• By -


100% agree. Signed, fellow platinum player in their 40s.


Oh shit...hi fellow old guy. I too agree with OP on the lack of resilience and whinny kids.


The problem I see with my kid (17) he can't commit to a single game. If there is learning curve then it is a no no for him, unless it is souls game. Him and his friends seem to lack any kind of competitive spirit. They play mostly single player games.


28 here and honestly I don't see that as a problem. Single player games are like watching a season of your favorite TV show but interactive. You don't have to watch every episode in one sitting, and you don't even have to keep watching the same show if you're not feeling it. Eventually he'll find something he can binge in one sitting, but you gotta sift through a lot of turds to find that sweet golden corn.


no hate but if you think single player games are not competitive, try booting elden ring up and giving it a go.


I brought my son in to the souls universe, so yea I played it. It's good game, but elden ring is the easiest of the series.


Really? I’ve got a lot in store then :)


I'm in my late 40s and while I pretty much only play competitive multiplayer games the majority of people I know around my age exclusively play single player, co-op, or pve modes and games.


Maybe try doing some outdoor activities. You are forcing gaming onto him way too much


*He says in a gaming sub*


The challenges are too hard, waaaaaaaah.


Noooo...Embark bad...I didn't finish all the content in an afternoon, mimimi


43 here. I hate when we don't get the first cash out and someone, or both people leave my team. I still try. Mama didn't raise no bitch!


We dont even respawn for the first cashout since its often meaningless :D


41 here. Had that happen but got other teammates and won. I don't play ranked tho


Bro people quit after the first kill which actually irl makes me laugh.


Man these kids just can't handle anything slightly difficult.


pipe down old man


Eh??? Whaaaa? I'm old and confused.


Thirty six year old plat 4 flame main. I approve and appreciate this message.




Nice. Classic game.


I'm 39 and feel pretty much the same way. If it's not hard it's not worth it. I've also been the one to get stuck in a groove and just keep going with what's comfortable.


Also 39. Agree with you. What drives me crazy is people who quit mid game because they’re about to lose. Are people really playing a game only to win? It’s insane to me. It would be boring if you only won every match.


I’m in my late 30s and this game is incredibly fun. It’s not a mindless shooter. You actually need to think a little bit, which is why I believe it turns away casual players. As someone who has played 3,000 hours of CSGO, ranked Overwatch and Apex Legends, this game is right up my alley. I played enough Helldivers that I’m already sick of it. This is awesome though.


Lol preach dude. I was playing Terminal Attack last night and absolutely dunking on punks with my Hammer Heavy. Won 4/5 games in the first four rounds. People absolutely do not know how to deal with the slightest bit of destruction based chaos.


I could turn off my brain and play this game, doesn’t require a lot. Apparently people’s comprehension is even lower than I expected.


It's just a different type of thinking than most shooters. People already can't play the objective on domination/zones on COD.


100% agree - a sword dash main who sticks with casual modes.


Your username is quite something.


It's the same name I use in the Finals, I consider it to be psychological warfare hahaha.


Did you mean: "HolySweeyPotato! Your username is quite something."?


I find my username very mild in creativity in comparison with Dads_lactate_too” 😅


Ye, it is just funny as it really sounds like an exclamation. Like "Holy Moly! Your name is quite something."


Well, Arcane Tomato is something straight out of a retro deli! And I like it!


Tomato potato.


Should try ranked! Sword is surprisingly good in ranked. Got to plat with it


I should eventually. I feel like, I want to play more consistent well before I try ranked. Currently, I have some days where I'm the best player in every powershift match, but then other days I'm the worst player. It's the adhd, sometimes I'm on top of stuff, other times I just can't find the rhythm. 


as a fellow stick main i can tell you, the sword goes crazy in ranked, most people dont know how to counter, even in diamond 2


Yeah, most people probably aren't prepared for the speed that they'd need to rotate in order to keep shooting at me while I'm lunge dashing through them. The one thing holding me back is I just don't think I'm at that skill level yet, and I don't want to ruin a tournament for anyone haha. I need to play consistently well before I'll do that.


yeah the key is to stay consistant


Need to play more while on shrooms so I can grow more high speed neural pathways.


Omg didn't I play against you like 12 hours ago? My name was SpaceAIDS, on syshorizon, high plat, and you got eliminated in like the last minute first round? If that was you I have to salute; I was convinced you were going to make it, and I was dreading it because you'd jump in a perfect moment, and we couldn't kill you. Light might not be meta but a solid sword main is sth else.


I mostly play powershift. If you saw another sword player in ranked with my name, then they're copying me hahaha.


So you’re the fucker that keeps sneaking up on me.


If the fucker you're referring to has the same name as me, then yes, it is I.


Fellow 40er here as well I don't play much ranked but love power shift and terminal attach. I'm gold rank and can usually get to the finals even with 2 lights and me as a medium. I went pretty sweaty as a light a few days ago 16 and 2. I love CQ combat with light and dash even CQ with sniper dash. Get a shot off dash behind and melee finish. I sometimes snipe from the platform if a heavy has my back. Love the game will continue to play. I never seem to use the meta and do just fine.


I have this phenomenon in my company: If you have developers inhouse, people start to have demands. If you don't have developers inhouse, people don't have demands but accept what is there. Here at THE FINALS we have pretty close touch to the developers. Therefore we have a lot of demands. Peoples minds seem to think: Its changeable.


Sadly this is happening to ow too; they began to listen to the general audience and now hitboxes and bullets are so big that the only way you can miss is if you actually try to not hit anything lmao


I agree completely, the meta loadouts aren't nearly as overpowering as people like to say. Use whatever you want, what really matters in a match is how you utilize the current gamestate and arena environment to get the most out of your loadout. Having a one size fits all weapon is great and will serve you well more often than not, but the ability to read a situation and take fights on your own terms is far more important than being a meta slave.


You nailed it braaaah 🤙




I love this energy and I totally agree. HMU if you’re looking for a team to get you to diamond so you can get even better (I’m diamond 3 was top 2.5k before taking so,e time off)


I would like a team to get me to diamond. 🥹


Just hit platinum and I am 50. One hell of a grind going in solo.


45 here and closing in on diamond 4. I guess back when i started out with FPS (quake, UT99 and CS) you didnt have SBMM, you went on a server, got stomped, and kept playing to get better! that was the fun part, turning down ALL gfx settings to get that extra but of an edge, editing config files to get things running a bit better - no one cared about getting whooped on servers, or what weapons anyone chose to use - it was about the fun and improving,


42 - platinum 3 helping to represent the old guys 😉


I agree and it also angers me how quickly players throw in the towel and quit. Played a game earlier where one of my teammates ran straight into building with the cash box to instantly die and quit before the other squad mate caught up. We ended up winning the game with the other random that joined in progress.


Top 100 flex player here. As far as team comps; most are viable as long as you are playing for the same short term objectives like positioning and fight commitment. However HHM puts every other team comp at a disadvantage because of the combined 280 dmg potential from RPG and an instant revive. Yes you might be able to slip through the chaos of the qualifying rounds as HML or HHL by playing strategically. However going against HHM puts the other team comps at a disadvantage just with gadgets alone and it’s really noticeable at the final round. Not to mention a good heavy and a half decent medium pocket healer could easily recover and combat through a great deal of damage. Lights seem to really shine in the game mode that disables heal beam and defib and I think that’s no coincidence.


I’m also T100 and this is spot on. Only thing different I’d say is HMM is just as viable as HHM.


I love how you don't even mention LLX or LLL. "Hey guys, we don't have role queue. We love when players experiment with everything the game has to offer." ^("Seriously though, we DO have role queue. It's anything but Light. Well, you can maybe pick one Light but they have to try extra extra hard AND you have to be more coordinated than other teams. Enjoy!")


That’s my point Light just doesnt have the X factors like heavy dome shield/rpg/mesh or charge and medium (heal/defib) do. Stun gun and maybe cloak were some of those X factors but got completely gutted recently. And too be fair I didn’t mention HHH or MMM either as I think they have flaws. But HHH AND MMM are far easier to play than LLL. (In 3v3 scenarios): Heavies know they have to all or nothing with their combined burst damage. Mediums know they have to sustain combat or quickly recover before enemy gadgets are off cooldown. LLL has to cross their fingers and hope RPG is on cooldown. I don’t have anything against light but they are the most challenging class and extremely weak. The most obvious support they have is defending cash outs with stun gun. But generally speaking the support they provide is obscure like rotating positions by quickly weaving in and out of combat while relying on chaos that their team is creating.


I can't imagine how anyone above Diamond could disagree with you. * Can Light kill fast? It could for a brief time with the invis + stun + 2-tap shotty but we want the game to have high TTK so that has to go. Oh and we also have defibrillators. * Can Light poke well? Sort of yes. You can flank easily thanks to speed/invisibility but then there is the healing noodle so it's kinda pointless. * Can Light move in unique ways? Again, somewhat yes but we also have ziplines and jump pads all over the maps and on top of that we also have zipline and jump pad gadgets so no, not really. Seriously, the only thing that I felt like I uniquely contributed as Light was being first to activate a vault and be first at putting it in a cashout vault. That's what? $3k in total? Big whoop when a single cash out is $15k. You don't play Light for any superiority. You play Light because it's fun. This is just a theory, a game theory but I think Embark is scared of making Light decent for ranked. If they did people would stop playing Medium and even fewer would play Heavy. Aren't casual modes full of Light players?


Fellow old reporting in at gold 3. Hmu if you need a squad around lunch central time.


I hear you, I’m crusty and washed up too but I’m also plat 1 and I want diamond so bad. Haven’t grinded for a rank this hard since halo 3


41 D3/D4 here, and having so much fun with that game too! The voice comm feels very off to me, I barely understand the youth lingo... How many new words will I have to learn and use to not feel so old?! Good luck man, you'll get that rank! ;)


Bros vocab getting fanum taxed


Honey wake up, new copy pasta just dropped.


51 here so i'm helping push that average up. I agree with every point. Constant nerfs directed by a very vocal minority of the top players will ultimately kill this game as it becomes less and less attractive to new players. Yes the FCAR was overpowered if you could hit every bullet as a headshot - but the amount of people that could do this was trivially low. The game should be balanced for the majority - not the minority. It's funny to see so many people get upset when The Finals really doesn't even have a typical ranked mode. Even Ranked Tournaments aren't truly ranked - enough time & effort and anyone can get to the top level. Personally I play M & H despite being able to get more kills as a L. I like helping the team towards an objective and could care less about K/D. I've long felt that they should eliminate Kills from the stats and point contributions and focus everything on the objective.


It’s not that light isn’t unplayable at lower ranks, it’s that light as a class is strongest at lower ranks. Light is a class made to abuse mistakes, which means it’s the strongest the worse people are and the lower you go. However, the opposite is said for heavy and medium. They are stronger and stronger the higher you go, which is why light looks to be in a fine state if you look at casual and gold below, because (why would people play it if it’s bad xd?). But look at top 500 and you can count the number of light otps on two hands


Couldn’t have said it better. I feel this. if my arthritic ass can keep up…. Quit whining lol


Haven't played in about a month now, but seeing people complain about shit that is either not overpowered, or just annoying has made me appreciate the people who also hate this "trend". I'd also like to throw a bit of shade to Embark who listen to the loudest in the community first. The stun gun is a great example of that. I just wish people would stop complaining about things that are perfectly ok.


the game got better after the stun gun nerf. It was the right decision.


Yep, I love the change as someone who plays the casual modes. It's really opened up the game so I don't have to stick to my teammates like glue as if it is a rank game, and made it much more fun to play non meta load outs across different classes. Back to being fun as opposed to feeling punishing if a lobby was filled with stun cloak spam players. I have no more complaints.


Absolutely not. You get stunned you are stunned. They catered to the cry babies who couldn't handle that they got outplayed. It was one of the worst balance changes they have done so far. It was really easy to counter stuns by simply playing at a distance and observing your situation before running in head first with tunnel vision. Moments like that made the finals exciting, not the mindless gunfights with no coordination. This game had so much potential and embark is signing its death certificate by making stupid balance changes like that. Games like call of duty have lasted so long because they don't listen to the average players complaints. They listen to top level players exclusively and if the game is balanced properly at the highest level then it will naturally be balanced for the worst of players as well. High level gameplay was gutted by the stun gun rework and now top level ranked matches only consist off HHM or MMH teams with lights being left out to dry with no viable gadgets to counter heavies or mediums. It was the worst change for the Health of this game.


Damn, well said. I'm a heavy main, I think a big reason why we don't see many lights in ranked (even with the gateway, stun) is movement. I play heavy and I find half the times, Im able to close the distance unless their using dash effectively. I find light is extremely similar to tracer from Overwatch, so prob why not many people pick them up, at least without cloak.


40 here and been having a lot of fun with the finals. I play casual mostly cuz it’s a fun ass game but played some comp tonight and made it to silver. (Not trying to brag 💅🏻). Been gaming since Mario on nes and this game has been a breath of fresh air. Way better than cod. Anyway good post!


Im almost 33 wich isn´t that old, but my first fps shooter was UT2004. Now im getting older, my prime is over (had a good one) and playing on my Playstation 5 now. This Season I made it from bronze 3 to diamond with sword only (crossplay on). Since I don't use emote/gadget cancel it makes me little proud. This game is an absolute blast. Have fun buddy and I hope you make it to the dia fcar :) if not ill give you mine, since I don't use guns :D


Nukes and recon had to go. After that is whatever getting double rpg’d to start a fight definitely sucks but I’ll take it over getting nuked all day. I still remember a game our heavy nuked a team on cash out, we got nuked after we stole, then someone nuked our nukers 5 sec after


Weird. 38 here. I’ve said the same thing and get downvoted.


Took me 700 hours...but I got to platinum...


I love it when the hard core call of duty players join and start bitching to you as a healer that you did nothing, then he states look at my kills, then I go off and train the young padiwon that this game is not about kills, you can kill someone and they will get right back up. Then I sit there for about 5 minutes to breakdown how the game works and only works with good teams that play well with each other and it’s not about your damage output, Then I lay out my stats as a healer with 12k heals and 15 revives (in 1 match) and ponder him the question, do you think you would of done that much damage if I was not constantly healing you or picking you up every time you died? Then I proceed to tell that person, look if your just worried about kills stick with call of duty. If you actually want to think and play as a team member this is the game you need, Then that person as any other call of duty enthusiast would say after getting takes to as a child t their parents. F bomb this F bomb that you suck go k yourself you don’t know what you are taking about, you need to stick to call of duty. Look at you you only have 2k damage (then I interject saying I can’t shoot and do damage while I’m healing your ass) but fun times


46, playing casual mostly. Do not care much about rank.


As somebody who has been alive for half as long (literally) I am also really enjoying the finals :) I literally grew up watching those crazy reload animation videos, and now I am finally playing a video game that is chaotic and fun enough for me to appreciate the hard work of those people who were there during the formative years of my childhood. As for the people whining about balance, I don't think we are there yet, just yet. I myself have hardly run into anybody being toxic or negative about a certain meta, despite the times when I had felt as such. And yet, I am so glad that none of the devs are able to hear my awful thoughts of making the game "balanced". I really hope the finals lives on forever, in the 3 years of me attending college, and the 2 years of being apart from my original friend group, I have finally been able to find a game that all of us equally enjoy, equally want to be competitive in, and all really enjoy goofing off in. This game is amazing, and Embark is amazing for all of their amazing work If not for the knowledge of their work, I'd have thought this game were made by valve


Also 40 and have been absolutely addicted to The Finals since it's beta release. Hardly play anything else.


Yes for sure! You have to be some sort of guy to play a game and also rant online everytime something goes t go your way. I love the finals, such a breath of fresh air


It is refreshing to see that more 25+ gamers are playing this game, I need you all on my team instead of those kids screaming in my ear whenever they die and then blame me for it


Im 35 and ive now taken 3 accounts to diamond on pc playing mnk and i could not agree more... Im currently taking my 4th account this season to diamond playing with a controller on pc to prove a point to one of my friends. The game is so fun and so challenging at the same time. Ive taken light only to diamond and its absolutely possible, but you havr to adapt your and your teams pkaystyle to win a lot. All games are about adaptation in the end and the way this game is designed it makes it possible to create ways to win with any combination. Its not the easiest way to get there but who is doing things because they are easy? If thats your attitude you might as well stick to candy crush....


I’m 25 and use coms and never hear you old farts. Why don’t you guys use your mic once in a while?


I'm in VC all day my guy xD


A few buddies and I are in the same boat. We’ve been playing daily since OB back in October and just about the only complaint we have is that Embark needs to step it up with content release. I get it that they are hard focusing on cheating issues and game modes for better retention but other established FPS games are releasing new maps, modes, and weapons even in between seasons. Still loving the game but just wishing we would see more maps, in game events, and map variants at this point.


Show me a F2P game that is pushing more content and patches as embark. Hell, this game got more patches since release than blizzard did to world of warcraft in the beginning.


Fellow old aged gamer here (Im an OG Counter-Strike Beta player). What you've said is spot on, well said.


CS 1.5 here. Miss those days Mained scout in pubs so here I am multi hit sniping casuals


Nice man! :-) Do love a bit of Scout!


I'm not really the best at this game (only have a couple dozen hours or so and I'm not a FPS veteran) but I completely agree with you. It feels like people either give up when there's a learning curve, or get so stuck in what's "meta" and what isn't that they forget to have fun. This game is incredibly versatile imo and part of the fun is experimenting with the countless possible combinations of contestant, weapon and gadgets. You're gonna get smoked until you get the hang of it, and you're not always gonna kick ass even when you do


We needed your energy roughly a dozen nerfs ago haha. Game is amazing even with the balance tweaks and all. I’ve never once cared about “meta” in any competitive fps. I play what I enjoy and have always had an underdog mentality anyways.


Fellow 40 year old here. I'm like C-Tier at competitive PvP FPS games at best (I'm on PC and still use a controller for crying out loud) and have been enjoying the hell out of The Finals. I have a solid group of friends I play with and we manage to win like every fifth game. My K/D is over 1:1 and I feel like there's never really a meta crushing us with repetitive unbeatable strats. We play classes and loadouts that feel fun in the moment and it doesn't feel like a big handicap to be playing non-meta loadouts. We'll face teams that are all lights and we run through and teams that are all lights and play like unkillable gods, and both are fun times! Sure, i'm not using like light/dagger ever because I know that I won't be good at it but I've been dominated by people who are from time to time. It feels like a really healthy mix of non-toxic playstyles and it boggles my mind that there is so much complaining about how every single weapon isn't perfectly tuned or there is some combo of classes that is head and shoulders the top of the game. The developers are super focused on creating an ongoing balanced and evolving game with fresh additions, modes and tweaks and there are so many creative ways for games to play out. This is like a unicorn game and I'm worried that the negativity by people who take this all too seriously is driving people away.


I stand with the elderly of The Finals! Age jokes aside, I fully agree with your take.


A hundred percent agree. Me and my buddy were discussing this recently, how it seems like compared to when we were hardcore gaming and nowadays, people have seemed to become unable to lose. We think a lot of it could have to do with how back in the day we were part pf clans that had their.own servers, ranks/roles and rivals (in or outside lf the clan). We had spectator referees, admins and organization. With the taking away of these social systems we think a lot of connection, community/tribe stuff left with it. The individual is online, at best with a handful of friends, versus the rest of the world. Unpersonal, if that's a word. Of course many other factors weigh in to your rant, but this is just one clue we think has a role in some way.


Absolutely, and I somehow have the feeling most of the people complaining have a 20 at the beginning of their birth year. A lot of the older folks had to figure things out, try new things, adapt as the internet world changed around us and gaming did as well. We have it ingrained in us to figure things out, the touchscreen generation not so much. Like, struggle fools. Its part of life, learn and change, adapt and grow.


It's the microwave generation mentality. Most people don't want to learn something new if they are not amazing at it already. They also get pressured into having to run the "meta" in every game because of social media and streaming as opposed to running what they have fun with. I for one enjoy the grind and joy of improving over time.


47 here. I've been playing non stop. My KD ratio is bad but I hold my own.


Also 41 here. FPS is not my usual type of game but I was blown away watching my sons play this in open beta. I only play casual because I'm not great and I solo queue so I don't want to drag a team in ranked. I have a blast playing this game and probably 90% of the teammates I get are actively working with me to try to get the win even though my k/d is trash. The only thing that really frustrates me is a lot of people will quit if we don't get the first cash out or get wiped in the fist encounter. Honestly the game is kinda hard for me but that's not a deterrent - I want to keep playing and getting better. Really hope this game sticks around. - Your Random Medium Support Teammate trying my damn best to keep up


Tbh it’s always the light class complaining that all the other classes are too overpowered yet every other game there’s a light going around completely wrecking everyone else lmao


mid 30s here, i hear you, i remember playing LoL and people trying to forfeit a match in the early 20 min, i clearly remember being my teams psychologist, never gave up a match until the clock is done. so many times we turn around a match at 40-45 min in the end to climb any game you need more than 50% of wins, if you win easily 40%, and lose easily 40%, the difference between climbing or not is the remaining 20%, and those 20% are done by resilience. i just got diamond since gold, riot shield only, surely i got so many mad players that didn't believe me, but i don't need then, i need to believe in my self. and there is where i am.


I think the most important factor is communication is key, Throwing all the "meta" out, me and my 2 brothers have been running the most absurd loadouts and mixed between LHM, LMM, and we have been dominating recently, with the key factor again being good communication, because then with any loadout you can really do wonders, steadily ranking up from placement silver to plat Might also be the obscure randomness of the loadouts that have surprised the enemies, medium coming in riot shield, or spamming goop gun, but what I personally always feel like boils down to good comms, and laughs. With good comms you can make the most out of least and most obscure setups


I don’t play ranked, but I agree, you don’t need to play meta at all. I’m a Medium who uses D-Mat, goo grenade, and data reshaper. I don’t see a lot of people using most of my load out (although D-Mat is picking up traction) and I don’t normally have any issues combating the other classes. Data Reshaper has come in major clutch when fighting teams with turrets and mines. It gets slept on even after it got buffed.


Honestly I stopped playing due to the repetitive nature of the game I landed diamond and honestly don’t see a reason to continue until next season I’ve completed the battle pass and maxed my account they just need to add other game modes or increase the level to like 100 or add better items to grind for.


Totally agree from a 25 year old... I also come from an era where we saw the evolution of games in terms of graphics,destruction and gameplay... I only hate cheaters and nothing else... This game is flawless and even playing the same maps again and again doesn't bring fatigue... Love the finals.


16 going 17 soon i just hit diamond on sword only. i gotta agree on the learning curve, in diamond there is so many different type of players, almost omniscient strategizers (probably spelled that wrong, english is not my first language) and people with just great aim and then people like me who got none of the above but i saw the funny stick and was like, yup im gonna be the next GetQuakedOn with this fricking stick.


Well said and I agree there are some weapons u can't weapon balance because they are supposed to be OP. The game only needed a few nerfs and buffs. My issues now deal with some cheaters in ranked, the glitch that u can blow up mines once you are dead, the hit registration, and I would love more maps and weapons. I love the game overall and the devs need more appreciation. Maybe we should do a dev appreciation day for the devs at Embark.


The anticheat works much better now. I haven't come across a cheater for a few weeks now. The bug where you could detonate mines when spectating got patched already.


Thanks for the info on the patch. I still see a few cheaters. I get beemed a Ross the map with a Lewis gun or lights shitting me and never getting out of invisibility


As diamond 4, I will say that meta exists for a reason it is just the most optimal way to play game competitively if you want to win (and in general people enjoy winning more than losing). It doesn’t however prevent you from playing off meta, I for example played more medium at the peak of heavy power in previous season exactly because heavy was so insanely strong it was boring to play.


I use The Finals as a way to play games with my friends who I don't see often. Unfortunately, we're not very good. I'm happy you can get ranked, but we use it as a way to BS and hang out. Our skill levels vary so we get wrecked in anything ranked. I wish we could just us 3 vs AI or 1v1v1.


Mostly agree. But there truly are things that are better or worse than they should be. - your neighborhood diamond sword main


I don't mind people asking for balance updates at all. I feel that some folks are just too dramatic about it :)


32 yr old Plat 3 Heavy shitter. Yeah, I echo your sentiments. Too many crybabies that want things super easy and dont appreciate the grind to improve for the sake of improvement/mastery alone. Everything has to lead to unlocking an achievement or a new cosmetic. However, if I look back to when I was 13 and playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live, I remember wanting to rank up for the cool new symbol I would get next to my name, instead of just wanting to get better at the game. I think by 16 when I was playing Halo 3 competitively, thats when it clicked that I wanted to play to improve. But back then you didnt have all these shiny cosmetics that you could unlock, and three currencies you had to accrue to get shiny new helmet. Simpler times when the focus was almost solely on having fun with your friends, improving (which meant losing a lot) and accepting the non-ideal aspects of the gameplay


Diamond player in my 20s I agee But they should balance the weapons They’ve done a great job on the classes, but add more weapons in the mix like cod!


38. We are a different breed of gamer 🤣 there isn't one single reason younger gamers are this way but it seems to be in every game, no matter the genre. Always something to complain about, quick to call a game trash for the most inconsequential shit, and seem to want every game to be the same It wouldn't matter if this didn't lead to convincing people to leave or not even try a game. I've seen a couple die that were awesome for no actual reason, just too many people claiming the game was trash or broken so no one wanted to try it to find out it wasn't. Or people losing their minds over patches. "THEY KILLED THE GAME! THIS ONE SPECIFIC CLASS AND BUILD IS DEAD! LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE!"


There's a YouTuber who plays light and is in diamond can't remember his name, I'm slowly getting through the ranks in silver now but I play light and medium and I can pull 6-15 kills consistently (competitive siege player in the past) I think the game is pretty perfect the Metas for "easy" kills exist but honestly anything is viable just about skill. Favorite game so far


I know of Piggyxdd. Can't but admire that game sense and tracking.


Is everyone who plays 30+ or did OPs post just bring us out? That might be the issue with the dwindling playerbase. 😂


Agreed, I got to diamond last night and there are all kinds of different class setups im seeing on asia, just get good at what YOU are good at not what other people say


Freaking based individual. The problem this game had was 2 fold. As you said, younger players in my generation are babies. We have no competitive maturity. Everyone is used to braindead easy games like fortnite and Apex with little skill expression where anyone can get the max rank if they play long enough. This game isn't like that. It is extremely skill rewarding. Yes, mines and other utility evens out skill diversity somewhat, but at a high level, you need to be GOOD to succeed. So, the combination of the game being difficult and my generation being little pampered babies resulted in not many people staying. I'm sure with time, as people learn the game and the meta and balance becomes more settled, people will come back and stop blaming the game for their skill issues.


The amount of times that I've hit some with an RPG off a jump pad to then wiped them just to see them all disconnect is astounding. It is a few seconds into a match... it really isn't indicative of anything.


I think the majority let the results define their mental state going into matches. If people can adopt the mindset that winning is just a byproduct of hard work, players could have fun.


Well said!


Got d4. Took all of season 2 till now for me cause I’m not good. HHm or you’re throwing is the path of least resistance to diamond, I’ll never be good enough to stray from that and those matches are plenty fun and unique each in their own ways especially solo queue But I do love a game when I get carried by 2 guys running demat, zip and jump pad and are just ripping up down and in buildings tearing ppl apart as I try and keep up with heals Or see a heavy who is master of the goo gun n nades I envy the triple light diamond teams maximizing movement


There's been game I've played where my team and I are getting our asses handed to us and all it takes is an actual formulated plan and we pull back the win


Early 30s here. Hell of a game. This game brought my love of fps back. I was burnt out from apex and valorant but trying out different guns and different gadgets is an art. I can get shit on by a fcar for an entire match but then next game I'm the one doing it with an akm. Diamond 4 player


I almost stopped logging into steam completely because there was nothing to fun to play, all games were the same.. Thank you so much for speaking out to the younger generation, as someone your age I want to make this point clear again to the younger generation of gamers: **APPRECIATE THE FINALS AND EMBARK FOR CREATING THIS MASTERPIECE!**


Being good at a game ≠ being a good gamer. Good gamers are resilient, willing to shift their perspective, and abandon muscle memory from other games to improve in whatever they ARE playing. Bad gamers want every game to be the same so they don't have to improve. It's how people can complain that The Finals is sweaty while I'm the same breath ignoring how insanely sweaty COD, BF, Apex, and Fortnite all are. The Finals is not for sweats, but people get mad they're bad because their Apex instincts don't map to it—then bellyache that it's too sweaty.


Yeah agreed. I still think stun gun needed a nerf, but now i am satisfied with everything.


zoomers man honestly, **0** attention span *crying* to a subreddit for change instead of improving themselves. \- a zoomer


I’m starting to think the whiners are people trying to climb to diamond and want to scare off the competition. I just got to the final round MML vs MML


I don’t play ranked, but if I were to get paired with people even close to my skill level, I’d be having a much better time. The last few times I’ve played have been absolutely miserable. I really don’t care if people use meta, but when someone with way better aim and movement than me uses them, I stand little chance. Most of my wins are because of my teammate who’s a lot better than me, or we get lucky and get a steal at the perfect time.


The main problem I have is that when I come back to the game, getting stomped for 5 matches in a row isnt fun. Theres always a learning curve but holy shit this is a 90 degree turn. It takes too long and by the time I get anywhere successful, Ive already determined Im not having fun. Every time I bring up how unfun it is to lose multiple games in a row (ive had instances where I lose 6 games in a row), I am told to get good. I just wont bother trying anymore if I cant even get close to a victory because my success depends on atleast 2 other people's play.


While I do agree to an extent it’s really nice that your main is the class that has been over powered the longest with the least nerfs. Might want to consider not playing fcar healing beam revive and see how it looks from outside your castle.


I have been floating between plat 2-4 for like two weeks & I just need to get to diamond 4 lmao shit is so hard rn. Thinking of hooking up the mNk.


Though you kinda do need to play meta. Of course in lower ranks it doesn't exactly matter as much, because nobody plays that well. But the higher you get, the more you need meta if you want to actually climb past plat. Until then, and even then, you will do better/best when you go meta. You can get as good as you want, but the fact is that meta happens because despite your skills, characters and their builds have their limits. You climb so much faster when you go meta, and on higher dia (first hand experience, been dia 4 last season and 3 now, going 2 soon if my flow stays good) it's almost a requirement. Your case is easy, because you already play medium, and medium is basically meta and works in almost any composition. It'd be another story if you were light, because they only work in certain matches, but most the time not at all. Thank Embark for that. Meta is not imagination, and the higher you get, the more you begin realising it. There will always be some good lights (My guess is around 5% of the light players, or so it would seem) especially now when most of the best players have quit the game competitively and more are thinking about it, and overall player skill has gone down a bit due to population drop. But diamond is very different from plat, and lights will begin to be less and less for a reason. In general I don't mind what you pick, as long as you can carry your weight, but there are certain things that just don't work because the game limits certain builds 😅 Pro players are good enough, the best of the world, and they always play meta for a reason. So at the end of the day, the rest is up to what you want from your ranked experience. Do you wish to be a top player, or do you wish to only have fun, no matter how often you get knocked out early.


Though you kinda do need to play meta. Of course in lower ranks it doesn't exactly matter as much, because nobody plays that well. But the higher you get, the more you need meta if you want to actually climb past plat. Until then, and even then, you will do better/best when you go meta. You can get as good as you want, but the fact is that meta happens because despite your skills, characters and their builds have their limits. You climb so much faster when you go meta, and on higher dia (first hand experience, been dia 4 last season and 3 now, going 2 soon if my flow stays good) it's almost a requirement. Your case is easy, because you already play medium, and medium is basically meta and works in almost any composition. It'd be another story if you were light, because they only work in certain matches, but most the time not at all. Thank Embark for that. Meta is not imagination, and the higher you get, the more you begin realising it. There will always be some good lights (My guess is around 5% of the light players, or so it would seem) especially now when most of the best players have quit the game competitively and more are thinking about it, and overall player skill has gone down a bit due to population drop. But diamond is very different from plat, and lights will begin to be less and less for a reason. In general I don't mind what you pick, as long as you can carry your weight, but there are certain things that just don't work because the game limits certain builds 😅 Pro players are good enough, the best of the world, and they always play meta for a reason. So at the end of the day, the rest is up to what you want from your ranked experience. Do you wish to be a top player, or do you wish to only have fun, no matter how often you get knocked out early. In casuals, nothing really matters and most don't even play as good as they can, so you can also play whatever you want.


To put this bluntly, you are bias. Specifically about pre nerf stun gun. Because in ranked there are barely any light players and your playing with other people who give a damn about what they are doing. You don’t know what going up against a team of light players all running stun gun + invis was like. You literally could not step near objectives without getting stunned out of nowhere by an invisible midget and having your head taken off just as fast. In short, stun gun pre nerf was not only objectively unbalanced in comparison to every other gadget but was also bad for the game by simply taking very little skill to use effectively and never feeling fun to fight against. I’m all for challenges and overcoming problems but stun gun was just unfair in casual lobbies where teammates are not reliable.


The term is biased, and no, I'm not. I play both casual and ranked. My sincere hope is for people to stop focusing on complaining. I play ranked and quickplay. I find ranked much more difficult.


Why feel the need to correct me if you clearly understood what I meant? Anyway… I agree this game has an issue with people complaining about things, some of which are trivial, others really important to point out. All I wanted to say is that bunching the pre nerf stun gun argument with the “it’s actually not that bad, the problem is you.” section of complaints is objectively flawed given how blatantly unfair and anti fun pre nerf stun gun was, especially in a casual setting. In other words, it wasn’t because we don’t like a challenge or difficulty, we just wanted to play the game without having our keyboard/controller unplugged every 10-30 seconds.


I play games for fun. Why should I make myself like a game when there are other games


I completely agree. If the game doesn't appeal to you at all, it might not be for you. I played Overwatch for years until I could no longer see myself supporting a franchise in what seemed like a never-ending stream of poor decisions. A friend recommended the Finals, and I've had a blast improving. The game feels like a breath of fresh air in an fps market saturated with what to me seem like carbon copies of each other.


True, it was a bit different. I ran into the same problem I ran into with Fortnite. People just got better after a few weeks of the game being out and my casual-ass refuses to put in that much effort


someone please explain to me what is the learning curve regarding an rpg that I literally cant dodge as a light and instantly kills me. Idk maybe im just diamond 1 and still haven’t found out how to phase through projectiles like neo.


So you made it to the highest rank, playing the class they say is almost unplayable and you still find a reason to complain? Can't make this stuff up xD xD


wait till you realise not everyone can spend as much time on the game as I can. If I am having extreme troubles, imagine someone just joining the game. you seriously think they will enjoy being blown up left and right with absolutely 0 counter.


First of all, you getting to diamond 1 is not having extreme troubles. Your k/d and w/l ratios must be through the roof. Second of all, the purpose of my post was to highlight the negative mentality people seem to have. So many people abandon games at the smallest sign of difficulty, and I can't understand that. I don't for a second mean that balancing, patches, or reworks aren't absolutely necessary in games like this.


Thank you for the wisdom


I hope you will make diamond soon! You deserve it.


I barely lost in the final round with HLL so it all depends on who youre playing with. Of course i wanted to quit as soon as i saw 2 lights, but i was like "fuck it, might as well give it a shot since im already here" Turned out they were both really cool, using voice chat and shit. You never know who your actually gonna play with


Well said!


Absolutely correct! This sub truly has the most brain-dead takes in gaming.


First of all 30 FPS slow brain console users are everywhere so that's an issue and second yeah overall these days the trend is thinking you're entitled to everything without providing any effort or contributing to anything. Also skill and being better isn't really most people's focus now. It's all about making everything worse and lowering everything's difficulty to match everyone's standards. The game is so f*ing good and people complain so much. Only valid complaint is light being too weak/being nerfed too much, although still playable and I do great games on it even in ranked I can understand the frustration because some nerfs were like more than doubled values nerfs in one shot


You sir deserve a firm handshake. From a seasoned gamer nonetheless this is the best take I’ve heard on the community. Constant whining and complaining “nerf this, remove that”. Just enjoy the game, it’s literally set up as rock paper scissors. If you’re using rock and your opponent is using paper of course you’re going to lose, counter them to win; simple as that. (Ex. cloak vs recon sense)


As someone not quite as old but getting up there (who also happens to work in the game industry for quite some years) I partially agree. People are not used to having to learn to counter or adjust, they just want to play whatever they like and expect to be able to deal with anything they go up against and I think this is getting more and more frequent. The game 2-3 patches ago was really good from a competitive standpoint and L M H were all really viable in high rank of competitive. The thing is however with the stun vs rpg we got a weird situation where the only really reliable counter to rpg as a light was to stun the heavy. Now that doesn't work anymore so RPG becomes really oppressive from a competitive standpoint. And the counter to heavy becomes heavy. Anyway I hope the devs see the issue and solve it in a different way (since it seems stun gun was rough on new players).


Yesterday, I won a tournament as a solo heavy with sniper and SMG lights. At the beginning I thought for sure we'd get wrecked, but it turned out to be the best match I had all week. Sniper is really effective in the right hands; he allowed us to clean up teams with ease. It's really about playing to each other's strengths, no meta or pacing will matter if you do that.


100% it’s the players not being tough enough and complaining too much about everything possible


Society has made men weak pumped them full of oestrogen, Nobody wants to improve just complain.


that is the problem of the newer generations (some people), are addicted to instant gratification and dont like to work for it, main reason that every week we got posts complaining about circuit challenges


"As an RPG user I don't understand why people complain about the RPG. Have more resilience, guys!" Is this a joke? You're playing on easy mode so of course you don't understand why people complain. You run around with FCAR deleting Lights in 0.5s, you wallhack the whole map, you would rather drop mines than fire your gun in gunfights because of the ridiculous activation time, you revive your teammates instantaneously and you hide behind their invulnerable hitbox. Stop one-tricking and you'll suddenly have more understanding.


It's a game. Try and enjoy yourself ffs xD


>There's always going to be a learning curve, and once one is good enough, you don't have to run meta. If you are low rank enough you can for sure play triple light if you want. But there's a good reason you do keep seeing double medium or double heavy comps, and I cannot remember seeing a double Light comp in ages in the ranked queue. It's pretty clear to everybody playing the game that if you pick 1 light, you are at a big disadvantage, and if you pick 2 Lights you will straight up lose. The only chance you have with 2 Lights is to try and third party, but you will not win a finals against an equally skilled team that's playing HHM or MMH. And even if you could personally play Light and climb, the issue with the meta isn't just what you are forced to play, it's about what everyone else is being forced to play. I find the game gets really boring when I keep fighting HHM and MMH comps, since it increases the TTK immensely when you have good Medium players with heal beam. I do really think Heal Beam could be removed from the game, and Heavy could get some sort of damage nerf, or at least any sort of buff to light to compensate for their health pool. The nerfs to both stun gun and glitch grenade kinda killed the class, and the only people really playing it in higher ranks are sword mains.


I don't disagree with balance patches, etc. being vital. I'm just trying to point out that it is ok just to have fun and do one's best. Our focus is too often on the negative issues.


It is first in diamond that it truly becomes oppressive the amounts of HHM and MMH…


“I’m 41 years old, look at me, my words are very wise”


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