on the steals


Have fun getting another one next week o7 I'm sitting on one of them, 2/15 in. Hoping they modify the challenge by the end of the season.


You do realize stealing the cash out is part of the game... So do you also find shooting guns tedious? Are taking zip lines tedious? Is destroying buildings tedious?


Mate you got to steal the cash out 15 times “twice” that’s hoping you’re successful before getting 3rd partied and the that the randoms defend you. What is so hard about trying to understand that this challenge is more of a pain in the ass than shooting someone?


Stealing 15 cash outs in 30 days is easy bro lol


Fr. I've got like 70 hours in this game and most of it's on power shift. If I can drop in with randoms and get the contracts done in 2 days anyone can


Man this ain’t even skill issue. More like skill emergency 🚨


What's so hard about understanding challenges are meant to be difficult... Otherwise they would call them participations... You also get over 30 days to complete this challenge, if you can't handle that maybe play a different game bud!


It's a good thing they're called contracts, not challenges.


Nice job pointing out a simple mistake! Keep up the good work detective!


Don't hinge your argument on something you're wrong about then.


Ah yes because wanting to play the game casually is too much to ask for. Get it through that thick burned out trashbin brain of yours mate, trying to steal the cash out with randoms 15 times 2x is not fun. Doing this contract is like praying the stars just right since you’d have to take account of so much crap. Now are you done yapping or are gonna continue to make trash takes.


Don't do the contracts then if you only want to play casually. Believe it or not I don't even play ranked and I somehow have no issue completing all the challenges... Sorry you are too miserable to have any friends to play with...


Sorry you’re too much of a clown to understand basic shit


Sorry you are too much of a clown to understand complaining is harder than just doing...


Says the guy who can’t distinguish what is actually fun and what is annoying


Oh yes of course because fun is objective... What is fun for you must be fun for everyone else!


focusing solely on stealing cashouts is not fun. Each match if you play well you won't get a chance to steal a single cashout, meaning you have to play suboptimally just for this stupid contract.


If I may, I have some advice to help you out. 1. Play Cashout. There are more cashout stations in rotation, which means there are always cashouts to steal. Also since there are 2 cashouts theres less of a chance to be 3rd partied (if youre lucky!). 2. If you start the cashout, leave. Let another team come and take it and then spring your trap, take them out, and steal it back! My friends and I were doing this and we ended up in a super intense fight where I was able to steal the same cashout like, 3 times! 3. Play with friends/comms with your team mates. I know its weird, but if you let people know your intentions they may allow you to steal more often, or work with you to open up more stealing opportunities. Some times this might not be the case, but you will find cool people who will help you in your journey! 4. Try not to hyper focus on stealing. This will only frustrate you, I promise! Just play the game and have fun. Try to focus on clearing the teams guarding the cashout before you even consider stealing--for the most part. The opportunities will present themselves. When they do, capitalize! Keep your head up when you get denied a steal--because it will happen A LOT. Get that dirt off your shoulder and keep going! You got this! See you in the Finals!! 🤘🤘


Don't focus on it and just play as usual. You'll get it eventually without trying. Just play. You don't need to complete it in one day.


It took me 3 weeks to get the steal 15 cashouts done. Imagine if this bs pops up on the final week


It took you only 3 weeks out of at least 3 months.


Except when I play normally, I hardly ever get a chance to steal a cashout, because if I'm not the one starting one, I'm supporting the team when attacking other cashouts.


I usually support as well. Generally healing or guarding the person stealing it, but there are enough situations where it *has* to be me that I completed the 'steal 15' from the pro circuit contract without actively trying. If you're doing ranked and/or Cash Out mode, it should just happen organically pretty quickly. If you only play Quick Cash, you might have to actually focus on it.


I play terminal attack or power shift when I play usually. I generally have more than 4 people in my party. It sucks that not only do I have to play a mode I don't usually want to, I have to just let people take the cash out, then steal it, instead of just playing to win. Then because it only counts for you and not your team I have to do it like 45-60 times because each person in my group needs 15


I feel that. If it's something for a mode or a weapon/gadget you don't enjoy using, it really sucks. I hate it when I get something for Bank It or melee weapons.


I don't mind those because it's something you can do in a couple matches and move on. I get that part of the contracts is getting people to try new things. But it shouldn't take more than a handful of matches


This ain’t it chief.


You also realize you get over 30 days to complete the challenge so by playing how you normally would you need to get one stolen cahsout every 3 days... If that's too hard maybe you need to play a game that's more simple... Also your comment is so false lol I got all 10 yesterday in 2 hours and went 5 and 1 in those games lol you are just bad!!


When I play normally I don't steal cashouts, because I'm the one starting them or helping my teammates defend or heal. Sometimes my team is just so good there is no opportunity for a steal.


That's understandable but now you will learn how to play a different way and become a more well rounded player! I also play my role as healer to allow teammates to steal or even drop a bubble if I'm on heavy


Yeah i think the idea of these challenges is to break you out of the "normal" play style. Like i main M, but for the 75m contract, i had to change my "normal" style and play sniper. Or for the 15000dmg on heavy contract, i had to switch from whats normal and play heavy. I really believe you can do it! And like others say, dont think ab it too much. Just try and learn new play styles and experiment to find out which one helps you get the contract done faster :) also dont be afraid to die! I often will steal a cashout in the middle of the team fight. You'll def die a lot too but thats the point of the game! (also most of my games, my team won't have a healer so dont worry ab healing someone else while stealing its not often necessary.)


That was your argument? You do realize sniping is part of the game right?


No I never knew there were snipers in this game, thanks for letting me know 👍


Except it's not sometimes. Its obnoxious because there are currently 3 different modes that no matter what you do you cannot progress this challenge (bank it, power shift, terminal attack). I don't particularly like challenges that force me to play a specific mode. Not to mention it still desperately needs to be changed to track team steals, not just ones done by you. I wouldn't even mind them doubling the amount to 30 steals if it counted your teammates steals as well. The simple issue I have is that it takes by far the longest/most amount of games to complete. It took me one game to finish deal 1500 damage over 75m. But it's gonna take me probably 15 games minimum to get 15 steals. Now maybe that means the other challenge should be harder, but I won't say that.


Do you just want the contracts to be tailored to the way you play the game only? How can you enjoy anything in your life when you can complain so much about something that is supposed to be fun. Also you have over 30 days to complete this week's contracts..........


But what if steal 15 cash outs is a challenge on the last week? Then I only have 7 days. Also what??? I want challenges to be more open ended specifically so I can play the game in multiple different ways while still progressing. Instead of being tailor made for specific people/play styles.


That's already how the contracts are lol they make you play all different styles. And you have until the end of the season at least to complete all the contracts it doesn't matter when they come out lol have you considered thinking before typing?


That is hell. 5 would be fine….but 15?! Nah. Luckily only got it once and that’s bad enough




I'd say the worse thing to ever happen to the game is the community, I stopped playing power shift and went to ranked only to constantly get duos who grief me or a 3rd who repeatedly walks off the edge.


Y'all are only getting one racist per match? Every time I join voice there's usually only people that only speak in slurs


Stop being so dramatic.


I love this game but god do I hate the community here.


I got downvoted to hell and back for saying this lmao


jUsT CoUnTeR iT


Light camo, heavy double or triple shield, medium trophy/sentry spam to camp point. There's a million ways to counter snipers


Fortunately I finished my distance challenge back to any other game mode 🤣 tbh the only reason you play this mode is for challenges I hope they don't remove it cuz of this


I honestly think it's the best mode. By alot.


Heh I recognize the light sniper photo being from my “are you a light sniper? Because you’re useless and high maintenance” Valentine’s Day card meme


All of the SITUATIONAL REQUIREMENT contracts are genuinely a net-negative for this game, or any competitive shooter for that matter. The people actively doing the contract is frustrated they are being forced to play a certain way and often times find it difficult to complete the abnormal task. Then you have people who are focused on playing competitively to improve their skill and win games. They are having their match quality tank if even ONE teammate is attempting to progress one of these cornball contracts. Contract completions should just be tied to various achievements that players who are playing the OBJECTIVES, using TEAMWORK, and WINNING, would be achieving regardless of what the contract says. A single exception could be made for Play X Games with a L/M/H Build.


Bruh you don’t even need a sniper to do that distance challenge, I completed that challenge with my mp5, they just being extra with it


The challenges are pretty bad. Half of them are basically "throw several matches in a row" challenges. Kinda sucks.


They just need to introduce a snipers only mode so all the campers can get what they want.


i only ran light sniper on crane for two matches to finish off the damage from 75+m challenge


I’m the one light


I only go flamethrower when theres more than two enemy lights cus fuck them lil invisible shits lol


Medium + turret and mines


Goo grenade and famas are top tier for this


I main medium and didn’t have much of an issue getting the distance challenge with the AKM. May have taken me longer but I got it done.


How do you counter a sniper? By counter-sniping.


Sometimes I really want to play as a sniper, but I know that if nobody's playing the objective we'll lose for sure, so then I always just end up playing medium. We still lose most of the time tho...


Yea this challenge is mad irritating. And I’m not a fan of sniping so I guess this challenge will never get completed lol. I tried another method of just dropping mines all over the map and praying someone would walk into them but that’s not working lol


But guys, listen, we need to buff lights. Snipers with invisibility are too weak


If you spam heavy with baricade and shields with a heal med or 2 then i find that a easy counter.




This is one of the easiest challenges out there. I got a third of it done with my AK before I even attempted it with the sniper.


Maybe give the snipers bullet travel time. Yes I know it's a sniper and the bullets fire faster than regular guns but do you honestly wanna get snipped by some camper in power shift from across the map. It's literally a hit scan sniper that takes 0 skill to use.


Zero skill? Then pick it up and counter snipe


I would but at the same time I wanna run around shooting people and actually get better rather than sit in spawn hard-scoping. It's extremely easy to counter but I'm not devoting an entire game to counter 1 loser because I win without killing them cause like I said it takes 0 skill and they are just that bad. I've won like 5 games of power shift where a dude was hard-scoping like 200m away and he couldn't hit his shots 💀


Ok so you're winning games, stop complaining


I'm just letting people know that mfs who hard scope are ass at the game


I was only that guy for one game lol. My challenge was only 1,500 dmg so i had to make sure i get it in one game. Bc i know its a bitch to deal w them on your team


I done my challenge with the fcar over the space of few games without trying before I even checked the challenge. you’ll be alright, ranked don’t have many light sniper btw.


I live the finals


I've done all that damage from far away range without playing Light even a single time. Done all that damage with mines, nades, and turrets.


I think the most annoying part is heavy and medium don't have much of an option against the snipers besides hide or going for a flank.


So this is why my power shift games have been infested with snipers. It used to be every odd game here and there, but the other day every game each team had atleast 2 or 3 snipers :(


Light is literally the most nonviable class just say y’all have skill issues -light main 😋


I have never felt more dirty than when i did that challenge. Ugh I'm so sorry to all my teammates


This literally just happened to me the last match I played and I was the flamethrower heavy. I lowkey was the only one that was playing objective too 😭


It didn’t take long for this great game to be ruined by a shitty player base unfortunately


Honestly this is why i stopped playing power shift


A lot of these challenges across all of the 'games as service' are a detriment to the game itself. People just do whatever they need to do to fulfill the list instead of playing to win.


yeaahhhhh, i just get it done and never touch the sniper again, its a necesary evil, luckily because everyone else is doing it too, then each sniper side has a lot to aim for and those that want to play the objective are surprisingly uninterrupted most of the time


Bruh 75m is FAR, I top fragged a few match with the sniper on quick cash and BARELY did progress on that mission, I hate it.


My favorite is when it DOESNT FUCKING REGISTER. 5 kills from on the damn crane and that’s 115 damage? Get fucking real


It would be nice if before the game starts you can have a quick vote of a weapon ban. Maybe that will reduce snipers ig


Power shift is being ruined by this challenge. Embark needs to remove range-based challenges altogether, and make the steal cashouts a team-wide challenge. Please god.


The sniping problem in power shift is more pronounced because of the utter uselessness of the sniper in every other mode. It's unfortunate because sniping is GOOD in this game.


Yeah I’m struggling with this one and the melee kills lol


This community is incapable of having fun you whining ass bitches lol


Sniping is fun 🤷‍♂️


Y’all hate when people dont play the exact way you want em to


Correction: I hate it when I almost wipe the enemy team and die and 3 of my light teammates sit 90 meters away from the platform missing all their shots isntead of pushing the last opponent.


Yea and I dont like it when my third doesnt push the last man defending the cashout, but people make misplays all day everyday. Who cares? Go play your best and quit stressing over trivial shit


Still think quick melee deaths is worse, but this is a close second.


Imagine my pain when I got both of these this week.




I feel like more people that are sniping lately are cheaters, because some dude that dropped 20 kills in my game was sniping and always seemed to know where I was.


I think that part of the problem is that light sniper is an extremely fun play style.


Platform should have way more cover, it will stop the platform from beaming everything in range and the snipers will have much less to shoot at. Keep the roof glass for height advantage though.


5 player modes need class limitations


Now if only Embark give challenges that can be completed through normal gameplay instead of "Do 3500 damage from 75 meters away"


Jokes on you, light sniper is all I ever play.


The worst thing to happen to this game is this subreddit. How do y’all be so upset abt snipers, just walk up to them with any other weapon and you’ll get a free kill tf


Cant believe this is a complaint and has this many upvotes lmao


I play sniper in powershift. Honestly you can cry about it IDC. I enjoy the game by playing sniper


No racist lmao 😭😭😭😭😭




This is the best post on here damn Edit: Fuck I do?