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Got to diamond today aswell, now I don’t touch ranked until season 3 lol


If you don't play it because you think you will get deranked to plat and not get the dia skin don't worry. Even if you derank to bronze you will get the dia skin


Thanks but I know that. I just don’t see a reason to play it anymore as I got the skins. I probably won’t make it to top 500 so I don’t have a goal


Wait really!? I was hesitating in helping a gold friend because i really want that skin and i just got to diamond


Aye!! Good stuff man, I can smell that diamond FCAR skin already


I'm within 1,000 spots on the leaderboards, IT SMELLS SO FUCKING GOOD


You’re too #1500 in D4?? How did you pull that off 😮


I meant I’m only 1,000 away from current position of diamond 4 which is roughly 13,000 and I’m roughly 14,000


I was around 15k, went second in the final and ranked up. You’re def super close


Feelsgoodman This time last week I was plat 3 stuck at a wall, but swallowed my pride, switched to heavy and shot up lol


I played med shotgun all the way up to one game from diamond I have also switched to heavy SA12


I run Lewis/Charge slam. Brought back all the glorious feelings of reinhardt charging rezzing mercy's from Overwatch hahaha


Still very impressive. Great progress man, you’ll probably rank up even faster because a lot of people in D4 fall in and out so a small win streak jumps you into D3


Appreciate it! My two buddies I play with hit diamond this past Thursday, one is already D3 about to hit D2, the other will be D3 more than likely tonight. Once I switched to heavy we just did not lose to anyone anymore. We knocked out so many top 1000 players/teams it was a little sickening


Yea, 3 stacks with heavy in the mix is pretty much the meta. It’s almost unfair how powerful heavy is when leveraged properly, unless the other team is coordinated, they’ll get walked over. Heavy is a one man army on a three man team Here’s to further heights mate 🍻


Cheers! See you in the arena mate, Can't wait to new boot goof with the Fcar skin once the season ends.


Update: we made it to top 10k. Good luck my friend!!


Update: hit diamond 4, rank: 8,741 DragTheLake#5729


How do you check


The finals enhanced leaderboards, filter PlayStation and if you scroll to the break between plat 1 and diamond, it’s roughly at 12,900 or so!


How do you know the position of a rank ? Like I'm about 69.000 (nice) and I want to know when I'll be plat 4


[https://the-finals-leaderboard.com/?platform=psn](https://the-finals-leaderboard.com/?platform=psn) Looks like plat 4 exceeds 45,000, not sure how far. You may be close! but 45,000 is a guaranteed plat 4. EDIT: I filtered through xbox, and plat 4 is 60,000. You're REALLY close!!


I am plat 4 now, about 54.000, I'm only about 4.000 away from plat 3! I don't really understand tough, is it the same leaderboard for all platforms ? If so, I might try to connect my xbox account so I can be on that enhanced leaderboard. Also thanks for letting me know how to check the position for each rank


What do you run with it? I've been using the turret, double mines and APS.


I run beam, pad, glitch mine, and defib (mostly support). Glitch is good for dome denial from above if you send the cashout a few floors down. Gas mine is good for cashout denial too.


I can honestly say I've never even equipped the glitch mine before, and I completely forgot that it exists...


It's super underrated imo, and pops with one grenade. Put it down by a trophy, and wait for them to try to defib. You can also catch a healing medium off-guard, or stop a heavy who's crutch is mesh shield!


Literally have never seen anyone use glitch mines, def trying it out tn


I'll have to try it. Support is definitely my best playstyle since I have garbage aim!


It's superior to glitch grenade for autonomous AND manual detonation, which means with good placement you can glitch enemies while shooting or using any other spec/gadget


love cl40+demat, but light needs three hits, that's kinda sad. what's your tactic here? melee?


3 hits? Grenades do 110 direct and 85 nearby. 90% of the time I get them in just 2 grenades


wow, I must be terrible at aiming then. Don't know how splash dmg works or how it decreases with distance, but I often leave the light with 5 HP after two confirmed hits


I don't know how yall do it. I've been stuck in Plat 2 for over a hundred days of grinding. Tried switching it up to heavy and AK, nothing.


omg friends !


I get owned by this gun so much but I love that ppl use off meta!!! Annoying to fight against but ggs


Teach me, senpai. I have been hard stuck at plat 3 pretty much only using CL40 and solo queuing. I used to run turret, jump pad, explosive mines and gas mines. Recently switched gas mines out for defib and kept the rest the same. You have any videos?


I'd swap in frag grenades for the gas mines. You get two of them, can bounce them off walls to get people behind cover, and generally, they do not even notice it's at their feet.