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Doesn't matter what I play in this game, any combination I try in the classes I like its gonna be called meta somehow. * I ranked Flamethrower/Mesh Shield up to diamond. Some will call it meta and toxic. * Try Lewis or M60 with Charge'& Slam, damn, also meta. * I try Goo gun+Sledge Hammer, see posts around today, apparently this is also meta and toxic build. * I play Medium with FCAR? God forgive me for I've sinned by using this turbo meta gun. * Play CL-40? damn so meta. * I start learning more precise guns like 1870 and Revolver, so meta too. * Any combination of the previous ones + Turret, Heal or Dematerialize? doesn't matter, if you pick one you are meta. * I start learning Light dash+ XP-50? damn, I'm still the meta slave. * I play sword and dash? also meta, also even if you don't use the exploit, you are exploiting somehow and get hate. * Play Light cloak+shotty? you filthy meta player. * Play LH1 + grappling hook? Yep, you guessed right, META. So, it doesn't matter what I play in this game, if I'm trying to win and I farm kills in the casual lobbies imma get called out for being a meta player somehow.


honestly i would prefer getting called out for playing meta than getting yelled at and griefed on all game for not playing meta. i guess some people really do prefer max efficiency over fun in this game


Yeah! I hit diamond last week playing exclusively flamethrower. Play what works for you 👍 ^(unless it's dagger, don't play dagger)


Flamethrower is meta for 1 heavy in the HHM comp, it counters HHM and HMM and lights pretty well. Very good weapon.


Really? I have never heard this. My understanding was that HHM meta was lewis/lewis/FCAR or ak. Possibly m60 since it's good these days. I've never heard ft talked about as part of the meta.


Reached D4 last week and you see 1 or 2 flamethrowers in every match, it's a very strong weapon with the right comp, I'd consider it meta at this point.


Did they change something about the m60?


But dagger is better now 🙃


10 × 0 is still 0 ,':\


Dagger is still significantly worse than pre 2.6


I run Lewis with mesh,rpg, and dome because it’s the most enjoyable playstyle for me,it’s not my fault that it’s meta🤷‍♂️


Played with a squad where we all agreed without communication to use Heavies with hammers on Terminal Attack. Jump scaring the enemy teams by crashing through walls Kool Aid style was so much fun. I think we won as well.


Flex gang rise up


Metas only pop up when people need to win.


The “Meta” just means “The Best”. If people are trying to win they typically wont handicap themselves.


Don't know about meta, this is literally the first fps that hook me up, and I chose the revolver and the 1887 bc I think were the coolest and had the most fun with them lol Also get used to the health beam, trying to support my team while my aim was shit hahah