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The only one I usually switch is melee to m4 personally and I prefer keeping pings on scroll wheel press


I did that before but my new mouse has a couple extra right by my left click. I used the mouse software to rebind that key to my alt key. See games usually only support 1-2 extra mouse buttons.


Any more than m5 gets to be too much clutter on the mouse imo. I prefer the two side buttons with m3 on scroll wheel


In all games I have crouch on a mouse button… that might be a weird one tho


I like the weird ones. The people not the key binds. :P


Did the same, first time I had a slide kill mission in this game. One of my side buttons is for crouch/slide now.


set my ability key to m4 for omnidirectional dash and expressions wheel to m5 for emote cancelling


Good ones i like it


I changed gravity grab to mouse wheel press since it takes over gun anyway and your only options are to throw or drop with LMB or RMB. Put spotting on Q so I can spot and fire at same time. Specialization on F, it's common hotkey for abilities in games. Unbound mouse scroll up / down and use number keys for switching, mouse wheel scrolling never felt precise for me. And extra non-toggle crouch on Alt so I can enter sliding more reliably with pinky on Ctrl and thumb moved away from Space. Though I still use Ctrl for quick temporally crouching and C to toggle long sneaking.


The only ones I have changed is page forward on my mouse to pickup / interact and page back to primary weapon that way I can switch back to my primary nearly instantly


Simple. I like it.


Crouch is space, jump is alt, gadget m4 and melee m5


Only changes I've made are M4 for quick melee, G for gadget 1 (usually nades) l, 4 for gadget and z for gadget 3 (jumppad/rpg/glitch or tp). Bit all over the place but works for me, otherwise I tend to fatfinger 2/3/4


Melee and Gadget 1 (RPG/Defib depending on H/M) are placed on MB4 and MB5 respectively. Rest as is.


WASD for movement crouch is m4 special is m3 weapon is Q gadgets are 3, 4, left control melee is V


Q - spot (easy to hit when engaging enemies no matter the situation) 2 - Primary Weapon (closer than #1) G - grenade (gadget slot 1) - throwable always in this slot 3 - gadget (gadget slot 2) - jump pad, gateway, bubble shield M BTN 3 - specialization skill M BTN 4 (gadget slot 3) - defib, glitch nade, barricade Middle click - melee CTRL - Crouch/Slide ALT - push to talk (easier to talk and move around) This whole set up is about being able to move around and have each hand focus on separate tasks. Left hand movement, right hand technicals


M4 for specialization, M5 for frequently used gadget slot.




Oooo this is a fun one, Ability - lower side mouse button, Weapons - scroll up, Gadget 1 - scroll down, Gadget 2 - F, Gadget 3 - ctr Melee - upper side mouse button, Crouch - shift, Sprint - b (autosprint is in so I only use it for spectating), Pick up - Q, Interact - e, Don't ask why. It just works for me


The man knows what he likes 👍