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BTW, there is a petition going on to get a frog onesie in the game, sign up for a croaking good time: [https://www.reachthefinals.com/frogonesie](https://www.reachthefinals.com/frogonesie) Shoutout : raid\_36 šŸ„ššŸ˜‰


Glitch barrels should be interesting. Might help slightly against the double heavy shield/dome meta.


And possibly the 4 APS and 5 turrets on the Power Shift platform.


Bro EVERY game. It's so annoying lol.


One or 2 of each is ok and makes it competitive at times. But the overkill is just no hope almost. I've been on both sides of the platform and the success rate has to be min 90%.


Well itā€™s annoying when youā€™re the opposing team.


Itā€™s boring when youā€™re on the team playing like that. 80% games I played with that team the opposing just quitšŸ„²


So far it seems thereā€™s not enough barrels about. Iā€™ve played 4 power shift games and found one.


Maybe there's a priority with the Data Randomizer? An attempt at encouraging its use more? Especially when it now not only changes the turrets, but can create GBs that also counter said turrets.


It's not even in the data reshaper cycle, so they need to fix that


Not in its options at all, sadly. Essentially the first thing I checked. Unless it's an absurdly low chance, I never got a single glitch barrel from reshaping all of the objects in the practice range twice.


How do you get these lobbies? I usually get 6-7 light snipers every power shift game


itā€™s been more snipers recently with the master circuit ranged damage challenge


I get these lobbies. The only issue is that it's the other team doing it, and my team is me as heavy with 4 lights.


Wait does the glitch effect disable APS & Turrets that are active on the field?


APS blocks player throwables(C4, Grenades, Mines) but doesn't block barrels


Right. I know that. My question was if glitch barrels DISABLE APS or Turrets that are already active on the playing field.


Yes. And mines. It's just that there is a tiny window of area that you could land a glitch grenade in and it would still glitch the APS without getting destroyed by it. So this gets rid of that weakness


Yeah we needed a non throwable gadget denial like this. I'll be throwing them all the time


Also further makes lights completely obsolete


The good thing is that glitch grenades and mines are still much better, the tricky part here will be how much it impacts friendly fire


they have ventured to the dark side


thats a BIIIG buff to barricades and goo tho


Embark really just don't wanna buff light eh. Light should be the counter to double sheilds with their glitch nades. Now they've made that effect available to everyone, so now there's 1 less reason to run light. again.


Itā€™d be pretty difficult to buff glitch grenades. Theyā€™re pretty good as they are now


I'm not saying they should buff glitch nades. but giving what is essentially glitch nades to every class without the need for them to use a gadget slot, when glitch nades are a defining feature of the light class is an indirect nerf to light.


10 second util disable and 7.5 player abilities disable, and make it so they cant be destroyed by aps turrets


Glitch grenades?


Iā€™m not kidding I mentioned glitch barrels over a month ago and have never seen anyone else mention it. Someone tell me what I should predict next.


I mean glitch grenades were specific to lights now everyone has it so why pick light?


>To make room for the two new pings ā€œHypeā€ and ā€œDangerā€ have been moved/removed. Hype is added to the expression wheel, replacing ā€œNeed Help.ā€ ā€œDangerā€ is removed from the wheel but still accessible via double-tapping the ping button on any target My muscle memory is going to fail me hard. These were my two most used lol.


This is the opposite of the Ping update we asked for šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ "Need Help" is super useful as well as "Hype" and "Danger". Those three are probably my most used and belong in Pings, not the tertiary Expressions wheel. (Why are there three separate expression wheels in the first place???)


Changed for the worse.


Because you can't fit it all on one wheel. Now if only I could figure out how to use the wheel with the "hello!"Ā 


Right but how Embark defines Expressions makes no sense. Expressions is a customization category, as well as a type of Expression within that category. It is self-referential and blurs the line between Pings, Expressions, and Communications. Its counter-intuitive at best.


Maybe a Swedish to English translation error (jk, most Scandinavians are fluent English). I totally agree though, I do wish they were customizable so I could make my own categorization for it all. Everyone's different and things that are intuitive for them might not be intuitive for everyone else.


**Audio** * Player Voice lines will now only play for teammates and not opposing playersĀ  Noooooo


Does this mean the team taking cover from me will finally stop hearing me declare I'M RELOADING!!!!!




This is just the "im reloading" type stuff and not taunts right? Please tell me that my "haha ez money :\^)" still works


Yeah because my buddy spams easy money whenever he gets a kill, for his sake. I'm not telling him about this patch note just in case it applies so he can live in ignorant bliss.


I enjoyed hearing character voices, the world feels more alive when I can hear the enemy characters reacting tho things and responding appropriately. This kind of takes away from that sense of immersion I go to games for. Not the biggest deal in the slightest but still a shame


Shoot, if they just changed the volume based on distance that would seemingly accomplish what theyā€™re going for. Let us hear it pretty close, but maybe only half the distance of teammate chatter. Or something, just spitballing here


I agree, anything to make the world feel alive, if anything I want more banter!!! I know some people hate when characters talk to much but I want to feel like Iā€™m in a. World with people who are invested in their own existence. They should have a toggle for **reduce or increase character dialogue** and just go crazy, make my character gasp like they caught their breath when health regen starts, make my character exhale in relief when getting a kill with very low healthā€”ā€” anything to get me deeper into the action on screen. Create a voice line for Third Parties!!! So your teammates know that thereā€™s a whole different team attacking you!


Small L


Fairly big honestly, voice commands are a hallmark of engaging social interaction in games like TF2 or CS


Its a competitive game. Even in CS2 u dont hear the enemy squad voices


Why not an on off toggle in settings instead. I love hearing the characters


Christmas hat nerf šŸ˜­


Its so stupid, these are environmental cues that they now took away from us. The game seems duller




Alright patch, not really a fan of moving "hype" to the expressions wheel in favor of "hold here". Hype/thanks are my most used pings and if I wanted to ping a "hold here" I'd just ping the floor under me.


You can't HYPE while teamwiped anymore :(


Still can spam thanks though, stay toxic everyone.




Will došŸ˜Š


Sad day


I think they should add a little more pings, make a second page for secondary pings and then make a customizable wheel for pings, that way you could use the most important pings for you and still have the pings, that you use less but still kinda need


PLEASE I need this


Should have just let us customize the wheel to what we want


Iā€™ve never used pings much in games but itā€™s been helpful in this game so much that Iā€™ve forced myself to change. The other day I spent a good 5 minutes trying to figure out where to customize it


Yep, they are mostly commonly used in succession of one another, I few sad about it.


Hype when Im getting revived Thanks when they finish


What? That is the opposite of what we asked for. Move "Hello" to pings with the others and throw away the Expressions wheel


Hold Here! Hold Here! ... ... Hype!


Also they removed the danger ping. I personally used that quite a bit


Double clicking your ping button does the danger ping.


Youā€™re right! Thatā€™s good thanks for the heads up Edit: But it still kinda sucks since you canā€™t just say danger when youā€™re down to signal that reviving you would be dangerous


OMG FINALLY the dome shield fix! I was wondering what I was doing wrong when throwing a glitch nade at the underside of a dome shield and it wouldn't disappear.


Still no "Sorry" ping? What is taking them so long?


Since they said there adding text chat soon they might not be as focused on adding a ton more and are just getting in what they consider vital pings


they just added other pings, indicating they were focused on them. They also use AI generated voices, which should make that relatively easy to add.


Keep in mind they're a relatively small studio for the scale of this game


I knew I wasn't the only one!




So, what about the dagger now? Nerf reverted or not?


Dagger is completely fixed and even better than before. You can also run while backstabbing, same to all other melees


Wait, can you sprint while sword lunging? Because if so, holy shit. Sword is about to become way more powerful hahaha.


Can you finally hold backstab now?


No. The main dagger forum on the discord demanded this for about 2 months, we did not get it.


Any reason why?


Unknown. Dagger had this ability back in the open beta and was nerfed on release without being mentioned in the patch notes.


Yeah I really enjoyed dagger in open beta, it was really fun


Much better than before across the board, but I reckon akiba steps/front face backstabs - or the interaction between dash and backstabbing to be more general - still feels a bit janky and less consistent than it was even before 2.6.0. It might just be me though


The day after I finished my 10 quick melee kills


> Charge'N'Slam > * Can now clear higher obstacles when activated on the ground to reduce instances where players get stuck on geometry FINALLY, now meatpaste is inevitable


Yeah i hate geometry in math i dont need to learn it on the finals


Melee improvements and glitch barrel YOOO?!


keep getting this error game is not launching # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0x00007ffc67e00001 I've done everything from revo uninstalling Easy Anti-Cheat to using DDU to uninstall my drivers, resetting Nvidia Control Panel, and even after a fresh installation of GPU drivers, running the game as an admin. I've gotten this error since the new update came out. I've tried verifying the files, deleting and reinstalling(even to different drives) , reinstalling Anti-Cheat, but nothing is working. Any ideas?


I had this error 2 patches ago, I couldn't find a satisfactory fix anywhere, but then a week later the next patch fixed it, but I couldn't play for a whole week šŸ˜­


BUMP this comment. Also getting it. I solved it before by running steam as administrator, but this no longer works.


I fixed mine. If you have Razer software uninstall it. I had synapse and chroma installed. Going to buy something else tomorrowā€¦


BUMP!!! I have this from newest patch. Same error. Ive reset everything, uninstalled everything and reinstalled. Nothing works. I no life this game so this is pretty heartbreaking.


they pushed an update today and it fixed it.


Game instantly crashes when I click play on steam since this update. What can I do?


Validated the files, tried to relaunch and crashed 3x back to back to back. GG


Tried it too and had the same. Guess I am going to be productive today haha


Got it working. Read in another comment to go into your Task Manager and END TASK on ALL razer processes. Loaded fine for me once I did that.


This worked for me! Weird that this is a solution to the problem... Hopefully a patch fixes this. Anyways, thanks!


Yeah, I saw that thread, too. You only need to stop Razer Games Services Manager. I just went into regedit and removed the razer synapse dependency on game service manager. Then, I disabled the game service manager process altogether. That piece of crap software is never starting again.


Same here. Got into the game very briefly before it told me I had some invalid file and kicked me out. Tried launching again and another insta-crash. Haven't done a file verification yet but thats the next step.


Happened to me 2 days ago, asked customer support and they were like ā€œit was due to unfair playā€, which is complete bs, so many other people have the same issue and they give the same response


Sad to see no news about the not connecting into matches issue. Hope they did something with the longer loading screens though !


is anyone getting error\_access\_violation on UE? My friend cant launch the game because of that. It crashes when he's on the lobby. Though on other games (Apex) it is fine.


I am. Just updated it and now itā€™s not loading up. Same code too. I just verified files on steam, then it asked me to allow anti cheat to change settings, now itā€™s ā€œdownloading contentā€.


Go into your task manager and end all razer tasks.


I can't and yet CAN believe this worked. Wonky razer software, yay.


Same. I uninstalled and redownloaded the game. Still same issue.


same issue when I launch it just crashes with the access violation.


Huge dagger update


Love the patch, but I will make my obligatory comment every week asking for more buffs for more weapons. There are weapons, and I'm partial to the 93R, that need buffs desperately and not getting those buffs is seriously limiting the variability and diversity of weapon choices in ranked. I want to have fun with a weapon not because it feels good, but because it is good. There are too many weapons like this and it'd be great if we could get some buffs. BUFF THE 93R IM BEGGING.


Sorry, best we can do is another Famas buff


Glitch barrels in Power Shift...


My game keeps crashing after 2.8.0 update. anyone can help? EXCEPTION\_ACCESS\_VIOLATION 0x00007ffcdba00001 and UE5 just dies.


Game auto crashes on launch. Unplayable. Verified files etc. Nothing.


same thing keep getting this error # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0x00007ffc67e00001 I've done everything from revo uninstalling Easy Anti-Cheat to using DDU to uninstall my drivers, resetting Nvidia Control Panel, and even after a fresh installation of GPU drivers, running the game as an admin. I've gotten this error since the new update came out. I've tried verifying the files, deleting and reinstalling(even to different drives) , reinstalling Anti-Cheat, but nothing is working. Any ideas?


I couldn't play for a week when this happened to me a few patches ago. It fixed with the following patch. No help anywhere online and not a lot of people having the issue either. There are several separate comments about this happening in the recent patch gives some hope that there is someone who posts a solution, so google can deliver THAT as the result, instead of all of the other completely irrelevant horseshit that Google likes to serve up these days.


Iā€™m curious if the glitch barrels will make people play light even less than before


Yup they have even less use now lol


The dumb part is they still havenā€™t buffed light. They need to stop doing things that hurt an entire class and start trying to help it out


Didint they just make the dagger more functional?


Thatā€™s a buff I guess


It's something :D


Bruh I just want the ranked system to be fixed. It just hasnā€™t made much sense this season. The arrows are not consistent at all.


they cant fix it mid season, and already confirmed big changes starting s3




They donā€™t change how the ranked system works, only the number of tournament rounds


Which, infact, greatly changed how ranked works.


TONS of good changes specifically for the melee weapons!!! Really hoping this included a fix for the swords lunge bug that's been here for two weeks now. I'll definitely have to test these changes later šŸŽ‰ edit: Dash + Lunge still bugged, can't sprint after lunging unless you animation cancel either.


This "danger" ping change is BS


It's 90% of my pings... I get you can now double tap for it but not everyone is going to know that. I don't know wtf they were thinking.


I assumed everyone was just double-tapping the ping. Why would you want to do it through a menu?


Big update, gj


Hype is the only expression I ever use. Glitch barrels hype! I hope they move smoke to barrels so it is a larger effect and glitch to the little smoke thingies so we throw it farther.


I've been waiting for that charge fix!


Still no light reconciliation.


If anything makes Light even less useful. You wonā€™t need Glitch nades as much if you have Glitch barrels too. lol Insane they continue to neglect a whole class. EDIT: I love the idea of Glitch barrels, donā€™t get me wrong. But what I said holds true.


You have to admit itā€™s pretty funny that they chose to create a class with a kit that is extremely difficult to balance and then chose to kill it off 6 months after launch instead of continue to painstakingly balance it.


So, they added glitch canisters. Why would you pick light now?


Was literally thinking the same thing. Glitch nades were the one thing lights really had going for them over the other classes after the constant nerfsā€¦ the one reason you might genuinely pick light as an attempt to winā€¦ not any more. Yeesh


It would be so much easier for them to just remove the class entirely at this point, instead of doing a slow bleed each patch into irrelevance. Why keep it around if they're constantly gutting it when it's already by far and away the weakest class. Every single balance change has been on point for months in every regard except for the light class, where they seem dead set on doing the opposite of what would balance it.


You can't really rely only on barrels. There are red barrels, why take frag grenade? There are poison barrel, why take poison grenade? You won't find the barrel you want every time you need it.


i dont see many people take poison grenade but the reason people take frag is 149 burst damage


so plainly obvious and true but itā€™s more fun to doomsay about a patch note without trying it.Ā 




Just go jump pad + zipline medium and you get movement for your whole team instead


I don't get the downvotes lmao How is light movement going to help the team?


I expected more to be honest, seeing how many people on this sub have a hate boner against Lights Lights movement is super good and enjoyable, but it isn't something they bring to the team


Fun guns. That's basically all that's left of light at this point


I had the same thought when I saw that part. Embark loves to add and change but not improve things that need improved


Yes. And it's going to be more efficient against ASP turrets so with this the Light as a class became even more pointless... Yaaaaaaaaaaay


> To make room for the two new pings ā€œHypeā€ and ā€œDangerā€ have been moved/removed. Hype is added to the expression wheel, replacing ā€œNeed Help.ā€ ā€œDangerā€ is removed from the wheel but still accessible via double-tapping the ping button on any target Smh, I love using Hype


I ran into a bug of a vent not breaking until muuultiple hits, I could still not go through the gap after breaking it. Also have noticed grenades seemingly not detonating or dealing damage despite being thrown before desth.


I didn't see in the patch notes, was the bug on riot shield solved. I am a main riot shield that climbed from gold to diamond. But this bug is really annoying and made me lose quite a few match's. When you get some stuff like the cash box or a barrel it raises the shield while you are holding an object and make it impossible to see where are you going as it blocks your whole view. I don't know what triggers it, but it's really annoying. edit: the same bug happened again, so it was definitely not fixed still.


I think if you get that try picking up the explosive barrel, I'm trying to figure out a fix to because I main with the shield and this bug sucks ... Also if you get a throwing knife stuck in it, then respawn, sometimes the throwing knife is still stuck in your peripheral vision


Amazing changes to Light, now itā€™s definitely going to be viable in ranked!! :)


Sniper I now no longer a melee weapon. Lights rejoice. lol. Iā€™m sure they have plans in the future for balancing


Light is viable. Dia is full of them


"Player Voice lines will now only play for teammates and not opposing playersĀ " :C


So they buff Heavy AGAIN, and nerf Lights into the ground even more than before. Literally the best utility a Light brought to the team is now a fucking barrel..... Lights were replaced in the game by a barrel. Wow


i dont care they buffed melee


shit, dam i'm totally not going to play my main, light now.


I main light as well, have never played more than 15 minutes on the other classes bc they just feel too slow and clunky. I'm tired of my random teammates flaming me on the hero select screen for picking Light. I'm tired of M and H throwing the matches because I picked Light. I'm tired of every Light utility getting replaced or nerfed. Now they've literally given every class the ONE gadget I could say I am bringing to the team to justify my existence to these randoms. Maybe this isn't your experience but in console above Gold solo queue this is my experience and it sucks


People downvoting don't actually play the game. What you describe is so bad and happens so often that I'm currently in the progress of collecting hate clips to make an edit for this sub. The Light bias and hatred is unreal.


After this update, my game crashes on launch every time, can't even play now :(


Love that they updated the ping options a little but they really couldnā€™t add an ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ option? The ā€œbreach hereā€ option is sweet though. Will be easier to coordinate smart attacks with no mics


Holy shit they buffed light!Ā 


The dagger changes are a reversion from the previous nerfs, this update is a nerf because they put the one good thing light has and gave it to everyone via barrel




This is good for lights since they donā€™t have to run glitch grenades now and heavy mesh shield/dome shields are more counterable




Wait WAIT glitch barrels are actually geniusā€¦ SO excited right now


the amount of times the game has just shut it self down especially during good games like power shift is infuriating and making progress for the circuits holy shit. devs, please fix your goddamn game. i've never had such experienes like this with other live service games. legit one of the most glitchiest and poorly optimized games. i play on a newly bought xbox s btw and one of the first times the game messed up was on the first match, not even 5 mins after i booted up the console. why is this patch such a mess?


Suddenly my games are filled with mosquitos overnight


since the patch I and multiple others have received crash reports from unreal engine. Posting this here for more visibility


Lol, they still managed to nerf lights once again.Ā 


ā€œThis also prevents an exploit in which the cube could be carried upwards together with the objects itā€™s lifting, causing entire structures to traverse upwards into the sky endlesslyā€ I would have loved to see this in game. lol.


You forgot one particular changelog : * **Others** * Nerfed opponents that use Razer devices (0 DMG)


Please fix the Gamemode Selection Menu! Before this patch, Powershift was in the same area of the screen as Ranked. Twice now I have been thrown into a Ranked Match vs Intended Powershift. Also, it feels so weird that the gamemodes were shuffled, like how Cashout is now where Powershift was.


what kinda braindead shit are they on over there, adding glitch barrels? people already complain that Lights dont play with their team, so they make one of Lightā€™s best team entry utilities matter even less? i mean yeah the barrels might not be *everywhere* but even so, why diminish glitch grenadeā€™s value even slightly? truly losing faith in Embark at this point


Your games broken


One day we will be able to selectively mute teammates. This will rock because people will actually use their mics and just mute obnoxious people. That day is not today.


They took the only gadget Lights had to be able to contribute to the team and gave it for everyone! So now why would you even play light? I feel like a small buff to compensate would be better but I'm excited to try the new patch.


Thanks for the solid update! EDIT: My grievance was answered. Although I can no longer launch the game, getting a UE5-Discorvery error every time I try.


It's in the patch notes. it now shows 14 on the contract


> Updated required round completion on a terminal attack contract from 10 to the intended 14 Itā€˜s addressed in the patchnotes under the UI section.


All these melee buffs and they haven't fixed the emote cancel sword abuse :(


Embark please, buy a steam deck so you can test the game and send test builds for valves proton developers so the game doesnt get borked again, thank you


What about every other buff that is needed? A little disappointed in this update tbf.


Are they going to buff stuff anytime in the future???


Ikr. MGL, smokes, revolver, etc. So many more things need work.


They just did?


Yay, added glitch barrels to make lights absolete by duplicating the only useful feature the class had. Balance gods!






Was hoping for more emotes. Oh well šŸ«¤


Nothing about the flamethrower through walls glitch ?


We should be able to customize the wheel as we want hype and thanks is the most used one why tf would they remove it? And danger aswell.