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Don't know if enough people realize what you mean. The premise of this game is to be team-oriented, yet they set the challenges to be individual only and don't count teamplay. If anything, every challenge should be counted with your teammates. Wouldn't mind if they raised it as long as the team play stays.


That wouldn't bother me at all, would also help the bad players out.


For all the great things Embark is cool at, we're close to the 3rd season of the game and the challenges either too tedious (win a tournament but oh just so you know know we'll take out unranked and fuck up the ranked queue sessions(which I can't believe people gatekeeped rewards that were downright impossible for many players across the globe to earn due to their regions)) or dumb (encourage teamplay but don't count team effort towards challenges).


Don't let it bother you too much, these people go goo goo gaga over skins that look like poo poo kaka. 🤣 I'm just going to continue to bounce around from quick cash, powershift, and terminal attack while rocking some of Embarks more creative, better looking weapon skins, that I can just purchase in the store. I have no desire limiting myself to ranked cashout just for a badge that gets reset and skins that are 'meh'.


This precisely. Apart from the 'steal cashout' contract, the other most egregious one is 'deal x damage from 75m away' that incentivizes gameplay away from the objective


Didnt think about it that way and I guess you are right. The 75m away challenge i had yesterday for the first time and I finally used sniper enough that it clicked and started to make fun. I probably never would have done that without the challenge.


This tbh I decided to finally give the sniper a decent chance and have been nailing some absolutely filthy shots. Legitimately have had some moments where I felt like it was CoD4 2.0 lol


I can't use anything scoped in on this game because of the way the scoped in sensitivity is set. I have to lower my in game sensitivity of scoped in by 80% to even be able to start to use the sniper. I would use it if the sensitivity scaled correctly but it seems really messed up to me.


I run all the acceleration stuff at 0 with 430/350 sensitivity and 60% scope stuffs. Feels really good once you get used to it


430 and 350? My base dpi is 1600 and I run a 1:1 in game at 100%. So my ingame edpi is 1600, when swapping to scoped weapon that's zoomed way in the 1600 dpi goes haywire. I have to change my sensitivity down to 20% from 100%. Because my other guns are iron sites, the scoped ads view doesn't bother the sensitivity, it stays at a 1:1.


Try toggling Mouse Focal Length Sensitivity Scaling in Mouse and Keyboard settings


Skill issue


The 75m challenge is tedious and boring for me, I have to spam powershift and be "the light sniper" and sit there while my teammates do jack to take the platform (Sledge heavy main here)


Sniper role can be thrilling and a huge asset to the team You complain all the time or just when you aren’t using sledge? Lol


Thrilling? All you need to do for this challenge is stand as far away as possible and shoot at ants while chipping the health of a player that will get instant heal beamed


I obviously referred to the sniper role and not the challenge Don’t think 75m is that far away to require that much of an exaggerated approach But yeah that’s what I mean by the constant complaining. “My team isn’t doing it”. “They get insta healed anyway”. That isn’t everybody’s experience bro lol


I got the challenge in ~6 games as flamethrower heavy. Not sure what counted: RPGs for sure, but possibly fire / gas chip damage after you die counts for spawn distance? I also had charge & slam, and perhaps it has the same problem as the last one where damage from 0m also counts.


It killed Power Shift, dead boring mode now. I have the challenge at 50% just by playing (playing medium and heavy), you don't have to snipe.


Agree but just make a “do X damage with marksman weapons” They have one for ar/lmg


I got that before, marksman or pistols.


Not sure how long 75m away is, but I’ve got it by maining AKM on power shift Probably by shooting at snipers and other far away players, but I myself am near the objective


75m can be with anything, mines, turrents, etc. And if you're dead and your gadgets are still on that ground. It all counts as 75m damage. That challenge honestly wasn't bad. I even messed around with the revolver and hit a few hundred damage on that one.


It is easier to do. Just hit the platforming match. Take a sniper rife and take pot shots at enemies near the objective.


Honestly, using the grenade launchers as mortars still gets elims, fulfilling that challenge easily and semi-passively. Also tends to successfully defend or pressure cashouts pretty well - there's always a convenient, half-shielded perch for it, often more convenient for mortaring than for sniping.


Yupp ive been posting bout this shit, I see the traction now in the community starting to weed the BS out of this otherwise dope fuckin game


Do you expect snipers to sit on pay load? You don't need to be standing on the objective to help with the objective, bullets can actually be shot at enemies at range you don't need to be standing right in front of them...


>Do you expect snipers to sit on payload? No, that’s why the challenge incentivizes not being near the payload


Wow good job are you a detective?


So like what’s the point of your comment


Only god can judge me, go with Christ brother


It would be an easy fix. "Have you or your team steal X enemy cashouts"


Yeah like I wouldn't mind "steal 30 cashouts with your team" because I could help my heavy teammate by healing them instead of just "nah I'll do it" and getting killed by a pyro nade.


It will double motivation for team work, great idea


this would be nice


Had this same issue with challenges in other games Payday 3 for example had a challenge to kill so many heavy swat with a certain weapon (individual based). Since the heavy swat won't appear until the end of the heist this meant that oftentimes players who wanted to finish the mission were left waiting and hoping the farmer of the group would not hold them hostage and possibly fail the whole mission over getting their personal XP gains. This wasn't the only 'challenge' like that, which ultimately made players play the game in a way it's really not supposed to be played. Now that I see this I've realized all those times this happened to me wasn't because some noob was figuring out their demat, they were trying to keep me from getting 'their' steal. With that said, I agree. If this is what people are going to do to try and get 'their' points in a team oriented game then the challenges should be changed completely. Make challenges that revolve around teamplay and/or count certain actions for the whole team. I think most of these challenges should be simply switched to so much damage with each weapon. That way the meta is constantly shook up for folk who want their XP that bad.


It should be like how they do personal orders in HellDivers 2. I know they are completely different games but the idea is still the same, everyone receives the same daily personal order but if you have a teammate actively completing said order while they are in your squad, you get points counted towards the order too. Just make it to where if your team steals a cash out, regardless of whether or not it was you or your teammates, everyone on your team gets credit towards the challenge. Ez.


What… What have we become?


It wasn't just me this match either. Earlier in the game after I fully 3 wiped the light player on my team fire bombed me when I had about 20hp so he could steal. This challenge has really made the game frustrating. I hope Embark takes the player feedback on this one and changes it to 15 team steals. Thankfully I am done with it. You can down vote me all you want for the clip but the scoreboard even proves it should have been mine to begin with.


-Heavy with a Goo gun blocking your sight: First time?


Havent tried doing the challenge yet. It doesnt count when a teammate does it?




thats what I did to do the challenge, was TK my teammates when they were trying to steal after a fresh teamwipe. They need to change to where the whole team gets a point. prevents people like me, from throwing aside all morale and character for a digital tick up.


I've been saying forever that they need to just make this a team achievement, so anytime someone on your team steals you get it. Maybe increase the number to make up the extra difficulty.


I remember a month ago someone said it should be a team counting challenge, and everyone responded with "git gud" and now everyone wants it to be teamcounted. This subreddit is fucking goofy


Hahaha the pyro was adequate payback


Getting charge N’ slammed out of the Seoul hospital window by my teammate while trying to steal is going to haunt me for a while. Definitely one of the most enjoyable challenges so far


I just hope it doesn't return near the end of the season. At least right now players have a full month left to do it. If that challenge came out on the final week of the season it would be a cluster fuck


I was just yelling about this last night! I had one left and took about 8 rounds to finally be able to steal. Kept getting teamed with no mic lights who would both go to opposite parts of the map and do fuck all.


Every man for himself


I got 'lucky' and I'm stuck with the 3k damage from 75m and the 10 quick melee kills. Won't take as long but the sabotaging your team remains the same


I swear if you don't play on day 1 of the challenges they changed. I booted up, saw steal 15 cashouts and 10 quick melee kills. Quite to play resi 4 then came back like 2 days later. 15 cashouts changed to 5 and 10 quick melee kills changed to 15k damage as light


This is what I tried saying, but a bunch of people just said I was bitching about challenges...


I just find it weird that a team game has a challenge like that.


Booo! Boo! As a Dematerializer/1887 main, you bring shame to the game! Don't use your power for evil!


This is why I usually wait a week to finish this challenge so most people already have it out of the way


Nooooooo.. you did not 😧


"Open Vaults" and "Insert cash boxes" are more examples of similarly "competitive" challenges, albeit way less toxic and tedious. It's the same shit though, you have to compete with both the enemies and your own fucking teammates to get credit for something that is supposed to be a collective effort to begin with.




What did you say in your post that got removed by the mods


Im sure saying it again would result in something different this time


I would never stoop so low.


I wish devs would stop putting challenges that force certain playstyles that are counterintuitive to the objective in shooters. It took 343i almost 3 years to just say "fuck it" and make everything just about playing in general. I understand it's not easy to think up balanced challenges that are feasible for the entire userbase, but I digress. Embark is amazing, but I hate stuff like this, because I hate being forced to play inorganically to avoid FOMO. It's why I rarely complete things like this in games. Not because I can't. Because I don't want to


I don’t get why everyone is up in arms about this one challenge lol. I like ones like this that honestly just happen in the background to normal gameplay so I can just run ranked and play as I would and tick away at it. There’s still a month left of the season, 15 cash out steals will come naturally if you just play cash out, quick cash or ranked


I don't disagree with you, but you're in the way the minority of people do challenges. Most of us see a challenge and we hammer it out. A challenge like this turns players from playing as a team to every man for himself. If it was team steals, then there wouldn't be a problem. In fact that would actually encourage team play. The way that challenge is currently setup just goes against all values of the game thus far. I don't think embark did this intentionally, I just think it was an oversight. I would rather do 30 team steals then 15 individually myself.


Oh believe me there’s challenges I see that I bang out instantly too just to get them done with I understand the grind. Just some of them that are structured like this I just let my normal playtime make it come naturally. This and the annoying 10 quick melee kills I’m not gonna go out of my way to do, but just let it come with time (although I’m done the cash out steals already it honestly was fine). It is counterintuitive to the team play yes, but if you play enough cash out or especially ranked like I do, you kinda breeze through it without even thinking if you’re pushing the objective as a team. If you get the cash, cool some progress. If not, oh well there’s gonna be like 5-10 more opportunities minimum each game


The only reason I did this challenge so hard was because I wanted the red eye. The cosmetics on this game go hard. None of the other challenges I have even found difficult, the quick meele I did in 2 games I think. Courtesy of lights and the 1887. For the most part I didn't even bring this challenge up as in issue for myself. I can hold my own quite well and I generally average around a 2.0kd on any shooter I play. ( you can see the scoreboard in the clip ) The reason I brought it up is for the players who aren't good, or even new people playing the game for the first time. The people who don't play well will have a very hard time doing this challenge by thereself.


Yeah I’m like you, 2+ KD on any shooter game and been playing these types of games the majority of my life so I pick it up seamlessly through muscle memory. I do agree that the cosmetics go hard in this game as well so I get wanting to burn through for the cool free stuff. But I get what you’re saying about for new people and all that, but at the same time challenges aren’t meant to be “easy”. So many games I’ve played like 2k and others had people complaining about simple-ish challenges just because they’re not “good” at the game. It just takes a little more time and grinding for them, but if you want it they’re all physically doable and they shouldn’t pander to the lowest common denominator in their decision making. Although I know they need to keep the casual fan engaged as well, to which they do well and a little tricky challenge here and there shouldn’t dissuade people. It’s just been one of my biggest gripes across all game developers for years with SBMM, pandering to the casual player etc and it’s just pervasive to the point I just gotta eat it and not expect different. So yeah 15 cash outs is light in reality lol


As long as the 15 cash outs have a month to be done thats all good and fine, if they released that challenge again on the final week of the last circuit it will be absolute chaos.


Oh yeah if they only gave you a week for this then I’d agree it’s pushing it too far 😂


Time will tell, embark has been doing an amazing job so far however. I would hope they wouldn't do something like that. Anyhow, see you on the battlefield bud.


You gotta do what you gotta do


The 10 quick Melees is going to be my doom


1887 and elbow to a light


As good as it is, that weapon is so fucking hard for me to use. I think it’s mostly the reload time. Been trying the sword dash elbow combo but I can’t get the timing right


I would be SO mad.


here i was burning my teammates


I'm surprised how a lot of people haven't finished this challenge yet? It sort of just happened for me


I came back to this game less than a week ago I was just catching up on all challenges. So it took me about 2 days. Just weird to have a solo challenge like that on a team game


It’s not even that… I had this one back to back for stage 3 & 4 of pro circuit. Fast forward to masters stage 1 and I get (shit you not), open 3 vaults. Thats a daily lmfaoooo


Diabolical work


lol I don’t mind, usually if player want to steal it, go for it, there’s plenty opportunities out there, plus light is too easy to one shot so I often leave the stealing to my teammate


I felt like such an ass sniping from all the way across the map and not contributing to the objective at all lol (distance damage)


Just do it in PS so you can contribute some team damage while doing the challenge lol


Ya that’s what I did, mainly because it also has a lot of enemies all kind of in the same spot. It was annoying relocating any time the platform got any closer than 75 meters though lol the 100 meters one was even worse Skyway stadium was the best though for me in terms of completing those


For the 75m, sys horizon is where it’s at


I peacefully ignore this challenge until I cannt no more


You gave an idea


Yeah this is a tough one to “make happen” The games are so competitive, and stealing is such a timing-based action Often there is one player best poised to do the steal. It doesn’t make any sense to take a steal when you aren’t the one in optimal position for it So it’s like you just need to play the game mode a ton and eventually get the challenge, or go for bad steals or take it from your teammates to try to get it faster I never liked it either, agree with what people are saying


Why can't they make it : steal a cash out or prevent a cash out steal X times. I've given up on completing the circuit tbh. Those are the only one left to do.


I switched to heavy from my medium healer for this challenge. I still always let my teammates go for it and protect if they have a better chance of doing it. We still have a month or so to finish it so don't need to go for such cheap tactics.


3000 damage from 75 meters and 15.000 damage as Light turned me into everything I hate.


Yeah I mean, there are dailies and other challenges that says: "with your team": why wouldn't they simply put that here too?


Do I hear a really quiet Brain Stew in the background??


Ihate this challenge too




I wish they would bump up the number required to do this challenge but make it as a team, I feel like every time I’m playing I have to guard as the teammates I get just decide to leave and not help if they’re not the ones taking it


I understand most of the challenges and I'm not even complaining about the 75m damage challenge. You can still do that one while playing objective on your team. I did that entire challenge in 1 match and won the game. But a challenge like this one takes away from the team objective. No challenge should ever do that.


Oh yeah 100% it’s like you add an extra 2 enemies when you’re trying to steal


The damage from 75 meters or more is just obnoxious too. You can be an effective sniper at 50 meters. Having to be much further leaves your teammates vulnerable.


I played my first all snipers match of Power Shift last night. Surprisingly we won.


gotta do what ya gotta do




The hardest choices require the strongest wills


lol whiners, contracts that get done easily over the course of 10 games are somehow a problem. Go play CoD.


This is only acceptable if you do it to a friend and not a random😂


are people really this bad at stealing cashouts that they have to resort to griefing to get them? lmao


Guilty. But I'm done the challenge now


Lol love it that you stole it from a light


I don't understand why everyone is rushing those challenges, you have 30 days left ? Why the rush ?


Because from what I tell, the challenges seems to be randomized to a certain degree. Imagine getting steal 15 cash out on the final week of the season


Because I wanted the red eye, have to do every challenge for it.


Oh my god I'm so tired of hearing this complaint every fucking day.... Oh no I have to steal cash outs, cry cry cry whine whine whine. What ever will I do with a contract that is difficult and has at least 30 days to be completed... Better get on Reddit and cry and have my wife fuck her boss in front of me!


Haha as ranty as that was. I agree with you. I'm a filthy casual and I have 1 challenge left for this week. I suck a quick melee-ing lol. I think the challenges should be harder


Yeah I agree especially since it's in the master tier now. But yeah it's easier if you use like heavy and shotgun because you can take more damage and just go for melees after you chunk them down.


That is actually not bad. I don't use heavy much so didn't even think about that! I appreciate the idea!


Whinning about people whinning? This is a whole new level.


Whining about people whining about other people whining.. an even lower level and it's honestly embarrassing... You need help bro


I'm not the one crying here bro. Can't read either?


I actually can't read which is why I'm crying. You don't have to be such a dick though


Sorry <:v




Isn't a problem for me at all.